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I now can do 3D anime that looks 2D, chuds.
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Shut the fuck up, Cris.
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Aside from having not a single correct proportion, this character looks like a somewhat feminized version of yourself, Cris. It's very disturbing and makes me wonders if you're already started transitioning.
Male shoulders, a train could fit between his legs, non human face and those trademark cum drenched mittens. I'm so proud of you Cris and your 10 years of experience are really shining here.
Looks good Cris
Don't listen to this troons >>1002410
>>1002412 they have hrt rage
my idea is to overpaint it to fix any issues by hand.
just type 3d reference sheet in google and trace christopher, it ain´t that hard
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I have surpassed most 3D artists now.

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It took me an entire day, but I learned how to make motion graphics with blender, lmao.
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okay, I think I've figured out how to do this with blender nodes.

We have SFX at home: https://www.gafferhq.org/
>>1002392 (OP)
This actually looks like shit, How are you getting WORSE cris?
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I can now make shaders using godot.


cris haters BTFO finally.
You're not the TRUE and HONEST Cris.
cris, have you thought about going to xitter or bluesky? constantly posting updates with images and gifs is actually the expected behavior there. and you might find cool people to talk to about your work
I only use 4chan and discord.
and I feel very sorry for the people in whatever discord you still haven't been banned from
but have you considered that what you are doing here would be more appreciated in a different platform? I just told you, posting constant updates with pictures of your progress and experiments is exactly what 90% of my xitter/bluesky timeline is. I think it would be cool for you and you would fit in better there
Cris wants to punish us because he was born in the wrong body. Every single one of the 5 remaining users of this board must hear his lament.
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Took me the entire day to learn to make animated shaders.


I'm getting much better.
That’s not shading, you just altered the model colors and textures. The real shaders are the finished product that the audience understands. Anime shaders are anime, realistic shaders are realistic. Stop believing in Blender nonsense.
Chris finally learned to follow a tutorial, /ic/ shitting on him seems to pays off
I hate Cris with a passion but you're retarded.
No you haven’t, girl back is broken, you have no neck, bad stance even in JoJo anime the left leg serves bo purpose, left arm doesn’t connect with mouth for laughter animation so it looks like a dumb move instead of original animation.
i agree i liked his posts on IC and because of HRT ragers he had to move to /3/
Thats pretty cool Cris. Thats how they make fire or leaves look like they are blowing in the wind in games.
https://youtube.com/shorts/e236mgz_CHQ?si=2149jAbrIBBPLNX9 oh hey this autist is back
>>1002392 (OP)
you've done good looking stuff recently, but this is clearly not part of it
Woah how did you do that please share how you learned
google a polka dot shader tutorial in blender on google.
And how to animate a shader in blender.

The other thing is simply to animate a linear gradient on blender.

You add both and use it as an animated mask for the red color and some transparent shader mix.
Thank you
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Finally made a lora of my art and generated my racial lore with a proper fantasy name,
post the lora cris
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>>1002392 (OP)
You should use Substance Designer instead of AI slop to make Textures Cris.
You are equally annoying with your own constant self-posting. Actually you annoy me more because Cris answers how he does it.
I don't know which one Is worse, you or Cris
who the hell is cris
Cris is the soul and spirit of/3/
It's the best of all of us, he is like the kids now say the money is already loaded
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He is an artcow that frequents this and other creative boards by posting his slop onto the site as his personal blog. Just like other "creative" lolcows he never takes criticism and is full of himself so people just resort to trolling him and he never ceases to feed said trolls. Personally I love Cris. He is an endless source of entertainment like our very own little Crischan that only we know about. Who knows maybe one day he will be discovered by the rest of the world and Jewtubers will make video essays about him.
it's all fun and games until he rapes his mother and cuts off his penis
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I did.

I finally did it.

I have not longer any topic to grind.
I have learned every topic that really I can imagine is related to gamedev.

There's nothing left.

It's over.

