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N edition

>What are you running?
>How are you running it?
>How's your run going?
>Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it?

>/nuz/ resources
Mostly outdated, but if I add something new it will have (Updated) somewhere in it. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.
>Nuzlocke info
>Nuzlocke generator
>Guide to running the generator locally
>Links to official games (thru Sw/Sh) (Outdated)
>Romhack links
>Definitive emulator info (note that OpenEmu is the best option for Macfags period as RBY through B2W2 may all be played on it and all run smoothly)
>Difficulty list
>Pokémon Nuzlocke images
>Pokémon Bank sprites
>Pokémon Home Sprites
>Additional templates
>(UPDATED)Anon's Level Caps Doc
>Level caps/general Nuzlocke info (new!)
Previous Thread: >>55961629
Congrats anon! Are you doing Green or is it off to gen 2?
Probably off to Gold, unless there's a translated version of Green out there without any fan stuff put in
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Wouldn't be a Parasectbro run without a little massacre against the final villain team fight, would it? Ecstatic was behind a double screen so I thought he'd be fine fighting Guzma's Vikavolt. Didn't expect it to carry a super effective move, that was poorly prepared from my part.
The fight against Lusamine actually went great, until it didn't. We basically wiped the floor with most of her team thanks to screens letting Majesty and Mourning set up, but then it all went south on her final pokemon; Lilligant. Had to switch out Mourning because his attack was lowered too much by Clefable's charm and he had basically no hp, and that's when the killing really began. Shivering the Glalie was oneshot by Petal Dance switching in. Kraken nearly died setting up another lightscreen for my own Lilligant, but after setting up she hit herself in confusion twice due to teeter dance and died to a crit. Since I expected this to be a wipe now I sent Mermaid to do some chip damage with Aqua Jet before being one-shot too, then sent out Mourning to die next. Thank God she finally hit herself in confusion after the third set of Petal Dances at this point, allowing Mourning to get the decisive hit in.
What a disaster, but I'm really glad I don't have to start the game over at this point. Gonna have to rebuild the team again, so now's definitely the time to bring out our shiny Gengar. Gonna wait until I get some encounters in Poni before deciding on the rest.

P.S. With Malamar getting contrary superpower soon, what's the best move I can drop from his moveset? All of them feel important right now.

Congrats man! Sucks to lose Nidoqueen that late but that's a great team at the end.

If the AI can live with Set then so can I.

The kanto special.

