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Texture Authoring with convoluted node graphs instead of just drawing it in photoshop. Post graphs you have made.
>>1002857 (OP)
Nazis are cringe.
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>Nazis are cringe.
>>1002857 (OP)
can you make a "follow your leader" graph?
pyw lol
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>>1002857 (OP)
Here is what I have managed to whip up so far.
I don't use substance designer. So this would be an inappropriate thread to post my work. I just saw a swastika in the catalog and thought I'd remind you that Nazis are cringe. I hope you're just being edgy and not seriously a Nazi. But you never know these days.
>>1002857 (OP)
is there a tutorial for this but in blender?
Yeah, (You) never know.
He's a Palestinian supporter, I don't think he's a nazi, but I'm 99% sure he's a troon for Palestine
I mean it's a pretty easy conclusion to make since it is highly unlikely an actual stormfag has the brain power to use any software outside of MSpaint. Just look at their shitty memes.
I don't even know what that is, some African country?
What do you mean? This is a software for making texture maps. You can do that in Blender with the shader nodes to an extent but will have to write everything yourself in what will ultamately be lotsa spaghetti. Also there are some things you just can't do in Blender nodes like blurring or warping pixel information in a procedural way. Making patterns with just shaders is also a pain and unintuitive. If you are referring to the swatzika the only way to get stuff like depth and normal information would be to actually physically make the shape and then bake it somehow. You might as well just use photoshop or Illustrator at that point.
yeah but can i follow a tutorial for it in blender?
For the Swatzika or for making textures in general?
like with nodes
Okay I'm going to say this one more time and I'll use small words. Nodes for Nazi symbol or just for pretty colors on models?
>thier memes
those shitty memes dictate internet culture lol stay mad
So you don't deny you are too stupid to use anything but Ms paint? Interesting.
You guys just got here in like 2016. You didn't make shit that actually stuck. Wojak and Pepe and all that was here before you came along if anything you made the good memes cringier by using them the way a little girl uses barbie dolls.
This is a fine example. Basedjack used to be funny but when you spam it to respond to everyone calling you a retard it only makes you seem more retarded especially since it's clear you just drew over the person who made the original drawing because the only thing you can possibly draw is stick figures. The only one coping is you.
like a procedural texture nodes for blender 3d
>>1002857 (OP)
>since it's clear you just drew over the person who made the original drawing because the only thing you can possibly draw is stick figures
even worse: he probably went to booru.onions, searched for "science" and picked one of the first jaks that was under said "science" tag.
my work absolutely mogs yours but why would I post it in a nazi thread?
i bet that sounded witty in your head huh?
Mspaint memes with truth to them>>>> long overly detailed "memes" with no truth to them.
>le peep and whojack
newfag pretender detected.
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I am OP. It's not a Nazi thread. It's a health, luck, success, and prosperity thread. Like I said real Nazis aren't smart enough to use Substance Designer they can only use Ms Paint.
Aww wook he is pwoud of the fact he knows how to use the fiow toow!
This is not practically possible at this time. Use Material Maker instead if you can't afford Substance.
It’s definitely possible just not really worth doing since Blender has no way to blur stuff in shader nodes and you would end up just making a lotta spaghetti just to draw a basic shape. In this case the Swatzika is easy enough to just model by extruding vertices.
Can someone share full version of app? Or where i can download it?
if you cant find it yourself youre kinda retarded, you can try using yandex for torrents, but it should be on any piratebay
>>1002857 (OP)
go back to pol retard
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>I am OP. It's not a Nazi thread.
Yes, I downloaded some, but they just crashed in windows sandbox. I just stay at blender.

Why do you posting so many times on /3/, anon? Is it you(>>1004874 >>1004872 → >>1004875 →) ?
NFI what you're on about
I am just schizo, nevermind
I'm not a stormfag. I just thought it would be cool to make the once Indian symbol it in SD.
M0nkrus adobe master v2
>>1002857 (OP)
how well does this work for stuff like anthros/furries?

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