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itt we post /3/ stuff that makes you go "huh."
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>3ds max
>3ds max JAPAN
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damn that's an insane way to make a base head, nice topology
I fucking hate this god
link to video?
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this is how I've done faces for a long time
it's not efficient
>it's not efficient
How are you doing it now?
I hate this
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this scare me
oh now that's nice
neat, didnt know about that

Hmm. Also neat
That's sick. Is that like a billboarded sprite for the body/head and the rest is modeled?
nta but looks like it.
thanks for the idea, now my Apustaja RPG won't be so far fetched anymore.
How many view angles would you need for a full turnaround including looking at it from bottom to top? I imagine you would do half and mirror the rest
8 or 10 different angled sprites
> basic math makes /3/ go "huh"
Not surprised.
>retard doesn't get what the webm is about
Not surprised.
huh because the one on the right isn't the same topologically as the one of the left?
Both the eyes and mouth have additional loops inserted and is further subdivided.
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I've been using this method to make heads for a few months now and I've got it down to a science. Pic related is an example I'm currently working on. I find this a lot faster to work with than the "map out verts over front and side ref and join them up" that's typical with anime poly modelling. Also, it's suitable for both low (PS2-ish) or high poly models. I've used it for both.

I'm considering making an actual tutorial at some point as there's not that much resources on it outside of that one Joey Carlino video but it's not suited to anime topology.
Well, the important part about this method is establishing the core loops of the face while it's flat. Once you start sculpting over it to get the proper forms of the face in place, it doesn't matter if you add extra loops here or there. The face being flat is simply step one of the whole process.
thanks for the arrow, otherwise I wouldn't have believed that they had anything to do with each other.
the face is okay, but absolutely generic - the hair looks like shit with horrible topology.
i would be careful to use the term science here, then you just have to expect scorn and ridicule
Crabs like this only show up when they feel intimidated. Tell us how ya really feel, champ.
please do a video tutorial. even timelapse is fine to me as I need to understand how does one pulling off the final shape from the initial flat mesh
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what 3dmaxchuds have to do to achieve a fraction of blenderchads power......
He deleted all of his Twitch VODs.
No I'm pretty sure the frame driver is doughnut tier common knowledge
thats how i do it
the idea of having to retopo kills me inside so i dont sculpt anymore
you're doing it the right way.
I cringe every time I see people "sculpt" animu faces in Zbrush with all sorts of complex, even textured brushes only for the result to be the stereotypical low detail animu face.
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basic geometry.
this is very cool.
This will be humans in 2024
The math is simple, but personally I didn't know you could type expressions in the transform field which would be evaluated each frame.
Very powerful
99% of all Blender users don't know about that feature.
yeah it makes sense for anime but not for anything else
why stylized only?
digital horror
got a link?
Ain't no way this doesn't create more cleanup work at the end.
Based on reading the screen, I guess it's https://blendermarket.com/products/softwrap
Does the method look something like this ?
I used this trick today to animate a moving reference plane underneath my in-place walk cycle animation. Very good feature to be aware of
name of the dude maybe? reverse searching the screenshots doesn't give any real sauce
timeplapse please
1. look at a topology refrence for a human male or female
2. copy the topology
3. every know and then switch to sculpt mode and push and pull verts until they match the shape that you want
how to do it for non-human and anime?
I'm an autist and can only learn from visuals.
Where/who is this from?
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This topology
What is this system of switching based on camera called?
What is the point of this?
Saves time on retopo, uvs and I would assume rigging and shapekeys too
in vfx we use tools that are actually good at this and have features.
Such as?
Faceform Wrap
surely there's a reason for such topology, right?
what's wrong with it?
its OK for 2010 but not for what is actually used in production today
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When's the fast rough sex that nobody makes?
Not really
literally "Russian 3D Scanner". not an euphemism. its the actual name.
what software is this?
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Here's a version with more steps.
If you really want to freak people out you should post the topology of the panda from Turning Red.
Anime people should show what their models look like with default materials more.
So beginners who think their stuff looks jank because they haven't applied shaders and color aren't too dissuaded when they think their own models aren't looking correct as they work
Most anime heads don't even use edited normals so even with default materials you still won't get an accurate idea of what the model looks like in 3D.

