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a thread to post your daily sculpts and sculpting in general
previous thread >>995861
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I should buy a tablet
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nah I'll stick to mouse and keyboard
Great thread, seeing a lot of positive energy and hype in here. Keep it up. Very nice
based mousechads, i seek your wisdom and I wish to join your ranks. is there a secret to adjusting brush strength dynamically or do you just change it manually as needed?
This is pretty cool style! Could you share what is your inspiration?
Scrollwheel = size
scrollwheel + key = intensity ...
Don't tell anybody pls
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I was following Julien Kaspar's stylized character course
learned a lot about anatomy and such
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>>1003156 (OP)
Hello, how do I make cute models like those? Blender fucking sucks ass, piece of shit.

Something easy for chibi models with cute clothes and such
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I still think you should get a tablet, they're only $50-100 for a decent medium-sized tablet
Christmas is coming up, maybe you can get someone to gift it to you if for some reason you can't spare $50-100
if you´re not picking up a screen tablet just stick with mouse, that shit is wack to use
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"The heavier the coinpurse, the more glory in stealing it" - Gobtetus
"For we carry our gold with us, and it carries us" - Gobbus Aurelius
"In a rich human's house there is nowhere to spit but his face" - Digobenes
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it ain't much but it's honest work

it's a matter of preference but I hate screen tablets, the angle is uncomfortable, my hand covers the screen, I have to hold my arm while sculpting and the screen protector gets covered in scratches
but I do have muscle memory for using a regular tablet since I practiced a lot when I learned to draw
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trying my hand at caricature, smalltime lolcow I've been enjoying lately
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invest in gobcoin today!
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first time sculpting something that isn´t from T-pose...
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tryna git gud, r8 it and h8 it
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I swear the smooth brush is a lot slower in 4.3 than it used to be in 4.2, I'm not going crazy
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idk how im supposed to do teeth
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More Head
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the cleanest way to do teeth is as separate objects
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for what it's worth I feel it too. I think I'm just under 1.5m triangles in picrel but smooth started shitting the bed around 750k. frankly i dislike how brushes are now assets. I didn't sculpt a whole lot pre-4.3 but i feel like i remember brushes retaining their settings between sessions but now they reset everytime I close blender and it's annoying. I've never wanted to go backward with blender versions but between this and eevee next I'm genuinely considering going back to 4.1 and staying there until it gets better.
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>i remember brushes retaining their settings between sessions but now they reset everytime I close blender and it's annoying
what you want to do is duplicate the brushes you use, get the settings you like and save them as assets
the new system is better than 4.2 where I had to have all my brushes saved in the startup file
new to sculpting does perfect anatomy really matter when pursuing a less realistic style? I'd imagine it would be more important to get the general shapes and sizes consistent more than anything else, no?
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>perfect anatomy
Much is obscured in images due to perspective and lighting not to mention the focal length.
>general shapes and sizes
Yeah focus on proportions. That alone will teach you many things about anatomy.
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I don't know a good way to do fur without spending a lot of time, I can't make it look right on 30 minutes sculpts
idk where else to ask but i tried the free zbrush mini today and holy SHIT the viewport navigation is so weird I can't grab the background to move i just can't do it bros. I can't figure out how to change it though and googling doesn't give me much. how tf do I change it to something like maya or blender? gonna be a dealbreaker for me if I can't, this shit is so unintuitive. can you at least fix it in the real version of zbrush?
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complete noob here
what does the workflow look like for avoiding trash topology when sculpting?
i dont even want to touch this stuff when i think about the nasty ass topology im gonna end up making
topology doesn't matter when sculpting, you retopologize the object after you're done if you need good topology and low/medium polycount
if you already have a shape and you're just doing fine details on top, another option is to use subdivision levels (multires modifier in blender) to increase the mesh density
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already been 2 months of daily sculpting those pokemons, some are decent sculpts, others are... well I can cope by saying they're 30 minutes speedsculpts
Feeling the progress?
> some are decent sculpts, others are...
switch from screenshots to turnaround webms so you can´t get away with something that only works from an angle
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>Feeling the progress?
not really but at least I don't forget how to sculpt when I'm working on painting or drawing since I'm sculpting every day
it gets me to sculpt things I've never sculpted before, but it's not challenging at my skill level

