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File: AI-to-3d-model.jpg (549 KB, 3317x2043)
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it's over
fuck this timeline
Its not even close to over. Literally no new movies have come out that are even worth mentioning in the past 5 years.
>Nobody wants to watch 2 hour movies anynway.
>No body wants to buy dvds.
>No body wants to rent movies.
>No body wants to go to the theater.
>No body wants to watch generated content

On the other hand, people want to create with their own 2 hands. This is the difference between playing a sport, either professionally or recreationally and watching a sport on TV. Two different things.
>>1006395 (OP)
What's the point if they won't be able to monetize it? Not like it will replace any industry job in that case
nobody even wants long form, dude. Short form on the other hand is unmarketable
>>1006395 (OP)
>completely dogshit topology
I'm going to keep making 3d anyways kthxbai
>3d with ai - if you make anything offensive federales coming knocking at your door
>if you post anything offensive you get deplatformed / shadowbanned / or fired from your real job

automatic quad retopo is a solved problem,
not even Zremesh is that good you dumbass
The question will always be if it's good enough. Sure, there will always be people who will pay top dollar for the best of the best, but to most people and companies, "good enough" will do because they are profit-oriented.
If you tell them that you can get a result that is only 80% as good as your regular 3d artist for cents and seconds, they will gobble it up.
I'm getting less and less surprised when I see a product on the market with AI art on it somewhere.
You can run hunyuan3D locally with no internet connection.
>locally with no internet connection.
>made by tencent
>github specifically mentions using an api

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