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The night edition

>What are you running?
>How are you running it?
>How's your run going?
>Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it?

>/nuz/ resources
Mostly outdated, but if I add something new it will have (Updated) somewhere in it. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.
>Nuzlocke info
>Nuzlocke generator
>Guide to running the generator locally
>Links to official games (thru Sw/Sh)
>Romhack links
>Definitive emulator info (note that OpenEmu is the best option for Macfags period as RBY through B2W2 may all be played on it and all run smoothly)
>Difficulty list
>Pokémon Nuzlocke images
>Pokémon Bank sprites
>Pokémon Home Sprites
>Additional templates
>(UPDATED)Anon's Level Caps Doc
>Level caps/general Nuzlocke info (new!)
Previous Thread: >>55853256
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>Leave my Luxray in the PC because i need to bring 1 HM slave so i can scale MT. Coronet
>Cyrus brings a fucking gyarados to the last fight
RIP my starter. Almost also lost my Ambipom to his Weavile. She tanked a brick break with 1 hp remaining and in return took the weavile out with a rock smash
Xerneas is a fine legendary, i used it myself in my X run.
Playing pokemon X nuzlocke. I've beaten Team Flare and my team is Chesnaught, Charizard, Lucario, Marowak, Tentacruel and Xerneas. Any advice for later? I feel like the final gym leader who got forget his name will be easy.
Wulfric is easy as long as Charizard actually makes it to the fight, afterwards when you see a bridge on a route, you'd better be prepared for a gauntlet.
you should be fine till the end of the game with that team
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Pryce's Team:
OHKO by Bruce's Ancient Power.
Bruce sets up a Fire Spin, and from there, kills Venusaur with 2 APs, thanks to the first one boosting his stats.
Bruce uses AP again, putting Cloyster at around half health and boosting Bruce's stats once more. However, Cloyster's Counter attack leaves Bruce with a mere 4 health. Despite this, Bruce's Thunder Shock attack kills Cloyster the next turn.

Claire's Team:
OHKO (2 hits) by Terry II's Double Kick.
2HKO by Terry II's Strength.
2HKO by Terry II's Razor Leaf, thanks in part to a lucky crit after Poliwag healed itself with Moonlight.
Terry II puts it to sleep with Sing, and I switch to Ginko, who takes a bunch of turns to kill it with Pin Missile, thanks to unlucky misses and Claire's healing items.

Not much to say. I'll return when the league is won.
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5 turn rollout ftw
Holy fuck man, I died 8 times in Nuzlocke black 2 challenge mode

These fucking pokemon suck fucking dick. And seriously? A venipede using rollout is uncatchable?
Unova doesn't screw around, they're plenty difficult even without challenge mode increasing the grind and adding mons to gym leaders.
You got blacked lol
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With my starter dead i didn't really have any good counters for Palkia so i had to rely on Sonata and hope Palkia would mainly use physical attacks while i whittle it down. Sadly Sonata didn't survive the encounter but she got Palkia low enough that Drevun could come in afterwards and finish it off without further losses. All this for choosing the wrong mon to bench for mt. Coronet. Leveled up some replacements and took out the last gym. Just the league left now.
Yippie! Made it through the first game of the Region Quest, moving on to Johto now. Lost Hypno, Fearow, and Blastoise among the winners. All random crits from Bruno and Agatha. Had to resort to using Toxic + Double Team on Magneton to win since I was out of PP and didn't bring in any Ethers.

I get to carry 6 Pokemon across to HeartGold, so I chose the three winners, an Omanyte, Meowth, and Horsea. We won't get to use the winners again until Hoenn because of level cap rules, but the others can really help in Johto.

Moved onto Heartgold and got up to right before Falkner. Species clause across every gen/game in the run, so current team is Cynda, Sentret, Ghastly, Omanyte, Wooper, and Zubat.
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lost my special sweeper in the Victory Road to the last trainer, with his last pokemon with only 1 hp left
That's some bad luck. Who are you replacing him with?
>A venipede using rollout is uncatchable?
Don't try to catch pokemon in dark grass. There is a multiplier applied to the catch rate based on the number of pokemon owned in your pokedex. Early game it applies a 0.3 multiplier, making pokemon almost impossible to catch.
got me a Starmie, altho I really wanted to have a fast Crunch + Taunt
Final team + final box, I'm going in
Good luck anon.
Is radical red possible to nuzlocke going in blind? I mean I know it can but I don't want to spend more time looking at spreadsheets and trainer guides than playing the game
>Nuzlocking ROM hacks
That's just asking for trouble
I've beaten the final gym leader Wulffric. For a final gym leader, he was way too easy. Gen 6 has some of the weakest and worst gym leaders. Charizard one shotted his Anomasnow and took out his Cryoganal and Lucario one shotted his Avalugg. I now have all the gym badges. I must say I'm getting a little bored of pokemon X.
And that's it! This E4 was a cakewalk; Kotori OHKOs both Sidney and Glacia, Keklol stalls Phoebe and Ai sweeps Drake. Keklol died at the end from a Milotic Ice Beam crit for the lulz, but it doesn't matter because Ai and King resist everything Wallace throws at us and kill in return. I didn't have to use Drop or Bubbly even once.
I liked playing Emerald a lot more than LG; it really feels that the world is out there to get you and I lost quite a lot Pokemon just by chance. Very satisfying 10/10
Yeah, Kalos is pretty easy aside from the random trainers, but you've still got one rival fight between you and the league.
I agree with the other anon. It's certainly possible, but it's gonna be frustrating at the same time.
I've beaten the first elite four member Malva. So Marowak took out Pyroar and Torkoal with no issue, Tentacruel took out Talonflame and bad a little bit of trouble and Xerneas took out Chandelure with no problem.
I've beaten the second elite four member Siebold. Chesnaught took out his Clawitzer and Barbaracle, the latter going down in one hit and Xerneas took out his Starmie and Gyarados.
I've beaten the third elite four member Wilkstrom. Marowak beat his Klefki, Lucario beat his Probopass but did nearly get taken out by Earthpower and the fact Probopass had the ability sturdy though Lucario still outsped and Charizard mega evolved and took out Aegislash with a bit of problem and Scizor with no problem at all.
Great job on defeating elite four member Drasna! Your Lucario's Dragon Pulse took down Dragalge, and Marowak's Ice Beam did the job against Noivern. Xerneas showed impressive power with one-shotting Altaria and Druddigon with Moon Blast, demonstrating the team's well-rounded skills. Keep it up! You're making progress towards the final battle.
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Yes. I have finally done it. I have completed my pokemon X nuzlocke. I beat the champion Dianthia without losing a single pokemon. Though to be honest, Diantha was really easy. So first my Charizard used Fly to one shot her Hawlucha before it could do anything, then my Chesnaught goes up against her Tyrantrum which it those have a problem with but is able to defeat it using Hammer Arm and Leech Seed, Lucario takes out Aurorus with one Close Combat, no surprise it goes down, Goodra is defeated by my Xerneas, I then send Tentacruel up against Gourgeist first to use toxic spikes and then to use Slude Wave however Gourgeist uses Trick or Treat which changes Tentacruel into a ghost type and so I switch out and send Charizard to take Gourgeist and then finally Dianthia sends out her Gardevoir, she mega evolves it and I send out my Marowak, Gardevoir those get poisoned by Toxic Spikes and uses a Power MoonBlast but Marowak uses Bonemerang and takes Gardevoir out before it can do any damage. I beat Dianthia without losing a single pokemon and without using mega evolution.

Six pokemon enter the hall of fame. Spike, Pyre, Bones, Redeemer, Venom and Harmonia.
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>Vs Giovanni
Drizzle starts. Slaking hits Athol(Pelipper) with Play Rough, then falls to two Surfs thanks to Truant.
I send in Pantaloons(Scrafty) on a Double-Edge Crit. She then takes another Double-Edge Thankfully, Leftovers lets her get a Bulk Up in and still live a third Double-Edge, after which Drain Punch KOs Kangaskhan and restores some health(Double-Edge lessened the amount to drain).
It comes in, sets up Sand, Dragon Dances... and falls to Hi Jump Kick.
It Dragon Claws Pantaloons, who Drain Punch it back. Repeat once, and the battle is won.