oh hell no, half of the tails are disjointed because I'm trying to match the pokedex illustrations
I'm using https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/bulbasaur for my references if you want to tear them apart
there´s a plugin that changes it, though idk if it works on pirated versions(found people talking about the error i get, ill see if the fix is valid tomorrow https://www.reddit.com/r/ZBrush/comments/vy52z9/cant_install_the_middle_button_plugin_for_zbrush/)
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Christmas eve sculpt
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merry xmas
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after a lot of procrastination, my architecture project is close to finishing.Just need to finish the hair and tail and add some color
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doing something that isn't a sphere with a spiral on its belly is pleasant, spirals are surprisingly hard to draw

dios mio
I tried driving into sculpting a while back and basically had no idea what I was doing. I thought part of the appeal was that you didn't have to worry about topology, at least at first
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snussy sketch
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more detailed closeup with some lazy materials. I was surprised to find out the extra breathing hole was that Big when looking at snake anatomy pictures
basically all these sculpts are useless because 1) they arent rigged and animated 2) they arent in tpose so #1 is impossible
>cant be rigged if its not in tpose
get those chromosomes recounted, i smell medical fraud. only like pidgey and ekans would be unriggable, and even then its an easy fix
if its not in tpose you do double the work. If the limbs arent in the correct position and digits spread out they will never ever rig properly. Get out of here.
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hips. give her hips!
How do I get better at sculpting. I’m using a non screen tablet
How long have you been sculpting and what are you trying to sculpt? I also use a non-screen tablet. I think mainly it's just a matter of doing it often and learning the tricks and tools through exposure and knowledgeable creators online.
I’ve been sculpting on and offf for about a half a year on mouse. I want to sculpt humans and fictional creatures, like the Pokémon posted in this thread
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the best way to improve is to have projects, short ones and long ones too
for humans I recommend referencing "Anatomy For Sculptors" by Uldins Zarins, you should be able to find a pdf easily

anon, what do you think the purpose of those sculpts is?
is the difference really that noticeable? i just watchs some video talking about how sculpting is 8x faster in 4.3, should i update?
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I mean, I'm not sculpting 2 proper sets of hands within the 30 minutes limit, this is as good as it was ever going to get

I can't say I've noticed a x8 difference, but I still think you should rip the band-aid off and update now instead of falling behind versions
it's going to take you a day to duplicate the brushes, tweak them to your liking, redo your shortcuts and save them as assets, but you only have to do it once
>see fun looking OC on twitter and decide to use it for sculpt practice, creator is ok with it
>look at the rest of the guy´s work
>i love all of it
holy fuck if i don´t have any projects this year i might transition from never touching furshit to bein g a profitable furry artist, i genuinely want to make all of them.
>>1003156 (OP)
What's the most idiot-proof software? I tried modelling on Blender once. I accidentally fucked up the mesh, creating some anomalies that smoothing didn't fix.
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I’ve been delving into 3D sculpting throughout the year; I use Nomad Sculpt to do so. I know I have a long way to go, but I figured I’d share something at least.
A lot of these were done in the span of 2-3 days, but I couldn’t find a thread specifically for first-timers.
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>struggling to sculpt faces
>meanwhile someone made this with a fucking chainsaw
brb gonna kms
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happy new year, this year is the year
Keep doing it.
I can sculpt a realistic face without reference, but I been doing it thousands of times.
Surely you could've re-meshed the model to deal with any quirks
SOVL, soulless, soulless, SOVL
SOVL, SOVL, soulless, SOVL
soulless, soulless, soulless, soulless
soulless, SOVL, SOVL, SOVL
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the virgin "study anatomy" vs the chad "do it from memory and just make shit up whenever you blank out". Originally she wasn´t mean to be black, but I saw a vid on my recommendations of someone making an afro using a displacement modifier and i wanted to give it a try
gigabased, anatomy is for chumps
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this OC is supposed to be based on rhea ripley apparently? idk i dont watch WWE, i just saw a drawing and thought it would be fun to sculpt. Failed pretty hard though, kinda just looks like a joker chud. Might try again in the future, i tried using the side profile as reference but i feel like the artist didn´t exaggerate nearly as much in the other shots.
I´ll try retopoing this before my next project, I think I can get some use out of it
before vs after marriage
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I will kill myself if people can´t tell who this is (joking)(maybe not)