Don't forget you can get a Metal Coat at the pokeathlon before the national dex for a Scizor if you want to keep a niche open for Fearow. Though you have plenty of good stuff to take her place anyway.
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No idea. I am open to suggestions.
Sounds like a solid team.
The problem is that I have no good TMs so everyone is stuck with their level up moveset and the Casino moves. I also have no candies left and with the level 49 cap I am not sure they would have enough firepower.
Calm Mind Alakazam is definitely my best bet but I can't really set up on the first two E4 and I may be too underleveled at that point to set up for the rest with how frail it is.
I already used the Water Stone so Ludicolo is not an option. Also, Aron is Modest so probably not the most useful.
Also I am kinda stranded in the League at the moment so first I need to put a team together to escape Victory Road safely.
You can trade shards with the treasure hunter for stones.
And just stock repels to escape victory road, iirc they keep out all encounters in gen 3, even if they have higher levels than your own pokemon.
I agree with the other anon, that's probably the best team you can make out of this.
Yup, we couldn't use any of the kanto survivors in Johto since the level cap was too low, but we'll be able to use both in Hoenn which is pretty exciting.
Thanks, gotta remember to watch out for Fairy type existing now since I jumped to Omega Ruby.
First Nuzlocke in FireRed
Delta app
>How's it Going
Almost shat the bed to LT. Surge because of Raichu double team shenanigans. Lost my Diglett and Meowth that I was hoping to keep. Got close to losing one of my main core but the rng worked out so there were minimal losses.
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My three Pokemon poison team is getting shredded by Alakazam who outspeeds and one shots two of three Pokemon and the only one that can get a hit off can't kill it. Are there any solutions that aren't leveling up? All I can think of is a clutch quick claw.
The BDSP E4 is extremely overpowered compared to the rest of the game, because that's the only teams that were changed before the post game, so you might have to rely on the quick claw proc.
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>Barkup burns down the steel gym
>Bubbles and Fanuni take care of Pryce
>VS Clair
>Leveled up Suhas the lanturn specifically to fuck over Clairs gyarados
>Gyarados gets off a dragon rage before falling to a discharge
>Suhas don't care since she has 160+ hp
>First dragonair comes in, uses thunder wave and barely survives a blizzard
>Clair heals and Suhas uses a discharge which paralyses the dragonair
>Suhas outspeeds the dragonair and takes it out with the second blizzard
>Kingdra comes in, Hits Suhas with a dragon pulse and gets paralysed by a discharge in return
>I use a full restore on Suhas, Kingdra can't move due to paralysis
>Kingdra gets paralyzed a second time, gets one more dragon pulse off and then gets taken out by the third discharge
>Second dragonair comes in, Suhas misses 3 blizzards in a row is forced to switch out due to low hp & lack of pp
>Bubbles comes in and cleans out the second dragonair with a blizzard
What an absolute gigachad anglerfish. I was prepared to lose 1 or 2 mons against Clair so coming out without any deaths feels pretty damn good.
Yeah i forgot to do pokeathlon on friday when the metal coat was available so i'll either just wait after elite four or go try and thief one off a wild steelix
A victory against Clair without losing anyone is the best kind, congrats!
>link to official games pastebin is STILL outdated
But why?
We have now reach the vast middle portion of FireRed. Lost two of my reliable rotation pokemon in Celadon, one from Erika and the other from trying to capture Snorlax. It was a success though, got Snorlax with my second to last ball. If this guy eats it before the end I will be inconsolable.
Because i don't know shit about roms.
Just don't go near any exploding Pokémon and i think you'll be fine.
Real talk I feel good about my current roster for the Elite 4, but Agatha might be my undoing. I snuck Bite onto my Jolteon (which made Pokemon Tower a breeze), but other than that I'm at a loss.
Whoops, wrong @>>56102787
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>Pango vs Ho-Oh
>Pango survives a fire blast with 5 hp, nails the bird with a rock tomb
>Next turn Pango now outspeeds Ho-Oh but misses the second rock tomb and gets fucking obliterated by sacred fire
>Bubbles comes in and hits Ho-Oh with a surf leaving it with a sliver of hp
>Get an idea
>Use hypnosis
>Ho-Oh falls asleep
>Chuck an ultra ball at it
>Mfw it Actually gets caught
This is the first time i've tried and succeeded in catching a legendary in a nuzlocke run. Probably not going to use it though unless i somehow lose my Arcanine. RIP Pango the sandslash though
Congrats! I usually just Master Ball them to not deal with it.
I don't know if Jolteon had the attack to one shot Gengar, i see Golbat and Haunter getting one shot though.
In order to fix it we would need to like to, may Allah forgive me for saying this, reddit. Not worth it honestly.
Thanks. i usually save the master ball for a possible shiny capture
If you can give Snorlax Shadow Ball he wrecks Agatha.
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Thoughts on a nuzlocke where you can't battle wild Pokemon for EXP for each Pokemon gets an extra life? I tried without an extra life but it's hard to get enough EXP to replace anything that dies.
>Get to Koga
>Forget to put Charizard in front
>Have to swap to Snorlax for max safety
>Muk uses mimimize hacks
>takes 16 turns of Rest+Snore+Body Slam to take care of it
>Next pokemon Koffing
>Snorlax survives selfdestruct by 20 hp
I screamed. It would have taken me hours to grind up another suitable physical attacker to Silph Co. Levels.
Truly a fate worse than death.
Smart, i usually chuck a quick ball at it.
How exactly do your mons get extra lives? Just one extra, or can you earn more? Regardless, i wouldn't personally call it a pure Nuzlocke, the death component is part of what makes a Nuzlocke.
Region Quest Update yo! Roxxane and Brawly were absolutely tossed by Grovyle and a Taillow that's chillin in the PC now. The May fight outside Slateport actually got us good because a few Pokemon overleveled and couldn't be used, so I was stuck with a bunch of normal types who were slow against Combusken. I used a Wingull and low rolled on Wing Attack which didn't kill, but Combusken was in Blaze range and crit us with a flame charge that killed. Swapped into a weak Electrike to Quick Attack, but it wasn't enough and got one hit. Static went off as Electrike died, and so my next mon could outspeed. Might've been bad if not for that Static proc.