Compared to Blaine, this was a joke. Sadly, just after the battle, in the fight against the Rival's Mega-Venusaur, Hannah the Arbok fell. She was meant to be my anti-venusaur mon, but it had Earthquake for Coverage and took her out with a single crit.
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The fight against the elite four was pretty uneventful. Slepp soloed the bug guy, Tierna took out the ground lady, fire and psychic guys were a team effort. We almost shat the bed on Cynthia though
>Fight starts with Dudu and Spiritomb exchanging paybacks and dark pulses
>Cynthia heals once, Dudu would have come out on top but the last Dark pulse crits and kills her
>Slepp comes in and revenge kills Spiritomb
>Cynthia sends out Milotic
>Slepp u-turns, i bring out Lionel who tanks an ice beam
>Lionel responds with a thunder fang which leaves the Milotic with 1 hp and paralysis (rivalry is a bitch)
>Cynthia doesn't heal and instead just lets Milotic die to the second thunder fang
>Gastrodon comes in, i swap to Gower who dodges a muddy water
>Giga drain leaves Gastrodon with red hp, it doesn't die to hail and hits Gower with a stone edge which luckily doesn't crit
>Cynthia heals while i giga drain twice which leaves gastrodon dead
>Cynthia brings in Lucario
>I swap in Tierna who tanks a Dragon pulse and then DIES to a crit dragon pulse before she had a chance to attack a single time
>I bring in Drevun who tanks a psychic and then DIES to a crit psychic
>Lionel comes in and tanks a dragon pulse before finally taking down the Lucario with a thunder fang
>Garchomp comes in
>I send in Gower who is still full hp thanks to giga drain
>She tanks a dragon rush and an earthquake before Taking Garchomp out with blizzard
>Cynthia only has Roserade left, i heal up Gower and then take it out with another blizzard
Kinda forgot that Cynthia had a Lucario so i wasn't prepared for it. All i remembered were Spiritomb, garchomp and Togekiss which i guess is Platinum only. Bit bummed that i didn't get to champion Mismagius and Ambipom. They were with me from almost the very start. I can still catch them in other games but i probably will try to avoid using them if possible to increase the amound of different mons i end up playing with overall
Congrats to the both of you!
I'm guessing you made this before Hannah fell. Who are you gonna use in place of her?
I was already training her up before, picking her back up now.
Good Venusaur answer too, overall.
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>Started a Soul Silver run
>Mfw trying to grind out pokewalker routes while it's 30°C outside
Good luck then!
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I won't be doing a nuzlocke today or for a while as now I want to play Pokemon Emerald for the first time. What thread should I go to to update my gameplay?
Kinda depends on if there's a thread up for that or not. You could always throw a couple rules on to your playthrough and post here.
Theirs going to be no rules.
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Still have 1 pokewalker route to grind but went ahead and took out the first gym. Excited about the modest magnemite and kangaskhan which i've never used before. Smoochum is also a nice backup in case Vlad the gastly meets an unfortunate end at some point.
You're at the mercy of the board then. There's nothing stopping you from making your own thread for current teams/playthroughs though.
What's the order of games you're doing? One version of each region, then the other version, then the third versions?
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I uh...Lewis doesn't learn, and I am an instinctual moron.
Got surprised twice by stronger moves, that's how I lost Lenna and Daisy. Lewis can't remember his type match-ups.
Most of Winona's team went down easily, except that Swellow that got to max evasion, that killed four Pokemon, and Shell Bro and Nike Bro were at 7 and 9 health respectively.
One gen at a time. Just alternating between regions so i don't have to for example do 2 sinnoh games in a row
>17 dead before the sixth gym
Oh boy.
Winona isn't the 6th gym leader? That math isn't mathing.
Her badge looked grayed out to me, but now that i look closer I see it isn't.
That makes sense, helps to keep regions fresh.
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Any anons have good name theme ideas? No basic bitch mythology/anime/celebrity/food/etc names please
Elements in the periodic table
name them after 4chan boards
Star Wars Legends.
No way I can think of fitting elements for pokemon, I’d probably give up after hydrogen/oxygen for water types
Not a bad idea kek
Actually this might just work, since I was just replaying KOTOR I and II anout a month ago
Hydrogen could actually be a cute name for something like a Voltorb, since it is related to energy generation and bombs.
Oxygen would probably work better for a fire type than a water type.
Will's Team:
3HKO by Melanie's Drill Peck.
Trades Vine Whips and Surf attacks with Melanie, Melanie killing him in 3HKO'ing him.
Gets in a Quick Attack before Melanie OHKOs him with Surf.
I switch to Bruce, who OHKOs Abra with Cut, but not before taking 2 STAB Psybeams and getting confused.
2HKO'd by Ginko's Rock Slide.

Koga's Team:
2HKO by Terry II's Strength attack.
It sets up Defense Curls and Safeguard as Terry II's attempts to put it to sleep fail. I switch to Foggy, who kills it with 6 Surf attacks (thanks to Koga using a Full Restore).
OHKO'd by Foggy's Dynamic Punch.
I switch to Bruce into a Sweet Kiss. Despite the confusion, Bruce manages to to get an Aurora Beam off, which doesn't do much. I switch to Ginko, and spam Rock Slide as Xatu spams Recover.
3HKO'd by Ginko's Waterfall.

Bruno's Team:
3HKO by Lawrence's Bone Rush (8 hits total).
I switch to Bruce, who lands 2 Ancient Powers (the second one boosting) as Lugia puts him in the red with 2 Double Kicks and Iron Tail. I finish it off with Cut. as Bruce lives with 3 HP left.
I switch to Ginko, who eats 2 Vital Throws as Pin Missile does jack shit. I switch to Melanie, who is able to paralyze it, and take it down with 3 Surf Attacks.
I switch to Terry II (not wanting to risk a Glare), which pays off as Terry II eats a STAB Headbutt. After Miltank sets up Barrier, Terry II is able to 2HKO it with Cross Chop, thanks to the latter CC critting.
Outspeeds and uses Present, which fully heals Terry II as Terry puts it to sleep with Sing. From there, I switch to Foggy and 5HKO Dodrio thanks to Bruno's Max Potion.
(2/3) [Typo]
Karen's Team:
I switch to Lawrence (from Ginko) and 3HKO Suicune with Giga Drain.
I switch to Melanie into a Glare, but she's able to tank a Solar Beam and kill him with Drill Peck.
I switch to Terry II, using my last 3 Cross Chops (only 1 hitting) to whittle Lapras down to a range where I could kill it with 3 Razor Leafs (one of which crits).
It outspeeds, and uses Bubblebeam, leaving Terry II at 1 HP. Terry II responds by putting it to sleep, allowing me to switch to Bruce. Bruce 2HKOs Tangela with Aurora Beam, eating a Dynamic Punch in the process.
I switch to Ginko, who 5HKOs Flaafy with Waterfall, it having set up Barrier and spammed Spike Cannon.
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Champion Lance's Team:
Crobat sets up Amnesia as Bruce's Ancient Power takes off a chunk of it's HP. 3 Aurora Beams is all it takes from there as it unsuccessfuly bombards Bruce with Octozooka and Returns attacks (successully lowered Bruce's accuracy).
OHKO'd by Foggy's Surf, taking a 47 Seismic Toss and a Double Kick.
I go for another Surf attack, but it doesn pretty much nothing while Lugia's Gust puts Foggy in the red. I switch back to Bruce, whose crit Ancient Power puts Lugia below half, but it's Iron Tail forces me to switch. Ginko lands it's final Rock Slide, before Iron Tail forces me to switch again. Melanie tanks a final Iron Tail before killing Lugia with Surf.
2HKO'd by Melanie's Drill Peck, but not before Seismic Toss puts her in the red.
I switch to Terry II as Kadabra sets up Focus Energy. From there, it lowers Terry's defense by 4 stages with a mix of Screech and Tail Whip before Sing finally lands, and Terry II 2HKOs it with Strength.
Charizard's Confusion confuses Terry II, forcing me to switch to Lawrence. I spam Whirlpool as Charizard sets up Curses and fires off Confusion attacks. Lance's full restore ensures Lawrence won't make it, and it dies to one of Charizard's Confusion attacks. I switch to Foggy, who finishes it off with Surf.

I took a break for a couple of days, but I'm back. I'm pissed that I had to sacrifice Lawrence, but only 1 dead is good all things considered. Gonna grind up FillmoreII, and get to conquering Kanto.
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Second gym down. Kifu bullied the Scyther into submission with Rock Tomb.
>Serene Grace Togepi
>Skill Link Shellder
All things considered, it have gone much worse. Electabuzz is pretty good in gen 2, but my own had special attacks though.
Of course Lance kept Charizard, did Gameafreak do this randomizer?
I considered using Kangaskhan in a normal X run, but the mega stone is postgame only, so that was a deal breaker. How is she treating you?
Bump again.
I want to do a nuzlocke of all of the games in a row, how do I get through the slog of 4 gen Gen I games in a row?
Alternatively, are there are Rom Hacks that are particularly fun to do runs for? Was considering Renegade Platinum
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Only had her for a few levels but stat-wise she's pretty strong early on at least. Going to wait until thursday to get her a drain punch from the department store before tackling Whitney
You could do a version generations order (as in, do Red, then Gold, Ruby, Diamond, etc, then do the second versions in gen order, then third versions).
A lot of romhacks are difficulty hacks, and Drayano hacks are some of the toughest around. Maybe Perfect Crystal if you like gen 2?
Do you guys have any good nuzlocke YouTube channels to suggest? Primarily for infinite fusion, fan game and romhack runs?
Do you guys consider the Red Gyarados in the Lake of Rage as shiny for the shiny clause? I'm not sure, because it's guaranteed to be there and the whole point of the shiny clause, at least in my eyes, is to be able to use this cool rare thing you found.
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Janine's Team:
3HKO'd by Ginko's Rock Slide.
OHKO'd by Ginko's crit Fly attack.
See above (no Crit).
2HKO'd by Ginko's Rock Slide.
3HKO'd by FillmoreII's Crunch.

Brock's Team:
OHKO'd by Terry II's crit Cross Chop.
3HKO'd by Terry II's Strength, but not before getting in 2 Sand Attacks.
I switch to FillmoreII into Bonemerang, only for Rock Smash to do basically nothing. Bruce comes in, and kills Clefairy with 2 Rock Smashes.
Outspeeds and hits Bruce with Submission. The follow up Rock Smash does little, so I switch to Foggy. The first Surf prompts a Hyper Potion, so after the next one, Foggy kills it with DP.
2HKO'd by Foggy's Surf.

Gonna try to take the gyms in order of their level caps, so Surge is next. I'm not having many problems so far, but I'm still very anxious about the battle with Red.
Personally, no.
Good luck with Whitney!
I don't have channels, but i'll recommend watching through Projared's Fire Red Nuzlocke.
I'd just treat it as a static encounter at that point. You're right, shiny clause is if you happen to come across a rare shiny-- might as well go for it. But because this one is guaranteed, it's just a regular ol' Pokemon.
Not sure if this is the right general but was thinking of doing the ribbon challenge but I wasn't sure if it was even still possible with the recent changes they made to the online for porting across gens

Can I still get a pokemon from XD Gale to current gen through transfers?
Only if you have the transfer app on your 3ds.
I thought Bank was excepted from the 3DS/Wii U shutdown? Either way, i checked and Bank still works for me. You need to have downloaded it before the eshop shutdown though, but i'm sure someone is working on a bank substitute if it isn't already.
I'm sure you could find a Pokémon Bank rom online too
>encounter is a Mantyke
>requires you to catch a Remoraid to evolve it
>meaning you need a completely separate encounter to make it not useless
Man, what the heck
I would just pick up a remoraid for the evolution and not use it, it's not that serious. or maybe it is idk
I'd just catch a remoraid for the evolution and then release it. Same shit with pokemon that need to level up at mt. coronet to evolve
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Lt. Surge's Team:
2HKO'd by Bruce's Cut (thanks to a lucky crit).
2HKO'd by Melanie's Surf.
Paralyzed by Melanie's Glare, and killed with an Iron Tail (misclick) followed by 2 Surfs.
OHKO'd by Melanie's Surf.
Paralyzed by Melanie's Glare, and killed with by 2 Drill Pecks.

