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Where should I go for 3D character modeling service? I've just being scammed on Upwork for $10!!
All I want is a 3D model of picrel so that I can 3D print him for my personal satisfaction. There's free Pepe 3D model but the face doesn't look like this one. Aaarghhh! It feels like shit that this is the first time I'm being scammed. Fucking indonesian.
43 replies and 20 images omitted. Click here to view.
download? the mesh can be altered a bit since it's symmetrical, unlike >>1004583
>Upwork for $10!!
You are a fucking retards if $10 dollars is all you were willing to get content for your retarded shitcoin

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I've completed my donuts. So what now?
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make em square.
then model an item from your house and put 100 instances of them in a rigid body simulation.
then make a sleek product animation with a product from your imagination.
then make a 4 minute short film with rigged characters.
and then record a blender course
basically the average blender youtuber
Now put them on the boobs!
That will give you more views
Now make a model of Garfield looming menacingly over them.
Now eat it

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Pic related.
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Yes it does.
oh i see now
yeah, it should be in 90% of the cases. i don't even know why you should go for more than one ass bone unless if you're doing super detailed porn stuff. and even so, most people opt for soft body sims rather than going ham with jigglebones.
also, what game is that? i'm curious.
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No jiggle bone should be added for the ass. It just makes her butt look flabby.

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Of course after conversion to either Ngons or Tris?
I tried everything to make it work in Substance Painter, but I guess I either need to UV manually, which would me masochistic, or remodel completely. The shading artefacts and fucket up auto UV in Substance is just horrendous
you might have to export each object separately depending on the material and give them a basic material in your rendering program. I imagine it would be tedious to line everything up again but maybe there's a way to convert the coordinate system between the two programs

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Previous thread : >>997198

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
Recommend Youtube Channel :
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the "vintage" look would probably be in post-processing (grain, glow, aberration) and in the character design mainly. Do you have an image of what you have in mind?
I want to get started making 3D low poly character models, preferrably with an anime-ish art style, BUT I want to have them be modular (i.e for character customization in a game). What's the best way to get started?
Also, for shit like facial features/expressions and body parts, I'm probably gonna do swappable/moveable/resizable meshes and textures or some shit
Why are they naked
>What's the best way to get started?
To scope down, this is too ambitious if you don't know what you're doing
Start by making a couple characters using the same base mesh
I can only study with an erection

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Use this as a place to help rebuild after the great purge /3/

I autisically save everything so hopefully I can help give back to a board that I love on this god-forsaken Mongolian basket weaving site
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bump :3
>cutesy, comfy, lo-fi vibes
Literally unwatchable.
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Any guides or resources for modeling low poly joints to avoid deformation while posing bones?

I know some old low poly games used separate meshes for limbs, I'd also be interested in resources about that
I want to get started making 3D low poly character models, preferrably with a cartoony art style, BUT I want to have them be modular (i.e for character customization in a game) and animated (either via skeletal animation or old school "each body part is a separate bone you move"). What's the best way to get started?
Also, for shit like facial features/expressions and body parts, I'm probably gonna do swappable/moveable/resizable meshes and textures or some shit (Think like Miis or Mario Artist Talent Studio)
-Decide where you want to cut up the model to be modular
-Cut it up

That's really it, at the core. Obviously it'll be simpler if you start with an "average" character but you can do this from any character that'd result from module assemple. So just model a character, divide it into modules, hide a module, model something in place and see if it looks right.

How much money would I need to realistically pay someone to make a resin printable 3d model of this character in this pose?
A "blender sucks" thread died for your sins. Consider asking your garbage question in the garbage question thread next time, or even on /diy/ which is the correct board for garbage printing
I could have sworn I saw this thread last year, maybe I am going senile
The pose and outfits are simple so I'd charge around 200 buckaroos for the model (cut and presupported)
Price may vary depending on the sculptor's level of experience, keep in mind you're paying for their time and only student work for below minimum wage
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>I could have sworn I saw this thread last year, maybe I am going senile
You're not senile, anon just gave up.
Give me 200 bucks upfront and 300 on delivery I'll give you an stl, a raw file, a video of the making of. I may be a son of a bitch in this board but I delivar.
You guys should come to /m/ if you want to see this thread every other month rather than every other year. Oldrinschizo is a common sight around there.
Imagine getting pissy over an anime character.

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How to learn to animate like ZZZ?
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That animation relies on fast and many transitions, and I really do think its inspiration is those accelerated tiktok videos.
If you watch it at 0.75x speed, it will look more "normal". Also, they aren't afraid of deforming the 3d model to try to match what you would do in a more 2d like animation.
I like this one more than ZZZ:

The fight seems much clearer, with less cuts. I wonder if anons here think the same.
Just like people with questionable taste in music, you too suffer from questionable tastes in battle scenes.
you just lack the vision due to a shallow plebian mindset.
There’s literally 50 cuts, so many zooming effects, Inconsistent falling, characters disappearing and you can clearly see the monster using the same animation. This is the kind of stuff that makes people think FF7 Reborn is the worst thing to happen.

