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Beautiful as usual anon! Love the low poly!
Thank you!
If you don't mind me asking, why maids? Maids are super cool either way but you just seem to have alot lol
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I think maid outfits have a simple elegance in the forms and colors, and the frills makes them cute without making the design noisy.

As for the character Alice, she was designed to be the mascot of the game engine I'm making and I wanted her clothes to suit a variety of settings, to be somewhat standardized (so a uniform) and to be appealing.
Alice herself is originally from a game I never got to make, and to the moment I haven't been able to decide exactly which hairstyle she should have.
The picture on this post is the first drawing of her as mascot.
Her clothes design changed slightly and now she has puff sleeves fastened with a frilly armband.

I have a plan to have at least 3 different models of Alice in different styles
>one chibi
>one anime style
>one more realistic
along with 2D portraits for each, and since I'm still learning I will redo them many times.
what the FUCK happened today? the one day I don't bring my laptop to work and I miss whatever happened
Due to a mistake the moderation accidentally deleted the threads on a few boards, that is all.
I love it! Both the design and the mascot part! Great work anon!

I'll continue to follow your progress. And maybe even make some maids myself
Thanks! Feel free to post your maids here if you'd like, I'd love to see them.
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Please post all of your maids. I have a big amount of appreciation for maids.
you're that homo dude from /g/ aren't you?
Looks nice anon, maybe she looks a bit short?
Yes he is obviously.
kill yourself.
Yep, it's gone.
I had to go away for a while but I'm back now I've gathered some references and will start working on the maid model today
Maid-chan is back! Hurray! I look forward to seeing more of your work
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Sorry, I have yet to draw the reference sheets for the maid... This was her rifle though.
Happy new year!
Tranny artstyle

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