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How can I eliminate these artifacts?
I need to have additional quads in that part of the dress because it stretches a lot when rigging
All of these are quads
Let me reword my question, the OP barely makes sense:
Is this the correct way to handle this? I'm getting some lighting artifacts when turning on smooth shading, so my guess is on.
SubD shit is pinching hell on surfaces that aren't flat when polys things aren't straight rows and columns of quads. Artefacts in such surfaces will borderline always exist and are just a matter of minimizing their appearance. Easy solution is to have a higher poly base.

Divide your whole model, and revert areas that don't need the extra rez back to the grid like structure (do them in whatever order you think is best for each area). Artefacts should be less noticeable in the areas you keep non gridded after some tweaking.
All that said, maybe wait for some others to give their thoughts, I'm not 100% sure that this is the best thing to do
Ignore pic related, was going to say something else lol
Cris please stop, you've messed up topology of a fucking cylinder
>it stetches a lot when rigging
the hell? can't you just have more geometry for the for the dress overall?
thats the issue, I'm not sure
its for my own vidya, and I'm aiming for low-spec compatiblity

I think I found the solution, I just needed some sleep
File: topology.png (47 KB, 1048x522)
47 KB
if that's your highpolycage, do the left version
if it's your lowpoly, do the right version

there is nothing wrong with using ngons and tris in your subdivision cage as long as you're aware what they're doing. Tris pinch, ngons sag, that's it.

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