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How do I make and animate 3D models for a game? Preferrably with an anime-ish art style and that whole "stepped animation" shindig (i.e, what ASW does with dragon ball fighterz)
I'd look in the pinned FAQ, but half of the links are missing and half of the images won't load.
how do you do it? extrude faces, slice edges, and move vertices. everything else is a tool that does that for you.
you want loke good advice?
if youre an absolute brand new newb and cant even scroll the view port yet you have to do the basics tutorials and it will be awhile before you can make a character and a long while before you can make a character thats good.

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>now render the snatch
Following this post, do you guys make the base mesh naked and then do the clothes on top of it, or make the character be part body parts and part clothes? I ask because i took the model of a lot of those gatcha games, and there's no clear indicative. I understand it is to save vertices counts.
>Do you guys make the base mesh naked
Most people just use a premade female body (genesis 8 is popular) and resize as needed. Its already nude so unless the cunny needs to be specifically shaped, its usually not touched.
There's no reason to keep the nude mesh on unless its designed to be seen. Optimization is the name of the game when it comes to those cellphone games, so it might be a thing that exists in a dev's personal folder, but not in something available to the general public.
The only ones where they came naked where the official ones for Nikke, but i think it's because of the focus on feet.
The main characters and their friends are the ones with full body. Everyone else is predefined and will not change the clothes.

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Not bait

But what's the point of learning 3D? Like what can you realistically do if you get good at it?

Can the average person make a living out of this, or is it like 2D art where 99% don't even have a job prospect
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holy cringe nigga shut the fuck up. you take a perfectly fine message and kill it with your retarded delivery. go outside, now.
>why learn a skill used in 95% of multimedia projects
get raped to death
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3D is a very a ample topic and even kinda vague in the way you've mentioned.

>But what's the point of learning 3D?
it's fun. it's all about bringing a whole new layer of interactivity to otherwise static reference. and it's really useful in real life too, but that's a very broad topic to cover.

>Like what can you realistically do if you get good at it?
get a job in a studio. if you're really good, you can get a job in a big studio.

>Can the average person make a living out of this, or is it like 2D art where 99% don't even have a job prospect
since you narrowed it down to the artistic sense, no. but that's art in general.
you can make some side bucks from commissions and patreon. most people do it so by doing animated smut. me personally, being very socially incompetent (it's all about making connections with other artists if you're willing to get into that) i chose to pick up making assets for games and mods, but i do it mostly out of passion, as an amateur hobby.
in the broader sense though, there are lots of average dudes making a living with it. most are engineers doing CAD work. they're the vast majority of people who work with 3D stuff as well.
>But what's the point of learning 3D?
I want to be able to observe things with my eyes that I could only perceive with my mind

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What is this style cals4led?
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Cel-shaded low poly.
die cris
brain rot
skibidi rizz sigma fr fr fr so true my lowpoly anime characters be BUSSIN no cap
you can't this style is deceptively simple, put in effort don't just slap shit around.

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On reddit I can only get a lot of upvotes on really simple work. If its something thats intricate and took a long time and has complexity no one seems to appreciate it or understand it. Just happened to me again. Can anyone explain this?
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The only people who understand art are artists. Everyone else is just pretending
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non artists don't understand how much effort a work took, they only see the end result and see a magical thing.

You also need to get into the mindset of optimizing your workflow.

Nobody will pay you to being the guy that takes average effort and speed.
Companies will pay you more if you can deliver quality at much cheaper/faster time than your competition.

Figure out what's the thing that take you a month to make and seek for alternative methods that take less time and effort.
Cris, you're an exceptional individual.
Same thing happens on twitter.

This is the reality of presenting things to laypeople. They don't know or care about the process of what you're doing, and so they aren't going appreciate anything they don't immediately understand as looking cool.
Make a few more characters with the same basic setup. Put them in scenes together and animate them. Like 10-60 second tiktok/youtube short vertical aspect ratio animations. People will love it.

