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Tranquility edition

>What are you running?
>How are you running it?
>How's your run going?
>Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it?

>/nuz/ resources
Mostly outdated, but if I add something new it will have (Updated) somewhere in it. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.
>Nuzlocke info
>Nuzlocke generator
>Guide to running the generator locally
>Links to official games (thru Sw/Sh)
>Romhack links
>Definitive emulator info (note that OpenEmu is the best option for Macfags period as RBY through B2W2 may all be played on it and all run smoothly)
>Difficulty list
>Pokémon Nuzlocke images
>Pokémon Bank sprites
>Pokémon Home Sprites
>Additional templates
>(UPDATED)Anon's Level Caps Doc
>Level caps/general Nuzlocke info (new!)
Previous Thread: >>56096743
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Every time I think "alright, this should go fine", I end up completely underestimating something
I beat Flannery, but... Goddamn, that was really sweaty
Flannery's Torkoal was rather frustrating to deal with, because if it uses Overheat twice, it switches out (one of the few AI quirks is that they will switch if their attacking stat gets dropped too far), and then the sun would come in again
I was hoping it would use Rapid Spin which I would lock with Encore (on Azumarill or Quagsire), but it not only went for Clear Smog, but it still used Overheat even in the rain?!
Needless to say I quickly had to improvise because the plan was to get Cloyster in to set up Shell Smash and sweep
Which was only really able to do against Blaziken (and I gave it Ice Shard to bypass its Endure shenanigans)
I also actually have nothing that resists Talonflame's STABs so I think I just had to let something die, so unfortunately Oricorio did not get to tango with anyone
Shout out to Sliggoo though, the bravest little slug there ever was, because with Sap Sipper, its huge Sp Def, Eviolite, and the rain, it actually completely hard walled Volcarona despite how terrifying that can be when it sets up multiple Quiver Dances
I can get a gift encounter in Lavaridge Town now, another encounter or two in the desert, then... we fight dad
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>VS Iris
>Mindy the Cincinno hits the Fraxure with a Tail Slap. Only hits twice so it lives and dragon dances
>Iris heals. Mindy hits Fraxure with a Swift which funnily takes the dragon down to red hp again
>Iris tries to heal again Mindy uses Swift again
>Third Swift takes out the Fraxure
>Druddigon comes out. Mindy hits it 3 times with a rock blast before she gets thrown out by a dragon tail
>Saul comes in and takes Druddigon out with a Brick Break
>Haxorus dragon dances. Saul hits it with a Low Sweep
>Haxorus dragon dances again. Saul hits it again with a Low Sweep since Brick Break wouldn't kill
>Gigachad Saul tanks a crit +2 boosted Dragon Claw with sturdy before breaking the dragons back with Brick Break

Congratz anon. Really itching to do some kind of Emerald romhack once i'm done with this marathonlocke
I've said it before, but... jeeze, that's only halfway through the game?
Saul seems to be the general MVP of the run.
>itching to do some kind of Emerald romhack once i'm done with this
Inclement Emerald is great, but trying to Nuzlocke it has been quite brutal
Though, there's probably some Emerald ROM hacks out there that lean closer towards vanilla and aren't as tough, since IE also has many stat, movepool, ability, and even some type changes to contend with
>jeeze, that's only halfway through the game?
Oh yeah, and it's just gonna ramp up from here, since every boss from Norman onward will have a Mega Evolution too
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This is my team so far. What do you think?

I'm so happy that I haven't lost a pokemon in a while on my nuzlocke. Today I beat the sixth gym leader Byron, Hippowdon took out his Magneton, then Tails struggled to take out his Steelix but luckily enough, Avian was able to save the day and finally Jenny defeated his Bastiodon. I think I'm set to not lose this nuzlocke. Their is the matter of Team Galactics Cyrus though.

Any advice for the next gym leader Candice? And also since I've recently had all the non ice type pokemon I can find in the snowy area of Sinnoh, this gives me an option to have some ice types. Any ice types I should look out for? I was thinking Weavile and Frosslass but there's also Abomasnow and Mamoswine.

Also I didn't know there was a new thread until now.
I would think Magmortar could easily deal with her team aside from Froslass. Mamoswine hits hard and has decent bulk, plus Ice Shard let's it hit first with its attack.
For future reference, threads reach bump limit at 310 posts on /vp/, then someone makes a new thread once the old thread is close to archiving.
What roms can be played on phone? All mainline games up to gen 7? What about romhacks, are any too big to be played effectively on a phone?
I think up to gen 7, but i would imagine the first five gens are easier to emulate.
From what i've seen, you can play romhacks on your phone. I don't think romhacks take up that much space even on a phone, XY is 1.7 GB is a comparison.
>there's probably some Emerald ROM hacks out there that lean closer towards vanilla and aren't as tough
I was actually leaning towards a romhack where you need to look at spreadsheet and calculate pretty much every fight or you wipe. Would be a nice change of pace from the base games where i just wing everything
Maybe Drayano's hacks are what you're looking for?
Oh, then Inclement Emerald will be just fine, lol
Or as the other anon said, Drayano ROM hacks
There's Run and Bun if you really want to play something that's "calc every fight or you lose" but I can imagine that would not only take longer but would be even more stressful, unless that's what you're looking for
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This is my team so far. What do you think?

Today I started my journey to Snowpoint city and headed into the snowy area which is my favourite area in the game. Because grass is weak to ice, I put Rapunzel in the reserve for now and put Evo back on the team, i then caught a Sneasel that I named FrostBite however I would unfortunately lose Tails to the hail during a fight with a trainer which it's be a while since a pokemon has died and now one has died. I decided to fill the void left by Tails death with FrostBite and I would go on to catch two more ice types, a Snorunt I named Jack and a Snover I named Yeto. I then make it to Snowpoint city.

Any advice for the next gym leader Candice?
Magmortar and Wravile should be enough to deal with Candice's team, I would also try to go in with mons that aren't weak to ice or ghost type moves. Lucario would probably take out everything besides Abomasnow by itself, something to consider.
Went on holiday so didn't really touch this for a couple of weeks after starting.

Had a bit of a grinding nightmare in the run up to the second gym, lost 3 in the process, was getting set to evolve Eevee as well.

Some decent captures in the meantime, had plenty to deal with Gardenia anyway but Soup 2.0 was a nice first encounter in Coronet.

Jupiter was fairly comfortable as well, not a great deal to talk about with that one.

Currently in desperate need of a water type, so training a couple up, trying to keep options open for now.

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