First attempt at rigging my first's NOT looking good bros
>>1004617Well obviously when people tell blender doesn’t do animation it mean BLENDER DOES NOT DO ANIMATION.
>>1004618no it's because my model is kinda shit
That's as good as you can expect from the autorigger.You have to manually refine it in weight paint mode.IIRC you have to use the smear brush across vertex group boundaries and pick the options to auto-normalize vertex group weights.You can pose while you're painting to test how it looks if both armature and mesh are selected.
>>1004620i'll give that a try but i already played with weight painting a bit and it doesn't fix much if the model's topo isn't ideal
>>1004621Topology matters for small scale artifacts like if the bone axis and edge flow isn't aligned.It matters for close up details and shading not the general shape during deformation.
>>1004617it could be worse, just need to fix some weight painting and add some corrective bones and/or shapekeys. blenders automatic weights are shit.also why do you have two shoulder bones, not really necessary for a model like this
>>1004625yeah i saw some youtube clips and i'm gonna try some corrective bones tomorrow. And with only 1 bone for the shoulder it bends weirder...but i'll try with 1 + corrective bones for hips and shoulders
>>1004626here's a fantastic rig by one of the best blender riggers out there. he uses 1 bone for the shoulder (circled in blue) then a corrective bone (the floating bone circled in blue) to fix weird deformation with the traps. there are other corrective bones here meant to simulate the movement of other muscles but the principle is the same. probably a lot more than you need to concern yourself with but you get the point. im sure a video could explain it better than i can
>>1004627oh i had a different idea when you said corrective bones, so what does the floating bones do exactly ? how are they parented and how do they affect the model ? also if you got a link gimme
>>1004627You mean how not to make rigs, nothing about that faker tells you how to make rigs. It’s his false narrative on rigging not the correct way.
>>1004628shit i forgot to mention, the corrective bones location is controlled by a driver. so when the shoulder bone rotates, the corrective bone automatically goes up, deforming the mesh with it. probably a lot for a beginner though maybe stick to rigify for nowhis rigs:>>1004629pyw
>>1004630oh nvm i thought he has a youtube or something, i'll figure it out
>>1004633he does just search for p2design and/or pierrick picaut
>>1004634ok will do, if i make it i'll post results here, but i just wanna say rigging is actually pretty hard. I found modelling, shading and UVs easier to understand..on basic levels of course
>>1004635It be even harder if you take bad advice from people who aren’t professional or knowledgeable about rigging. Blender or Maya, the process is the same but the Blender community is awful at rigging.
>>1004639well so far i noticed most youtube guides are either very basic, or very rushed. Like this one teaches you the basics in 1 hour: but when i tried to find something more advanced since i have a more complex model, i found this: which seems good but he's moving too fast for me to be able to follow, and most other guides are like this.
>>1004642try watching some of sickly wizard's stream vods, dude is pretty autistic about rigging but doesnt really explain much
>>1004617I hate riggers!
Well i made some slight improvements, i think it looks good enough for now. Found this cool video on how to improve the hips issues and used that but i am not sure how to use that for the shoulders, or if it's even possible. I am sure there must be a way to make the shoulders move better as >>1004627 said but i don't know how to do it. Will see if i can improve on it further.
>>1004908also, are the pole target bones (the ones for elbows and knees) supposed to be fixed in place like that ? it seems..weird.
I think the idea is you move the poles as part of the animation as well
>>1004920hmm yeah i figured, i think i made some nice improvements, but i feel like the learning curve for this shit is crazy, and i'm still not done...i must have watched 15 youtube videos (multiple times) to get to this point
>>1004937I use rotation controls instead pole targets. Unfortunately in order to progress past where you are now you're going to need access to real software. Blender won't do.
>>1004965i dunno about that i think it has some potential
>>1004937for my ik bones i always lock whatever rotation axes that aren't the primary source of the rotation, if that makes sense. i can't quite tell but it looks like you may have not done this. it will generally make things look a little better
>>1004979yes ! i did that too just last night after seeing it in another youtube guide, it helped. I gotta do the hand/fingers next i am not sure if there's anything special there though, and then add some control shapes and i think i might be done
I cleaned it up a bit and made some custom controllers. I am pretty happy with it, still gotta add some for the fingers, but i don't know whether i am missing any controllers if i want to animate the body. Got leg/arm IKs, controllers for the feet, torso, arms, shoulder, hand, neck, head. And i also wanna add some for the eyes so he can emote a bit, and then some sort of switch to equip his weapons on his back and in his hands. That shit seems hard.
>>1005175corrective smooth modifier + corrective smooth baker addon, if your goal is to export itmakes weightpainting a lot less of a hassle
>>1005179don't really wanna export it, i only have/know how to use blender at the moment, and i think it has everything i need for now
>>1004617I remember some guy putting hundreds of rigging tips on his Patreon for free.he compiled them in a 3Dtotal book afterwards I think?If someone remembers the guy, that would be great
>>1005183well, still. here's the tip. corrective smooth is a very powerful modifier, makes weightpainting way less of a hassle.
>>1005175You mess up, the hand controls should not interfere with shoulder and you now just have a model with looney physics.