Erika's Team:
2HKO'd by Terry II's Razor Leaf.
OHKO'd by Terry II's Cross Chop.
Cross Chop triggers a Hyper Potion from Erika. After which, Slugma is 2HKO'd by Terry II's Strength.
Safeguard blocks Sing, and Aeroblast leaves Terry II in the yellow. I switch to Bruce, who 3HKO's Kingler with Cut.

It's been a fairly uneventful journey through Kanto. Gonna grind my team a bit on Victory Road before taking on Sabrina.
I'd just do what the other guys said, or just evolve it with PKHX if on ROM.
Region Quest Nuzlocke Update, moved on to HeartGold for our second game and got tossed a bit on Bugsy. Forgot that Rock doesn't resist bug, so despite bringing Omanyte over from Fire Red, it got one hit by U-Turn and we lost our Furret as well. Was a little worried going into Whitney (still haven't done the fight) but our lucky pickup of Nidoqueen should be able to 1v1 Miltank no problem.
>Pokemon needs specific move that it doesn't learn naturally to evolve
Hate this shit
It's pretty awful in the Alola games especially, where the move reminder is literally at the end of the game.
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4 gyms down. Kifu has been absolutely demolishing every opponent. Very fortunate she's a female so Miltanks attract didn't work either.
>VS Chuck
>Happy takes out primeape with a crit extrasensory
>Poliwrath comes in, Happy yawns and tanks a surf
>I try to charm the poliwrath but Happy gets hit with hypnosis, poliwrath falls asleep as well
>Maxwell lacks the power to take out the poliwrath in 1-2 hits so i gamble and send out Klang who takes poliwrath out with 2 charge beams before it manages to wake up

>VS Pryce
>Kifu armed with a blackbelt drain punches everyone until they stop moving

>VS Jasmine
>Kifu drain punches the magnemites away, runs out of pp against the steelix
>Maxwell comes in and petal dances it down

Probably going back to my pearl save next so i can evolve the togetic and magneton before i face Clair and his sniper kingdra
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Forgot the image
It's even worse when they can't use the move effectively, scaling off the worse attacking stat.
Will finish Sacred Gold today, decent hack but every single fight leaves you poisoned, paralyzed or some other shit. It's just tedious and I can see why Drayano is working on improvement for it. Finished Unbound, Volt White 2, my next will probably be Inclement Emerald. Wonder if I will ever not use Crobat in these nuzlockes.
>every single fight leaves you poisoned, paralyzed or some other shit.
To be fair, that sounds par for the course for Drayano hacks. I guess SG is just egregious even for him.
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Misty's Team:
2HKO'd by Ginko's Rock Slide.
2HKO'd by Ginko's Waterfall.
OHKO'd (2 hits total) by Ginko's Pin Missile.
OHKO'd by Ginko's Waterfall.

Sabrina's Team:
OHKO'd by Terry II's Cross Chop.
2HKO'd by Bruce's Cut.
OHKO'd by Bruce's Cut.

3/4 through Kanto, and it's been pretty piss easy. Gonna go grind at Mt. Silver for a bit before heading to the Seafoam Islands to take on Blaine.
>>55995722 (Checked)
>Skill Link Cloyster w/ Icicle Spear.
>Modest Magneton
Dope team, good luck with Claire!
Kanto was more of a victory lap in gen 2, and it holds true even in a randomizer.
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>VS Clair
>Lead with Klang against her gyarados
>Klang tanks a dragon rage and takes the gyarados down with a charge beam
>Dragonair comes in, It uses thunder wave while Klang takes a chunk out of it with a flash cannon
>Next it uses fire blast. Klang lives with 23 hp but can't move due to paralysis
>I can't heal since the opponent hasn't so i switch in Happy who has the highest SP def
>Happy tanks a fire blast on switch and takes the dragonair out with ancient power
>Second dragonair comes out, i use ancient power again hoping for a stat boost, doesn't happen. ( i don't think serene grace has procced a single time this playthrough)
>Dragonair used a thunder wave and then starts dragon pulsing
>Happy uses yawn and 1 more ancient power before it's forced to switch out for Rosky. Dragonair luckily stays asleep
>Icicle spear takes out the dragonair
>Kingdra comes in
>Rosky uses a STAB, nevermeltice boosted skill link icicle spear that tickles the kingdra
>Rosky in turn dies to 1 dragon pulse
>Kifu comes in and uses outrage which leaves Kingdra with red hp, it eats it's berry uses a hydro pump which luckily doesn't crit
>Kifu outrages again, killing it
Could have gone worse. Guess i'll go catch a Lapras as a replacement since it's friday
playing renegade platinum just got 8th badge but my last few deaths have been retarded
>metagross gets hit to 50% from empoleon hydro pump after dealing 90% with earthquake
>I click quad resisted bullet punch for no reason and die
>gengar vs metagross
>if this shadow ball doesnt kill gengar dies I should just switch I can easily beat this thing
>click shadow ball
>gengar dies
>surely this boosted manaphy surf kills tangrowth here
>manaphy dies
I dont know why im like this
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Blaine's Team:
OHKO'd by Bruce's crit Cut.
2HKO'd by Bruce's Cut (thanks to the first dealing a crit).
2HKO'd by Melanie's Surf.

Leader Blue's Team:
I switch to FillmoreII (from Foggy), and OHKO Seel, but not before getting poisoned.
2HKO'd by FillmoreII's Crunch (thanks to the first one dealing a Crit).
OHKO'd by FillmoreII's Solar Beam
Killed by Foggy's Dynamic Punch followed by a Surf.
Foggy confuses Tentacruel with Dynamic Punch, and I switch to Melanie. After a few tries, Glare connects, and Melanie spams Drill Peck, killing Tentacruel with a crit after a few tries.
Melanie forces a Full Restore with it's Glare and multiple Drill Pecks. Melanie paralyzes Wartotle again, and I switch to Terry II, who 2HKOs Wartotle with back to back crit Razor Leafs.

I think it's kinda funny Blue's ace was Wartotle, since that was his ace in my Red run. More importantly, Kanto has been conquered. I was level 53 for Blue, and this is after grinding in Mt. Silver. I'll fix some movepools, and then go fight Red.
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Hey bros, my beedrill just died. Who should I replace him with?
Seconding Diglett. It's surprisingly quick and STAB Earthquake is always good to have.
Just finished Sacred Gold, it was actually pretty hard for me with all the status effects, plus me being rusty and forgetting all the moves. Next I'll do is White 2 hard mode, any tips? I don't like gen 5 starters.
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Red's Team:
Multiple back to back crits from Terry II's Razor Leaf force 2 Full Restores and a bunch of Moonlights from Red. Poliwag eventually succumbs to the Razor Leafs.
Terry II puts it to sleep with Sing, and OHKOs it with a crit Cross Chop.
2HKO'd by Terry II's Cross Chop
2HKO'd by Melanie's Ice Punch.
After multiple failed attempts to paralyze it with Melanie's Glare, I switch to Foggy, who 3HKOs it with Psybeam.
I switch to FillmoreII, who tanks a Confusion, and is able to paralyze Vaporeon with Zap Cannon. Unfortuneately, Vaporeon kills Fillmore II with Earthquake. I bring in Ginko, who kills it with a couple of Headbutts.

Overall, pretty good. It sucks I lost FillmoreII, but I didn't have much of a connection with him anyway. I'd say the MVP of this run is Ginko, if only because he was carrying a Lucky Egg when I caught him. It's gonna be a slog to get through Johto 2 more times without one.
Imagine doing a Nuzlocke in real life. You ditch Pokemon after a single defeat and then pretend it's dead. Imagine the amount of stress on your team, them knowing one defeat means instant release. Imagine how other people would react to your behaviour. Would it end well?
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Falkner's Team:
2HKO'd by Drop II's Ember (thanks to the first hit dealing a crit)
Drop II lands two more Embers, burning Exeggcute as it uses Outrage. I'm forced to switch to SORA, who finishes it off with Aurora Beam.

Bugsy's Team:
OHKO'd by Nidoqueen's Thunder.
2HKO'd by SORA's Octazooka.
OHKO'd by SORA's Aurora Beam.

It's going great so far. Got one hell of a team. I also found an exp. share in Union Cave. Not quite a Lucky Egg, but I'll take it.
Also P.S, I caught Stoney in Dark Cave at lvl. 2, but I swapped him out for Cupcake II, since his movepool is just a worse version of what Austin III has.
Sounds like a filler ep from the anime. Ash would defeat your ace, and make you see the error in your ways. You will probably be league fodder later in the series.
That's basically a more extreme version of Paul. Though that begs the question if a Pokémon has even been outright killed in a battle before.
Yeah, Green's Charmeleon killed an Arbok in the manga iirc.
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Beat up Lugia and made it to the league but lost Klang against the rivals typhlosion, All my other mons were already low hp except Lapras who was still a bit underleveled so she probably wouldn't have survived 2 lava plumes hits so i either had to purposefully sack someone or gamble on Klang outspeeding, quick claw proccing or just flaout surviving a lava plume hit. Sadly none of these happened. Wondering who to replace him with.
I started a bw2 run, honestly have found it easier than I expected. I heard people say it's one of the harder ones but it's been pretty smooth so far. 5 badges down and only 2 deaths, which is good by my standards. at this point in my last HGSS run I had way more deaths lol. idk if I'm just playing better or getting better encounters maybe
team so far is
deaths were herdier and grimer
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Whitney's Team:
OHKO'd by Austin III's Sacred Fire.
2HKO'd by Austin III's Giga Drain.

