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Post vintage/retro-styled renders and animations.
Pre-rendered, game graphics, whatever you got.
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Is this how you behave when you visit an art museum?
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Yup, retrofags in a nutshell
Cool stuff!
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I wish people still had the sincerity and lack of self-awareness to make stuff like this
What is this homosexual shit?
He's Greek, you bigot!
I knew it, literal gay and shit
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It's an an ancient practice called "pederasty"
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It’s cool that you like something, anon, but that doesn’t mean you need to hate on something else. The other guys arguing with you could learn the same.
I don’t know a lot about GoW; I assume it’s a cool series since a lot of people like it, and I’ve considered getting into the first game from 2005 since I like playing old games, but if you don’t want people insulting the thing you like, it would be a good idea not to provoke them.
I made this thread because it’s been a while since we’ve had a chill thread about oldschool graphics, what with the “how do I do 90s style graphics in blender” spammer and the other guy that would make 90s graphics threads just to argue with people (I assume they’re different people because of the nature of the posts), and I’ve avoided replying to you so far because I wanted this thread to be civil.
If you don’t like the thread, you can click on the arrow next to the reply counter in the catalog view and select “Hide”.
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I wish people still designed GUIs like this. Everything these days is so plain.
(from Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet)
Reject modernity, return to saar
The cover of SuSE Linux 8.1 from 2002
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sussy linux???? :0
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Remember what they took from you
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God bless you anon, that's one of the most polite post i've seen on 4chan.
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Thanks, I try to be nicer on boards like this. It’s one thing on boards like /v/, /b/, and whatever else, but creative boards like this one are more personal, especially when they’re small and slow. Some people treat these types of boards like the various shitposting boards they browse, I would imagine because they don’t post their work here, or don’t even have any work to post. Of course none of these posts are my own work, but it always helps to keep the vibe of the board friendly.
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Gonna post some art by Gilles Tran. This is his website http://www.oyonale.com/accueil.php?lang=en it has art from 1993 to 2009
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The quality is not the best though, I don't know if there are higher resolution versions
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Ok it seems some images do have a high res version
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I like the look of a lot of these, I know it's the result of more "primitive" software, but it gives them a distinctive appearance. Some of them even look like they came from a dream or something.
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Made in Bryce by me. Some of the table items and the chair are downloaded from ShareCG otherwise it's all "in-house" Bryce.
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The cat statue is from ScanTheWorld, the pots are from Share CG, the rest is Bryce. The columns were fun to make. I was also experimenting more with different fill and background lights to make things more dynamic.
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This was my first "real" attempt at a mostly natural scene. Placed all the trees by hand, there are way more than it looks. I wanted to create a dense forest so it took a lot of layering/scaling/positioning trees to more thoroughly block out the sky with the canopy. The crow is from ShareCG otherwise all in Bryce.
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Made this one after playing the Riven remake if that's not obvious.
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Made a follow up to this one showing more of the area.
looks like CGI from the 2000s
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Thank you.

Kino. It's really nice anon
posting some demo images from the marlin studios texture cds
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And that's all I've got.
I really hated 3D graphics back in the late 80s and early 90s. Compared to drawn animation it looked so off to me, cold and I was young enough to feel actually creeped out by it (in the bad way).

I do understand the appeal of it being used as distinctive style in the 2020s and I guess that creepiness is part of it.
To me it feels like brutalist architecture. It can be impressive to look at every no and then but I don't want to get confronted with it every single day.
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Cheers bro. Here's a new one.
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Finished up another one tonight.
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What if people made erotic artwork in the 90s cgi style?
Look up Virtual Valerie 2, also that one scene from Lawnmower Man

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