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Therefore, I do not charge for the assets that I make
>>1006158 (OP)
I can't wait until I make something valuable enough to sell. I don't care if Blender is free. I'm making bank on my creations.
>>1006158 (OP)
>doesnt make assets anyone wants, even for free.
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My side chicks husband doesn't charge for the assets he makes. So I put those assets in my game which I sell, maximizing my profit margins. What a dork. (Nice guy though)
Go away faggot.
Surrounding yourself with beautiful things maximizes happiness and minimizes depression. Thus distributing good-looking assets into as many products as possible is a public service that benefits us all.
Gimmie a billion dollars first to get survival out of the way
>>1006158 (OP)
Make me a free asset, I want a 10 inch ferret dildo to gift my favourite streamer maldavius figtree
>>1006158 (OP)
Go away PooDeep. Fucking dalit.

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