Morty's Team:
3HKO'd by Prig's Pay Day, but not before it sets up a Light Screen.
Killed by Prig's Pay Day followed by a crit Razor Leaf, Pidgey's Light Screen wearing off.
Prig is able to paralyze it and land a crit Razor Leaf before Seismic Toss and Flame Wheel force a switch to Cupcake II, who kills it with a Thunder followed by a Confusion.
Crobat outspeeds, and uses Psychic, leaving Cupcake II at 1 health. Fortuneately, Cupcake II's Thunder paralyzes Crobat, so I switch to SORA. SORA's Aurora Beam leaves Crobat with a sliver of health left, but Crobat's Dynamic Punch connects. Not wanting to take a risk, I switch to Corven and finally kill Crobat with Headbutt.

Chuck's Team:
Killed by Austin III's Sacred Fire followed by a Magnitude 7.
See above, except Magnitude 5 and Misdreavous succumbed to burn damage.

Pryce's Team:
Killed by Drop II's Bonemerang followed by a Cut.
OHKO'd (2 hits total) by Drop II's Bonemerang.
OHKO'd (1 hit) by Drop II's Bonemerang.

Jasmine's Team:
OHKO'd (2 hits total) by Drop II's Bonemerang, thanks to the latter hit dealing a crit.
2HKO'd by Drop II's Fly.
2HKO'd by SORA's Aurora Beam.

Claire's Team:
Pectra fails to put it to sleep with Sing as Kangaskhan charges Sky Attack. I switch to Drop II, who 3HKO's Kangaskhan with 3 Bonemerangs (6 hits total).
I switch back to Pectra, and spam Strength, finally killing thanks to a crit because of Electabuzz's Moonlight.
2HKO'd by Pectra's Bubblebeam.
I switch back to Drop II into an Aurora Beam, so I switch to Austin III, who OHKOs Igglybuff with Sacred Fire.

I've had nothing but time, and good luck. I'll return when the league is won.
Also, the mysterious egg would not hatch, so I opened PKHX, and found it was Mewtwo.
In a war scenario, and maybe in battles against more extreme criminals. Remember the ghost of Marowak?
Pastebin document says it's hard on hard mode, plus more so if you don't use exp share.
fools gold is cool, i hope you remembered to get your machoke
Didn't Arbok just regenerate its missing half in that manga?
Once you get to the Team Plasma portion it should up the difficulty, Colress and Ghetsis are no joke.
I think the "deaths" are just fancy renderings of the fainting in that manga.
Will's Team:
Killed by Drop II's Bonemerang followed by a Cut.
It sets up Double Team and Harden as Drop II tries to hit him with Bonemerang. After Hydro Pump comes out, I switch to SORA, whose Crunch forces a Max Potion and a switch to...
OHKO'd by SORA's Crunch
Killed by 2 Crunches from Sora followed by an Aurora Beam.
>Snorlax (cont.)
SORA lands 2 more Crunch attacks before Snorlax's Low Kick forces a switch to Corven, who kills it with 2 Headbutts.
2HKO'd by Corven's Flame Wheel.

Koga's Team:
OHKO'd by Austin III's Sacred Fire.
OHKO'd by Austin III's Magnitude 8.
See above (Magnitude 10).
2HKO'd by Austin III's Magnitude 7.
Killed by Austin III's Magnitude 6 followed by a Sacred Fire.

Bruno's Team:
3HKO'd by Cupcake II's Waterfall, thanks to the first hit dealing a crit.
Immediately puts Cupcake II to sleep with Sing. I switch to SORA and get in a Crunch, only to be slept as well. I finally switch to Austin III, who finishes it with Sacred Fire.
2HKO'd by Austin's Ice Punch.
OHKO'd by Austin's Giga Drain.
I switch to Drop II, who OHKO's it with Fly.

Karen's Team:
I switch to Drop II from Cupcake II into a Dig, before killing Pinceo with Drop II's Fly followed by Cut.
Drop II kills it with 2 Bonemerangs plus a Fly attack.
I switch to Corven, and hit it with Flame Wheel, before nearly dying to a STAB Ice Beam. From there, I switch to SORA and kill it with a crit Slam.
2HKO'd by Drop II's Fly.
OHKO'd Drop II's crit Fly.
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Champion Lance's Team:
2HKO'd by Corven's Giga Drain
2HKO'd by Corven's Surf, thanks to the latter hit dealing a crit.
Killed by Corven's Giga Drain followed by a Flame Wheel.
OHKO'd by Austin III's Magnitude 8.
Killed by 2 of Austin III's Giga Drains followed by a Magnitude 5.
Killed by Austin III's Sacred Fire followed by an Ice Punch.

Overall, pretty easy. I can probably do a rematch to grind for Red down the line.
>Didn't Arbok just regenerate its missing half in that manga?
Yes, you can google "Agatha Arbok adventures regeneration" and find the panel.
I don't know if Marowack counts as an outright battle and not murder, but i could just be arguing semantics.
well, assassination and execution does not involve a battle, but murder might.
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Janine's Team:
3HKO'd by SORA's Crunch.
OHKO'd by Austin III's Sacred Fire.
See above.
See above.
3HKO'd by Austin III's Giga Drain.

Brock's Team:
OHKO'd by Cupcake II's Thunder.
See above.
>Nidoran (M)
2HKO'd by Cupcake II's Confusion.
See Goldeen/Croconaw.
Killed by 2 of Cupcake II's Thunders followed by a Waterfall, Thunder running out of PP after triggering a Hyper Potion from Brock.

Lt. Surge's Team
2HKO'd by Pectra's Strength.
OHKO'd by Pectra's Strength, but not before it gets off a STAB Psychic.
I switch to Drop II, who 2HKOs it with Bonemerang (3 hits total).
OHKO'd by Drop II's Bonemerang (2 hits total).
OHKO'd by Drop II's Fly.

Erika's Team:
OHKO'd by Austin III's Ice Punch.
OHKO'd by Austin III's Sacred Fire.
OHKO'd by Austin III's Giga Drain.
See Sunflora.

Just a quick update I'll probably be through with Silver by Monday, if not sooner.
That's true.
The only gym leader i see giving you trouble is Blue since he got the memo and trained his team.
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Decided to level up a Nidoking since i wanted another physical attacker
>VS Will
>Vlad sweeps everything

>VS Koga & Bruno
>Happy sweeps everything

>VS Karen
>had a brainfart and lead with Vlad since i recalled her being ice type trainer
>Vlad sludge bombs down umbreon and murkrow before Happy comes in and takes out the rest

>VS Lance
>I lead with Vlad who takes out gyarados with 2 sludge bombs but gets chunked for half his hp by a waterfall
>Aerodactyl comes out
>I swap to Maxwell who tanks a crunch and an aerial ace before taking the flying menace out with a frenzy plant
>Charizard comes in, Maxwell sadly can't move and my starter falls to an air slash
>I bring in Sam who takes the zard out with avalanche and 2 poison jabs
>First dragonite comes in
>Sam is low hp and i decide to just leave it in since i don't think any of my mons can survive more than 1 hit from these bastards
>Sam dies to blizzard, Lana comes in and gets hit with a thunder wave before taking the dragonite out with an ice beam
>Second dragonite comes in and hits Lana with a thunder before getting taken out by another ice beam
>I try to slap the third dragonite with an ice shard but Lana gets paralyzed before getting taken out by an outrage
>Kifu comes in, outspeeds the dragonite and hits it with an outrage of her own
>Dragonite eats it's berry and hits back
>Kifu lives with 54 hp and takes out the last dragonite with a second outrage

Hate this champ fight so much. You always lose like half of your team unless you have something like a Manoswine that can just murder the dragonites with priority ice shard. Back to leveling new mons. Not going to bother grinding for Red twice so i'll end this run once i've cleared the Kanto gyms. Doing Red in HG.
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Misty's Team:
Killed by Drop II's Bonemerang followed by a Cut.
OHKO'd by Drop II's Bonemerang (2 hits total).
Drop II's Bonemerang set Weezing up to get killed by SORA's Crunch.
3HKO'd by SORA's Surf.

Sabrina's Team:
3HKO'd by Cupcake II's Confusion.
Cupcake II's Thunder paralyzes Mew as it sets up Bide. I switch to Corven, who kills Mew with 3 Giga Drains.
Corven's Giga Drain as well as multiple Headbutts force a Hyper Potion from Misty. I switch to Cupcake II, who kills Gyarados with a Thunder.

Blaine's Team:
OHKO'd by Drop II's Bonemerang (2 hits total).
2OHKO'd by Drop II's Bonemerang (4 hits total).
3HKO'd by SORA's Crunch.

Leader Blue's Team:
3HKO'd by Austin III's Magnitude (5, 6, and 8)
Magnitude 6 does a little as Nidoqueen sets up Bide. I switch to my own Nidoqueen, and set up Bide as well, eating 2 Conufusions before killing the enemy Nidoqueen with Bide.
2HKO'd by Austin III's Ice Punch, thanks to the latter hit dealing a crit.
2HKO'd by Austin III's Sacred Fire.
See above, with help from Lickitung's Belly Drum.
OHKO'd by Austin III's Sacred Fire.
Red's Team:
2 of Drop II's Bonemerang force a full restore from Red. The next 2 kill Flaafy.
Cupcake II's Thunder paralyzes, but otherwise, does little. I switch to Pectra, and Return it to death.
I switch to Drop II and OHKO it with Fly.
2HKO'd by Drop II's Cross Chop, thanks to the first hit dealing a crit.
OHKO'd by Drop II's Bonemerang, the latter hit dealing a crit.
Austin II's Ice Punch does little, but Sacred Fire puts him in the yellow and burns him. By this point, Golbat's Outrage forces a switch to Corven, who finishes the fight with Rock Slide..

