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Sup, /3/? I’m sick of Cris shitting up /v/ and all of the other boards with his dogshit models so I have decided to combat him in his domain.
You might know me better as the guy who made that one Jet Force Gemini picture, but I have much more impressive stuff than that.
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So is Cris the local /3/ schizo?
Not just /3/, he also likes to infect /v/ and /vg/ threads with his shitty AI “workflows”.
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For some reason I am only allowed to download this render of Klez, the Warlord’s underling. I’m trying to download a different render of Fygoon and his friends, but this Botnet keeps co-opting them.
Wait until I model Cryptolocker, another fiendish cohort of the Warlord.
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Here’s a render of Fygoon and his best buddies. I made a bunch of renders exclusive to my website for the Fygooniverse.
can you stop shilling your shit in /v/ and this board please? the last thing we need is spamming avatarfags

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Previous : >>986003
Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.

Recommend Youtube Channel :


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can anybody confirm if it´s just a me problem? because i´ve been downloading the animation course and that one doesn´t throw out errors
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>download game model to study how to make asses
>take off skirt
not quite fully modeled tier but that´s unexpected
How's my Spike Sculpt looking bros. Anyone got any tutorials or ideas for how to make the hair look not like shit? Thanks!
Well, for starters, his would use more tricks because it doesn't translate well to 3D. His hair is drawn in the same shape despite his head being in different angles.
He has that Goku hair going on.

Heres a good ref of Spike

What you could do is make one clump of hair, then start duplicating while making small adjustments to each duplicated clup. Then merge them together. I'm not familiar with blenders sculpting, but zbrush has a way to merge a bunch of shapes together as one.
ha! I can see him.
upper inner corner of his eyes is higher than the outer upper corner. giving him sad eyes. you can see it in your ref

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Any recommend any courses or other resources for learning to create shaders similar to those in MiHoYo games using Blender, especially for those new to shading?
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Looks like junk, doesn’t work anywhere else because it’s exclusively to Blender shaders. Ignoring the basics of lighting, completely useless outdated and fail to grasp animation principles.

This is why you don’t use blender, just don’t.
no one cares that you gave up
go be a doomer somewhere else
Post your work.
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You are not going to make it, my skills more better than yours.
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am i gonna make it?
ITT: post animations you did with blender, anything is welcome
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made this a few years ago
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Blender 3.6, Eevee.
sort of off topic, but how viable is it to make game models and animations via claymation?
Like making sprites out of IRL clay models? Or 3d scanning IRL clay models to turn them into 3d models on the computer?
If it's the former (sprites), that's how Doom's sprites were made, so it's not totally out there.
I'm not an animator fag, but I think you're starting her run on the wrong leg. Having the leg and arm on the same sides being synched with eachother would probably look more correct here for the first step. Maybe try doing the action yourself irl if you haven't already

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is it worth the shekels? lots of potentially useful tools but also a lot of junk.
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why does the "Best" 3d software in the world need to many addons to be useable?
>but not a single one 3rd party asset ever worked for any of my purposes. Even materials, even textures.
They never do. The only context in which I've found any use for third party assets is usingthem for whiteboxing a game level. If you just need a generic table, locker, whatever, slap a plain white material on the model and use it. But then again, modeling some kind of locker base mesh takes 5 minutes at most.
better FBX exporter doesn't work, it's giving me error22 when I try to install and the windows flags it as a virus then deletes the zip. marketplace page offers no help, wat do
>New carpentry tools comes bundled with fully assembled furniture
Absolutely fantastic. it blows basically every other retopo tool out of the water. It's a bit fucky but they're currently working on making it work in edit mode instead of transferring to it's own mode.

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New AI 3D character generation paper.

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>Nooo, stop enjoying things I don't like
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pls don't tell me this is AI
Cris won.
quality, ngl

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I want to start doing learning 3D modelling since I want to design small accessories and jewelry, mainly the kind of stuff that would be injection moulded.
So, what software should I be using? Blender seems to have a lot of tutorials available but a lot of people also decry it as having an unintuitive interface. It also doesn't seem to be that good for when you need exact measurements, which I'll undoubtedly need to be able to fit in pre-fab components such as snap buttons etc.
AutoCAD is unfortunately Windows only, which I'm not going back to ever considering the dumpster fire it seems to have become since I left. FreeCAD might be sufficient for my needs, but would using a straight-up CAD program actually be good for my use case which isn't really that technical?
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>You have no skills and you can not model not even in CAD you only shitpost.

Shit, are you schizophrenic for real?
I said nurbs, not cad, every software that can nurb model it's good for injection mold making.
Get some help or stop posting while taking your homemade HRT, your schizoid ramblings are not even funny.
you are the reason people hate blender.

For the rest of normal anons here who are asking the same question, you need to make a model in nurbs to get a metal mold for injection.
It doesn't have anything to do with blender, most machines don't work with poly models.
If you want to use blender make your model using nurbs.
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>model in nurbs
Cool nurbs is not a program go and model in whatever nurbs shit you like the simple model I made.
If you can not do this you literally lost the argument. And are only loosing harder since this is your #2 post without anything modeled.

Holly schizophrenic meltdown batman!
Projection schizo zoomer retard.
>I said nurbs, not cad,
Lets see you tech iliterate zoomer with the magic of CTRL+F
>not cad,
Lets see:
>so freecad it is

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>Poly bad, blender bad
>Muh nurbs
>muh CAD
>I made a drawing on a napkin, I'm sure they can make a mold with my napkin doodle, they just need to convert it to a zbrush file using the napkin importer.

The meltdown of you retards is out of this world.
This post is so bad it is priceless comedy.
What files exactly dose zbrush output? The ones used for making metal molds?

