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File: 3d_rigging_software.jpg (261 KB, 1000x500)
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My primary goals are to create characters for my own games and animations. More than anything I want to focus on animations and character designs. I'm operating solo trying to do stuff but I've realized that 3D is so multifaceted that it's very very difficult for a single person to be good at all of it. I understood this conceptually but until I really started making my own projects I realized why these pipelines are so specialized. I want decent quality rigs, and it's not like I don't think I have the capability to make them but it's just such a time and skill investment that I want to dedicate to my main purpose which is animation and character design. I don't have the money to pay someone to do this so I guess I'm in a tough spot.
I don't understand rigging, arent all humanoids are basically exactly same with just slightly different proporions? What's the problem to automatically make rig to all humanoid models?
how new are you? there are billion scripts for auto rigs
Rigging doesn't mean replicating the human skeleton 1:1, especially the shoulders are tricky to get right.
There are a ton of semi-automated rigging scripts but in order to know if they will work for you you have to understand rigging yourself.
collaborate with someone who wants to rig but doesnt want to make character models

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