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I'm the anon that was answering questions in the old ArcSys thread before jannies shit the bed. I thought it might be worthwhile opening up a general and posting resources I've gathered for those that want to get better at the look.


Strive In-Depth Texture/Vertex Paint Function Breakdown: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ejZ9TrIFNwiawLcFj-XRtaO3Vg9TxD04sR8HKOaRkGI/edit
ArcSys Xrd GDC Talk:
ArcSys Xrd 4Gamer Article:
Xrd Design Docs (Modelling, Rigging, Materials):
Blender Shader: https://github.com/Aerthas/BLENDER-Arc-System-Works-Shader
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Making square UVs. This is how you get sharp inner lines. You can go further if you study recent CC2, ArcSys and Hi-Fi Rush models. They have a duplicated transparent character mesh mapped to a decal map that allows them to get certain comic-y strokes on their characters. You don't necessarily need to duplicate your characters, just handle the decals in your UV2 and merge them in the material.
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The result of this:
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Box modelling characters. This is from Junya Motomura, Lead Technical Artist and Character Modeller @ ArcSys, the director of Dragon Ball FighterZ and the guy in the GDC talk above.

Just an addendum to this, it's quicker if you use the UV Squares addon so you don't have to bother with constantly straightening an island and using Follow Active Quads for the rest.
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Git gud at using Vertex Colors. It's a core part of the style as they can hold a bunch of extra data that will make your models pop.

Make sure you're on blender version 3.6 or earlier and download Vertex Color Master (VCM).


You can use it to create shadows, determine outline thickness, customize outline depth for cool hair tricks and a whole host of other shit. Just make sure to follow the Strive texture breakdown in the OP.

Here with A.B.A, you can see that the red vertex channel is used to determine areas in shadow. Practically any model using this technique has shadows in the red vertex channel. The different intensities determine if the area is always in shadow (0.5 intensity) or always in shadow AND darker (0 intensity).
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Vertex Colors example:
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We were talking about SDF maps in the old thread. It's essentially the de facto way of handling custom normals for the face nowadays. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, when Arc System Works or CyberConnect2 or whoever make their models, they make certain cuts in the face geometry that allows them to control the shading on a vertex level. This is why their faces look super clean and might 'snap' when the light source is rotated. Problem with this method is that this custom shading breaks the moment you deform it. There's plenty of 'fixes' for this like having a proxy mesh to data transfer normals from in blender or fixing this on a per-frame basis like ArcSys/CC2. The SDF approach bypasses all of that by handling the shading of the face entirely through textures so you can deform and distort the face however you want and it'll still maintain the shading you want. miHoYo games have been doing this ever since Genshin Impact. It's a relatively new technique but it's increasingly looking like the go-to because of how much easier and faster it is compared to custom vertex normals.
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I would highly recommend checking out the recent Hi-Fi RUSH GDC talk about this.
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An example of a good face threshold map in action:
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You know we can do this in real softwares, that won't get outdated or broken.
Are the green and blue channels never used?
Beautiful. I needed to see that.

These so called "SDF" maps, are essentially what I've been trying to figure out for a while. But my approach was more procedural. Rather than layer multiple textures over each other to create a map, I wanted to layer floating points on top of each other, and have the mesh grab the radial angles of the points in real time. I never quite figured out how to make the mesh sample more than the nearest point though. It should be possible to sample multiple points and combine them. But it's beyond my ability right now. Drawing the map out of multiple textures looks to be the simplest method. But I really want to get my floating point method working.
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Blue is for outline depth. Red and green affect shading alongside the ILM map. Green specifically adds extra shadows based on how dark it is. Green vertex channel isn't used in FighterZ IIRC.
It’s also not used in normal situations in 3D, what you’ve done is exclusively only for Blender and the output of rendering engines being incorrectly executed. This should not be the answer to your problem in blender.
Are you stupid? This is for the ASW UE4 shader or the various recreations that have been made for Blender, Unity etc. Get the fuck out of my thread.
Any tutorial of how to do this?
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I download a nami model from one piece world seeker, it has these weird purple images in it, what are they? they don't look like a normal map or sss, roughness maybe? what could it be?
combined maps, a grayscale map packed into each of the RGB channels
Again very specific use for Blender, this doesn’t work in real game or animation. It just looks like original because it was built to be like the original during stationary. The comments from 3 years ago also line up with what I’m saying. Your statement about UE working is false and current version doesn’t apply to older material methods.