Now that I think of it, this might be my first time making a male lol
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>>1003156 (OP)
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mama mía, ¡melones!
Looks like Luigi Mangione to me
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Skip Gravler, the design is a waste of time
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no skipping, gotta sculpt them all
also is graveler's design that bad?
You're good
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done retopoing the buff bitch down to 30k. not the greatest topology but it's gonna be used as a base to pose for sculpts not animation so it doesnt matter too much.I did sculpt the new outfit for shitposting purposes so it counts as sculpting.
Also messed a little with some older works, but i'm not gonna take multiple image slots for that
>>1004554 https://files.catbox.moe/jy8jce.png
>>1004134 https://files.catbox.moe/f89id0.png

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>also is graveler's design that bad?
Relatively speaking, yeah imo. I'dve skipped it personally, along with others probably.
Was just throwing my two cents in for the sake of posting something though
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today wasn't a good day, I'm in Spain but the S is silent
puter fucking broke, i think i'm gonna try using one of those 3d sculpting phone apps, but last time i tried it felt like shit. any app recommendations that don't cost money? I guess I could try sculptgl but idk if my shit laptop will hold up
Sculpted a full base mesh with tits, hands and everything. 8 months of sculpting on and off
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I've sstarted to do more sculpts because of you. get well soon
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is it weird if i would like to see this character on smutbase?
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Now stick 3 of them together
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some pokemons do be like that, it can't be helped
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try studying irl faces without wanting to drink bleach(impossible difficulty). Any guesses for who this is?
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sculptbros, which pose would be easiest? which one would be the most appealing? which one would be the optimal mixture of easiness and appeal?
random stylized body i felt like making, the hands and feet aren´t even done because i´d just reuse old ones if i end up doing retopo
heavily depends on the character you´re trying to sculpt
>>1003156 (OP)
Any idea where i can download free this jenny officer model?:

I would like make a skin for gta san andreas and for manhunt using said model
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I too, picked pokemon to sculpt. Granted I'm stuck stressing about making the fins look nice
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ferrero looking motherfucker, I'm not sure that's how want to do this
maybe smoothing the randomize was a mistake

nice, keep sculpting
borderlands style character. planning to lean hard into the classic borderlands 1 and 2 look so not going for 100% perfect anatomy but appeal and style are important
artstyle choice doesnt tell me much. Hair, titty size, clothing, accessories, anything that affects the characters silhouette will change how a pose feels.if your design has a "main element", whatever pose you choose should show it well. try roughly drawing your character on top on the pictures youve posted, it might help you decide. Or just do a proper character model and try all poses after retopo and rigging
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how bad is it bros
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I don't know what your reference looks like, but the eye region is wrong for human beings
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>hmm today i will make cute goblina waifu
>accidentally make another semite
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I fucked the proportions royally, but I love her
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muy bueno
Seent it on rigmodels com
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Marine iguana i made to try out a brush pack, i kind of like him
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Thank you very much bro!
Also I'm noob doing 3D stuff: so that web page is like those porn pages that "leak" premium content but with 3D models, right? so the models in that web page is exactly the same file like the original jeeny officer that's on sale from the link i previously posted, rigth?

I use Autodesk 3D max 2012 and on rigmodels I saw you can download the models in several formats so could you please tell me what format is the best for me? I used wavefront Object format and i got pic related and yeah it works in my gta sa(and now im trying to figure it what went wrong with the texture)

Could you please suggest me more web pages like rigomodels? really bro I'm a super noob!
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this one doesn't really work in 3D
Invert normals and cull backfaces
It's not much of a printable pokémon anyways.
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all of my sculpts look like a semi-retarded stone age artisan made them so I decided to embrace it
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it's a style, you could study from real sculptures from different eras, maybe eventually you're reach Bernini
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This one is great, how did you make this flat surfaces on the rocks?
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line project to block it out, then I went in with a scrape brush to refine it and work it
I don't remember how I tweaked my scrape brush but default should work
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I´m back, I fucking hate sculpting hair
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sounds fun actually, maybe I'll give it a go

also hot take, bernini's david is better than michelangelo's. Michelangelo is still the overall better artist but bernini mostly outclasses him in sculpture.
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holy fucking based
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shid forgot pic
look at this shit, no one ever has or ever will match that.
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had this idea in my backlog for a while, finally got around to it. Need a better rock shader though
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tomorrow is voltorb, the 100th sculpt is fucking voltorb, how do I make voltorb interesting to sculpt...

