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Previous thread >>992867

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
Recommend Youtube Channel :
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damn, been a while since the last time i learn how to scupt, slacking was a mistake
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That's Blanc from NIKKE, isn't it?
grease pencil and thanks I'll give it a shot
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this bitch wearing a wire fance on her bone ass
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I am struggling to get proper edges.
Have been re-doing a tutorial over and over, pausing the video every 3 seconds, copying every action, but my edges look sharp like /\ rather than smooth curves.
The tutorial looks like the red outline, i don't know how, mine looks very different.
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getting close i think. need to clean up a few things but kind of at the point where I'm not gonna make it any better unless I improve my 3d skills, and I'm not gonna improve my 3d skills unless I move on to the next project.

how should I approach compositing it? I haven't messed with the compositor at all. was gonna probably try to put on a light blur or something, idk.
subdiv modifier
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getting a bit better
Subdivision surface, this is subd modelling.
the cat just off screen is terrifying lmao i love it.
it's time to move on from heads bro, don't get stuck
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things i would do differently
>osakas rig had a minor fuck up, bonus points if you can catch where it became an issue
>make her face more 3d, looks funny from an angle when it's just textures
>rig chichi's arms normally instead of fucking around with bendy bones because they were a pain in the ass to animate and look weird
>forgot blender has a built in camera rig addon, should have used it
>be better at lighting

idk about the compositing, tried to make it look like something you'd see on the crt in the early 2000s but idk. maybe went overboard with it.
i need to get used to the shape first, then i move to body
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Finally created a 3d model of my waifu that i think is pre accurate so im proud of her and wanted to show her off. Gave her a spooky hat too cause i wanna make a halloween outfit. ill have to revisit the tail once i know how to make something properly fluffy if anyones got some tips for that, any other advice/criticism is greatly appreciated too.
Looks cute anon, good job
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>shape the body myself so i don't depend on wandah course everytime i want to sculpt something
>only watch wandah course for something i don't understand
yeah, i'm gonna make it
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damn, back then it took me 2 days to make the same result, now i can do it in less than a day, the head look a bit larger though
Does anyone have a twitter link of one jp artist showing off his cunny rig? He had a nice pelvis rig with a whole bone under the skin, led to very good looking deformations.
Anyone have a link to that Google drive with the vods of that one Korean sculpter who's really good? I don't have any other information to go off of to find it.
If you highly value your time, I suggest using a base mesh especially when you have done a handful of projects already.
>done a handful of project
actually no, never done a single project, i usually learn how to sculpt for a few week then drop it, and go back learn how to sculpt after a few month
>zremesher keep give me shitty result
uh oh, back to blender i guess
When it comes to props and costumes, do you guys use ZBrush (Zmodeler) or Blender?
I'm talking things like leather bags, belts, buckles, hats, bangles and all that jazz
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tummy test
I'm no expert so others might disagree with my sense of anatomy, but it feels like there's too much distance between the ribcage and the pelvis
Excellent job
He can start using a base mesh after he's sculpted a hundred bodies, repetition is the best way to get good at sculpting
idk about yall but eevee light groups are gonna make things a lot easier for me
I skipped 2 days of practice...it's over...
better than skip practice for 4 months...
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hm, guess i'll use other image ref
use a reference that looks like how you want it to look in the end. On the way there the figure is going to look really weird because it's not a realistic body, potentially, you're trying to make.
If your reference has you making very long torsos, but you like the final product promised in the ref then go with it till the end to make sure it's wrong. Like a One piece character's going to look real fucked up for 80% of the modelling process.
I don't know, I don't do a lot of rendering, I don't even know what light linking is
I'm hoping the brush asset update isn't too annoying
I don't like the hearts, you should put niples on her
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How the hell do you setup something like this? Shape keys?
>corrective blendshapes
the most powerful rigging tool in existence.
Anime was a mistake.
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Yes I did put pink nipples on her but I will not show them to you.
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sculpting hard
actually nvm, sculpting isn't that hard, learning anatomy is hard
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fogot pic, god i hate myself
Zmodeler or Marvelous Designer.
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progress, just some minor clean ups and she will be finished.
gonna go sell the model on gumroad, wish me luck
>gonna go sell the model on gumroad, wish me luck
you might want to put it on other platforms, gumroad doesn't really work unless you promote the model outside of gumroad
What site do you recommend?
I deal in STLs for printing and that's Cults3d and Booth for anime, but that won't work for you
I'm hearing vrchat avatar creators talk about Jinxxy, but apparently they also use Gumroad a lot
I think there's TurboSquid and CGTrader for animation and game characters? putting your model on multiple marketplaces sucks but it's good to spread out
I don't know if the Unity and Unreal marketplaces allow sexual contents