I love these dinos so much. Gonna try and take Crystal slower, since I just blitzed through this run completely. I'd say Austin was definitely the MVP of the run. He just completely shit on everything.
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Falkner's Team:
Druvi is able to confuse it with Supersonic, and bring it down to a fraction of it's health with a crit Aeroblast followed by a Vine Whip, but Psybeam confuses Druvi and forces a switch into Puffy, who eats a Rolling Kick before killing it with Thunderbolt.
Puffy survives Omantye's Mach Punch with 1 HP before OHKOing it with a crit Thunderbolt.

Bugsy's Team:
OHKO'd by Puffy's crit Thunderbolt
2HKO'd by Battlekat's Water Gun.
Puffy softens it up with Thunderbolt, before being poisoned and put in the red by Sludge. Piper then kills Starmie with Solar Beam.

Whitney's Team:
2HKO'd by back to back crit Ancient Powers from Artura.
2HKO'd by Artura's Spark.

Morty's Team:
Killed by 2 of Fowlan's Octazookas plus a Spike Cannon.
Killed by Fowlan's Cross Chop plus a Spike Cannon.
Battlekat forces a Rest (before being forced to switch thanks to Sonicboom), as does Puffy (before being forced to switch for the same reason. Ultimately, Piper kills Girafarig with a combination of Cut and Solar Beam.
3HKO'd by Artura's Ancient Power.

Could be worse. I'm disappointed I lost Duvi so early, but I suspected it was gonna die young anyway. I'm excited for the prospect of having a Farfetch'd with a Stick, since the odds that I'd find a Stick and catch a Farfetch'd are probably low. I also found a Lucky Egg in Union Cave, so grinding won't be too much of a slog. As for my future plans, I found a Thunderstone on Droopy, and plan on using it on Puffy around the time I fight Claire.
That's unfortunate, anon. Good luck with Kanto.
I keep mistaking you gor a single person, with both of you running Johto.
Did you respond to the wrong person? I'm one person. I'm doing an autismlocke, and I just finished Silver, so I'm starting Crystal.
I might have, which only proves my confusion. The background color of your run and the other SoulSiver run >>56008842 is messing with me.
Wow, those deaths are extremely unlucky. I gotta wonder what Whitney will have on her.
Should I teach Reflect and Light Screen to my Exeggutor or should I only use one of the two?
I ran Reflect on my own Exeggutor in a HG run, don't remember if I did Light Screen too, but it made an already shockingly bulky mon even bulkier, so I would recommend it.
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Chuck's Team:
2HKO'd by Artura's Surf.
Artura and Dragonair trade Ancient Powers before I bring in Sawpita, and kill it with Hyper Fang.

Pryce's Team:
Killed by Sawpita's Hyper Fang followed by a Sludge.
OHKO'd by Sawpita's Hyper Fang.
I switch to Narodi and spam Fly, hoping he can be in the air when Explosion comes out. Slowbro stalls with Withdraw, Amnesia, and occasionally Karate Chop before he uses Explosion, taking Narodi with him.

So, it looks like I won't be getting a Jolteon after all. Still, I'm hopeful for the future. I also found a Fire Stone in the Rocket HQ, so if it comes down to it, I can bring out Droopy as a desperate measure. Gonna go grind Krobina, and then take on Jasmine. Here's to hoping no more Slowbros from here on out.
Also, I think it's worth mention I caught Sawpita, Selene, and Nirodi as Snubbull, Natu, and Nidoran respectively. It's not common to get evolutions in randomizer nuzlockes.
Kanto gym leaders down. The only eventful things were the fights against Brock and Blue

>VS Brock
>Herp sweeps the first 3 pokemon with surf
>Omastar comes out
>Survives surf, hits back with ancient power
>Gets +1 to all stats
>Probably now outspeeds Herp so have to swap to Muzata
>Hits Muzata for over half his HP with another ancient power
>Gets another +1 to all stats
>Oh shit
>Luckily Rose managed to tank 2 ancient powers and then an aqua jet from the kabutops and take both of them out with earth power

VS Blue
>Lead with Kifu against exeggutor
>Exeggutor sets up trick room, misses a hypnosis and dies to 2 crunches
>Machamp comes out, i swap to Vlad who immunes a dynamic punch
>Machamp hits Vlad with a stone edge, Vlad in return kills machamp with a crit shadow ball
>Arcanine comes out, i swap to Rose who gets hit with a flare blitz & burned
>I swap to Herp who tanks another flare blitz
>Surf leaves arcanine with a sliver of health
>Arcanine uses flare blitz again and kills itself with the recoil, Herp gets burned as well
>Rhydon comes out, i swap in Muzata who tanks a stone edge before taking rhydon out with a power whip
>Pidgeot comes out, Muzata tries to hit it with an ancient power but gets flinched by an air slash
>I swap in Happy who tanks an air slash
>Happy outspeeds Pidgeot and makes it flinch twice in a row with an air slash of it's own (Serene grace coming into play for the first time)
>Pidgeot dies to the third air slash, gyarados comes out
>Happy yawns while gyarados dragon dances
>Gyarados bites Happy with an ice fang before falling asleep, happy hits it with an air slash
>I swap to Kifu while gyarados stays asleep
>Kifu outspeeds the gyarados and puts it to permanent sleep with a return

Kifu was the absolute MVP of this run. Carried me through the entire early game and even helped take down Lances lvl 50 dragonite with outrage. Kinda fitting that she got to deal the final blow against Blue as well. Diamond next.
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And of course i forget the image
Another Region Quest Nuzlocke Update. Cruising through Heart Gold. Took down Whitney, Morty, Chuck, and Jasmine in one stream

We got lucky with a bunch of trade evo Pokemon, so the team is looking insane going into Badge 7-8 territory. Assembled some real powerhouses
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>Adamant starly dies against the rival
>Abra teleports away
>Accidently kill the onix i was going to catch at Oreburgh Mine
>Machop has no "no guard" and a nature that reduces attack stat
At least the first gym and commander Mars went without deaths. Slathering some trees with honey and waiting for nightfall before venturing into Eterna forest. Probably also waiting until friday to try and catch the "balloon pokémon" before tackling the next gym
I just lost my Nidoking, I nicknamed him “Purple Guy,” to a Koffing that used Self-Destruct in the Pokémon Mansion) while level grinding.
Congrats on the win!
Is there a Sinnoh run that doesn't get Bidoof, Starly and Kricketot?
Self-Destruct is always the move you need to watch out for.
>Is there a Sinnoh run that doesn't get Bidoof, Starly and Kricketot?
Probably not. Shame Kritekot doesn't learn bug bite in D/P. I'd happily put him on the team but having leech life and fury cutter as your STAB moves until level 26 is kinda aids
Someone give me a naming theme for a Gold run imma do soon
How about song names? Or is that a bit basic
Even then, Kricketot just doesn't have the stats to keep up, even evolved. Take it from someone who took Kricketune to the E4.
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>Catch a male Burmy
>Oh sweet, something i haven't used before and bug/flying should be effective against the grass gym
>Bug bite is platinum only
>First flying move is lvl 23
I should probably elaborate that Darksiders is a game series.
GameFreak sure does love not giving Pokémon move that they can use.
Okay I seem to have sort of wiped out in Fire Red because I forgot the door the rival was behind in Silph while underleveled. So I'm playing red version now :)
Sucks to lose, but knowing your rival could pop out of any corner, not even to battle you sometimes, gave the rival battles more weight compared to today.

>Found a female Combee
Let's fucking gooooo
You dodged the male Combee, i don't think there's a worse encounter than male Combee.
With the current team I have, who should get the Thunderbolt TM? I'm not sure if N is going to stay on the team, or if I'll drop him for the Snorlax that's coming up. I could just use it on J, but I also kinda want to save it in case I go for the Jolteon in Celadon.
One badge is down, mt. moon is completed, and so is the nugget bridge. But at what cost?
Birb is fucking dead
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Misty went down without a hitch and I got some solid mons beforehand.
Psychic type is broken, in a good way, in gen 1, i would think Kadabra can perform just fine, can it learn the elemental punches at all? Those could make for a good Thunderbolt replacement.
Not until Gen 2, unfortunately. I have made a funny discovery though, so I've decided I'll be using it on S the Snorlax, who has Amnesia.
>Electrode lives a +2 Ice Beam on like 1 HP and crit explodes Snorlax
Silph was a bloodbath, and I regret wasting the time to get Y up to Poliwrath because he got instagibbed by Blue's Alakazam. But hey, at least with Surf I have access to a definitely legitimate supply of rare candies that's definitely not a glitch.
Elite 4 and Champion done! J swept Bruno, and Agatha, N cleaned out Lorelei, and Y cleared out Lance. F set up Agility on Blue's Pidgeot, before killing it and his Alakazam with Drill Pecks. Rhydon came out, and Y switched in, taking a Leer before killing it and the Exeggutor with a Blizzzard apiece. Gyarados comes in and kills with a Hyper Beam, and I bring F back in to kit it with a Double Edge, which gets 256'd and F dies to another Hyper Beam. N comes in and kills it with a Thunder, then as Charizard comes in, I click the kill button and Explode, killing both N and Charizard, earning me the Championship.
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Peppin the Mothim got a hidden power that was super effective against grass types so he ended up sweeping the entire gym. Smoratha took out Jupiter with power gem spam.
Congratz, anon
Did you even get to give Thunderbolt to Snorlax? I also hate Explosion.
Do you know what type Hidden Power is?
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>Catch mime jr. and a barboach
>Game is unable to save and tells me to restart 3ds and remove & reattach the cartridge
I guess i can just go catch them again but they wont be the same pokemon
bug/flying/fire since it's also not very effective against rock types. Never really used hidden power and unsure how it works even after reading the bulbapedia article. Does it have a chance to change to a different type after every level?
>Does it have a chance to change to a different type after every level?
Nah, it's essentially fixed
Since it's dependent on your IVs
can you use gift/earned pokemon in nuzlockes? ie the gambling pokemon, or like the money trio in Unova?
Of course you can. How I, and I think most people do it, is that a gift or hatched Pokemon counts as your encounter for that are.
it's your run, you can do whatever you want. most people treat them as the area encounter like said above, personally I just count them as free encounters and not towards the area. just do what you're comfortable with
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Surge and Blue were pretty damn easy. Hopefully that doesn't bode horribly for the rock tunnel.
Also I'm planning on using PKHex to evolve my Kadabra if it gets to level 35. Generally in my nuzlockes, I tend to do that with trade evolutions. (unless they're item or pokemon related ones that I don't have the other components for)
And I think waiting until 35 would be fair.
Got through Celadon and the Pokemon tower. Sadly I lost my other bird. Birds are prone to getting crit apparently.
Also Marowak almost fucked up my Nidoking. Scary shit.
Fuschia was pretty easy once I got Kadabra leveled up to 38, then evolved.
Bird Pokémon are prone to dying in my experience, I don't know how many runs I did before one survived to the end.
Yeah, Route 1 mons don't tend to last very long.
Beat Blaine pretty easily, but gonna grind up for Giovanni and the penultimate rival battle.
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Maylene was pretty straightforward fight. Pippen took out the first 2 mons with hidden power (flying) and then Smoratha came in and grinded the Lucario out with gust & heal order. Sadly Smoratha leveled up while i was helping Rowans assistant get her pokedex back from team galactic so i couldn't use her against crasher wake which made the fight a lot trickier.

