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is it a bad idea to use A.I. pictures as reference for modeling and texture color?
Yes, look at the arm, one is bigger than the other. AI doesn’t care about human anatomy.
It depends as long as you get the model to look decent then I see no problem with using it as a reference for textures
No it's not a bad idea
Change the things that are off
For example her hands are masculine looking
You are both idiots to believe this nonsense. Real tracing will help you learn how some did the arm. A robot will not teach you anything about likeness of a human.
AI is terrible to use as reference.
References for anatomy, which you need even for anime crap, need to be accurate and high quality, and you need to be able to use them to understand how the body works. There's always accuracy problems, and you will end up reproducing those errors.
It's less bad to use it for stylistic reference, but even I personally wouldn't use it. They tend to be generic, and this might sound like bullshit but there's an important difference between reference and inspiration. Being inspired is having an idea, you see something and it makes you think of something ELSE. The risk with using AI is that you task the ai with creating something that you will then basically copy.
That doesn't happen when you look for real photographs or art created by real people, with those you won't find the exact image that you need, and if you did you wouldn't be able to create your own art without it just being a copy.
Furthermore, you need to spend time looking for references and inspiration and building a collection. You need to learn to always be on the lookout for reference and inspo IRL and to take a photo. If all you do is use AI, the scope of your creativity will be severely limited.

The only time I'll use AI as reference is if a client comes to me with AI stuff. I wish they wouldn't, it's better if we just talk, but they're paying me so there you go.
anime artstyle allows a fuckton of leeway in actual proportions, so it hides a lot of mistakes the AI or a shit artist makes. Don't fall in this hole and learn actual anatomy and then apply the style with meaning and care.
you can easily see, that this discount asuka has the shoulders of a linebacker (her shoulder joints are actually completely outside her torso) and a balding problem.
as for colors, yeah it usually hits the common color schemes, but that's about it (brown-ish and dark blue, how wild)
(also, who tf wears a watch on their right hand)
>Real tracing will help you learn how some did the arm
Are you sure you know what a reference means?
Op is not taking about to learn to draw, he wants to use Ai as a reference to model and texturing.
You can use Ai to do so, like every 2d drawing you have to make it work for 3d.
Can you stop with your AI bullshit Cris ? how many threads here are yours? >20? I've seen you on int pol g vg mu, it is time to stop.
Do you seriously believe every A.I. poster is Chris?
How many people can be posting here? from 30 to 50? this thread was made by Cris, 100% chance.
Color is the only thing AI is actually good at
I don’t think you understand, each person does it differently. One will use tools while another used their hands. AI can’t copy human thought into why a female has normal clothing. Just like this example here: >>986561

Wind is going right but clothing and hair is going left, inconsistent logic. Never use AI for tracing. Also colors don’t make sense, there’s no sun so everything being red is illogical. Plants are black while character and cloud are red. The sky is blue for no reason. Another example of why you should not use AI.
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"What is this why is he holding a planet, humans cant hold up a planet!"
"The planet is red but the bounce light on the suite is white, its not right"
"Why is the yang red it should be white"
Have you considered NPR (Non photo realism) exists and human artists use it all the time because NPR is usually more interesting
Doing those things with intentionality is good. If I drew a picture where the hair is blowing against the wind I would be doing it to convey something.
The AI doing it by accident for no reason, which means it serves no purpose. It's an error.

I actually like AI errors, I think AI art was far more interesting and worthwhile before it got better at stealing. Now the errors are just errors, and of no interest.
Well at least real artists who drew real art and real software like Maya will not alternate the shadows. Also no human being can 90 degree their shoulders and arm. The body suit for the shoulder isn’t even bent it breaks the moment for the viewer. Oh and let me guess, you think humans can use their thumbs to hold planets. The arm isn’t even in a position, the entire thing looks way worse as you keep looking at it.

You’re not an artist, you can’t even tell the AI to stop doing bad things. Clearly your the problem and you need correction.
>I don’t think you understand, each person does it differently.
I understand that, but OP asked something specific, can you use ai as a reference for modeling and colour?
Yes, you can. I've suffered from the same inconsistencies from a Human artist.
>"What is this why is he holding a planet, humans cant hold up a planet!"
He's stealing it because he's black
Then stop following the bad artist, it’s that simple.

