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>the secret to making low poly waifus is literally just having 10 years of drawing background and tracing over your drawings with vertices and cleaning them up after
yet another win for 2d
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>Why it’s not remembered by the Mega Man fans?
lol lmao, go to another thread lowpoly isn't for you.
You’re only liking the looks not the better opportunities and practice of low poly models. Did you really think Captcom would ever allow to spend alots of money on a game that would sell less. No, they won’t and it’s why you people won’t get one.
>*a lot of money
FTFY, be sure to check your grammar before talking shit
>You only like the aesthetic, not the ease of use and clarity
You what now? Crapcom wont release a low poly thing because just like every other infested AAA they are incapable of taking any risks or making anything thats not ultra normie realism graphics tm.

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I do illustrations like pic rel with the mesh tool in illustrator but it's extremely laborious and takes far too much time to flesh out one idea. I also hate illustrator's workflow, if you make one mistake you have to retrace your steps and it just chews up more time.

My illustration style may as well be 3d at this point but would it be easier in 3d? The mesh structure is practically the same, and lighting would be way easier.

Pic rel not my art I just dont want to dox myself by posting real art.
A lot of things are probably a lot easier to do with 3D tools at that point.
Haven't touched illustrator in decades but back then doing 2D vector looking stuff in max was a lot easier past the very basics.
animation, sliding pivots having all the animation constraints ability to key and animate materials and UV's etc.

Using a 3D app for vector 2D back then gave you a lot of additional functionality and ease of use.
Can't speak to illustrator as it exist today as I haven't touched it since probably ~98.
please stop the cringe bro please

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I'm building a free web-based MMD player for 3D glasses and would like to display some random scenes when no other content is selected. Would someone provide some free models, motion, or music files? Credits will be given.
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Where can I dl them models for free?
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go wild buddy
That is not true. In the first place the artist is the owner of his creation even though he uses open source software. This is also the case if the author offers the files for free download. What I need are models and animations that are explicitly released for free and for every usage by the creator. For example by including an open source license text like the CC0 licence.
We were talking about getting the model, not the legal or technical aspects. Read next time.
I see

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been here for 10 minutes and already notice the blender hatred, what are recommended softwares for 3d modeling for someone with zero experience 3d modeling or creativity of any kind?
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>pirated Maya is a good start, has a lot of tutorials
I prefer Blender, but Maya is really good. Its fun to use, too, but I can't explain why. Zbrush is just a little annoying to me. Its almost "esoteric" in design.
I use blender to box model, Maya to animate, and z brush to add more poly. Z brush you need to 9000% adjust the UI cause the default is dogshit and hardcore splatter on the wall and floor diarrhea all in one.
this is a dead board where the few people that remain have more opinions than finished art pieces.
I started about 80% of Blender hate threads, don't worry about them.

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I've been using SourceFilmmaker over the past year to make a voiced-acted visual novel. It's called "Please Fur My Wife" and Pizza Girl is one of the heroines that you can date.

There's a demo out and you can see a few completed SFW scenes at youtube.com/@chadchan3d

The game's premise is that you're one of the last humans in a world of furries. This was an NTR fetish parody game (still is) but it's growing into a story about furries vs humans.
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What do you want me to fix?
I'm not op you faggot
>My hope is that the experience of conquering furry waifus will be better than the sum of the parts.
Cris mentality.
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Cris won.
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He did.

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ive made some shape keys for a half-life 2 model to make it more customizable but, now I want to know how to make my own head model, is there any good tutorials for a beginner that only knows how to animate other models and make slight edits to models on how to make a face?

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So I'm finally unbanned. /archviz/ was cool but was pruned in the ban I'm no longer in the mood for that.

So /3dsg/ anything 3ds max related. Tell me if you have any doubts using this god awful fucking piece shit of a software, wips, works etc etc.
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>youtube.com/watch?v=_gm_g8do32k&list=PLnKw1txyYzRlxh1-BT4CifPXC5TBg2vUd [Embed]
>11 years ago
isnt this dated af, there no newer/faster/easier methods to do stuff?
>need some guidance
>linked to god tier resource with based narrator
>doesn't watch because its "old"
>asks for easy shortcuts
Did you want to actually learn how to rig in Max, or just churn out shitty controls you don't even understand?
They even go out of their way to explain why primary bone rotation axis should be Z.
>newer/faster/easier methods
For what exactly? Skeleton setup? Weighting? Attribute setting? Reaction linking? Slide joint helpers?
I'd only ignore the maxscript tutorial for weightpainting since there are better ones out there. Everything else is completely relevant to understanding the basics.
paul neale has a 3hr lecture explaining the very basics of using maxscript to automate a lot of building blocks, but its unnecessary for a hobbyist and impossible to follow without understanding how to do everything manually first. Hes also shit at explaining programming concepts since hes a technical artist.
Max is actually rather bad for rigging, if you want something easier go pick up Maya.
I'am not him. I added the video to my playlist already and will watch it.
im retarded mb, i barely use 4chan
I'm using the old Max 8 to do one character rig and porting a skeleton to my model, all for an old game as a mod. There might be some things I encounter looking at developer's rigs I would like to learn more about. No issues if I drop in questions here and there from time to time? I think they're fairly very similar to modern structures, just more simpler since the bone density isn't high.