Didn't have anything good against Wattson, but managed to get Shedinja, which Magneton couldn't touch, so eventually Mud-Slapped it to death. Here's the team I'm moving on Flannery with next.
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My Inclement Emerald Nuzlocke continues... and honestly, this fight is always really tricky to plan for, but somehow we made it
It's hard enough trying to keep my side safe but Brendan's Swampert is at the mercy of Ninetales and Houndoom's Solar Beams, and I feel like who he targets (Excadrill or Ninetales) is also kinda random, since his only good attacking move is... Dig, of all moves
And I kind of just panicked a bit, switched Typhlosion not knowing which side Courtney or the grunt would target, and Typhlosion ate a Grass Gem boosted Solar Beam to the face for its troubles, and just barely survived
Idk, I just kinda winged this even when I said I had to like, really focus and calculate and prepare, but Multi Battles are just, gah
At least there's only one more and that's much later (if I even make it that far again), and I believe Steven should pull his weight better than Brendan
In any case, we'll be on our way to Mt. Chimney next
Also just to clarify, Typhlosion is part Ground in this (hence why Solar Beam did so much damage)
It's a nice change, it's like having a Camerupt that can actually outspeed stuff
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This is my team in Pokemon Black 2 so far. What do you all think?

I've started doing a Pokemon Black 2 nuzlocke and I'm already having fun. The rules are the same as usual. If a pokemon faints, it can't be used again and I have to catch the first pokemon I encounter in an area unless i run out of Pokeballs or i defeat it or it runs away. My starter pokemon is determined by the last number on my ID which was a 2.

I started of my journey in Aspertia City where I was gifted a Snivy from Bianca which I named Prince. I then caught myself a Patrat I named Alvin and Mareep I named Mary. I did try to catch a Pidove but it fainted. Mary was able to help me against the first gym leader Cheren where she used Shockwave to paralyze Cheren's two pokemon preventing them from using Work Up to many times which gave me the victory. I then also caught a Magnemite which I named SparkPlug and Mary evolved into a Flaaffy.

Any advice for this nuzlocke or the next gym leader Roxie?
They got him. They finally got my Snorlax. Island Two with that fucking Cue Ball Biker got a crit Self-Destruct. Rest in Peace Chowder, you will be missed.
*Island Three
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You were warned to keep Snorlax away from exploding Pokémon.
Sorry anon, that really sucks
Magnemite will deal with Roxie just fine, the Magnezone line is one of the best for Unova in general.
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finally got the time to grind up a replacement mon and fight Drayden. Jellicent carried me with a lucky stat boost from Ominous Wind right away. he has been a real surprising standout to me that I originally caught just to use surf.
anyway has been a mostly clean run so far but I know I'm coming up on the tough part of the game and it's been awhile, any tips for Ghetsis & Co.?