>>1005200i actually have 2 separate controllers - 1 for the hand (yellow one) and one for the entire arm. Today i also spent a lot of time pairing the lower half of extra objects (under the belt) to the bones, that shit was harder than i expected, had to do some sculpting on them and play with some solidify modifiers to make them look ok after they move.
>>1005202should lower your ik chain length by 1, you never see shoulders in the ik chain for a reason.also i would recommend a rotation falloff setup for the forearm. try it yourself, you can't rotate your hand without rotating your forearm as well. I'll use this rig as an example again.
>>1005203the ik chain stops at the upper arm, the clavicle is controlled by a different bone, the one floating in the top. As for that, idk how to do it
>>1005204The arm is made of a chain of bones, they all have copy rotation constraints targeting the hand bone, but with lower influence as you move further away from the hand. you can duplicate and subdivide your main deformation forearm bone, then lock every group in weight paint mode except for the forearm and the new bones. then you can easily transfer the weight from the old bone to the new ones with auto normalize. then just smooth them out as needed. then set up the constraints and you're all set. for this rig you could probably get away with just 2 bones, the one I showed you has 4-5 i think.rigging is difficult but rewarding, why do you think so many people just use auto riggers? but if you gitgud you can make rigs that are so much better than anyone else, with or without auto riggers.
>>1005205Do you have an example of the setup you're describing? If not you should stop typing nonsense.
>>1005211Ironically there is such example, from the creator of Spiderman PS4 model (the real one):
>>1005203>>1005205huh i think i did it, found a nice video about it, couldn't have guessed how to do this shit myself..really cool, thanks. Video if someone wants:
>>1005224lookin good fren :) only advice i have at this point is to have the copy rotation constraints only copy the z rotation of the hand. that way you won't get those weird rotation artifacts when you're rotating the hand on other axes. but honestly I'm just nitpicking at this point, you can ignore it if you want.>>1005217azri is such a good rig, I've been meaning to bring her into blender for my own nefarious purposes but i keep getting tied up with other things.
>>1005226Azri cant be exported to Blender, the node aren’t converted to Blender and the blendshapes (not to be confused with shapekeys) is impossible to keep.
>>1005227no shit retard, i mean bringing in the mesh and rigging it myself
I had to change some of the armor details cuz they weren't doing what i wanted (especially the shoulderpads) so i just extruded some from the base body and said fuck it. It's not gonna be great but fuck it. I wanna play with some face bones and key shapes (some angry/happy/sad eye expressions maybe). Then i need to make some switches for the weapons to go to his hands, that seems hard.
>>1004618You told a blender it doesn’t do animation and it listened? I think you might need to take your meds.
>>1005237You have too much controllers, make it simple.
>>1005237Making props actually work correctly is one of the most annoying parts of rigging, gl fren
>>1005246it feels like your model (and all its gadgets/armor/clothes) need to be perfect before starting to rig to the point where you can't make any changes to it later on or else something breaks. That is quite a challenge. For example those leg straps, they were basically duplicated selections of his thighs with a solidify and subdiv so initially they fit perfectly on him but after rigging the leg and then the straps they were moving differently so i had to sculpt them a bit to minimize the damage. Tried shrinkwrap modifier but it doesn't help. Maybe something like physics is needed, but idk.
>>1005247sounds like a weighting issue. you should pretty much ALWAYS have autonormalize on, it can cause fucky things like that. for smaller props like the leg straps I don't even use weight paint mode, I go through edit mode > select all > assign to desired group
>>1005251what does auto-normalize do? i just noticed it was unticked for basically all of this process
>>1005254it ensures that the total weight for all vertices will stay at 100% weight across all groups while you're painting. it will automatically add and remove weight from other groups if necessary while you're painting. it's useful for rigging because you don't want any bones or combination of bones to have more than 100% influence over a given vertex. it can be super buggy though and annoying to troubleshoot, if you got this far without it then probably don't need to worry that much. like I said, for the smaller props you can just manually assign and delete weights via edit mode instead of painting them. promise you, worrying about this right now is probably gonna be more effort than it's worth so unless things are super fucked then don't worry about it and just remember it for your next rig.
>>1005251>>1005258>edit mode > select all > assign to desired groupcan't find how to do this, if i select the leg strap and go to edit mode, the vertex group is empty..if i select it + the mesh with the groups and click assign nothing seems to happen
>>1005260>go to edit mode>select desired vertex group in vertex group panel>select vertices you want to assign to group>click assign>???>profitgreat for smaller accessories, should always use the painting mode for more complex objects though, just gonna be way easier
>>1005261thanks i'll give it a go
>>1005264blessed ik schizo, got any redpills for hair like that?
>>1005270It's hairs cards with a soft body simulation. There's a vertex group slot where you can specify if a vertex is pinned of free to move. That's how I did it there but I have no idea what the state of the art for hair is supposed to be.
>>1005270They do react to head movement, collisions, wind, other force fields. It's convenient for me because the rest of the body is also a soft body simulation, so... By looking at the source code I know you can do something similar with curves and particles but I've never tried that.
>>1004617is weight painting really still what we do?I get that it's simple and it works, but I just hate the way that it pinches. Do we simulate muscles yet?