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Rules for me and not for thee:
>Must have a budget of polys capped or lower to what a game from the year 2000 would usually have. Amount of triangles must be shown in the corner of each render.
>Everything must be made from scratch. No kitbashing. Sculpting/CADmodeling then decimating/retopo is allowed.
>All models must be uv mapped and fully textured and rendered in a realtime engine. No pbr.
>Textures must be low resolution. Maximum 512 by 512. Pictures and premade textures are allowed but they must be posted alongside the renders in their original and modified formats if they were not made from scratch. Showing UV layout is encouraged but not mandatory.
Nice, I'll be watching for some low poly goodness
You can also post a wire too
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forget rules man just flex your head and make whatever brings you the joy
I'm expecting 30 good days or I'll be disappointed in you
What if I have zero ideas
what should I do
do something that's within your line of sight
Get a list of things you would find interesting to model and just do 1 a day
>pokemon in ascending order
>greek gods in order of birth
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Day 2
You don't have to follow them. These are just personal challenges I want to complete.
Well I have managed to make it past the 30 day mark on my other threads and those were arguable more challenging than this one.
Make your favorite animal/mythological creature.
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Day 3
What’s the best way to learn how to model low poly?
You must learn to work with triangles. Every quad is made of triangles in 3D even when you don’t see the line. Draw the lines in between your quads and strategically control your edge flow with triangles.
looks pretty fukken dope
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Day 4
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Day 5
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Day 6
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im not OP, nor do i do models everyday but here's my little chimed-in contribution.
love all of these OP but this one in particular is just so simple and so cozy I can't get enough of it

keep up the good work
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Will there be furries in this game? I think it would be more atmospheric
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Not OP, but might as well throw mine into the ring. I wish it looked a little more authentic (probably because of the semi-HD environment), but meh.

My personal favorites. I'd love to see a timelapse of one of OP's for research.
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This is my contribution OP

This reminds me of that silly moonbase browser glorified chatroom game. Does anyone remember it?
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Day 7
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Day 8
>Day 8
Looks cool
Do you have a YouTube channel where you can follow your progress?
Plus I'd like to even download it when it's finished
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Uhh nice low poly thread. I rarely get the chance to do low poly stuff in archviz but the other day I made a low poly apartment for a vr experience. Everything is 83k triangles but when you remove instances its around 50k triangles
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You all honor me.
Looks great I might make a gun soon.
Making a lowpoly character using that reference sounds like a fun. I might just give it a whirl.
Neat did you rig that or give it vertex animation?
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Hmmm I don't really know how useful that would be to someone since I don't feel like I am an expert on low res topology. I am learning as I go along but I am happy to share my workflow. As of now I have started each model using two triangles with the mirror tool turned on making a diamond like pic related and have literally worked pulling out individual triangles. I use quads too but I cut a line in the diagonal to make them represented by triangles. If you have ever looked at a game model you will notice they utilize a lot of triangles in strategic ways to break up the edge flow and do creative things with poles to avoid line breaks.
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Some tricks I use are making pyramids by cutting a quad into fours with a point in the middle. These are great for noses, fingers, horns etc. Also I study lots of game models to try to understand how the transition of edgeflow is being handled. If you want to texture or animate a low poly character it makes sense to understand what every edgebreak is doing and why.
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Just by doing that we can make a primitive face. Another tip I will give is when you are working this low res, much of the detail is obscured or compensated in the texture so you need to make up a plan on what will go where. An example is I can use the entire upper part of the face where an edge break would normally be for eyelids as a simple plane where the eyes will be drawn. Same goes for stuff like teeth/chains/foliage etc. Usually that stuff is just planes with an alpha channel strategically being deformed in ways that face the camera. The textures do a lot of the heavy lifting when you are this low frequency on the actual mesh.
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The choices you make depend on the kind of model you are making. For example the old sonic games on dreamcast have the eyeballs on separate planes so they can move around. Other games use sprite sheets on the UVs where the eyes would be to make characters blink and stuff. Most particle effects or foliage rustling in the wind is also done this way.
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Day 9
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xhe's rigged
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Day 10
Are you making these daily? Pretty nice. I fail to shit out a single low poly model per week, mostly because I get bored and don't texture.
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Yep I make these from scratch, UV map and texture them. Many I also paint from scratch like this one. If I the texture isn't made by me I display it next tot he model and polycount. Day 11
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here's my first attempt, tried to make a ps1 style bloody sword and shield in a cave, kept spamming red and black dots because idk how to texture, and used a free texture for the cave from opengameart called pdtextures
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Day 12
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Day 13
Will a shark live there?
His name is "Chёrt" :)
Not a great white. They can't even live in aquariums.
I like it.
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Day 14
It's hard for me to imagine what the game will be about
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What gaame?
Day 15
Well, like, if all these models were used for a game, it’s hard to imagine what the game would be about.

This house reminds me of something, as if I had seen it before. LOL
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It would involve evil pterosaur empires.
Day 16
I like your style

>realtime engine and no pbr

What engine are you using to render? Eevee in blender? How are you keeping PBR from being applied?
I use a custom shader that only displays diffuse and alpha information.
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Day 17

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