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What is the best controller for modeling/sculpting in VR?
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whatever you're more comfy with
Mfw schizobro finally got a VR setup after all these years.
I feel a bit of genuine happiness for you.
Jesus Christ
the /ic/ schizo is here too now?
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well, OP, since you started a thread, do tell us what you got and what use cases you found thus far.
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Valve Index, probably
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Actual schizophrenia poster
Is there a way for you to animate these like you do with your pixel art?
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>Schizophrenia Enjoyer*
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my favourite poster on 3, maybe even on whole imageboard, big fan of you work since before the wipe
it was already funny that he had to hand-draw all his schizo drawings, but now the thought of him in vr doing his schizo scribbling is hilarious

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