and yeah I know I should be using magnemite. but I just used one in hgss, and a shiny one at that. so I want to try new mons
>any tips for Ghetsis & Co.
In your case I'd lead the Kyurem/Ghetsis fight with Emboar, since it should be able to beat it pretty easily and allow for a predictable safe switch into Drapion on Ghetsis' Cofagrigus.
Alternatively you can try to think of a way to start with something that can set up against Cofagrigus since it usually starts the fight by toxic -> protect stalling, but I'm not sure who'd do that well on your team.
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>Saravin soloes the entire elite four alone
>VS Lance
>Suhas takes out gyarados with discharge
>lvl 50 dragonite comes in
>Suhas hits it with a blizzard, it lives with red hp and eats it's berry
>The dragonite uses outrage which takes Suhas down to 50 hp
>Suhas uses blizzard again which takes out the dragonite
>Second dragonite comes in, somehow outspeeds Suhas despite being lower level than the previous one can kills her with a dragon rush
>I send out Bubbles
>Dragonite outspeeds again and nails Bubbles with a thunder which also paralyses her
>Bubbles hits back with a blizzard which takes out the dragonite
>Third dragonite comes in
>I decide to leave Bubbles in and she dies to a dragon rush
>Saravin comes in and hits the dragonite with a wing attack before getting paralysed by a thunder wave
>Saravin hits the dragonite with a bullet punch while tanking dragon rush herself
>Second bullet punch takes out the last dragonite
>Charizard comes in
>I send out Barkup to soften it up because he really wont be of any use against the aerodactyl
>Some back and forth exchanges and both end up at red hp on the same turn
>I expect Lance to heal the charizard so i get Ragmor to switch in safely
>Ragmor tanks an air slash before taking the zard out with a rock slide
>Aerodactyl comes in, hits Ragmor with a crunch before falling to a second rock slide

RIP my water types. Is Dratini available in any other gens besides 1 and 2? Kinda want to level one but it also feels kinda pointless since like half of Reds team has blizzard if i remember correctly
There's like a 5% chance to get a Dragonair in the last route of XY and I think a 1% in one of the wild areas in SwSh. HGSS is the time to go for it if you want the Dragonite line.
After our unfortunate roster, we have now reached the last two challenges. Giovanni and the Pokemon League. After sadly losing Chowder the Snorlax and Toulouse the Persian, we have settled on a new and complete core.
Anyone try that Yellow Legacy romhack that's always popping up on Youtube?
Haven't done any Gen 1 games in over a decade.
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This is my team so far. What do you all think?

So far as of today, I grinded my pokemon and I beat the second gym leader Roxie. Sparkplug was able to defeat all two of her pokemon by paralyzing them with Thunder Wave and she was no problem. After becoming a film star and dealing with Team Plasma in Virbank city, I took a boat to Castelia city. I tried to catch a Zubat in Castelia sewers but my rival defeated both two Zubats before I could catch one. I was able to catch a Pidove though in Castelia park, I named him Birdie.

Any advice for the next gym leader Burgh? I'm assuming his Leavanny should be no problem now that I have Pidove.
I forget to mention that I lost Alvin to a trainers Eevee.
sounds like a solid plan ty. and yeah I don't really have a set up sweeper right now. but I did grind out BP on the Pwt to get brick break on emboar, so that should help with kyurem and hydreigon hopefully. guess I will see how it goes tonight, this I've always heard is one of the hardest nuzlocke fights.

wait, is the 8th gym before or after Ghetsis in bw2? haven't played this in ages
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Yay, I finally solved beating Alpha Sapphire with a team of littlemons. Rules are that there's level caps, no items in battle etc. Just legit little guys.
I have a few boxes full of these level 75 unevolved Pokemon whom I tried to use, but I finally found the team and strategies.

Clamperl soloes Sidney
Scraggy (pretty much) soloes Glacia and Phoebe
With the power of friendship we can beat Drake and Steven.
Finally, without relying on luck or crits or anything like that, this is a team who can beat the Elite Four any day of the week.
My goodness, the Frillish is the MVP. Scraggy and Intimidate Sandile too.
Im so happy I found the strats and finally could beat the E4 & Champion with reliable strategies and setup and the team ^^
I have a bunch of honorable mentions and memories along the way. Like when Ralts beat Mega Gallade or the deeds of my Wurmple.
>gym leader Burgh
Don't put Pidove against his Dwebble, though. Or else you're gonna have a bad time

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