Gumroad only takes 10% if they find the model outside of Gumroad, but if they use the search engine (Gumroad Discover) then they take a 30% cut, and your model has to be eligible for Gumroad Discover
give link, I will buy when it's rigged
It already is rigged, body uses Autorig pro and face uses faceit

Will keep you in mind anon once the model is finished
i hate auto rigging so fucking much. just because it's automatic doesn't mean you don't need to fix shit. I know of a guy who sells broken ass rigs for $60, mostly with arp and rigify. actual scam. I hope you at least put in the incredibly small effort required to actually make arp work correctly.

t. schizo that rigs everything manually
I had the autism to sculpt a model, do the retopo and then texture it. Of course I will put effort into rigging, will it be as good as other rigs? I don't know but I put effort into it so there's that
60 bucks just for rigging? damn, that's mega cheap
do you get nice weight painting at least?
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if only jannies mistakenly made /3/ a red board I'd be totally fine with it
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Still haven't decided on the back part of her hair
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Just found out he made a couple books too. Looks like only the first book has been uploaded to various sources. Similar content to his videos. First book covers modeling a simple creature, then a girl's face, hair, body, and clothes. 2nd book has materials, textures, rigging, and animating.
Book 1 (with blend files and reference images): https://gofile.io/d/An5zqJ
that was already posted multiple threads ago with the other book and some other jap books which[s where this guy >>997219 got that model from
neat, thanks anon
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there is a lot of inspiration from xitter
Oh, I didn't see it posted. I already have the book that guy is using though (Blender リアルタイムCGキャラクター制作入門).
just check the archive, it was like 3 or 4 threads ago
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Did he bundle them all together? Only saw the 1 cover so I didn't check the download at the time, but link is dead now.
Yes, it literally says in his post the link has two of katsu's books and the extra book in that pic
Looks interesting, can someone who has the files upload them again?
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burnout time
I would honestly just buy it from kindle and screenshot every single page. I did that on ipad and it was easy to translate on the go.
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good job anon

i made sure to go over most areas and clean them up by hand.

autorig is good because it takes a lot of busy work off your shoulders, tho you shouldnt rely only on it,
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lookin good anon, thanks for giving me some inspo to go back and work on my gob.

