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File: 1734061140469461.png (51 KB, 850x733)
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Should've posted my W.T. Snacks model here, but here it is. Made this for a group of Anon friends on VRC as a little joke in the group. Made it because of how I love the design given to her.
This was originally in VRC before some dumb stuff happened that caused me to lose all the projects related to it in Unity. Will not try to add her into VRC anymore, but I'm starting to plan on getting her into L4D2.
Here's the model if any anon wants it: https://mega.nz/file/Yb1h3JCK#47f9EPgIpZ7jYjyXimR7rB88xyMRJT_lKEM6qbEAhX0
It looks nice, but you need to improve that anime texturing.
I think I've made it very close to the OG with what I could do during 2021.
But I've released the model for that reason too, am curious to see if anyone would made some edit to it.

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