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File: Glazed Butthole 3.png (1.06 MB, 1416x787)
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look at my donut. i sold my old car and invested in a gayming computer with shitty RGB lights i can't turn off (tech illiterate)

So... how much longer until i'm making looped WEBMs of furry porn and charging a thousand dollars per character commission?

it gets better... right? i feel like a baby just learning to crawl.
I can't tell if this is parody or not because some people genuinely are like this
>how much longer
5 to 10 years of daily practice (meaning 90% of your work will be DeviantArt beginner tier shit in the meantime), but yeah if you don't give up it's doable.
>(tech illiterate)
honestly blender and donut guru will suit you well
I was only able to start learning blender after I fucked off from the doughnut tutorials
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It is very cool, Bateman. But that's nothing.
why do people drag on donut? it seems like a good way to learn some of the basic tools.
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the donut devil tricked an entire generation into believing the blender delusion. sad!
i admit that I did do the donut tutorial. was super happy with how it was coming along. but it was starting to look weird when i added the icing. started looking like i was polishing a turd. I lost interest and dropped. Recently though I got into modding and it has me interested in making clothes and texture painting.
Well... I could glaze your donut if you don't mind...
The donut tutorial is a meme for a reason... It's literal shit and sets you up for failure

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