Grinding finally be over that be, like seeds of wheat grinded in the cogs of history, my dead chuds.
i'm a /3/ noob and i don't post here much...but i always see this guy posting his work and getting absolutely lambasted for it. is cris the only guy who can actually model anything on this board and everyone else are just faggots shouting from the peanut gallery with nothing better to do?
I believe Cris is up for adoption (in the sense that his parents probably wouldn't mind), so if you like him so much, my suggestion is to just go to Venezuela, pick him up, bring him home with you.
you seem to know a lot about him, how many hours/day do you spend here shitting and pissing your pants over seeing his progress?
Cris has blessed over 5 boards for over 10 years with his content.
He definitely posts his work more than his critics on here. That makes him better by default even if he posts crap.
As I said, you're welcome to bring Cris to your subreddit or discord or wherever you come from. Please don't return him.
Cris, what's next up for you? Will you now go full throttle on gamedev stuff? If so where can I go to see your garden Cris general equivalents
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I just started writing the lore of my harem porn game.
>he can capture the girls of this world into his harem of magical cards
you're a disaster waiting to happen, aren't you?
he can´t be a woman so he wishes to own them, ti´s his way to cope with dysphoria
is a porn game, retard.
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I have a new workflow for 2D HD anime girls.
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A day of work.
imagine being a venezuelan tax payer
this is why female reproductive freedom is so important
the outlines are notably less garbage, but there's still some lines with your garbage style, improve, specifically in the lower right leg
Cris is a very mundane lolcow. More like a mehcow.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0TltRophE0 [Embed]

Second day of work.
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I love how this style is neither anime slop nor AAA realism.
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textures and shader done.
clothes details are pretty cringe, the rest is kinda pretty fooking cool
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Not perfect, but close enough to my initial idea.
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now is very good.
the cringe details in the clothes look better here somehow
retards see the model a like 2 meters distance render and assume that's how the model will look in game.
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Added transitions.
>then it'll just be hilarious
>t.glownigga on another "successful" mission
congratulations cris! very brave of you to finally make the decision
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L50VtZsiEGQ [Embed]

Newer progress update.

Transitions done and camera and tank motion control also done.
Why do you make this garbage, Cris?
can you do better?
Yes, but that's not the point. Why is Cris doing and re-doing the same garbage over and over? Why do you encourage him to do so?
because I dont like modern games.
There are tons of old games you can play on emulators. Also, this board is not about game development.
I was gonna make 3D animations today.
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8 hours on this animation.

I'm not 100% happy with this.
I made a lot of basic mistakes, but is really good I think.

Tomorrow will remake it.
what is it supposed to be?
getting up from a chair.
is the last part supposed to be adjusting her glasses?keep the head still then
cool enuff
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new modelling workflow.
it's garbage
she looks like she fucks human men
Erm... based, might I say?
It's not bad. A lot of old Final Fantasy models looked like this.
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Now it looks like a psx game.
It looks like garbage wrapped in garbage.
s' cool
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even the greats had autistic knowledge like cris
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>everything I make is bad
>no real signs of improvement other than getting faster at making shitty models
>cris doesn't care about this, cris just models and get things done

have I been the cris the entire time?
you need to be ok with being bad.

Try to change your mindset from getting elite AAA art and focus on being faster while also getting better in an unique style.

Remember that everyone knows the artists of minecraft, but nobody knows the name of the artists of Last of US 2.
I've been trying to find my own style to try to have any sense of art direction for projects I'm working on but unless I do your ps1 slop models all the cool low poly 3d artists are doing these days I don't tend to get very far

I have to remind myself it took me 2 years every day to be competent at programming, I can't just open blender once a month and expect to be good
you will eventually find your own style.

Just be patient and around year 5 you will notice the direction of where you want to go.

Just try a lot of diferent styles, and then you will learn the ones that speak the most to your soul.
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Yes. Facts dont care about your feelings.
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No it looks like old final fantasy. Cope and seethe I guess.
First of all, you're not the True and Honest Cris and second you need to stop with this retro low-poly bullshit. It's unusable and it's annoying.
>stop using the only realistic style for an indie to make games
Cris is the best, he mastered the psx style too
cris, please come home
discord gg/xYWybD7S
ooh nice
this one looks pretty cool. good job
>leave my homosexu husbando Cris aloooooone
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>you're not the True and Honest Cris.
How is that relevant to the subject at hand?
> Lowpoly is unusable.
You don't know what you're talking about do you?
This isn't mine or Cris' it's a model from an old Final Fantasy game.
Glad to see you have no argument since you know you're wrong. It's okay to be wrong.
>it's a model from an old Final Fantasy game
Which is unusable in anything you would want to make today.
What do you mean by unusable? If anything the game would perform better for being lower resolution.
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man, my 2D skills are way better.

what's wrong with xir's arms?
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It's hard to draw at 32x32 sprites.
You are mentally ill, there's dozens of threads asking how to make this type of 3d model
Post more please
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I started to make this game 14 hours ago.
I made a new record to me.