This is how everyone currently does things and it works: https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/ue5-anime-toon-cel-shading-model-works-with-launcher-engine-versions/544226
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>a grayscale map packed into each of the RGB channels
It's exactly that, thanks.
>a grayscale map packed into each of the RGB channels
>this doesn’t work in real game or animation
Nigga, as a code-monkey you have no idea the unholy amount of aberrant data I cram into every channels, and not only the RGB ones - nor only one type of data packed into a single channel.
A shader that extract 3 unrelated grayscale maps from a single texture is just a regular Monday for any gamedev.
No gamedev does your nonsense and it’s not something you see in professional 3D software. What you’re doing here is nothing. You are spreading misinformation because you see one method used specifically in blender that doesn’t apply to technical applications and others. It just doesn’t work.
omg do I choose blender or maya as a beginner? so hard to determine what I should spend my time in
idk why do you think this needs its own thread
>B-but it is about NPR
it is about anime shit and you already have a general and couple of threads more about that, you are flooding like Cris.
NPR is a more complex topic than you think


I'm the one who asked about green and blue channels and I think you're missing the entire point. >>993845 is right, you need to have a way to put in data somewhere in the model or textures to output the data. I'm still new to doing shaders so I like to prototype them in Blender and you could easily recreate them in shader code. If you do any kind of coding and do custom shaders, you'd know this. This board is already shit and your retardation is the least that this board needs.

>Green vertex channel isn't used in FighterZ IIRC.
I've been experimenting on doing some kind of masking because I have characters that can wear armor etc. I paint them similar to a gradient so that I can mask them according to a threshold.

>Blue is for outline depth
Doesn't Arcsys use mesh for outlines? I guess they set the depth through shaders. IIRC they use mesh outlines so that they have some kind of control on certain scenes but I don't know if its by shader or blend shapes.

Speaking of outlines, any good resources on
implementing proper shader based outlines? I always end up finding shitty ones that cuts off from sharp edges
Oh fuck off with your “custom code” that you don’t want to share and made this guy >>993856 assumed it’s something UE can do. You don’t know a single thing about materials and only copied from sources that aren’t reliable, such as Blender.
>assumed it’s something UE can do
Kek. Just kek. Not only are you a Blender hating faggot because you got filltered, you literally don't know how anything works. Entertaining you with replies is a fucking waste of time.
Here you go anon.
>No gamedev does your nonsense and it’s not something you see in professional 3D software
disingenuous filtered faggot. cry harder.
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>Doesn't Arcsys use mesh for outlines? I guess they set the depth through shaders. IIRC they use mesh outlines so that they have some kind of control on certain scenes but I don't know if its by shader or blend shapes.
It's exactly that. Vertex alpha controls the size of the outline, blue vertex channel controls the depth. Refer to pic related.
>Speaking of outlines, any good resources on
implementing proper shader based outlines? I always end up finding shitty ones that cuts off from sharp edges
Is this for blender? Unreal? Unity? The Aerthas blender and Unity shaders already come with outline solutions built-in (geo nodes in the case of the blender shader, which is great).
You literally said you never tested this method, you don’t show it being animated and Blender’s own document says it’s not built for such things: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/render/freestyle/introduction.html

No one can understand your methods when you refuse to share the code you made. This is why we can’t create a Disney clone movie, we don’t have their code, do you expect we can steal better than Disney with your code or what?
I wonder how hard it would be to translate this kind of shader into a realtime game engine like Godot or Unreal?
It's not that hard if you know the basics. I haven't tried the SDF map method yet but I tried doing Arcsys shader in Godot and got most of the basics right. You have way more control on how lights interact with the anime/toon shader which is the main thing I'm tring to figure out.
Thanks anon!
There's already resources out for this. Here's a dedicated shader for Unity that you can check out:


Games like Hi-Fi RUSH, Blue Protocol etc are Unreal games using this tech. Look into them.
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>No gamedev does your nonsense
How disconnected from reality are you?
Even Unity's default HDRP Lit shader use this kind of technique. Hard to make more "yes, the industry casually does it" than that.
99% sure Genshin already does this.
This method isn't affected by lamps or light sources, though, right?
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in 2xKO, a cel-shaded fighting game by Riot, the characters have 2 head models, layered upon each other. Why would they do that?
Pic related, the left mesh is the upper layer, the right one with sharp edge is the hidden mesh beneath.
I'm only guessing, but I think that's related to the threshold maps like in >>993811 . The left face is the actual displayed face, and the one on the right is the one that the cel shadows are calculated on; that way they some out simplified.
check face orientation, sometimes the hull for outline is simplified
here is the model, come and take a look if you will
Oh that thing that’s exclusively to Photoshop and Gimp is legally not allowed to copy because of Adobe’s greed. Ya sure anon anyone can do alpha channels in any photo editing platform. Gee that explains why none of these things you posted in the beginning work.
>Gimp is legally not allowed to copy
Look, you dense triple nigger: I don't give a shit about *your* software.
I'm just a lurking codefag who saw someone say something very retarded about what is or isn't common place in gamedev.
You can be ass-blasted about it as much as you want, it won't change reality.
Whether software on the artfags' side can or can't do it is completely irrelevant to game engines being able to do it.
Putting shit in channels not intend for it to reduce the amount of transfer between CPU & GPU and/or to allow shaders access data that aren't part of the expected package has been part of gamedev since the early 3D era. iirc Spyro skyboxes stored their color vertex data in the UV channels to save on size, for an old-timey example.
oddly enough the outer layer is RED while the inner layer is BLUE. Why? Shouldnt the outer RED?
>YT comments: doesn’t work
Ya good one, you sure showed me. Gimp is the blender of the photography. Yes it works under certain circumstances and rules. The alpha channel in this case is the lost of data which is very important for game engines. Something that isn’t useful anymore because Unity and Unreal Engine alternatives offer better results.

And you call yourself a gamedev, more like a slopdev if you just want a mess. Players complaining about the game graphics. The lag you brought upon yourself and other things. There’s a reason why art development exists, we artists know why certain things work in games and other styles like your nonsense doesn’t.
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>Spyro1 is slopdev
The retard is only posting here because there was a blender screenshot in the OP.
Everyone knows vertex color is a Vec3 in the vertex struct. Its proper use is arbitrary by virtue of it being software.
If you recursively filter words like "maya", "professional", "software", "cris", all of his posts disappear and /3/ becomes 100x better. All the retarded bullshit posted on this board is from just this one user.
Pretty much, this board is already slow as fuck and all it takes is one schizo that has too much time in their hands to keep spamming absolute nonsense.
the outer layer is red, did you mess up the import?
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I used a tool called umodel to extract the model and then imported it to blender. The import option looks likes pic related. I dont think there were anything wrong with it.
here is the model, if you want to check it out
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weird, try again, are you on blender 4.2?
Iam on 4.0. Well I guess I will just flip it.
so, whats the point of that pointy ayylmao head? face threshold something something?
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Guys... The outer layer being red is correct. That's the outline mesh being inverted (hence the normals being flipped) so you can see the outline. It's not supposed to be blue. Look up the 'inverse hull' method which is the main way to get outlines on characters in games going all the way back to the PS1.
if the outer layer being red then how can they display the character's textures on it?
The normals on the outline mesh are being flipped, meaning any other underlying mesh like the base is what will be seen instead. The outline mesh is then expanded a little and given a black unlit material to give it that outline effect.

Watch this video if you want a better understanding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-urA3hqzF30
very good. Nice understanding. Upvoted +1
>reading comprehension
Nothing in 3D should be exclusive, this guy methods only work in Blender and only in that software. Not in Unreal, not in Unity and definitely not in Maya. Your opinion on how wrong you are was just insults on me because you don’t understand what I just said. A blender user like you is always oblivious to actual facts. The answers you give are from other sources not yours and such sources also claim limitations of their source.

I know how to deal with your lies, I know for a fact this method you used can’t work under animation. You never showed them, no source does. Your nonsense has lead you to this point and your lies back to the wall.

Upload a animation gif in 4chan let us see if your method is real or fake.
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>not in Unreal
>not in Unity
You also got linked the corresponding article in Unity's official documentation, just in case you think it's a conspiracy run by jewtube
>not in Maya
I don't give much fuck about Maya, since the discussion was about what's possible in game engines. Unless Maya tried to become one? I vaguely remember Blender attempting that at some point.

I genuinely don't understand what you are trying to achieve. This is a basic practice. It's common. It's pretty much on the same level than trying to argue that game engine can't have real-time lighting or something.
Please open a game engine once in your life, make some cris-tier slop, and see by yourself that not only it's possible, it's also easy and useful.

It's actually impressive. I only lurk here once every century but damn, I pity your board if that's true.
>Entirely on unity
>claims nonsense
No it’s not “This is a basic practice. It's common”, you falsely believe it. The fact that you don’t want to animate or put it on the game engine proves that your dumb methods for Blender is exclusively for blender. Any movement you try will result in problems.
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maybe something about the way theyre making the game doesn´t allow them to do it all at once. ZZZ for example has mesh duplicates of the hair and parts of the body mesh that have accesories drawn in them, each mesh holds a different material, which could just be done wth masks in blender
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Wow, the other Anon wasn't exaggerating.
Anyway, yeah you are right. A technique that has tutorials for it in every major game engine is actually impossible. That was the logical conclusion and you saw right through the conspiracy. Good job champion.
>It's actually impressive. I only lurk here once every century but damn, I pity your board if that's true.
the curse of a slow board, it only takes one autist who never got attention from his parents to ruin it
No it’s not, this is the MMD model. The head base is morph to allow the animation team to move the face. You can morph the face and put it on MMD if you actually try faker.