How do you even make awesome renderings like picrel?
All of mine look like poor video game renders.
Will be grateful for any and all helpful ressources you could point me to.
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Most renders aren't great oops.
>Fucking lol.

Loling at the name or their portfolio?

I suggested them since they are one of the few that do not rely on 3DSMax and Vray for the images they produce and their main focus on composition. Also, the way they light and create shadows grabs my attention. Their images are moody enough that you can tell it's CG, a plus since hyper realism can often create false expectations for the client who might complain once the project is finished irl.
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>Loling at the name
I couldn't care less about their portfolio.

>I suggested them since they are one of the few that do not rely on 3DSMax and Vray for the images they produce and their main focus on composition. Also, the way they light and create shadows grabs my attention. Their images are moody enough that you can tell it's CG, a plus since hyper realism can often create false expectations for the client who might complain once the project is finished irl.
Spoken like a true bs_arq employee.

I'm noob, can someone help and explain how to make animatons like that in blender? Just manually move every single bone frame by frame?
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there is also motion capture but you'll need to dance it yourself.
also look into keyframes which will interpolate between frames so you don't have to do every frame
It's time consuming either way, but it's all about shortcuts and labor saving devices.
Like, you're doing computer animation, with a computer, the programmable thing that can do things on its own.
does anyone have a good workflow for using open source video mocap tools like openpose or whatever and then retargeting that to a rigify rig?

i googled some and it seems like everyone just uses rokoko or whatever, wondering if there's something that's specifically made for rigify rigs
No, Blender lacks Mocap tools and must be paid or custom built in python.
There an entire world of animation, it can't be explained in a simple post. People go to college for 4 years to learn this.

To get you started, learn all you can about these keywords:
- The 12 Disney animation principles.
- Pose-to-pose vs Straight-ahead.
- Easing curves.
- Keyframes and interpolation.
- Onion skinning for animation.
- Recording and using video reference for animation.
- Bouncing ball animation exercise.
- Flour sack animation exercise.

If you have a low IQ (or your natural IQ is lowered on account of being tired from work/school), then it'll be tough.

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At what points do blendshapes go from le funny qurky thing, to I am going to automate corrective blend shapes to every animation and camera angle using drivers autismo and animate breathing and stretch and squatch with blendshapes?
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to get hired these days, you have to be a 3d generalist, meaning you have to know everything from building a character, texturing that character, rigging it, hair and cloth, and animation

once you know ALL of that, and if a studio likes your work, then theyll appoint you to a department, whether be modeling or rigging
>you aint gonna get hired over someone who already worked on 10 projects
You don't know the OP's or anyone else's age, meaning someone might be young enough and getting demotivated from your post, when they could be capable of replacing the retiring riggers some day. Everyone retires, there's a constant flow of professionals. (It is a tight club though.)

As others have said, you can add as many blendshapes as you want, but try to only spend time on things that'll actually be used. Maximize the efficiency of your precious man hours.
>You don't know the OP's or anyone else's age
everyone knows how old cris is
my precious what now?
you calling me gay??
Some day you will die and never be born again, ever.
The human male ejaculation releases from 5 million to 30 million sperm, you were one of those. You and everyone else alive is a lottery winner.
You have about 90 years of life.
Your 'hours of being a man' in this world are precious.

Why are you cheap cunts refusing to donate to Blender Foundation? This is why Blender will never become industry standard.
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>Blender addons fall under gpl license

>I am such a h4rdcor3 pirate, I even pirate free software

>Thinks it's necessary to explain to other people that the 12 year old girl from the war zone in Sudan who can't afford a mid-range pc - has no money to donate once to blender.

Zoomers have gotten so used to free2play that they believe that life simply costs nothing as long as whales pay for it. If it's dead after a year, there's just a new f2p
Thirdies are so arrogant and uppity. Most of them aren't even poor. It's simply not in their low trust society DNA to donate.
I'm a third worlder with no job or bank account
>bank account
Bruh just go the bank and make one lmao

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a thread for discussion about shaders. show off, post exaples from others,your own node setups,code,tips,questions,etc.
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>a lot of situations
for .0001% of users
the users who develop any program in a text editor and implement new things are smaller in number than the users who download the software, use it for a week and then never use it again, or worse, keep using it but cant get anything good out of it but drive up the total monthly download numbers
for .0001% of long haul users
good thread
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Did this grainy look in eevee.

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What is the best controller for modeling/sculpting in VR?
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Hi, not sure if this is the right board but I am looking for suggestions for a 3D printer that works well with castable resin(basically resin that can be used to make jewelry)
400 Euros max
Yes it's for work
/diy/ has a 3D printing thread, ask there and delete this thread
Try the 3d printing thread on /tg/

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