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Hey /3/, I did something astronomically stupid: I wrote a feature length screenplay
Now some anons are goading me to make it into a movie
I have told them that this is many orders of magnitude more difficult than just writing the script, especially for something that's over two hours long and drenched in 4chan memes, yet they persist
You guys have real skills and know what you're talking about so maybe if you're the ones to say it there's a chance they'll actually listen
Can you help me convince them this is literally, unironically impossible?
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This is fucking cinema.
It would be as difficult as you wanted to make it.
I would make some models for this shit, but /3/ is full of fags and it will go nowhere
With enough autists we can make this a reality
This is just AI slop, isn't it?
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This isn't what I asked for but I appreciate the enthusiasm
Not a word
Human hands wrote this script
I did try using AI to make some images, but it could never understand what the fuck I was talking about
If there's a language model that can write like I do, I will consume a garment intended as a head covering strictly for its nutritional value
I talked things over with an anon who I'll call Music Bro
He wrote this for the sequence in the Pentagon and the next couple of scenes introducing the agents
We're going to try storyboarding some of this shit so stay tuned
Bad news! He doesn't want to do music for the sex scenes
the west has fallen

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