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I'm also working on a VR port
thank you

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Rate my babe. Also post your lowpoly babes!

You do model lowpoly babes, don't you anon?
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Clean circular quad loops around the deformation area with higher vertical density for them to give better deformation

Always do all important loops first during retopology (knees, legs, shoulder, neck, mouth, eyes, ankles, hands) then retopology the body
the topo sucks dick and will fuck with uv'ing process
maybe make the hands be less defined and more blocky. I would consider it low poly if I still can see the geometrical silloutte and not just something trying to achieve detail
"low poly" is a relative term to describe the mesh that you bake the details onto from the "high poly" mesh. It can be 5k and 150k depending on the project and artstyle.
"midpoly" is a type of mesh where you don't really bake anything and rely on manipulating vertex normals to achieve a desired shading result.
One day I will learn how to bake things

If I'm serious about animation and modeling should I get a Wacom Cintiq or other similar tablet?

Right now I do everything with just my mouse. Is a tablet something mandatory or optional? Does it provide a significant improvement to workflow? And do I need a tablet like a Wacom if I want to work professionally or would something like an artist 15.6 pro work?

I have the money, I just want to know if I need this or if it will help substantially in my career.
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iPad Air 6 as external monitor
I'm using it right now, I'm using it with a Mac but you can do it on widows too
There's a free app, what's it called , I forgot
Can do high quality desktop streaming and stylus support
You can lie on your back and do it
Don't know if it has deadly radiation for you but Jesus said he'll protect me from it
pressure. you get pressure. it's night and day. cintiq >>>> tablet
First draw on paper to make sure you won't get tired of it after you put in some effort.
Cintiq could be a waste of money
I feel like screen tablets are useless unless you can afford one big enough to make the UI not teeny tiny. And even then you have to adjust to your cursor floating around like a bubble level which would drive me crazy. Just get a cheap regular Wacom tablet.

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Previous: >>979755

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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write your own material file and script to import/export it from both programs.
You dazlets disgust me to no end. Get fkd
That's the point, you semi-aborted mongoloid. Every other software I work with is fine. UE works as it should, Blender works as it should, Cinema works as it should, even fucking Zbrush works as it should. Yet Daz is the only software that doesn't seem to have any functional import/bridge/etc. for non-figures.
Just cut Daz out the equation then. Problem solved dazlet
Imagine shitposting on a small, slow board like /3/.

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When did you realise this software is for women?

For me it was when I was looking up guides and all the comments were about making clothes for their Sims.
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Making clothes in blender like a man.
When I got it I thought "Cool I can make soldier uniforms n stuff"
but then I found myself studying actual clothing design principles and techniques. I never even made anything cool in the end :(
It took me like a week from getting the software to make outfits for characters to me staring at women's outfits and thinking
>Oh that's an interesting princess seam on your blouse
>Playing dress up with virtual girls is female
No fuck you and fuck our boomer parents which still peddled that stuff.
I wish I had to get to play with dolls as a kid, but no it all was about ingraining into the young minds that "though shall not touch the women"
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Time to learn Houdini

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How to make good 3d anime model?
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For starters, it is NOT low poly.
Post your donut or gtfo
Use shape keys for certain camera angles. The anime look is not realistic with how 3d works, so the best you can do is play tricks
What's this monstrosity and where can i get it?
>>988141 by paying me $5000

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is it a bad idea to use A.I. pictures as reference for modeling and texture color?
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What’s actually going to happen is AI will disappear because it doesn’t help profits. OpenAI with other platforms get exposed for stealing copyright images from big brands. Everyone including you will be shunned in public for using AI because nothing good will ever come of it.
>reducing a bunch of labor costs to 0 does not help profits
>if i just keep saying mean words about ai on social media this will somehow offset the enormous economic incentive of labor cost reduction
The biggest corporate bank who knows how money flows, is telling you AI is bad.
What do I know? Flashing lights
Tell me about the secrets of flashing lights.

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Will drawing out the polygons help sculpt my models?
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>These lines aren't drawn randomly
Then you don't have a fucking idea of topology anon
Ok, thanks for the help.
I'm helping you, if you want to draw usable topology, it needs to work like topology, and those breasts would not work.
Maybe if you are modelling in nurbs.
when i draw image planes sometimes ill draw topilogical lines on them. not usually. in the development of half-life 2 they drew wire frames in the human model's faces before photographing them for inage planes.
its not a totally stupid idea but its for image planes not for dynamically posed figures.
god i need to work on my garyc client

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