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I'm so fucking lost rn.

I'm trying to create a simulation of bubbles going past an object with an collision tree. But I have no idea where and with which nodes I can combine them.

Anybody here who can help me on my way?
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Collision tree
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pre-Simulation tree / distribute points in sphere volume
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instance sphere
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scale, age and shape etc
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Attributes and output node
think about how you would solve this problem if you absolutely had to in a professional setting in the shortest amount of time possible versus your other coworker or else you would be fired because your boss is like that.

I am going to approach the rest of this post from this perspective

approach 1
>establish how it would work in another DCC such as houdini (you have houdini knowledge as well and have it installed because you are a graphics professional)
>translate that houdini knowledge into blender using a combination of google search and blender manual search

approach 2
>script your setup with bpy and print / return / debug /check every single stage

approach 3
>you have a nodemess now and don't understand it and wont take approach 1 or approach 2 because of reasons. Other people are very very busy with their own projects and can't understand your nodemess because it doesn't read up and down and flow well. You will have to start a topic on stack exchange or blenderartists and maybe even have to put a bounty on it.

It's up to you now.
Well, rip my income then. rn I'm troubleshooting why I can't print the script for some reason. And I haven't really had much luck regarding forums and help channels
I think this is an actual use case for learning Python because the stuff you want doesn’t exist in node. Blender’s node was never built for anything pass simple events.
Looks hella complicated bro. I ain't reading all that.
You say you have no idea, but it looks like you have some basic knowledge to put that much together.
What are you having trouble with exactly? Like, when you run your simulation, what's wrong with it? Are the bubbles not colliding with the object properly? Are the bubbles not generating at all? Are they moving in the wrong way? What's happening?
he really has no idea. He has no fundamentals. He doesn't know how to debug. He doesn't know how to fix his own problems. He doesn't know how to work with computer graphics.

Hell I remember times when I had to make custom builds of blender in source code to get it to do what I wanted. And there was no way I would ever post issues here, because that would mean I couldn't post it to blenderartists and reddit and artstation because it could be traced back here (and also because no one would know the answer anyway). In the end I succeeded with my modifications and my work became that of legend. I continue to modify blender source to this day.
Cool story boomer. I'm almost willing to help him. I don't know if I can do the bubble thing. But I have a basic understanding of nodes now. So I can help him make sense of smaller, more specific things.
if you want to help him, you have to make him help himself.
I see your point. Teach a man to fish and all of that. But at the same time, there were concepts about nodes that I wish I had someone to explain in plain English. It would have saved me a lot of time trying to decipher the super generic manual descriptions, and scouring the internet for solutions to problems that really are quite simple once you know how it's done. I might be able assist him in understanding nodes a little better.
Again, my knowledge is still pretty basic. But I'm starting to understand the structure of how nodes works now. So I might be able to help him in parts. And then maybe those parts can culminate into a functional bubble system. What he's asking is not outside of the capabilities of nodes.

Though it would probably be a lot easier to learn how to use Blender's built-in particles and collision.
if you want to understand the nodes better, clone the source and then search for the node in the source
>clone the source and then search for the node in the source
Do what now, and how?
The entirety of blenders open source development is based on committing and cloning.

Why dont you google it.
>Why dont you google it.
Because the idea of looking up programmer shit, just sunk me into an emotional pit of despair.

I have a vague idea of what cloning and committing is. I've visited github before.
So I guess I go "clone" blender's source huh? It's *that* easy? I just go where? Here? https://github.com/blender/blender
And then what? Press the green button that says "code", and download the zip?

What then? I've never looked at source code before. Do I need a special kind of viewer?
you do realize that geo nodes are "programmer shit" too?

Why don't you google your questions? I have to go do actual work
You really have mastered the craft of being the least help possible. Truly, I believe your works are as legendary as you say they are. Because a programmer's ability to communicate is in inverse proportion to his ability to program.
The simulation ( >>1005143 ) for the bubbles itself works. Its just when I try to add >>1005141 into the tree it fucks up the velocity / direction and turbulence of the particles. It still emits them but incorrect.
I followed a tutorial and thought I could combine it into an existing tree.

Because that is how far my basic understanding of coding goes. boxes in boxes.
Thats crazy because I've seen someone create a similar effect in an prev version of blender. either that or he was using an alpha build
It's pretty hard to follow exactly what's going on with the collision. But I'm guessing that bubbles are deflecting off of each other, right? They're getting the distance between them, and then the reflect node changes the direction of their velocity when they're too close. Correct? Or maybe not bouncing off of each other, but bouncing off of the object they're passing.

Well, your Sample Index node is set to Float. Wouldn't it be better to set it Vector?
When you plug a vector into a float socket, it only reads the X value, discarding Y and Z. Because floats can only read one value at a time. So you're essentially defeating the point of sampling Normals, by erasing the Y and Z values. Try setting Sample Index to Vector and see what happens.
The bubble-particles don't really interact with each other. They sway back and forth, but that is due the turbulence in the simulation.

(from what I understood of the guy that give the tutorial) The idea of the collision setup is that when a bubble/particle floats towards the face of the colliding object. It bounces off the face by calculating the the distance to the face and sends it flying an opposite direction. But it only calculates this when the particle is going towards the face, not when it is passing by.
*-1 the
I see. Well give me an update when/if you implement the suggested change. I'm really hoping that the fix is as easy as changing float to vector.

This page helped me understand vectors a little better. Give it a look. https://cgcookie.com/posts/vector-math-made-easy-in-blender-and-geometry-nodes

It explains what the reflect node is doing. And how it's instrumental at getting the bouncing angle off the face.

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