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Previous thread : >>997198

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
Recommend Youtube Channel :
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I had to restart my anime model because I fucked up the fingers, but its all good. I'm largely using the Daz G9 mesh, but with custom assets either created or bought, so it wasn't a major loss.

I'm mostly making this as an aid for drawing anyway, but there might be the odd video or me allowing others to use the model. That's the only reason I'm trying to make this look so nice; I could have been done weeks ago otherwise.
I am looking to download the references from this website https://artmodels360.com/, if anyone has some I would be really grateful
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has anyone seen this anime modeling/shading technique used on more "anatomically realistic" style such as picrel?
I'm going to do some experiments on this. It seems like the main difference would be adding more geometry to the face for the nose, brows and cheek bones.
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osaka v5!!!
once I refine to an acceptable quality i will use her as a base and make the rest of the cast
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Anyone know the sauce of this clip?
Probably a mod for Genshin, check Modb and Gamebanana.
ive already checked them and kemono artists too. I haven't found anything. It just might be some guy's own custom skin to deny us.
They both look to be the best Maya focused courses for making 3D anime without having to sculpt in Zbrush or Blender.
The second one isn't out yet.
How much a good quality anime model costs? I'm not a modeller, where do I find them? Just fiverr?
Never played genshit/wuwa/ToF or any other normie gacha, but i have to recognize they have good looking 3d models, my question is which one do you think is the best one to learn from?
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How's the new scene looking.
are the clouds too much? idk if I liked it more being negative space without them or with
stop turdpolishing and move on to something else man
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Pick the art style you like - I just took them all.
I have about 3000 anime models
all models including NPC as .blend from blue protocol, rememento, Hitori No Shita, genshin, ZZZ, HSR, HI3, girls frontline, DNF, Granblue, Guilty Gear, higan, idolmaster, project mugen, NTE, starseed, tof, umamusume, azur lane, ww, EOS, MT, catfantasy, eversoul, snowbreak - a few lesser known ones
pretty much all high-quality vrchat models
as inspiration for style, hair, coloring, clothes it is practical
references are simply imbalanced (2D/3D)
Well the clouds look like solid objects moving across the screen. If you are going for a low budget mobile aesthetic, maybe that's fine. If not, at least try subtly transforming the cloud textures over time. Or look into a more robust cloud solution.
turdpolishing is the point, I do this to learn and improve. I would really value some criticism, so thank you for the advice, I'll use it when my learning starts diminishing returns
will do, thanks
>censored folders
I need to know now
Ryufuku-chan hentai
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you are right, i grabbed a couple of models from different games and is interesting to see how the models are constructed, specially the face with arc systems having the most distinct ones
i just wish the topology wasnt so fucked
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every game has a customized topology for its needs.
you create your topology based on your needs.
don't copy, be inspired.
(and with a little observation you should understand how they were modeled despite triangulation)

nope sorry ;p
tris to quads if it really bothers you that much
Make an object that is more complicated than a cube, triangulate it, try to undo it with tris 2 quads.

do not recommend things that you have seen in the menu, but obviously never
how bad can tris to quads be?
you can clearly see the loops on those faces, if you think that's bad topology you must be blind
Its between "Mi" and "Ne" so you've gotta a pretty small window. Maybe its something that starts with "My". Something that's called My (something) (something) that you would censor for unknown reasons
My sonic OC
tried that a it make it so much better, its not perfect but almost
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fuck ears broooo
It's just that your understanding of topology and edge flow sucks at the moment. Keep at it and you'll improve.
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Making my debut in this upcoming Wonfes with the model I posted here a while ago. It's been a long journey since Tomoyo, very happy with it
how bad was the paperwork?
very cute, congratulations
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Thanks anon

Don't know, I just made the model and the people on the circle took care of that part
>people on the circle took care of that part
That's nice, I hear Japanese bureaucracy is worse than other countries
Do you guys have any resources for a newbie? I really want my characters to be in anime style
Just expired, mind uploading these again?
Congrats, it looks good!
was wondering what happened to you anon as your last post was talking about starting to print
your model came out great, looks like a professional figure
try to look for these courses for zbrush:
Turn Anime characters into 3d printable models
Advanced Guide to sculpting 3d collectibles
Artistic cartoon-style character created with zbrush
hi. I stole the hair because its the hardest thing ever to model, will make my own later. don't know much about anatomy or topology but I'm trying my best by using references from 2d artists and other models that I like a lot. gonna start actually studying anatomy soon I think
this is really good looking, whats your secret?
who did you sacrifice for this black magic?
thanks! check out the previous versions, they look pretty terrible. it was trial and error and a whole lot of moving verts around in sculpt mode until it looked the way I wanted. can't express how important reference was as well
this was all done by polymodelling?
it was! I didn't make a highpoly and then retopo but I did spend most of my time in sculpt mode. only went into edit mode to add and change the topology and for the detailed parts like the fingers.

