On reddit I can only get a lot of upvotes on really simple work. If its something thats intricate and took a long time and has complexity no one seems to appreciate it or understand it. Just happened to me again. Can anyone explain this?
>>1005581Redditors are just like that
>>1005581Nobody cares about how much time it takes, because more Time doesn't mean better.Also, posting on Reddit is for faggots
>>1005588I spent 150-200 hours man. I worked for a month on average 4 hours a day and I get a handful of likes and no shares and zero comments. I'm calm, but disappointed.
redditors are extremely dumb animals. you can make something simple and they will love it as long as it's shiny. if you want them to love something complex you also have to make it shiny. or maybe just add something simple and shiny to your complex scene to trick them into liking it.if all else fails, stick a ukrainian flag on it and/or subtly imply that you're a female, guaranteed updoots.
>>1005581Do you eat upvotes or what?
>>1005590If you're looking for positive input from others, your effort into something is meaningless unless it appeals to others. It doesn't matter of you spent a lifetime making something, if that something isn't appealing, nobody is obligated to like it. that's the truth. however reddit is full off drooling retards, don't pine for their approval
>>1005590Yeah one time i also spent a month or so doing some complex scene that took a lot of time to make, probably a month or so too, and then this fkin glass of coke that took a day to create while bored went and triped the attention from the people, i was so infuriated.
>>1005604>getting some upvotes and some downvotes with no explanationis there anything worse
>pl*bbitgo back there and never return here
>>1005581goddamned jeets.