Bernini came a century later, they were both top sculptors but the level of sculpting got higher
sculpting marble must really suck
focus on the eyebrows on voltorb
the mouth on electrode.
>bribe a local mortician so you can study anatomy and pray the locals don't catch you and hang you for corpse diddling
>sketch a shitload of poses and studies (these were often destroyed to prevent rival artists from stealing your ideas, surviving ones are extremely prized among niche collectors look it up)
>make smaller scale models in wax or clay
>once design is finalized, move to full scale in clay
>once that is finalized, transfer the design to marble with precise measurements and tools
that's how most people did it, even way back in antiquity. no one really just looked at a solid block of marble and spontaneously carved something out of it. except maybe michelangelo, dude wasn't human. also marble is relatively soft, it's easier than you would think to carve it.

anyways here's this piece of shit

based beyond belief. we need to go back even further.
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it's not like they have anything else I could focus on
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female adn male
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More Head
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i was gonna make a caricature of this cute but psycho feminist youtuber i found but when i did the hair i decided to u-turn into this fine gentleman. His name is Lawrence Chang, and he's a person of interest in a string of disappearances in San Fransisco in 1986.
Looks like chibi christopher walken i like him
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3 in a row are just fucking balls lol
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Heads galore
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I'm not complaining about having some easy pokemon
I haven't missed a single day so far, even if I only spend 30 minutes on them it's not always easy
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continuing my study of ancient sculpture, this one is easily the worst so far. learned something cool though, I always thought she was young when this was made, but apparently she was in her late 40s/early 50s according to people who studied it. and yeah you look closely at the original and there are some subtle signs of aging which is pretty cool.
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last few days I've tried to do one realistic head and one stylized head so I think I'm gonna make that a daily goal thing.
[new difficulty level, try to make something fuckable] ughh, I got it to a point where it´s recognizable(at least I think it is) but there´s something off
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4th sculpt, this shit is fun as hell
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Torso and arms practice
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/wip/ hit image limit so im gonna drop my blockout here, please feel free to roast to your hearts content
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fuck, I tried to do the skirt differently from how I usually sculpt them, it didn't work and I ran out of time
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blocking things in

two heads or one
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two heads is going to make your life harder, is it worth it to you?
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yeah youre right

fuck that other head

retypo finish
fuck i was planning to do hugh laurie too, i guess i´ll move it down on the backlog. snatching the reference images though
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this might come off as controversial to some, but anatomy for sculptors has been far more useful to me for rigging than it has for sculpting. It is still extremely valuable, but I'm glad that I did not pay for it.
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quick sketch of the crimson king

looks nothing like him

retards pretending to know shit they dont know about

why do they even exist?
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Torso proportions practice
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make a lopunny with huge tits
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That been done countless times (plus, they're all going to be as game accurate as the official images).
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Any tips on how to make ears quickly ?
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sketched an audrey kawasaki
make a lopunny with 6 huge tits
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as soon as I took a look at the pokedex illustration, I knew, I can't make kangaskhan look good in 30 minutes

UV sphere, scrape the front and back flat, grab it into shape, keep it separate until the resolution of the head is high enough to remesh together
you want to keep the ear separate at first so you can easily sculpt the concha and tweak the position without affecting the head
because the ear has finer details than the head it helps to work at a higher resolution so remesh it to a higher resolution

you should do that yourself, I don't even know if I'll get to lopunny because it's 4th gen and I stopped playing on 3rd gen
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>you want to keep the ear separate at first so you can easily sculpt the concha and tweak the position without affecting the headnice tip, i'll try this later.
Unironically Anon, you should play up to Gen 5. I personally consider Gen 4 my favorite, with many fans considering it a high point of the series.

Play Platinum and HeartGold/SoulSilver, then Black/White and Black 2/White 2.
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I think i'm getting there
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>I think i'm getting there
after 172 heads, I bloody hope so!
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>>1003156 (OP)
wanna do something similar with pals, not sure if i'll do them all but here's a start
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smug pal
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nice shoes
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nice, that sounds like a good challenge, I think pals designs are more complicated than pokemon designs on average
very hot
maybe if i were high i´d think it looks good. Still need to do the ears and hair at least
Most of these are pretty fucking bad lol
you expect us to spend days on a sculpt just to post it on 4chan?

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decided to throw in some colors for this cock

>nice, that sounds like a good challenge
yeah im learning a lot, it's great practice

>very hot
sir that is a cat
Is this snoop dogg lol?
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heres my latest sculpt, im still learning and its taken forever
image limit reached, new thread at >>1007862 →

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