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File: Flouride stare.png (1.89 MB, 1000x1300)
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What's the board obsession with DAZ? I regularly use blender, Zbrush, etc in my pipeline and never even once considered using DAZ. I don't even know what it does, yet you all seem to insist on it.
The only thing I know about DAZ is that every model that comes out of it looks like a single mom with a skin disease and a permanent fluoride stare. Even the stylized characters seem to have a "look" about them that instantly betrays their dazzieness. What's the deal? What's being offered in DAZ that I can't get anywhere else?
DAZ is a coomer videogame disguising as a art software. It's purpose is to enable the userbase of
taking creep shot photography off women pretending like they're doing something more elevated than that.

It's popular with an audience that pretends like this isn't the case and seek out art-communities to spam renders pretending
like posing, staging assets and lighting scenes is a craft in it's own on a similar level to making stuff from scratch.

It's nothing new. Before DAZ it was poser Bryce 3D etc. Don't confuse the DAZ-lets with real people.

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