I really struggled to get the fingers to look right but I think they turned out ok
Is there any video that explains how to tackle modeling characters that dont have reference sheet with the usual 3 views or are in awkward poses?
I am new so am not so sure, but I think this one
https://youtu.be/GcuxZCgQUy8?si=B4nat2NkTFZQI7J7 [Embed]
it more like interpolation from experience, when you've made enough human bodies you know what they look from different angles
Anyone here have any names of some good Substance Painter courses I could lookup?
Been looking myself but haven't really found anything I like, it'd be nice if there's a Substance Painter equivalent of that Ultimate Guide to ZBrush
that sounds like an interesting process, do you have any resources to learn it, ive only seen a video by flycat do what you describe
flycat is insanely good! If you watch their videos on .25x speed and follow along you'll learn a lot. shonzo also poly models his characters in a very similar way
thank you, ill look into them
Is this is all Zbrush? Now I regret learning Blender instead.
Using ZBrush is not going to compensate for a lack of talent.
if you know what u re doing you are with polymodeling as fast as someone who retopo his sculpt model
sculptint for this kind of detail level is retarded
use the head method like any 2d artist? 5, 6 ,7 heads etc. every reference is build on top of this basic stuff
polymodeling for this is also retarded, you might as well be using a base mesh
Should we interpret the question of "this was all done by polymodelling?" as "are you retarded?"?
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yeah i ended up using that method, but i decided to start with an easier character instead to not get frustrated midway
In the Arcsys presentations on slideshare what they do is as soon as they have a very basic base mesh they add a simple rig and pose it exactly like the pose reference illustrations, so it acts as a ground truth. The closer the posed model and refernce look, the closer they are to being done
And then rewind the bones back to base pose and fix the problems? That sounds interesting. IDK how necessary it really is though.
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Basically. No actual rewind though, for example in Blender there's a toggle for the rest pose, or you can memorize the action pose in a pose library, or you can make duplicate references to the mesh and skeleton and pose the duplicates, so that you see the preview side by side.

As for necessity, it really depends I guess, but the accuracy can really sell the model
When I'm doing bone weights I'll key bones with deep creases, like in the crotch, to some position, the splits, to make painting inside easier. I have a key for the bind pose as well. This way I can move the timeline to see how my deformations look at every point between the 2 poses as well as the poses themselves.
Also for proportions specifically you can adjust the bone lengths as part of pose scaling, which deforms the base mesh in turn, then apply the scale changes to the skeleton and mesh, so you mostly don't need to switch back and forth between rest and action poses for adjusting proportions
Yeah, that's a good one. You can extend that to putting several weird or typical poses on the timeline to easily check skinning in extreme situations while you're working on it
nvm the "extend" I suck at reading
Any vintage Anime shader? Youtube isn't helping
the "vintage" look would probably be in post-processing (grain, glow, aberration) and in the character design mainly. Do you have an image of what you have in mind?
I want to get started making 3D low poly character models, preferrably with an anime-ish art style, BUT I want to have them be modular (i.e for character customization in a game). What's the best way to get started?
Also, for shit like facial features/expressions and body parts, I'm probably gonna do swappable/moveable/resizable meshes and textures or some shit
Why are they naked
>What's the best way to get started?
To scope down, this is too ambitious if you don't know what you're doing
Start by making a couple characters using the same base mesh
I can only study with an erection
are there any particularly good tutorials for making anime hair? i'm just working off of basic planes and merging them but i'm curious if there's an ideal approach i'm missing out on.
A lot of people seem to do triangular segments controlled by splines and duplicated around as necessary.
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Can someone help me? all the proportions are right but the head doesn't feel like her.
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Drawings aren't actually accurate 3d, so you shouldn't trace them. Much less from the profile view as it's the most unreliable in drawings. If I had to bandaid your model I'd start from giving her more of a cheek, reduce her jawline and make the head taper more toward the bottom (switch to "active element" for the pivot, select the tip of the nose and shear laterally a bit from the front view).
When trying to match drawn reference, it's best to eyeball it rather than trace it. The primary reason is that drawings are simply inaccurate enough for that, and the secondary one is that you can't really read shapes well on toon shaded drawings in the sense that you can see the outline, but that's really all, which isn't much information. When eyeballing give preference to 3/4 and front views in that order. Note landmarks that you can't compromise on and stubbornly keep them. For example, you simply can not have the outer edge of the eye be the edge of the model in a 3/4 view - there always needs to be a patch of skin in-between. The red lines on the attached pic are very important.
Here's my quick take on your reference, obj format for if you're paranoid: https://files.catbox.moe/bp1fxy.obj
Thanks man, I'll look at it tomorrow as its late right now. I very much appreciate you taking the time to do this.
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Face is too narrow, skull and neck too small, compare it to a real skull to get the right proportions
This anon has great advice but adding on, just looking at your reference picture it's pretty blatant your front view is incorrect compared to your ref, the jawline's angle should be much sharper. gambare
they´re 2 different artstyles theres no way theyll align. you should just look for any fate production materials and use a frontview from a similar characters, it´s not like there´s that much face variety anyways
It's easier to tell what you're doing when the model has hair and makeup on
Also the front and 3/4 views are the most important when to comes to things like this.
Because you can't match all of the angles of drawings. Drawings for 2D's sake don't adhere to real 3D space at all, you're pretty much trying to match 2 different heads
Anons, how difficult would it be for a complete beginner to create environments and characters in an anime style similar to Miside?

How long would it take to design and create environment and prop assets?

How long would it take to model two or three characters?

Would using a VRoid model achieve the same quality? If not, what workflow would you recommend (e.g., DAZ models, etc.)?

I've only used asset packs before, so I wanted to get a rough idea of how long it would take to do this in Blender.

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