Look you can’t claim he created something that is only in blender and never tried to do anything else with it. Unity and UE are using different techniques that do not apply in Blender. In other words he is making shit up.
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Can I have some help with the mouth and the fans?
I'm running into two problems right now.
>Problem 1
I can't seem to get the arcsys mouth shape right. I found a tutorial video that helped me figure out how to make a mouth in the style at least, but it was too small and me trying to make a big enough mouth led to pic related
>Problem 2
As you can see, the fans around the mouth are shitty. I have like five different guides right now. (cont)
(cont)And the triangles look completely different. Some of them have like 3 or 4 fans from the mouth connected to one vertex to the face
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>but it was too small
Here's this first attempt btw. Not perfect, and still not accurate >>993991 but still way neater than my attempt when I tried to make the mouth bigger.
Is this a good video?
No it’s another custom shader blender project. You’ll learn nothing and get bad results. It’s the same bad advice from OP.
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You're trying to do something without understanding why it's done in the first place.
The whole point of the fanning is that deforming the mouth becomes hassle-free due to the lack of vertices surrounding it. There's also enough space to deform the mouth in really exaggerated ways typical to anime. That's it. You don't have to do it in a certain way so it's 'right'. It doesn't have to be perfect or precise or 1:1 with Arc System Works' models like pic related. Every mesh is going to look different in this regard. You're going to be modifying the normals so shading isn't a big deal either.
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Yes. Though if you want to ensure full compatibility with the Arc System Works shaders in the OP, make sure your line work is in the alpha channel of the ILM map. Your base maps are generally going to look like this (sans the line art of course).

This is a better, more relevant tutorial that actually explains the Base, ILM and SSS maps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4bKcDEASgI
Dude you’re replying with the same wrong thing on Alpha Channels. Every comment is about why theirs doesn’t work and how Alpha channels work. You gotta address this problem.
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New ggst talk:
> Basic knowledge for understanding the "back method": front and back 4 If the mesh of "display only the back" is slightly larger, only the protruding part will be displayed extra. Using this protruding part as an outline

It is the basic principle of the "back method".

Well OP and crazy blender shader guy methods are officially out dated.
how do I do this if the row of squares ends with a triangle the line seems to distort too much
You can’t, OP method only works if you never move the model. It’s just for looks not for games or video.
It looks like an inverse hull for outlines to me
You can check the face normals, if they are inverted it's that.
Or you can stop with the nonsense and learn MMD. This is a common practice in 3D unlike your own project in Blender exclusively.
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Are there any good youtube tutorials for head modeling?

So far all I have are
I think there's a way but I forget, just get a sample model. and study them. Don't listen to >>994052, he's the usual retard.
You don’t know how it works, stupid people like you is what gives 3D modeling a bad reputation. It’s not common thing it’s not real.
just do the basic bitch natsumori katsu method
Wtf are you sperging about?
Are you mentally ill or something?
Ignore him, art world is full of permabegs who gimped themselves into learning one workflow and will forever seethe at other options while providing no valuable thoughts
Your “other methods” involve substances that only exist in Blender and your custom code that you refuse to give to the public. The crazy one is you.
Yeah, right. Now get lost, schizo.
You get lost, you forgot >>994372 the thing you used in your project. You’re the schizo here.
It's more about being visually accurate tp me than efficiency.
>many top "MMD" creators on iwara theses days use either blender or koikatsu
times have changed
Lies everyone in Japan knows MMD comes from metasequoia 4. Blender doesn’t have PMD or PMX or X files export, only metasequoia keeps the MMD format updated. Many studios like Genshin Impact have used metasequoia to build their models and have it worked into Unity’s system. They give you their models as a gesture to the MMD freedom and fun.