>Pippen leads against Wakes gyarados and sets up poison powder before being hit by a dragon rage
>Pippen uses protect while gyarados dragon rages again
>Pippen uses hidden power flying while gyarados uses swagger
>Pippen can't survive another dragon rage and a possible confusion hit so i switch in Alfie, Wake uses a super potion on the switch
>Gyarados outspeeds Alfie and uses bite, luckily alfie doesn't flinch and gets to use a tail whip
>Second bite flinches Alfie so i'm forced to switch again since he can't survive further hits
>Rowley comes in and tanks a dragon rage
>The poison has taken it's toll and the defense stat reduction coupled with a wing attack from Rowley finally takes the gyarados out
>Floatzel comes in and at this point i remember that it has ice fang
>Tutel probably can't tank multiple ice fangs and he's my ace for taking out the remaining 2 pokemon so i decide not to switch Rowley out
>Turns out Wake is a fucking idiot and instead uses swift, Rowley survives and hits back with a wing attack
>I decide to gamble and switch in Tutel who tanks another swift
>Floatzel uses swift for the third time before getting taken out by razor leaf
>Quagsire comes in and is unceremoniously taken out by mega drain

The gyaradosi(?) in general are a real pain in the ass for my current team. Lost Vivien the drifblim to one earlier.
>Pippen pippen pippen while his name is Peppin
Time to take a break
The championship is mine, but I also lost most of my team. Damn.
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They effectively replace my first 2 encounters in Johto with my interpretation of the generation rules. As effective offspring with egg moves and junk.
Will use a ditto for the next gen to do this bit if I beat Crystal, though.
What happened?
Just a lack of luck with the Elite Four. Nidoking was my main piece for dealing with the rival, so it was difficult without him.
Honestly should've gone with Thunder instead of Thunderbolt.
That sucks to hear, but I probably would have gone for the guaranteed accuracy same as you.
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Well, I lost my run in Shin Pokemon Green to Sabrina. She swept me with her Alakazam. I got done clearing Silph Co. and I got way too cocky after that. I should have gone to Cinnabar first and saved Sabrina for later. It was fun, though. I wanted to do something a little different and not just use the same Pokemon I usually do even though I tried to include as many of those as I could.

My team:
Lv. 37 Electrode
Lv. 38 Dugtrio
Lv. 40 Haunter
Lv. 41 Alakazam
Lv. 39 Venusaur
Lv. 38 Gyarados

Backup Pokemon:
Lv. 40 Kabutops
Lv. 30 Snorlax
Lv. 31 Hitmonlee
Lv. 25 Pidgeotto
Lv. 22 or 23 Butterfree
I had a few other pokemon I don't remember. My team wasn't that bad, I just got overconfident.

I'm thinking about Emerald as my next Pokemon game. I played the shit out of Sapphire in my middle and high school days. I hope it lives up to the hype.

I treated them as bonus/extra Pokemon that didn't count towards the encounter limit. I'll admit that I was being casual with my run.
Gyarados are a pain in the ass in general, there's a reason it's one of the best Pokémon for a Nuzlocke.
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>Do you play on emulator or hardware?
>Do you use speedup functions?
>Do you use Rare Candies to skip grinding sections?
>Do you use legendaries? Anything goes, minor only or none at all?
>Do you transfer your team up or keep them in the cleared game?
>Have you ever given yourself a free pass on a death because of RNG?
>emulator or hardware
>Rare Candies
Also yes, though sometimes a ROM hack would have 'em built in anyway
Minor legendaries in tough ROM hacks are fair game since more often than not you'll be facing several legendaries yourself just throughout the story, so why not
>transfer or keep
I keep them in the cleared game
>free pass on death because of RNG?
Honestly? Yes
So I'd reset whatever fight and try again... then I'd still feel a bit guilty about it so I just start over entirely, since it'd otherwise bother me the whole time
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Took out Fantina but at a pretty bad cost. Gengar outsped Rowley & got him with a crit and then i ended up failing every confusion coin flip against Mismagius

>Do you play on emulator or hardware?
>Do you use speedup functions?
>Do you use Rare Candies to skip grinding sections?
Only the ones i pickup throughout the game
>Do you use legendaries? Anything goes, minor only or none at all?
Not usually but been entertaining the idea of maybe catching entei/raikou with a master ball in HG if they show up as a first encounter on a road
>Do you transfer your team up or keep them in the cleared game
Keep them in the cleared game until i inevitably delete the save and start another run
>Have you ever given yourself a free pass on a death because of RNG?
Once or twice when i was younger only to abandon the run later because i started feeling like a cheating bastard
At least it wasn't an infatuation check, you may as well have thrown in the towel if that were the case.
blaze black 2 redux fucked up bruh
Maybe it's to guarantee Sqwk goes first with Duel Chop or Payback?
Thread question: what's your favorite and least favorite starter to use?
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>"Alright Quert finally evolved! It's his time to shine against Byron."
>Fails to even take out the bronzor before hitting himself in confusion twice & being put to sleep
Embarrassing. At least Pindor proved himself by coming in afterwards and taking everything out with crunch & surf. Gonna farm some heart scales and do some move tutoring before travelling north for the seventh gym
I don't really have any favourites or least favourites. Usually just use the last number of the trainer id to pick myself a random starter.
In his defense, Bronzor is a very good tank in gen 4 due to its typing, Psychic/Steel is tough to deal with.
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What's your favorite edgy Nuzlocke writer?
Oh god the random crits continue, we had three in one fight. Lost Pokeabbie to a crit pursuit in Rocket base, Frost to a crit Blizzard from Pryce, and LuneFlora to a crit bubblebeam from a random Clair trainer. We managed to scrape through with reserves and tactical sacrifices, but now I'm cooking the Elite Four team out of what's left. Pictured here will probably be the final squad once fully evolved.
What the hell am i reading?
Interesting, what's the plan?
In Nuzlocke terms, probably Chikorita. I like it's duel screen support, but Totodile and Cyndaquil just dominate Johto so much better.
I was expecting to have to bump the thread in regards to new game news, but I guess not.
Nah, Pokemon usually gets its own showcases, doesn't it?
That it does, i guess i forgot.
It's been a slow week, huh?
It's too hot to play games
Do you count Wormadan as 1 or 3 different pokémon for champion clause?
Isn't the change between the Wormadam forms only cosmetic? I would count it as 1 on that case.
Just the one, even if it's got different forms.
I'd say 3. They have different types, movepools, and stat distributions.
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Just beat Misty. Not sure when I'll evolve Velvet Elvis. Is 34 too far to wait for free Body Slam?
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Damn, this stings. Losing S to an explosion didn't hurt this much, since I wasn't attached yet.
I think it's worth it to wait, Body Slam has better power amd accuracy than Jigglypuff's other moves.
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Quert ended up redeeming himself by soloing the ice gym. Lost Pindor against Cyrus and caught a mantyke as a replacement. Now just doing a training arc at the iron island before tackling the last gym and pokemon league
>Finally get razor claw so i can evolve Spike the Sneasel
>Nothing happens
Turns out 20:00 is apparently not night enough for this needy bitch. Guess i'll try again at midnight
That should be the correct time, though. Did you level Sneasal up while holding the claw?
Yes. Only worked after 22:00
Rom site provided in op has downloads taken down by NoA. Is there another option or do I just use wayback?
Weird. Either you're in a slightly different time zone or your clock is behind.
Which site exactly?
I don't think it would be too hard to find a rom of the game you want, but if you want to be sure it's safe i'd probably try the wayback machine.
Vimm’s Lair is what’s linked in the pastebin
I guess you could get lucky and they determine there's no threat to putting the roms backs up, but i would probably payback or search around for a different rom site.
Nah, the first takedown got circulated enough that NoA actually set on this time. Nowadays, you need to use, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, r*ddit.
Really? Damn, i just can't comprehend simping for a company so hard you get fan stuff taken down for free.
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That was a fast fucking rat, RIP Taco Grande. I also managed to avoid the biggest punish I've seen in forever when I forgot that She Drives Me Crazy has like 65 base speed and could not outspeed Red's Gyarados, only for the Hydro Pump that would have killed her dead to whiff.
Yeah, but I'm not surprised. Brands into religions and all that.
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And Blue is done! Lorelei was handled by Pretty Fly for a Rabbi's Psychic, Twister's Sleep Powder and Mega Drain, and Velvet Elvis' Body Slam and Fire Blast. Bruno and Agatha aren't worth mentioning, since I had a psychic, and Skipper Dan manhandled Lance thanks to Blizzard. She Drives Like Crazy then took down Red all by herself, since he decided that having Gyarados use Leer was the play when I left her in to get a free switch. A Swords Dance on Pidgeot, and everything goes down in one hit. This was shockingly easier than the Red run was. Maybe Blastoise is the better starter after all.
Starting Volt White run today.
Time to do another round
1 Fire
2-3 Normal
4 Water
5 Poison
6 Grass
7 Bug
8 Ground/Rock
9-0 reroll
dubs - first reply decides
Charizard is basically hard mode, plus Sandslash is fun to use thanks to its speed and Slash letting it crit everything.
Is this gonna be just a regular playthrough or a typelocke?
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>Tutel soloes Volkner
>Pippen & Smoratha take out bug boy
>Tutel soloes Agatha
>Gideon rain dances & surfs down the fire guy
>Psychic guy was a team effort
>VS Cynthia
>Smoratha sets up +6 def and spdef with defend order and proceeds to slowly but surely grind the spiritomb down
>Spiritomb got +1 to all stats from silver wind, Cynthia also heals it once but in the end it goes down
>Milotic comes in but gets grinded out since surf and ice beam barely tickle Smoratha
>Next up is Gastrodon
>Fearing a crit stone edge i swap to Tutel who tanks a stone edge before taking the snail out with a crit giga drain
>Roserade comes in, hits Tutel with an extrasensory and gets taken out by an earthquake
>Lucario comes in, hits Tutel with an aura sphere and gets taken out by an earthquake
>Garchomp comes in, i swap to Gideon who tanks a brick break
>Garchomp misses his dragon rush and eats an ice beam but survives
>Garchomp misses another dragon rush (Eat shit!) and dies to the second ice beam
Sometimes lucky. No real MVP on this run. Really glad Pippen the Mothim survived the entire run though. He was nice early on but in the end game he was constantly in the risk of dying to a stiff breeze (72 spdef at level 65). Heart gold next
Does anyone actually see this guy's posts or do they get deleted quick enough usually?
dude this vore garbage will sit up for hours, jannies don't care about this board
quit feeding him, he'll fuck off if we don't feed his autism
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First gym down. Farmed the pokewalker routes while i was still playing diamond. Missy the smoochum is going to sit in the box for now since she's so damn frail. Bubbles the poliwag also has no water type move because the pokewalker version has belly drum for some reason. Hoping Nellie armed with bullet seed will carry me through union cave
I've seen it get deleted pretty quickly, actually.
Certain Pokewalker mons get a special move, i know you can get a Self-Destruct Munchlax somehow.
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Pango the sandshrew soloed the second gym with defense curl & rock tomb. Sadly i lost some mons against Whitneys Miltank. Ippazz the voltorb wasn't on my team for long but he did get a screech and 2 static procs on the miltank which let me to grind it down with Siri, Basco and Pango. Losing the adamant Furret kinda stings too. On the bright side i did catch a technician scyther from the bug catching contest so she is probably getting added on the team now.
Congratz anon
Man I wish the nuzlocke tracker wasn’t dead
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>Double battle against the 2 beauties on route 37
>Clefable metronomes into an explosion
>Starter and elekid dead
>Also lost Skiploom against the sudowoodo earlier
Think i'm done for the night
Hey guys, I started a nuzlocke where one of my rules was to not run away from wild encounters but I accidentally ran away, in other words cheated. It was in wellspring cave just before you deal with Team Plasma and the last time I saved was just after beating the first gym and inbetween I caught Munna and Pidove. I really didn't want to do all that again so i just deleted my profile in dissappintment. It would take me forever to encounter a Munna first in the Dreamyard, make sure its the same level, gender and has the same ability as the one I originally caught and also do the same for Pidove and I would also have to make sure that every battle with every npc between Striaton city and Wellspring cave went 100% exactly how it originally went and I don't remember every detail so unfortunately, I'm gonna have to start again.
There's no need to delete your save, just buy an Ice Heal or two as a punishment.
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just lost a zoroark. who should I put on my team for Drayden? I feel like I don't really have a good match for him. been a fairly smooth run so far with only a few deaths but I imagine these last few major fights will be tougher
Magnezone could be a good add, another dragon resist is never a bad idea. I also can't not suggest adding Citizen Snips to your team
yeah I was thinking of using magnezone, I was trying to avoid it because I used one in my last run but it's just so good.
drapion might be a good add in general.