I day and 1 game finished.

The quality is also nice, but I wanted to finish something in one day.

Pls rate.
any tips to win the final boss?
hit the shadow.

There's actually a trick to the boss.

Each pantsu killed in the first level, takes 8 points from the boss HP.

So if you can kill 40 panties, you will be taking like 3/4 or more of it's HP.

The HP boss calculation is 500 - (score * 8).

500 because is 50 * 10 HP points

There's also a critical hit that takes 5 points, but is random.
Only Cris can think something like this
this is my first time here, what the fuck
Cris is a lolcow that frequents this and other creative boards. Go tell your normie friends so we can get some lolcow youtubers to make video essays documenting his autism.
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I really like how my style keeps being polished over time and keeps improving.

now I used a 96x96 texture.

and is better than 64x64 or 32x32.

Go fuck yourself Cris a-logger you are even cringier that the lolcows you obsess about
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man honestly, AI keeps improving, lmao.
Mouth never closed and the wave produced hand and decease. No it’s not better, it got worse.
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not only AI keeps improving, but me.

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I love this.

cris threads are like horses with broken legs
squirming in the ground
in agony
jannies have guns, but apparently they enjoy the suffering
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man, I only need to fix a bit the timing, but this is 100% SOVL.
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This is beyond SOVL.

over sovl.
now, 10/10 kino.
100/10 sovl as fuck.
now this is real good
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I think I have reached SOTN pixel art.
Your walking sucks, not even close to pixel RPG Maker style, shame.
wtf is this shit?
Ok now that you have your character try making a game that's more than collecting dots or watching sprites float around.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WZ2FLbnE4U [Embed]

first core loop.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4fByeHkqME [Embed]

roguelike mode added.
It still sucks and the sword is flying instead of being animated into falling or something. You have zero concept on walking or animation.
t. mocap cuck
What game engine does cris use?
Just think that in a perfect world Cris made a schizophrenic RPG maker style walking sim set in a surrealistic South American landscape and became a genuine outsider artist talked about in the same breath as J. King Spooner and TheCatamites
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You need to work on those hitbox cris
>after many years of failure, cris is finally posting stuff that actually looks OK
just remember there's hope for everyone so long as you keep trying
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGbYE22wicM [Embed]

someone made a song about cris
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwPMRqgxXnI [Embed]

5 minutes of gameplay.
I remember I read that the anon was confused why I couldn't answer.

And I was like sleeping meanwhile anon was posting this, lol.
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I just wanted a virtual autograph in the comments.
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ok, done.

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needs his bf defending him to be more accurate
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we're now nintendo+sonic tier.
>weapon is only deployed when not moving
This sucks ass on every game that has it
you can do slash while walking.
I just suck.
Most games animate the top half and bottom half independently
You still need to fix the hitbox.
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tomorrow I'll code this slime.
>>1002392 (OP)
Kinda reminds me of a character from Fighting Vipers 2
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new enemy.
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basic combat.
Cris your Lego ass looking mess is more reason why abortions should be legalized.
Your a prime study on how giving participation trophies was a mistake
Dude chillax. Cris was aborted but somehow he survived.
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I had a super weird idea.
how about if i use godot as a render engine and i'm recording screenshots as if it was blender.
and those screenshots i use them in another project that is like a VN.
but a VN that's like a let's play of the first project.
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What if I record gameplay off my game, then select certain frames every few seconds, and then remade the same frame in a more cinematic angle using blender, but render everything like in 2D, and looking nice in 2D, then use it as filler frames to generate the 500 pages of a VN?
in english please?
Use a gameplay video as 2D frames to be used as inspiration to make 2D frames in blender using the same assets, to make a 2D VN later.
I won, chuds.
No dude you've lost. You are in your living room wearing chanclas on a cum stained shirt writing this.
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+ schizo, fat, bald, chronic attentionwhore and thirdworlder
I actually forgot, unemployed NEET, you're welcome, you love people talking about you like this, don't you little attentionwhoring faggy boy?
new workflow found.