No one grabs it with their thumbs, no one breaks their bones as the arm moves 90 degrees. AI is stupid to ever generate these inconsistent results.
i genned like 150 model sheets of anthros and they all looked great.
ive a modelled exactly 0 of them in all this time, but i did it and they looked good.
if a gen looks like shit then gen a new one or fix it by hand. AI is a tool. its the future. get with it or get left behind.
>ive a modelled exactly 0 of them in all this time, but i did it and they looked good.
anything that gets you to actually work on your project is a good idea

genning a fuck ton of images in 5 minutes to use as references is more efficient than googling for 3 hours and never working on anything
This one came out very well. The features are lined up pretty well.
Rapid concepting is also a good use of AI. A vague idea can generate endless specific designs.
Stolen from Deviantart i bet. AI has no idea how animals and humans are crossed to create furys.
>Rapid concepting is also a good use of AI. A vague idea can generate endless specific designs.
Your mind's eye will stay blind forever
I'm a 3d modeler not a character designer
I don't have mind eyes or mouth on my rectum, I want to model fun shit
I already knew you aren't an artist, why are you telling me this
not the same anon and i dont like the idea of using ai art
but being a character modeler and a character designer are two very different things
in all likelihood you will be a worse character modeler if you split your time between modeling and designing characters
now if you want to do both that can be awesome and you will probably get great results
but specializing into one practice wont make you less of an artist, it will most likely allow you to produce higher quality work
>Your mind's eye
The what?! Next you'll tell me you can imagine an apple in your mind, you freak
Now what the hell is a mind, you telling me some people can think!?
there's no bigger self own than refusing to beleive an ai gen is sich after being told.
settle down. ive been drawing brand new characters and creatures for decades.
>ive been drawing brand new characters and creatures for decades
Hello shadiversity
AI can’t do art, it’s copying and pasting over meta data. You legitimately can do this as a human being.
It's great for brainstorm-ish broad composition/forms/etc stuff, hence why it's replacing certain jobs and not others at the moment.
Just needs blanks filled in
Yeah I wasnt asking it to "do art" I was asking it to pump out designs. Then I would "do art" by making them 3D models.
Good thing too because the bing creator is fully cucked now and won't make images like these anymore.
Ok dumb dumb here is a simple way to understand. You are using stolen art. It’s not yours and you can be held reliable for it. Copyright infringement is a crime.
A) copyright infringement is a civil matter not a criminal one
B) it's "held liable"
C) "AI art is stolen" is a cope that will go nowhere and no artist will ever get any recourse or compensation
D) If I with my own effort and resources, create a 3D model, even with explicitly stolen references, that 3D model is my creation and my property.
No it’s not: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_copyright_case_law

> No Electronic Theft (NET) Act of 1997

The NET Act amended existing copyright laws to explicitly address electronic forms of copyright infringement. It criminalized certain acts of willful copyright infringement, making it a federal offense to reproduce, distribute, or share copyrighted material, even if there is no direct financial gain, as long as the infringement involves a certain quantity or value of infringing copies. The NET Act increased the legal consequences for copyright violations in the digital realm.
Fair transformative use
Thanks for playing
>Didn't inform the owner of the property
>Knew of AI stealing
>Warn multiple times
>Unable to confirm of the existence of the image source
>Refuses to provide any information
>OpenAI and many others, don’t grant you intellectual rights
No, you don’t have any fair usage. You made a mockery of the law.
This is a really swell opinion you have which will never actually hold up in court. Especially not when the media giants start using AI generation in major productions. CR law exists for their sake not for artist's.
Even in your fairy land where the law works how you imagine, if I were to use promotional artwork as a reference for a drawing or 3D model that still doesn't constitute copyright infringement. You do not know what that is.
>Yeah but muh digital theft
That's not what the AI does and that's not what I would be doing as an artist using the designs. It's like you're arguing that "inspiration" is copyright infringement.
Now lets just enter the dreamworld of the fairyland youve concocted. It's still literally impossible to prove or even know about. If I have a 3D model made by hand, off of image planes generated by AI, trained off real world artwork, then the final product has passed through so many abstractions in addition to literally not being the same thing there would be no way to know and absolutely no way to prove it.
>Uh you see your honor this person's artwork has a big ass and googoo anime eyes
It's retarded. And misses the point by about 100%.
The only real issue is whether AI can generate worthwhile references. It can, and you're a fool to not progress with the technology.
You are the fool to believe in nonsense. Trump can’t escape from the law and neither can you.

