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I'm looking to move on from sculpting with a mouse since 2 years and want to try out the graphics tablet method with a pen for the first time.

Is it better than a mouse and will it enhance my sculpting abilities?

What affordable model do you recommend? Not something super expensive. I've been looking at Huion since their reviews state they produce better things than Wacom, or should I get a wacom?
addition: Those black graphics tablets whose pens motions translate onto the computer screen with zbrush open.

Not literally an android tablet with an screen.
get a big one with a screen, yes it will cost you an arm and a leg, but it is what it is
I have a Wacom One I barely use it, 33$ on amazon, the XPPen Deco 640 could be interesting too, all the others need battery and shit so they are not worth it.
I bought a tablet 15 years ago, and I haven't had to get a new one since. The Wacom Intuos 3. The 6x8 model. It's still in good condition. I've changed computers 3 times, and it's always stuck with me. I use it every day. I don't even plug in my mouse, I use the tablet to navigate.

I'm not telling you to buy it. Because I don't know what the market is like these days. But I'm just giving you my testimony for Wacom. If the company is still as good today, as it was back then, then they're a safe bet. But it Huion is doing better than Wacom, then I suppose it's possible Wacom went on a decline. It can happen. Photoshop used to be the shit back then too. And look at where they are now.
>sculpting with a mouse since 2 years
What is wrong with you?!
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alright. Is the Huion Inspiroy 2 any good for sculpting?
it's a tablet, they're pretty much all the same, it does what a tablet does
you can ask on the /ic/ tablet thread if you're still unsure
go to a shopping center and try different tablets, then you'll know what's the deal, but if I were you and I were serious, I'd put the money on the table for a big screen wacom
>but it's to early to say
small-mid size no screen wacom
>middle ground
and this is still going to hurt, there are some laptops out there with pressure screen and stylus, still
if you are going to pay for the hardware to handle it it might be an even bigger spending than just the wacom, which btw is just a screen it's not a computer AND a screen
Why are all the blendlets wacomfags? Your Wacom doesn't make up for your lack of skill. Also don't reply without pyw.

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