What even is it?
I'm digging the minimalist style, but I'm not sure what's going on.
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I think I almost got it.

Again, I won and agdg lost.

SOTA animation with img2img and without a video model.
this is top tier, you're still a failure at life though
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I did it chuds.
much better.
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newer pixel art level reached.
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spent the entire day making this sprite with blender, but I am not happy with it, It's really close to a hand drawn one, but I do feel is not as good, but can't explain why is not good enough.
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SNK spent 18 months to make HD pixel art.
I developed an automated method without AI to turn 3D into pixel art.

>I am not happy with it
>I do feel is not as good, but can't explain why is not good enough.
is cris becoming self aware?
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Well, I think I am making progress.
SNK cares about it’s characters, fans and lore. You don’t, big difference between a real artists and a fake fan.
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SNK literally not longer care about 94-98 characters, like they don't bring back the american sport team.

SNK doesn't care about their fans because It's a diferent company.

The lore of kof is like a 15 minute video.
There's more lore in Saigado doujins of kof than in the original games.

Also, SNK died in 2001.
It's like claiming that Atari is alive because there's a company with the legal rights and the name.

Neo geo era SNK doiesnt exist anymore.
honestly i think there is some potential here but cris is just too incompetent to actually show it
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look at this gif lads.

I'm using godot to dev some apps to automate godot processes when making my games.


like meta inception coding.
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Took me an entire day, but I was fucking able to make an app in godot that takes a folder with subfolders and pictures and automatically generates the animations of an animatedsprite and animationplayer.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEgPaJnGYhE [Embed]

This was a core issue I had with godot.
Now is solved.

Now I don't need to make my 8 directional character by hand wasting hours of work.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O_mjfN_R6w [Embed]

Made an app to quantize godot animationplayer tracks.
The next show WILL be animated in Cris style.
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yes, niggus.

I was able to do it.

But it’s never going to be better because only humans can be better at animation, not some machine that only knows basic human anatomy for moving.
I am using the AI as render engine to polish my 3D animation.
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I'm going to make an app in godot that will only rename the bones of a rig system created with Vroid, rigify, mixamo, autorig pro and a couple of other autorigging plugins.

And sell it for 5 usd.
I think that's something that would be 100% useful and what I would actually pay for.

Because it's a pain in the ass to do that by hand and it would really be super cool if I didn't have to mess around with blender addons and it would really be cool if it was just a button and that's it.

It's literally something I would pay for an app that would convert from rigify to Vroid or make everything super comfortable and easy.
Cris, why are you meshing with the CHUDS?
I used to lurk pol during 2016-2020.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YUYidUJZD0 [Embed]

new editor.
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I discovered a very simple new step in my workflow to increase the quality of my pixel textures. And It just needs 20 minutes of works. 100% happy with it.

Took me basically 2 months to figure out how to increase my model quality with just 20 minutes of aditional overhead.

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Now I finally learned to fix the cheeks issue of anime in blender.

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Honestly, I need to improve this.

There's two improvements I can make.

Separate the body meshes and the head and hair textures from the costume textures.

And then simply use my upscaled pixel art method for the costume, but keep the face and hair under much bigger resolution than my previous method.

I need also to see if I need to increase the resolution of the face mesh to double the resolution.
What happend to Chris?
I've heard he died the other day
Venezuela is a dangerous place.
Rest in peace my prince, 3d heaven is waiting for you
probably he's on his autism meds again. his meds are definitely working.

gotta wait for him to be off the meds to see him here again.
Our Venezuelan art genius is dead
His work would work thousands. I wish I had ask him a unique piece of art when he was alive
Rest in polygons my sweet prince.
You always be remembered
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last post before he left. he had my attention ngl
He transcend our human comprehension.
We were dealing with an avatar, an illuminated being, sad he is not with us anymore

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