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Rules for me and not for thee:
>Must have a budget of polys capped or lower to what a game from the year 2000 would usually have. Amount of triangles must be shown in the corner of each render.
>Everything must be made from scratch. No kitbashing. Sculpting/CADmodeling then decimating/retopo is allowed.
>All models must be uv mapped and fully textured and rendered in a realtime engine. No pbr.
>Textures must be low resolution. Maximum 512 by 512. Pictures and premade textures are allowed but they must be posted alongside the renders in their original and modified formats if they were not made from scratch. Showing UV layout is encouraged but not mandatory.
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Thanks, m8. My schtick's actually game development so something like a gun would probably be animated procedurally, but maybe one day I'll try doing pre-rendered animations too for the hell of it.
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I'm gonna make this a two parter like this anon suggested >>1007528
Day 47
Practice every day and still you are shit, a new Cris in the making
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Gun. 916 tris, can shave about 100 by removing the big line that goes down the middle (Courtesy of the mirror modifier) So box modelling is fun but I really need to up my texturing game. It looks kinda shite. I don't wanna waste much more time on what's supposed to be a quick modelling challenge so I'll move on. Next model is: a dwarf. Well, shit. I should've told my friends to give me OBJECTS.
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Day 48

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I'm the anon that was answering questions in the old ArcSys thread before jannies shit the bed. I thought it might be worthwhile opening up a general and posting resources I've gathered for those that want to get better at the look.


Strive In-Depth Texture/Vertex Paint Function Breakdown: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ejZ9TrIFNwiawLcFj-XRtaO3Vg9TxD04sR8HKOaRkGI/edit
ArcSys Xrd GDC Talk:
ArcSys Xrd 4Gamer Article:
Xrd Design Docs (Modelling, Rigging, Materials):
Blender Shader: https://github.com/Aerthas/BLENDER-Arc-System-Works-Shader
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yeah, this is the biggest question for me. how do they handle the lighting?
Same as Arcsys, one light is picked to be the input for the character's lighting rig. The choice is design-driven, might be the most significant one according to some calculation, might be changed through influence or trigger volumes, might be a manual override for cutscenes, whatever works.

Then a dot product of the light-to-object direction and mesh normal is what's compared to the threshold map.

Probably worth perusing the actual hi-Fi Rush GDC presentation to get the general philosophy of all the designer-driven tweaks and tricks to lighting in general.
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>The downside to face threshold maps is that it's limited to the Z-rotation
I've actually been fiddling around with that a while ago, I made an MMD model (about a year ago maybe?) with a custom HLSL shader for both lateral and up/down maps. Borrowing my model from the other thread, I've tried to quickly recreate it and somewhat organize the nodes. The maps are less than ideal which causes small shading issues, but maybe this setup could be workable. Try this blend:

I can also link the MMD model with the shader I made that time if you want, but I eventually discovered that I poorly implemented the upward light map and never bothered to fix it.
>The downside to face threshold maps is that it's limited to the Z-rotation
I mean, you can add a channel and just encode images for both axes, it just becomes exponentially more work to author for little gain
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Good thread. Are there any good resources related to NPR environment art? Ideally in the vein of JSRF/BRC.

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They made bloom a bit less easy to access because it became the telltale sign Blender was used and most importantly because every SFM quality level porn was using copious amounts of it. It became the HDR or pissfilter meme of 3d porn.
this and idiotic camera movements with motion blur on full tilt to the point where you can't even make the fuck out WHAT you're actually seeing on screen because of all the smeared motion blur
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im not as angry at the checkbox removal as i am angry about the settings
I liked having the ability to tweak them so that shit does not actually get smeared and also to help set the scene with stuff like color. O used that regularly, and they just removed it because ????.
I tried recreating the settings with the compositor but the effect of it is still lacking compared to 4.1, not to mention that the viewport compositor bloom scales the bloom value based on your window size, caking the preview in it even if the render is looking alright.
It made sense that they removed it because bloom belongs in post-processing, meaning in the compositor
But you don't have to like it
porn photographers have been blowing out figures with lighting and smearing vaseline on lens for as long as pornography has existed.

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I've been shittily 3d modeling for a while now but UV unwrapping has always fucked with me. How in the hell is the MG model nice and flat, but blender outputs my UV all fucked up? Do I literally have to go in manually and pin each vertex into the pixel perfect position? Am I just retarded and just not doing it right> Most tutorials that cover low poly modeling in blender just use minecraft square-esque models and shit so it doesn't help me out since mine are more triangular.
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i use roadkill
get roadkill

itll make your life easier

This is not normal anons, stop using blender. It lies, it’s not how 3D works and it shouldn’t take 20 minutes for UV editing. You’re wasting time and money.
Hmmm... I might try that. Can I get it for BLENDER??
Roadkill is literally blenders UV mapping code. I don't know about the paid version.
Blender has addons to straighten uvs that work like a charm

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Can anyone explain what's the secret of this picture texturing and modelling?

