How to learn to animate like ZZZ?
>ZZZFind a better inspiration. Those fuckers at Sucker Punch still didn't make an Infamous remastered, so I'll do it myself. Its been almost 20 years now SP, finish Ghost and remaster Infamous 1.
>>999712Quickest way is to open your software, start animating, and figure it out along the way
>>999712You have to watch Deadpool 100 times
>>999712Years of experience. While the direction is not the best, and they tend to be quite over acted and busy, they are top tier from a purely animation skill standpoint, and not something that many can do well. If I were to put it in simple terms, the animations in ZZZ feel like they're flexing with their animation skill, more than trying to create a good overall end result.
>>999712same way as you do any animation
You mean like shit? Just open Blender and fuck around with keyframes until you get it.
>>999736Yeah ZZZ animation work is equivalent to the 2D age of Disney, where multiple key animators would add ridiculous flourishes just because it was impressive to other animators.I may not be a big fan of this type of game, but I am so impressed by ZZZ that I can often overlook that. They also just have great male characters, which feels so rare now.
>>999712Less is more. All those spastic gestures are like the visual equivalent of somebody describing a scene by packing every word he can find in a thesaurus.
>>999712Asian genesNeuroplasticity
>>999712Motion capture combined with a ton of spline ik to exaggerate stretching and bending.
>>999712exaggerate movements to scratch the itch in the broken brains of autiststhis is only good animation if you're autistic
>>999712When you get as good as this you pretty much have a secured job.I am mediocre in 3d, not even average; I acknowledge that there's people with genuine gifts for things.Hard work can carry you so far, you'll eventually came across someone able to destroy you without even trying.
>>999802>>999828But could you yourself?
>>999802>>999841This is not motion capture, it's very clearly manually keyed pose to pose.>>999784Style wise this is western animation. This is literally Asians imitating western exaggerated pose to pose animation.
Forced animation is goyslop.
>>999712just dont be lazy and animate all the extra parts and little movements. when it looks "good enough" youre halfway done. literally spend as much time going over it as you did getting it started. then sleep. then go over it again.
>>999712over animate and dont clean up your mocap so much
>>999712this makes me feel violent
>>1000337>>1000397Idiots thinking this is mocap makes me feel violent.
>>999712looks like exaggerated overlaps, nothing special. we have a maya script that creates them for you
>>999843>This is not motion capture motion capture, the most they done it is change and adjust some thing
>>1000402mocap is useless in stylized animation, it's way easier to keyframe it than to cleanup and tweak mocap for exaggerated cartoon poses. only way mocap is used for these might be for a timing / anatomy reference but a good animator doesn't even need that
>>1000403hence the wave to bland "realistic enough" games polluting the market all using cheap mocap.
>>999712is there a BTS?
>>999712This looks fucking horrendous.
>>999712They start with mocap and get a rough idea of what they want.Once you have the mocap it's easy to rip some key frames out of it and add in a bunch of flourishes
Looked a lot like a mocap animation I saw once before. I think the biggest thing is just patience and understanding key frames and locomotion.
I feel like trying to get an actor in a mocap to look like that would be more work than doing it directly
>>999712Experience, lots of practice, learning rigging and using blendshapes/morphs for certain keyframes in order to get cleaner silhouettes if the rigging system doesn't cut it.
>>1000402damn she cute