I was thinking of maybe picking up one of the swords of justice too, I don't nor ally use legendaries but they don't seem tooo busted. maybe after another death.
Magnezone is great for Unova, but Drayden has coverage for it, so be careful using it.
>that one Veteran in Poni Canyon outspeeding my Gengar and Zoroark
>look up Trainer data out of curiosity
>his Lv. 48 Gengar and Flygon in comparison to mine
>over 230 Speed
The fuck? I've also experienced this kind of unnatural strength from Guzma's Masquerain. It wasn't that fast but it hits hard enough to one shot most of my mons
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The new team is slowly forming. Really bummed out about losing the skiploom and to a lesser extent my starter. Elekid at least i think is available either in B&W or B2&W2 but hoppip isn't available in any of the later games until national dex
So to my knowledge, the Gen 7 games are the one and ONLY time where enemy Pokemon are EV trained, which is also one reason why people find the games rather difficult at times.
>So to my knowledge, the Gen 7 games are the one and ONLY time where enemy Pokemon are EV trained, which is also one reason why people find the games rather difficult at times
Wait, they ARE? Well shit, i guess those affection bonuses ("toughed it out", free crits, etc.) aren't there for nothing then. And even as far as EV trained stats goes, those stats are tad a bit too high for the specified level
Now I doubt it's every trainer but it seems like bosses or even mini bosses (and I guess Veterans/Ace Trainers count as such) have EV trained Pokemon.
But yeah, it can't hurt to EV train your Pokemon too, gives you a better fighting chance.
I think Cynthia's Garchomp is EV trained for speed, but that's one battle and not regular trainers.
I would be very pissed if i lost two of my team to Metronome Explosion, that's why i rightfully fear it.
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It's been a bit, so... I've decided to try Inclement Emerald again, and I will keep trying until I win
Wattson was pretty straightforward, Typhlosion is part Ground in this so its Earth Power helped out a lot (even beat a Spd tie against Manectric), and knocked out Galvantula immediately to avoid Webs
Quagsire walled Lanturn with Water Absorb, Blissey walled Rotom and stopped it right in its tracks (after Bronzong took a Leaf Storm and then baited Hex for the big egg to switch into), Luxray dueled with Raichu, and Emolga dunked on Magneton
I've sort of been on auto pilot for this early stretch of the game, which at this point is fine, and it's been deathless so far
But, I know I gotta actually lock in and think from here on out, especially the tricky Meteor Falls tag battle when I get to it, with the hopes that I get something good along the way
>get mankey just before mt moon
>have the hiker down to just Onix
>Mankey dies to a tackle
I love losing a pokemon to a 1/1000 chance, thanks obama
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Here's hoping DK and Bowser stay my only deaths this run. Also, to people who use the UPR to remove trade evos, do you allow Pikachu to evolve in Yellow?
How did Mankey whiff? Did it get hit by a sand attack?
Low Kick is 90% accurate in RBY, for reasons related to fighting types not being allowed to be good I think
So gen 1 jank claims another victim then? Damn.
There is no plan! We'll use it to deal with something we can't kill otherwise probably. Will be going for it in a couple hours and updating after.
Well, good luck then!
Forgot we had the Ho-oh encounter along the way. Elite Four weren't that bad apart from Lance who managed to kill Ampharos and Mamoswine, but we beat Heart Gold. The Elite Four survivors from both previous gens and a couple others came across to Omega Ruby for the Hoenn part of the run. Just made it to Rustboro to end this session. Decided to bring the Goldenrod Eevee across as one of our 6 transfers so we can use it in Hoenn.
Forgot pic am dumb
I feel like evolving Pikachu in Yellow is wrong, but Pikachu is also not very good, so i wouldn't be shocked that people do evolve it.
I've never actually used Eevee in any of my runs, Nuzlocke or otherwise. So, how exactly are the survivors carried over? Because that looks like an average early game Hoenn team.
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Lost Tingly to the rivals Croconaw so decided to level up Dusan the ariados and Farlin the fearow just to try and make sure that i have enough answers against Morty and wouldn't end up losing more team members. Ended up not needing Dusan since Saravin cleared all the gastlies and haunters while Farlin soloed the gengar.
Yeah, i was fuming about it for a few days but i'm fine with it now
Yeah I kinda made up my own rules for this one, I wanted to be "Ash" style in that he still has previous gen Pokemon but doesn't steamroll with them.

> I get to bring across 6 Pokemon from each region, but it stacks, so in Hoenn I have the 6 from Kanto and 6 from Johto (if they survived)

> Most survivors I brought across are the Elite Four team, so level cap rules means I can't use em until later in Hoenn

That's basically the gist of it.
That makes sense. Most of your carry overs aren't usable at all depending on the region level cap, right?
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Time for my monthly update!
We had some trouble with Guzma but I'm gonna ignore that to focus on my first Kahuna fight without a loss, woohoo! Setting up a lightscreen with Kraken, then just spamming Quiver Dance with Majesty until we one-shot his team paid off. Kraken proving himself to be the lynchpin of the team again now that he's evolved.
Widow the Ariados was honestly just kinda team filler until Shivers the Snorunt evolved. I don't think I've ever evolved a Snorunt into a Glalie before, but I didn't feel like waiting for a Dawn Stone and we already have a ghost type on the team anyway. Kinda interested to see how fully rounded stats are gonna work out. Next we tackle the Aether Foundation, then it's time for the final island.

Huh, that's a really cool idea for a run. I like it. Good luck with Hoenn.