don´t, aislop is too good at coloring for it´s own good, the contrast ratios are too perfect, which is why you can tell stuff is ai from the thumbnail alone
It has nothing to do with inspiration, Ai doesn't work like that, it's trained with copywrited artwork, if I write anime yellow gerbal with an electric tail and it gives me a Pikachu generated image can I own copyright for that design?
After all it's not Pikachu, it's yellow gerbal.
Can I train your mom's face and make her get fucked by a donkey to sell images on only fans? It's not your mum it's inspired on her.
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I mean...
Protection of satire or parody exist in EEUU law. Ling Ling it's a parody character, not the same thing that AI generating an image with copyright material.
it's also trained on classical artwork, on public domain artwork, on artwork made for it to be used by it, and the corporate systems are trained on artwork licensed and paid for by the corporation.
The "ai is stealing" is the most flaccid cope you could come up with. Tell me about all the movies, games, software you have pirated on your computer right now. Opine at length about how much of a fuck you really give about making sure MGM gets a nickel every time a gooner gens his waifu. All art is derivative. Your own brain is pulling references from your memories to come up with "new" ideas.
> It's not your mum it's inspired on her.
Disregarding your attempt to be emotionally manipulative, you still had to invent a different scenario than the one at hand to make your little point. If I gen some generic anthro, that's supposedly the culmination of all art in existence, and then with my own labor produce a mesh based off that design, then that thing I created at the end is not the source material. It is not like the source material. It is not a cheeky attempt to replicate the source material while saying the opposite.
w/e fantasy you're talking about is already over. The big dogs own the copyrights. Not the creators themselves. The big dogs also own the AI systems and all of their new projects are going to utilize it.
OK and here's the real issue not being addressed
Major productions have 2 major hurdles.
The first is "the concept". The thing about which your thing is. The story, or the character designs. All of the mentally creative aspects. This is hard to do. Some people are fountains of good ideas, and some have 0 creative ability. Most people have otherwise limited creativity. There's a big disparity between the top ranked creatives and the first runner up. So people resort to stealing ideas. Copy designs and stories whole sale or maybe like switch arbitrary stuff around so it's different enough. AI doesn't help you do this. If I want to make 3d models of copyrighted characters (which I have) I use their official source material. They already gave me their ideas and designs when they published their stuff.

The other side of a production is a whole bunch of gruelling laborious artisanal work. Even something as simple as a comic book still requires tons and tons of material to be produced just to lay the scaffolding of a competent professional level production. I mean model sheets, test sets, test footage, story boards, props, and everything else. That's what AI can help with. It's not an automatic artist, it's an automatic art studio. Not to make the final product, but to make the auxillary work that the audience doesn't even see anyways.
It’s called AI training for a reason, they stolen the art that was not legally allowed to be stolen. That’s the entire point of their crimes. They took the original art that is legally protected by law. They didn’t ask, they didn’t paid, they just stole it.
who is they? The Microsoft AI development team? They own all of their training data.
ok, I'll humor you for a moment. Supreme court rules that current models are unethical.

Microsoft the proceeds to buy the art rights from willing artists and produces an "ethical model"

What now?
>Disregarding your attempt to be emotionally manipulative.
I'm not being manipulative, can I make inter_species hardcore porn of your mum? It would be ok since it's derivative.
Would you buy pictures of your mum being railed by a donkey? Or you prefer the classic dog?
>Microsoft the proceeds to buy the art rights from willing artists and produces an "ethical model"What now?
Since it's not violating copyright I would be ok with that version of AI
ok, now the problem is that copyright was developed for a very specific type of legal situation, and thus, generative models fall in a legal void as old legislation doesn't cover the idea of computer programs diffusing images using training data from a copyrighted source.

furthermore, I can draw mickey mouse doing whatever I want as long as its not for commercial purposes

probably there will be a ruling in the coming years whether it does or does not apply.
Microsoft has proven to lie even to the supreme courts once: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Corp._v._AT%26T_Corp.

Trusting them or supreme court is just a one way ticket to political poor.
its not about trust
its about what is actually going to happen
What’s actually going to happen is AI will disappear because it doesn’t help profits. OpenAI with other platforms get exposed for stealing copyright images from big brands. Everyone including you will be shunned in public for using AI because nothing good will ever come of it.
>reducing a bunch of labor costs to 0 does not help profits
>if i just keep saying mean words about ai on social media this will somehow offset the enormous economic incentive of labor cost reduction
The biggest corporate bank who knows how money flows, is telling you AI is bad.
What do I know? Flashing lights
Tell me about the secrets of flashing lights.

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