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File: rhino-logo.png (43 KB, 313x250)
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>solid modelers hate it because it's a direct edit tool with limited parametric capabilities
>polygon modelers hate it because blender has more features while also being completely free
>boomers who refuse to learn something newer swear by it for some reason
I get that people working in industries like architecture, civil engineering, and education like to use Rhino, but is it worth learning the program as a casual hobbyist?
>>1005944 (OP)
>casual hobbyist
Everything is worth learning in this life If you can afford it with money and/ or time. If you pirate rhino its also ok. Do you need our permission? What the fuck are you talking about? Why do you care what other people say?
What part of casual hobbyist is not working for you?
>>1005944 (OP)
>I get that people working in...architecture...use Rhino,
Nobody in architecture uses rhino.
Its modeling software. It's not BIM.
Oh yeah sorry sir I thought that grasshopper for rhino was one of the most popular parametric modelling plugins used by MVRDV, Foster and Partners, Hadid Studios, BIG, Gensler, Perkings, Ghery Partners and other. My bad.
Oohh someone is flexing their literacy skills after visiting rhino's front facing consumer page!

Like I said, rhino is for modeling. Every one of those firms use BIM.
File: chum.jpg (99 KB, 518x720)
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Yes you are right.

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