Nice team, very cool to see a Scyther. Did you allow yourself to trade out Eevee to get Leafeon or something?
And metronome explosions are the absolute fucking worst. My platinum run had fucking Dawn's Clefairy selfdestruct and take out one of my mons, happened like a year ago and I'm still livid.

I'd allow Pikachu to evolve, because it's just really bad and having to box your starter halfway through the game is lame.

That honestly explains some things about my run, I was thinking a few things were a bit too fast and hitting a bit too hard. I'm gonna blame it on that and not my own incompetence.
Congrats and welcome back!
It's been so long since i've gotten a shiny during an actual playthrough, i got one setting up for my next ORAS playthrough though.
Another bump.
Who is the favorite MVP of your runs?
Want to start gen V nuzlocke, maybe romhack, what would be some good Sp.def and def encounters? I want to try building (if I get rng luck) a balanced team. Last time I played it I used Boldore and Reuniclus for that.
Crobat and Swampert. Crobat is pretty much guaranteed to get in any game and Swampert never does, plus is able to use few useful HMs.
Never dies*
Golem in SS is probably the hardest a mon has carried me. It can practically solo the entire game and I would've probably wiped twice without it.
Slaking in Ruby might be the most fun MVP I've had because it's basically just a nuke button.
Ninjask in Y is definitely my most unexpected MVP. It's surprisingly good when it evolves with access to pretty good moves trough TMs, and learned Baton Pass just as it was falling off which makes it a set up king and made every fight onwards a sweep.
Another person that recognizes Golem as the GOAT he is! I think it struggles against Morty and Clair, but otherwise is good for the entire Johto leg of the journey.
Cryogonal would make for a good Sp.def tank, but it's still an Ice type, while Cofagrious has very good def.
Never used those so I hope I catch at least one of them, thanks.
>Did you allow yourself to trade out Eevee to get Leafeon or something
Yeah. I tend to be pretty lax with evolutions if i can get it from another game in the same gen. Also had a magnezone in soul silver.
No problem at all. It shouldn't be hard to guarantee a Yamask as long as you get Sandile.
Another bymp.
After a bit of a forced break I am finally back to this run and boy did I forget how unfun grinding is in this game. The wild pokemon on land are super low level, the water routes are super slow and confusing to navigate and the phone rematches are super inconvenient.
Not having a flyer is pain, I don't want to have to traverse that one way loop between Mauville and Lilycove ever again. Its like those routes where designed to be as inconvenient as possible with all the random rocks, narrow paths and tall grass. The bike is pretty much useless in that part of the map.
Even making it to the Victory Road felt like a chore. Admittedly, that was definitely my fault for being an idiot and using the Pokenav instead of looking it up online, but for some reason I kept getting lost around Sootopolis and bouncing between Lilycove and Pacifidlog. Manectric kept getting trapped and poisoned by wild Tentacool, forcing me to go back to heal before I could ever figure out where I was. Then, like an idiot, I kept fighting the Tentacool and went above the Wally level cap, meaning I could not use Manectric in the fight which ultimately lead to Ur dying to a Future Sight. It really sucks because I was looking forward to using Ur against Sidney and now I have to teach Flash to someone else.
I really hope no one dies in Victory Road and the trainers there are enough to bump me into the E4 level cap because I don't want to have to train anyone else.
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Every single hiker when they see I'm trying to level up a new teammate
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>make a new version of the game
>make gym leader weaker
what did Gamefreak mean by this? At least Triclyde will be able to clean out the new Koga team too.
Damn, RIP Ur. Here's hoping his sister Wu makes it out alive.
Honestly, She Drives Like Crazy the Sandslash is the mon I've used that sticks out the most in my memory, probably because he managed to dodge getting murked by Hydro Pump twice in a single run, and the second time led to her sweeping the champion.
>Marowak knows Trash
He should probably throw that out somewhere. I'm interested in how Glalie does as well, since every time I've tried to use it it hasn't been particularly effective.
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I've given myself a rule that I can't battle wild Pokemon except to catch, so only leveling up via trainer battles. Is this going to work?
depends on the game, but you'll probably end up quite underlevelled.
HGSS right now, I was underleveled for Morty's Gengar but I don't know if I could haveprepared something better for him.
I agree that it depends on the game, but also if you allow trainer rematches.
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I started an all poison BDSP run with a maximum of three Pokemon on my team, failing to realize the Elite Four have ground AND psychic type battles. I beat Bertha and thought I was out of the woods but now I need to think of what to do against Lucian. My team is Crobat, Tentacruel and Toxicroak. I could bring in a Gengar if things get dire but I don't want to back out of the Elite Four and beat the first three again.
Can't Crobat just outspeed and oneshot everything?
Not at level 57.
Once you've cleared the Radio Tower of Team Rocket, you'll be able to rematch trainers. If you can make it until then, you should be able to make your rule work.
Doing a softcore nuzlocke (first encounter each area only, no permadeath) of Radical Red for my first playthrough to force some variety instead of just hunting for favorites and just hit the 3rd gym. Getting my ass kicked then this mfer mega evolves.
My only ground type is a hippodon, great for switching in on electric attacks, but nothing good to punish with or pivot to after.
Going to have to look for good held items or something, but tough since the dexnav won't give me held item info since I'm not catching anything
>no permadeath
Isn't that just a regular playthrough?
Yes, but with catching restrictions. Not much of a challenge.
I guess this is what I deserve for leeroy jenkins it but in all honesty, I am proud of the team for making it that far despite being so underpowered and underleveled. Easily one of the most fun and intense E4 runs I had, every single battle came down to the wire.
Wu carried the team hard, dodging attacks with the Lax Incense and Toxic+Protect every ace pokemon in the E4. Without him the run would've probably ended in Sidney with how little damage everyone else was doing and it effectively ended the moment he died.
Pearl with Rain Dance+Ice Beam was not as reliable as I'd have hoped but it got the job done for the most part. I really wish Shell Smash were a Gen 3 move.
Udki was definitely the muscle of the operation. Every KO Pearl could not pick up, he handled with ease. Pretty much the core strategy for every fight ended up being opening with Perl to take as many enemy pokemon as possible, switching to Udki to hit hard until he was in the red and then have Wu stall the last pokemon for the win.
If I had to blame someone besides me for losing, it was definitely Rik. Pretty much every death was in some way related to him. He failed to kill Walrein, so I had to switch in Sol. He failed to kill Kindra, so I had to sacrifice Koa. He couldn't touch Whiscash, so I had to switch in Pearl and he didn't kill Tentacruel which lead to Wu dying and Udki dropping to red Health.
I still have some mons in the box so the run is not quite over yet but I am definitely going to take my time with the grind.
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Scoured every route from lake of rage to Safari zone for new mons and then tackled Chuck. Saravin took out both of his mons with 1 wing attack. Probably benching Farlin the fearow since she feels a bit redundant when i have a technician scyther
That's very unfortunate. Who are you thinking for your new team?
Starting my first ever Nuzlocke on FireRed
via Delta emulator.
>How's the run going
Lucked out on Route 22 and got a Mankey to pair with my Charmander. Two rattatas otherwise. Just reached Viridian Forest and praying for Pikachu
>Weird Ruleset
I'm a long time player of the series. What additional rules other than the main 3 should I be using? what is a usual amount of visits to a pokemon center?
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Yeah, Triclyde wiped the floor with Koga. Turns out having 3 Venonat and a Venomoth isn't a winning team comp, who knew? Wario put in some damn fine work against Sabrina, too, managing to dodge 2 Flashes while setting up with Amnesia and sweeping the team afterwards.
Damn, seeing a party wipe always feels bad. Who are you taking in on the next try?
I love Fearow too much to want to box it, but it probably is just the correct play. Another fast mon is probably the best replacement, and given who's coming up I'd suggest either Missy or Irys.
>Find a Weedle
>Crit poison needle with poison effect
>5 hp left on starter
Not an auspicious start
>what other rules?
I typically use the dupes clause, mainly because I dont want 12 pidgeys and 27 rattatas, but also so I can't just get a billion Gyarados by fishing on every route. I also like Shiny Clause, so if you happen to find a random shiny you can use it.
>what is a usual amount of visits to a pokemon center?
Most runs don't restrict the number of visits, but if you want one I'd say maybe 5?
That's why you ALWAYS carry antidotes in Kanto.
Do you all play set or shift for a Nuzlocke?
Always set
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And Yellow is done! I lost Peach to Giovanni when she just missed the kill with an EQ and got finished off instead, so I got the Eevee and used Dorry the Vaporeon as the 6th.
Petey one tapped Dewgong, Cloyster, and Slowbro with critical Razor Leaf, then put Jynx to sleep as I swapped to Mario.Two Thunderbolts apiece too down Jynx and Lapras.
Five Razor Leafs, Five OHKOs. Next!
Mario took the lead for this one, taking down all of Agatha's team with Thunderbolts. It got a bit dicey when Gengar 2 put Mario to sleep, but a one turn wakeup saved my ass.
Wario set up Amnesia on Gyarados, who really liked clicking Dragon Rage. One Thunderbolt for him, one ice beam apiece for the Dragonairs, who I somehow outsped? Thanks badgeboost, and then one Thunderbolt for Aerodactyl, whoi landed a nasty Hyper Beam before going down. I hoped that Wario's increased speed would let him get off a Rest before going down, but a Hyper Beam sealed his fate. I swapped to Chuckster, who tanked another Hyper Beam before getting the KO with a pair of Rock Slides.
Petey took down Sandslash and Cloyster in one Razor Leaf apiece, then I swap into Triclyde for Exeggutor, who lands a Sleep Powder on the switch. I then stay asleep for 5 whole turns, taking 80% of my health from Barrage spam. When he wakes up, I OHKO Eggy with Drill Peck, and Magneton comes out. I could have saved Triclyde, but Fuck It We Ball demanded I kill with a cri Double Edge, even if it takes Triclyde with it. Then Dorry takes out Flareon, winning the run!
New thread.
Dupes, Shiny and HM clause.
That's why i like to have at least five antidote on me at all times.

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