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a thread to post your daily sculpts and sculpting in general
previous thread >>995861
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I should buy a tablet
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nah I'll stick to mouse and keyboard
Great thread, seeing a lot of positive energy and hype in here. Keep it up. Very nice
based mousechads, i seek your wisdom and I wish to join your ranks. is there a secret to adjusting brush strength dynamically or do you just change it manually as needed?
This is pretty cool style! Could you share what is your inspiration?
Scrollwheel = size
scrollwheel + key = intensity ...
Don't tell anybody pls
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I was following Julien Kaspar's stylized character course
learned a lot about anatomy and such
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Hello, how do I make cute models like those? Blender fucking sucks ass, piece of shit.

Something easy for chibi models with cute clothes and such
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I still think you should get a tablet, they're only $50-100 for a decent medium-sized tablet
Christmas is coming up, maybe you can get someone to gift it to you if for some reason you can't spare $50-100
if you´re not picking up a screen tablet just stick with mouse, that shit is wack to use
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"The heavier the coinpurse, the more glory in stealing it" - Gobtetus
"For we carry our gold with us, and it carries us" - Gobbus Aurelius
"In a rich human's house there is nowhere to spit but his face" - Digobenes
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it ain't much but it's honest work

it's a matter of preference but I hate screen tablets, the angle is uncomfortable, my hand covers the screen, I have to hold my arm while sculpting and the screen protector gets covered in scratches
but I do have muscle memory for using a regular tablet since I practiced a lot when I learned to draw
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trying my hand at caricature, smalltime lolcow I've been enjoying lately
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invest in gobcoin today!
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first time sculpting something that isn´t from T-pose...
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tryna git gud, r8 it and h8 it
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I swear the smooth brush is a lot slower in 4.3 than it used to be in 4.2, I'm not going crazy
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idk how im supposed to do teeth
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More Head
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the cleanest way to do teeth is as separate objects
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for what it's worth I feel it too. I think I'm just under 1.5m triangles in picrel but smooth started shitting the bed around 750k. frankly i dislike how brushes are now assets. I didn't sculpt a whole lot pre-4.3 but i feel like i remember brushes retaining their settings between sessions but now they reset everytime I close blender and it's annoying. I've never wanted to go backward with blender versions but between this and eevee next I'm genuinely considering going back to 4.1 and staying there until it gets better.
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>i remember brushes retaining their settings between sessions but now they reset everytime I close blender and it's annoying
what you want to do is duplicate the brushes you use, get the settings you like and save them as assets
the new system is better than 4.2 where I had to have all my brushes saved in the startup file
new to sculpting does perfect anatomy really matter when pursuing a less realistic style? I'd imagine it would be more important to get the general shapes and sizes consistent more than anything else, no?
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>perfect anatomy
Much is obscured in images due to perspective and lighting not to mention the focal length.
>general shapes and sizes
Yeah focus on proportions. That alone will teach you many things about anatomy.
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I don't know a good way to do fur without spending a lot of time, I can't make it look right on 30 minutes sculpts
idk where else to ask but i tried the free zbrush mini today and holy SHIT the viewport navigation is so weird I can't grab the background to move i just can't do it bros. I can't figure out how to change it though and googling doesn't give me much. how tf do I change it to something like maya or blender? gonna be a dealbreaker for me if I can't, this shit is so unintuitive. can you at least fix it in the real version of zbrush?
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complete noob here
what does the workflow look like for avoiding trash topology when sculpting?
i dont even want to touch this stuff when i think about the nasty ass topology im gonna end up making
topology doesn't matter when sculpting, you retopologize the object after you're done if you need good topology and low/medium polycount
if you already have a shape and you're just doing fine details on top, another option is to use subdivision levels (multires modifier in blender) to increase the mesh density
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already been 2 months of daily sculpting those pokemons, some are decent sculpts, others are... well I can cope by saying they're 30 minutes speedsculpts
Feeling the progress?

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