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File: jenny_test.png (231 KB, 1270x692)
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I want use this pokemon 3D model https://rigmodels.com/model.php?view=T_pose_rigged_model_of_Jenny-3d-model__c1c39f834b3247d592c06a9132703a2a&searchkeyword=jenny%20pokemon&manualsearch=1 to create a skin for grand theft auto san andreas(pc) but im not able to make work the txd(my txd. file has their respective textures but the model in the game is all white) I already tried txd workshop and magic txd but nothing works.

Any hint? the dff. model works great in my game but I'm stuck with this issue related to the txd. file. This is my first time making a skin from a 3D model that's not something from gta sa so no idea what im doing wrong.

I'm using autodesk 3d max 2012.
are the textures supposed to be compiled into the dff file?
no idea? i only know that you must thave the dff. file and the txd. file in order all works.
File: jenny_clothes.png (261 KB, 1364x636)
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261 KB PNG
OP here.
Im a noob with all this 3D stuff. But why when i drop the png files on the model in some parts(arms, legs, gun holsters, skirt) the textures match perfeclty but in other parts (t-shirt) the texture is fucked up? I didn't even move the model.
>>1005995 (OP)
dont know how this would relate, but this also happened to me when trying to import a model to gta, i ended up re-downloading the model to get it to work

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