I understand the modeling is just basic low poly with a subsurf modifier.

What I don't get 100% is the texturing and I wonder if is just albedo texturing in photoshop or Krita.

The other thing is the shading.
Prety sure this is not a complex shader and would be funny if it's just a basic 1 tone shadow toon shader.

The funny thing is that It would be hilarious if this guy is just using PS2 tricks but on 2025.
this is a 2d image. It's out of perspective. The lighting is inconsistent. It's not taking advantage of anything 3d offers even when trying to make a 2d looking image with cg.
What do you get out of making low quality bait like that?
That is 2D

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Also the introduction and guide's readme.txt link and images are broken.

I assume paid lessons have the advantages of showing the workflow, but I guess time-lapses also works?
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It’s a Russia version of Pirate Bay but with higher chance of being hacked. There’s no official name because it keeps changing for obvious reasons.
are there any good courses for just fundamentals of modeling? specifically poly or box modeling from beginning to advanced levels. i feel like so many tutorials i find are just retarded follow alongs with little to know explanations of anything or very basic beginner stuff
>Forcing yourself through 5000+ hours of trial and error hoping for a decent result?
isn't that how most people do it? it's basically this but you also gotta learn how to use your tools, hoard useful tips and just copy a some aspects you find interesting until you develop your own substance
there are ways to speed up that process such as learning to use fundamentals and tools effectively but finding a good place that teaches that is tricky
honestly i've come to the conclusion that modelling can't really be learned well by following a tut. you just gotta try it out. learn to use quad draw and use that to block out your figures. i think it's a good start because it lets you build a silhouette from different profiles so you can use references if you want. but as far as tutorials go, idk it's not really helpful to follow them. there are too many ways to model something. the best approach is situational.

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First attempt at rigging my first character...it's NOT looking good bros
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I use rigify, to lazy to suffer that entire process
What do you use to record webms?
ShareX, despite being amazing for screenshotting, fucks up horribly for me.
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i use icecream screen recorder to record my screen then webm for bakas/dummies to convert it to 4chan size. Anyway this is where i'm at now...idk if ppl still care about this thread though but i am quite happy with the prog from my first post.
why not obs? also move the hips more

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I want use this pokemon 3D model https://rigmodels.com/model.php?view=T_pose_rigged_model_of_Jenny-3d-model__c1c39f834b3247d592c06a9132703a2a&searchkeyword=jenny%20pokemon&manualsearch=1 to create a skin for grand theft auto san andreas(pc) but im not able to make work the txd(my txd. file has their respective textures but the model in the game is all white) I already tried txd workshop and magic txd but nothing works.

Any hint? the dff. model works great in my game but I'm stuck with this issue related to the txd. file. This is my first time making a skin from a 3D model that's not something from gta sa so no idea what im doing wrong.

I'm using autodesk 3d max 2012.
are the textures supposed to be compiled into the dff file?
no idea? i only know that you must thave the dff. file and the txd. file in order all works.
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OP here.
Im a noob with all this 3D stuff. But why when i drop the png files on the model in some parts(arms, legs, gun holsters, skirt) the textures match perfeclty but in other parts (t-shirt) the texture is fucked up? I didn't even move the model.
dont know how this would relate, but this also happened to me when trying to import a model to gta, i ended up re-downloading the model to get it to work

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The models don't appear, why?
How do I fix it?
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Help pls.
Scrolled past this thread a handful of times.
I don't think people here are familiar with whatever frosty is
I had to look it up too. Didn't even know there was a modding tool for Frostbite games
So there is no answer?
You'll need to ask a more specialized board, this isn't really a 3d modeling question

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I now can do 3D anime that looks 2D, chuds.
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new editor.
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I discovered a very simple new step in my workflow to increase the quality of my pixel textures. And It just needs 20 minutes of works. 100% happy with it.

Took me basically 2 months to figure out how to increase my model quality with just 20 minutes of aditional overhead.

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Now I finally learned to fix the cheeks issue of anime in blender.

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Honestly, I need to improve this.

There's two improvements I can make.

Separate the body meshes and the head and hair textures from the costume textures.

And then simply use my upscaled pixel art method for the costume, but keep the face and hair under much bigger resolution than my previous method.

I need also to see if I need to increase the resolution of the face mesh to double the resolution.
What happend to Chris?
I've heard he died the other day
Venezuela is a dangerous place.
Rest in peace my prince, 3d heaven is waiting for you

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