I know but some beginners schiz out because they're making something that looks like shit because they're using a default mats/shading and have no idea that default stuff doesn't tell you anything.
Just a small ramble desu, it probably doesn't happen as much as I assume it does
nice lips
Thanks I got them from my dad
>No explanation
>Just "It's bad"
This is probably the worst answer possible.
Not him, but you're absolutely right, and people do it with sculpts in general. You know a table is a table, and you know a chair is a chair, but a human being with matte grey skin doesn't look like a human being however good the sculpt is until the sculptor gets used to seeing them like that.

It's not a bad thing, though, it shows they care about their artwork.
Dumb question but what's going on with that topology inside his ears? Do my eyes deceive me, or are those ngons I'm seeing?
that's Maya
It's ok, each of those n-gons is just 3 triangle ;^)
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remember this livestream?
No, Cris. I don't remember watching that particular live stream.
Why would I
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Post the layout for a realistic human face of the same thing!
>Twitch VODs.
Archived videos?
looks like those polys were made in front of the ear to create a face for some like ear fluff texturing to create some kind of depth
This is how I do bodies and I always have to retopo afterwards because I'm a big doodoo head
ayy lmao
>tfw new ryan gosling movie comes out
I have a similar approach, mesh modelling and then sculpting just works, especially for organic models.
I do recall the disaster tourism with Mr Zuckerberg livestream

What does that have to do with 3DCG tho?
Tell me if I'm wrong but this methods does limit the art styles you can go for with this? I mean, everytime I see someone do something like that, it's an anime girl that's beig modeled.
I wish this shit worked with stylized heads and topo. I have no idea desu but I feel it won't since these two meshes are very similar to begin with
I'd watch. If I was going to stick with this thing I'd want to do models like PS1/PS2 era.
what's your method for making the skull?
I'm not making a skull, it's a face
>I wish this shit worked with stylized heads and topo.
Oh it absolutely does.
It's purpose though is to make retopo faster for similar models. So if you're doing a ton of normal human faces you only need one finished good topology head.
If you make dog heads or something, just have 1 good topo dog head and you can do the same again.
If you always for some reason do completely different models each time then yeah, it wouldn't be of any help in your case
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here ya go guys
That's not as strange as I expected. It's still weird but I can see the appeal. I might try it soon.
that's sick
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ct scan of a gamers brain after he tried giving himself amnesia to re-play his favorite game for the first time again
wow, that's crazy.
That's completely ama
and what has frame driver to do with basic maths again?
Either way it's not common knowledge, although this is indeed emntioned in the donut video.
that's what Indians are for
is that Ember Twin from Outer Wilds?
my insides after mexican food
I will never understand why animu faec modelers always re-invent the wheel every time they start a new project instead of using a face mesh they've made in the past and just nudge vertices around until it fits the new character reference image. 99% of Animu faces are all almost fucking identical.
Reusing your assets all time is a good way to never improve
>anime face
>too generic
Anon, I...
I find it funny how they're still clinging to the memetaverse shit despite it having horribly flopped
Holy fuck, i did a model the same way OP's pic show and goddamn, i hate myself. Just a miserable experience up to a point.
>up to a point.
...and then?
I just thought of a great idea: corporate memphis metaverse.
a question, if you've done the model+rigging, how do you turn them into high poly for, let say, a promotional posters and ads 30 seconds animation? since the title says that it's for vtuber which is lowpoly.
Inverted normals
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I'm no expert. But I believe that if you want to make a model such as the one in the video appear higher poly, then you can just subdivide the mesh. That model is very economical with it's topology. Meaning, there is little to no excess. But it's not low poly either. A low poly model wouldn't use what appears to be a 12 to 16 sided cylinder to define the thighs. If your topology is tight enough, then you can subdivide it without no problem. You might need to sharpen some edges here and there, but other than that, it shouldn't require much work at all.
i was hyped but end result looks like shit
Disclaimer I have shit taste, but to me a lot of those "smooth cartoonish 3d models" look like they immediately will look better if you decimate/weld to reduce polys to early 90s levels.
post moar huh material
I want to huh more

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