mine's prob too western for this thread though
Very good gob
Can you also share that book?
Let's see the models you've made with this inspiration!
i'm still learning
That is not an excuse, specially if you have that much material saved
i save that material so i can learn anatomy and for motivation
Well? where is your work? I'd love to see it and I see this in a completely genuine way
That's really neat anon * smooches your forehead *
Thanks anon
Turns out I'm a moron and did have those files downloaded. Book 1+2 epubs and sample files.
i hate to ask but what are niggas doing with their blender anime models. sure as hell haven't seen any indie anime productions
nothing, after i finsih i never open it again
I think they mostly make courses, for making anime characters in blender
I want to make cool poses with mine and then maybe do a lil animation or two, otherwise I just do this: >>998238
those all .png and .jpg files?
upload them somewhere
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Let's say I finish a sculpture that I really like in maybe two years once I finally aquire a decent skill set. Theoretically how do I turn a sculp into a rigged model?
Starting character modelling (and eventually assets) for a game I want to make, even if it's just a demo in UE5.
I always hated modelling in uni, I'm rusty. It's going to be a while, isn't it?
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What are you gonna use this model for, anon?
take the t-pose and retopo it, then take it to blender/maya and rig it, either make your own or use a template and modify it.
I just want to make something anon. It serves no other purpose.
do you think she is cute ? its my oc tho
That's a little hollow isn't it? everything deserves a purpose
how do the feet look?
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Nah dude I just want to make shit. It's totally not meant for cooming.
cute in an ugly way
You are not a woman and you will never be, even if you pretend to be by self inserting into an virtual pixel character projected onto the screen, you disgusting, chronically online nasty tranny. As you continue wasting your time having your hairy ass glued to the seat all day and living out your fantasies, you will maybe at last realize gracefully you're a waste of oxygen and neck yourself.
wrong thread?
that's okay I guess, I wanted to achieve a look similar to tomoko.
why you are talking about your homosex fantasies tho.
bro feels strongly about it
Why do you say that, is he a Godot user?
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wtf is wrong with her elbow?
why she got a little dick hanging from it?
you don't have an elbow dick?
did you get circumsized?
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i must've been mutilated as a child
it's the thumb from the model on the left
Why did this post only get rude replies???
She looks super cute, love the eye makeup and the messy, loose strands of hair.
the bangs seem a little more rigid than the soft face but overall super pretty. post full model.
absence of feet
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it's not makeup, it's supposed to be her dark circles under her eyes, but I guess they look very pink and it looks like makeup, I'll fix that, She also has pimples and other things to make her look like a loser, it's like tomoko's energy or something.
Make porn please
yeah this looks great. I don't get what spurred so many negative comments.
Looks really good anon, but yes, there's a lot of shit on her face
Looking good. I'm glad that someone around here and can complete a project.
hey thanks!
want to do this one next if I can finish my current project in time for christmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fePtLL7oRDg
give me a chance to redo the shitty cat rig and make a (hopefully improved) chiyo model
The blemishes are the best part. The little bit of acne gives the vibe she doesnt shower. nnnnice
The first response only wanted feet. That's not being negative, that's asking for feet.
The second one was being completely honest. She's got that unkempt falling apart at the seams pathetic loser that you want to coddle and indulge in appeal.
The third response was from a fucking retard on who forgets they post on an anime website and should rope immediately.
To put it another way, the only real response was commenting on the character, not the model itself.
thank you, I've been struggling to decide how I want my nose-mouth area to look, this will help
Disagree makes her look retarded to me, but it's a matter of taste
how did you make her skin shading so pleasant? just clever lighting or interesting nodes too?
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took me 3 hours but I started trying to learn
keep it up friend
pretty good so far
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>still stuck at making body
gambare anon
mind, it's pretty easy to get stuck on making a body forever, so consider calling good good enough at some point and moving to the limbs to avoid burnout. Though cleanup the pits and belly button area first.
yea, trying to find good naked female body ref to learn those shape
why she anorexic
im just starting out and how can i change my camera navigation in zbrush
right now when i press with the pen and move it rotates the camera and when i hold it pans
since im coming from 3dsmax I want it to be the other way around - alt+drag > rotate, only drag > pan
any videos on configuring i find are about how to add shortcuts to brushes or make extra menus
is there a way to do it that natively without installing extra plugins?
assuming you will watch some course then you need to get used to it
i am, but i doubt they will focus too deeply on how you navigate around the object
i want to keep it consistent between the two software
You can use right mouse navigation as well as the weird defaults. In any case, I'd recommend sticking with the program's configuration.
nice. how'd you get that semi-transparent look on the shirt? love that
I used to spend days making every body, it's never good enough and im a fucking professional sculptor. Happens to all of us, work on something else, you will have better feedback with limbs and the face
Here you go anon
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fucking around with animation
what kind of reference or resource are you using to learn?
no horse penis? Gardevoir looks weird without one
i thought gumroad killed nsfw? did they reverse that?
Took me too long to realize what the fuck was going on.
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resource >>998287 ref pic related
did you start with a figure or is this from scratch?
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Painting time
genuine question why is it so much more common to see shapekeys for the face instead of bones? Even most bone-based face rigs I've seen on anime models are really just using bones to drive shapekeys. I feel like both methods would be extremely useful in their own ways so it's weird how one is seemingly more common than the other.
azumanga daioh character attempt # i can't remember, like 6 or something. trying something different this time around
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i think I will do the mouth as a 2d type of thing instead because azumanga mouths vary so much and the specific shot i want to try to replicate is from a weird angle that would be hard to replicate with shapekeys
shapekeys are easier to make and work better for stylized characters
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once more i am fighting a war against hair and losing
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body wip, actually looked up how to make hands this time so hopefully they're not quite as bad as the osaka hands. I'd love to subdivide the hair but still keep the sharply defined bangs. is there an easy way to do that? maybe just make the bangs a separate un-subdivided mesh?
Man, those proportions are godawful
I hear that creasing is the way to go. So I'm just passing the info on. The way I did it in pic related appears to get decent results.