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>you are the reason people hate blender.
GOOD! Seriously GOOD!!!!!!

This board is shit like the rest of 4chan and while you schizo no skill retards hate on blender all day places like r/blender post work all the time. Work that is above your skill level.

You never model, you never sculpt you do nothing in 3D only shitpost how bad blender is. Meanwhile professional Zbrush artists say that blender is OK for sculpting and create things like this in it:

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Would a rich guy be willing to pay me to make models of anime girls of this quality? I hate waging in retail and would rather do anything else, even if its for nfts or crypto or whatever. I havent made anything in months because my job is so draining, someone help please
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Got more info, like character, bodytype, pose, props, outfit, decor, model quality example, etc?
photo realistic (+hair) head bust of diana from pragmata (since it's never being released), 2.5k
Well yes of course. Hourglass body, small waist, big hips, big thighs, big boobs, like Makima but hotter and more model like, T pose, naked with a leash, no decor and high quality model.
>Make art that's either close, on par, or better than the best
I can't do that
pick 3 artists you like.
identify what specific things they do you like
copy them.

Hello, Last saturday i was informed by an internet chum of mine about blender. I have never used 3d modeling tools before and was interested to give it a try, had an old housemate show me some stuff about 10 years ago and it looked tedious and overly complicated and i had no pc at the time either.
I have now used blender for less than 24 hours in total and am enjoying learning, have made 2 (well 1.5) things so far.
My E-Chum also informed me about this board, as he said it can have good info here now and then so here i am.
I like sculpting the best so far and spent 3 hours today experimenting with geometry and extrusion, inset tools etc, so may check out this more often.
Thank you for reading my blog.
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what is this wizardry?
let me try to guess
1. throw letter
2. grab seed that lands flat on one side
3. keep seed and rotate the emitter
4. repeat for each letter
but wait maybe this isn't it since I've seen letters collide

So what kind of wizardry is that? It's porbably something simple?
maybe playing with inertia and gravity? Idk, wizard shit
I reckon this is a close guess

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I'm mentally challenged and couldn't tell, sorry. Thanks for the nodes!
I tried recreating your shader, and its fucked for me in 4.2 unless I disable shadows.
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Have you tried putting some lights in your scene and tweaking the ramps?
nice how did you get the noise effect? I see you didn't reduce render samples
Turn up the distortion value of the noise texture node in >>990329 to like 50.

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Why cant I do 3D at all?
I cant even pose nor understand poses
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Talent is a myth fucknuts
If you're a low iq midwit who is incapable of learning you will never succeed.
The fact that you feel the need to complain on 4chan about being shit is proof enough you're a dud
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And they banned me for trolling....
I know this is a schizo thread but find an image you like the pose/lighting of and copy it until you understand it
you only get banned if someone reports you

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Rate my babe. Also post your lowpoly babes!

You do model lowpoly babes, don't you anon?
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>the low poly threads on v got ruined
not surprising but i was hoping it would last a bit more
i don't use /v/, but i'm assuming whatever happened is something similar to this thread?
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I made a Truck
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>don't pursue low poly lol.
its not clear what you mean by that?
anyway, I was more talking about what resources you would recommend to get as good as you did at texture painting.

I can try and help you with your head topo, but 90% of what I do is autistic move each vert back and forth ill it looks right.

+added cheekbone bump
>I was more talking about what resources you would recommend to get as good as you did at texture painting.
Oh. I'm barely literate when it comes to texturing. I just know a thing or two about pixel art. I can't really help you with that, because it comes from years of trial and error self-teaching. Getting a bit of help here, a bit of help there. It's all random. I'm a 2D artist venturing into 3D. So I know some 2D art tricks. That's all. I didn't even do much really. Edits are always easier than laying down the ground work.

I basically use a pirated version of photoshop to do pixel art. There's a few tricks there.
1. Somewhere in the options is a way to turn off the pixel grid when you zoom in. That thing is annoying. Turn it off. Not to be confused with the grid you set up for guides. But that single pixel grid eyesore.
2. Set magic wand to 0 tolerance, disable anti aliasing, and disable contiguous. This will allow you to select 1 specific color. Good for making sure you don't have stray colors hiding anywhere. Or just selecting an area you want to work inside of.
3. Set paint bucket to 0 tolerance, disable anti aliasing, and disable contiguous. Now you can change colors in a single click, no matter where they are.

I want one of you to show me how to make low poly model like this. Please show me. Please, please. Please. I want someone to stream and show me. Please. Why the fuck do I have to learn on my own. Please show me.
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its creeping me out but not sure why
just like a real autistic gf
>better than yandere sim
I mean... that is a pretty fucking low bar.
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I feel like i'm just better at making male characters, i hope it doesn't mean i'm gay or something
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why is it impossible to open this nerd's deleted tumblr via waybackmachine

Im not sure where else to ask this, in Blender 2D how do I stop my strokes from auto filling? I made most of the animation with Fill disabled and now that I want to use it everythings oddly filled
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This is why shouldn’t use Blender, stupid things like this happens and it’s the developers fault.
I wish I'd known that. I'm also seeing that one dev broke a renderer because he personally believes in a new one that renders a ton slower.
Stop listening to the morons on /3/, this is a bad place to learn.
I figured it out, >>990447 was right. I think its really cool that they're making this program for free, hoping the problems don't run too deep
It runs too deep, blender has problems in their employees and fire people they don’t like: https://web.archive.org/web/20230721190256/https://blenderartists.org/t/ive-been-fired/1473998

I just want to model clothes for characters. I have Blender 3.0, the clothing modifiers do not load for me.

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