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The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

>Diamond & Pearl CD Music Rips

>Additional OC (High Touch! TL, A Dawning Duet)

>[DawnSubs] DP001 & 002

Previous: >>56214290
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This will be a clean, cute thread.
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Uhm... Dawnbros?!
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Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
>OP evaluation

Cute - [x] - - - - - - - - Lewd
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thx Pikabro
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post Dawn's mom
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It's Friday, where is everyone?
Touching grass and partying hard. Tch, those normalfaggots.
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you're truly lost, vorefag
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Ah! the discord brown skinned tranny who is the 2nd known "Shaun. How amusing.
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A friendly reminder for everyone here that Dawn is still just a child.
out of 10
Sloooow thread
With a lewd thread this wouldn't have happened.
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More like Down
This. Lewd OPs get anons excited and we finish (heh) the threads in 1 or 2 days. Now with this lame OP we're in for a snorefest of a thread that will last 9 days.
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Dawn's cute, feminine penis rubbing against May's fat, smelly bootay!
May losing her anal virginity to Dawn's futa cock! May becoming a cock addicted anal slut after that!
Nah, she's way too pure for that.
May will never do anal, fag. Dawn's going to get paizuri like everyone else and like it.
>dawn will never be your orthodox arceist tradwife
>implying Dawn will ask her
It's rape time lads.
You don't get it. May's asshole is the opposite of Dawn's. Dawn's ass is where cock belongs, and her pussy is literally impenetrable due to the forces of the Arceus; by contrast, May's asshole is the hole Arceus has made impenetrable, preserved from assfucking. So while Dawn may be grinding her dick on May's ass, any attempt to stick the futa cock into May's anus will instead slip into her pussy, much like any attempt to stick a dick into Dawn's pussy will instead slip into her ass. This is just science.
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Ash x Dawn
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>Ash x Da-ACK
Retconned by Chloe.
Based and canon
Cringe and headcanon
Can Pearlfag and Koharufag (the same person) please fuck off for one night? We were just having an important conversation about Dawn's cock impregnating May's womb.
Thank you for daily kino
How about you suck a dick, Mayfag?!
You mean Jirachi? Arceus doesn't give a fuck about May. She's not Sinnohan.
>Dawn's cock impregnating May's womb
You're not getting out of this. Dawn's thick and veiny futa cock will be shoved balls deep inside May's virgin ass!
That makes it better.
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Cute lesbos!

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