And yeah, those hands are awkwardly small. I'd make them about 1.5 to 2 times bigger
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damn i suck at hard surface modelling, but it's all for the sake of getting my surface hard if you know what i mean
hard surface sculpting is a thing, a controversial thing, but a thing nonetheless
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ty, made things a bit bigger/thicker, does that help any? should I move the waist up and make the legs a little longer? to be fair she has a big fucking head in the show so i kinda want to keep it a bit on the larger side.
Post front ortho view and I'll help you
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nta but yeah arms and legs ought to be a bit thicker.
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almost finished with my first project
hey that face shape came out pretty good
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thickened it up a bit more and added clothes which thicken it even more, idk. still kind of on the fence regarding the mouth, maybe I should try to make a 3d one anyways as a backup

ty. did it half modeling and half sculpting. gonna use sculpting tools more often, found it to be super useful. like proportional editing but way better.
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Too many subtle changes so I doubt you'd be able to apply everything, but it's mainly the hands being too small, the knees being too low/lower leg being too short. The side view is also super flat.
sculpting is a nightmare
Terrible. Wtf is wrong with her face? Also not even anime
They make the face interesting here
Also they make it seem so easy...
Video in case anyone is interested
Ah yes I'm reminded again how zmodeler is vastly superior to blender. I'm going back to zbrush sir.
Can't post anything on this site without accidently reminding some retard of some argument he had in another thread and is still ruminating about
Yes anon, some people use Zbrush, sorry if that triggers you, please call your social care worker.
mate that's a basic anime face, there's nothing interesting, the most interesting thing is the inability to change the clay brush's smoothness
First time I've seen slashing the profile like that, seems like it will save time
Hmm yeah that's the thing I took away from it, what's that tool to strip off all the geometry to the left of the line?
It's KnifeCurve, just remember to save your project before using it, many times this causes zbrush to crash
thats how they make it look "so easy" the video doesnt include all the times they had to restart and do things over again. They also practice modelling the same model multiple times before recording it.
Can I get tips on how to sculpt eyes like these?
check his ingame model. he appears in plenty of jojo fighting games
>the video doesnt include all the times they had to restart and do things over again
>They also practice modelling the same model multiple times before recording it.
Why do retarded beginners keep saying this kind of stuff? Is it just cope?
Where's the cope? Are you going to just "improvise" your pro-learning videos you're expecting serious people to pay to watch? Do you think Bob Ross painted all of those paintings live on TV each for the first time too?
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more or less done at this point, need to take out the temporary materials and texture it then fuck with the normals and can finally rig it.
It goes to show what kind of fucking retarded beginner you are if you are comparing it to Bob Ross of all things. God, this board is hopeless.
Maybe wrong place to ask, but is this an ok way to make some creases? It's a piece of clothing for an anime style model, think MMD.
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Forgot pic.
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baking them/drawing them into the texture that you're applying to them. so you can cut down on tris
The tris count will be the same with or without these creases, so adding them to the low poly version will not add overhead.
Looks bad because they're too uniform
Splitting normals effectively splits the vertices, which adds some storage overhead and can complicate primitive assembly, adding real-time rendering overhead.
Consider that instead of having one vertex with one normal that exists in a number of triangles, different triangles now need the 'same' vertex with different normals.
It most likely won't make a huge difference but it's false to say that there is no overhead.
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Not sure where to seek advice with this type shit so i come here. At a point where im happy to move onto the next parts considering i intend to properly clothe her but feel like i might not be seeing something? i dont even prefer big booba desu lmao
Torso is too long, boobs are too big and don't morph the way they should making them look like theyre directly attached to the collar bone instead of hanging off it (unless your plan is to add some sort of soft body physics and have it function like a taimanin character), abs are too flat and need more of a curvature, leg to pubis creases are way too prominent, upper back has no visible area or depth for shoulder blades but still has a back line, and the arms are fucky but I think I've said enough. I'd recommend putting it in an A pose to see how everything proportions in a relaxed state.
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abs are too flat!? this was the one part i thought i really nailed. leg crease was for sure too much and i adjusted a bit of all you mentioned. the chest is def meant to be egregiously exaggerated and have that sorta "fantasy" shape to it so i want it to stay very spherical, dont really know how it should be attaching tho ig.
The abdomen should always have a slight curvature due to it being where the stomach and most of your vital organs are placed and the additional protective fat layer that is in front of it. The only instance where it would be straight, even if you had them extremely toned, would be in a fasting and low water weight period. That's what male body builders usually do alongside arching their back to give themselves a straighter more inward curved abdomen. You are basically missing the fat pad or the existence of a stomach.


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