Next time you try to lie don’t rely on fake facts.
Metasequoia is ass for modelling in the long run. it's often just used as the go-between program for alot of situations.
Hell, the tools for exporting to MMD from Blender got updated as recently as june.
You can’t export MMD models https://github.com/UuuNyaa/blender_mmd_tools/issues/164

Incorrect coordinates https://github.com/UuuNyaa/blender_mmd_tools/issues/156

Physics will be removed and replaced with Blender’s method https://github.com/UuuNyaa/blender_mmd_tools/issues/174

This is the complete opposite of PMX editor. All problems point to Blender. No reason to use it when PMX editor exists.
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I found their PDF that details the facial structure behind the mods (what they do with the eyes, the jaw-line, the distance between the nose and the mouth, etc) but nothing about how to make the lips look this way.
gonna link that pdf?
meant for
Ok, so the outlines, using an inverted hull, can be scaled according to the vertex colors to hide them or make them more visible, and this can be recreated with the vertex shader in any game engine.
Blender doesn't have anything like a vertex shader, so you can't preview the results of the vertex colors you're painting. The GG talk mentioned softimage, but it's been discontinued for years now. Could you preview the outline on max or maya? If it can't be done, I'm sure it could be emulated using a script, so is there an addon?
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I just use a vertex group for it. works the same
I guess that sort of works, but it's not the entire package since you can't pull the vertices toward the camera to make the hull visible without changing the overall thickness.
There are more parameters than just thickness.
UPBGE has a node for doing exactly this (because it maintains the game engine (which uses opengl for real-time rendering))
Which outline method is better? Inverted Hull or the one where you draw a black box around your UV like in >>993993

Inverted Hull always makes my lips look weird. Especially when I try to make a mouth box
>Inverted Hull always makes my lips look weird.
Last I checked, games solve that by setting the inverted hull to be *under* around the lips.
You're supposed to use both, dummy.
>A fork of an ancient version of blender.
I guess I'll have to use this if I can't write a plugin for maya.
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You listed multiple things that say the person is using incorrect versions of the plugin with the wrong blender version and didn't look past the first post.

You also somehow missed this too.
Do you know how to fucking read zoomer, or are you just this inept at trolling?
It’s the new blender version stupid. You’re basically saying things don’t work unless you’re in a specific version. Gee why would anyone care when it’s not a common problem.
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It's insane how this schizo is still at it almost two weeks later. Give it up dude.
This happens with Maya and 3DSmax and Metasequoia too. Every 3D program has versioning issues.
No it doesn’t, Maya and 3dMax doesn’t let you get 2020 and the older versions are missing features. You are supposed to stay in one source of maya/3dMax for projects because of problems that no one should deal when transferring 1000s of files.

Metasequoia fixes problems and offers newer things like VRM (Vroid). You have to be stupid to still stay in older buggy versions.

Only blender has dumb version problems and when people ask for help it’s always “what version you in?” “Why do you not upgrade to 3 or 4?” “The plugin doesn’t support this blender version”. It’s the dumbest thing i ever seen.
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>BeLenEt nO PrOBelm In VesTIon
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how do I do this rendering style? looks incredibly simplistic but not unpleasant.
That's just vertex colors/light with low color depth/tonemapping, which causes banding.
How do you model anime eyes if you want them to look good from any angle in a 3d game? The disc and socket method only looks decent if it's a fixed camera angle or vtuber that only has to look forward. Once you see the face from the side it looks strange.
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Always has been, this is where you need to learn shapekey/blendshape to fake the look and trick the audience.
they literally tag blender for their videos kek
>continues to lie
Is blender tag in this room anon. Do you believe the lighting system is not noticeable.
Any good tutorial on Arcsys lips? For the life of me, I can't figure them out
I'm not sure where is there to figure out. It appears they used edges to outline the shape of the lips as you would draw them in 2D. Seems like you just need to be good at art and use the edges to draw the lines properly.
I see the inner form of the lips, the rim of the lips, also known as the "lip line", and then an outer line that is probably used to define shadows surrounding the lips.
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I've pulled the corners back good enough, and I think the size (top is smaller but the bottom lip is more "plump") is rightish, but I'm trying to get the overall shape of the lips accurate.
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Top: polygons shaped to look like lips
Bottom: the actual topology.
The lips are just a ring that been folded in an appealing way. At least, that's what the inner lips are. The lip line and shadow lines merge with the inner lips in a way that defies the ring. But the ring should be the base around which you do the rest.
arcsys topoogy gluck gluck with the lips ring
That kind of reminds me of some of the anime-modeling methods where they made the vertices for the mouth by taking a circle and folding it over with S-Z
how they get the nose shadow to flip in viewport? or are they actually in camera view?
It’s lighting effects because if you’re trying to mimic where the sun would come then you’ll have easier time with shadows.
Is this where we show our dev socks and talk about Strive Bridget?
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Which one looks better? Or should I redo the face altogether?
Cool resources
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lil bro never ripped a single game model in his life
In a month or two this guy is going to make a video tutorial on arcsys topology but he's gatekeeping it behind a paywall

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