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Continued Anniversary Edition!!

What is Pokémon Sleep?
Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracking app that utilizes your smartphone and/or the Pokémon Go Plus + device to record data as you sleep. In doing so, you'll be able to meet a variety of Pokémon and fill out your Sleep Style Dex.

Be sure to post your Research ID so that you can add and share candy with fellow Anons. We are currently locked at 50 friends.

>How do Shinies work?
If you encounter a shiny Pokémon, you only need to feed it a single Poké Biscuit to befriend it.
>What should I spend my diamonds on?
Expanding your ingredient pockets, item pockets and Pokémon box. Long term you’ll want to max out ingredient pockets, only get half of max for items and max 100 for Pokémon.
>When should I use my items?
When you have a good grasp of the game mechanics. You may want to save up Recovery Incenses for event missions.
>What should I spend my sleep points on?
Poké Biscuits first or if you’re a premium user: Main and Subskill seeds and Great Biscuits.
>Can I play this game if there's a lot of noise where I sleep?
The game tracks sleep based on motion only; sound has no impact.
>A Pokémon I fed got full! Will I have to start from scratch the next time I find one?
Nope! Pokémon retain the level of progress they were at the last time you fed them.
>How do dream clusters work?
The higher your research rank, the more you get. You may want to hold onto them as long as possible.

>Official Pages
>Unofficial Pokémon Sleep Wiki
[WARNING] Turbo Cancer-ridden with ads. Use at own risk.
>Simple Candy Calculator

**Back up your account by linking it to Google or your Apple ID. If you change phones, or factory reset, your account may be lost otherwise. At the very least copy your Support ID on the first Pokémon Sleep screen (click to reveal Support ID under menu)**

Previous: >>56169212
The Sunday prep squad

Currently at +192 from triggers
You should get another squad for higher crit chances.
The lack of news update after one every evening for 7 days feels dull, especially after that last one was just for a ribbon with a pretty minor perk.
crit doesn't rollover into monday from what I remember, unless you're just talking about banking the one proc
Do you have team order autism? I always put my e4e pokemon in the first slot.
Should I use my good camp ticket tonight or tomorrow morning? I have to go to bed earlier tonight and won't be able to sleep at the same time next Sunday, so I can't get both like I usually do. Tonight has the Good Sleep bonus, but next Sunday will have all the extra points I'll get from the full week of using the ticket so it's a tough choice.
Can dishes still crit if they're maxed out on level?
I'd just wait until tomorrow morning, if you're going to lapis. If you're staying in greengrass it doesn't really matter
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Just confirmed, it can indeed still crit. It's a shame the level cap update's weeks away and this exp is wasted
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Week’s missions, if you can’t get master at lapis and want the species candy you may not want to go

species candy is the first reward greyed out
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I just put whatever Pokemon's sleep animations I like the most/have the most sleep styles as my leader
Damn, that's a good point. Meals ARE boosted, though.
it's only 25 candy though, you could probably get that in a week from friends or just natural spawns
It's easier to reach M3 on LL than on ST for me.
Leader Pokémon only matters for those push notifications and sleep tracking with phone right?
Go Plus users don't see the helper's sleep animation so it basically doesn't matter what we set as a leader.
I set my best shiny Wiggly as my leader at all times anyway.

Event missions are often known ahead of time because of data mining, you can find details on Raenonx's home page with links to scheduled event details.
Something to keep in mind for future events like Water Week and Suicune research.
Damn that's a yummy breakfast
>final sleep 15 x 2
>get atop belly meowscarada
well that's never happening again
New highest ever. Hopefully with the level cap increase I'll be able to get M20 on greengrass during an event.
Usually something I'm trying to intentionally invest more in or something that's just cute to look at when I wake up.
>522 mill
>5 1 star sleeps
i hope you got like magnezone togekiss or slaking instead of a bunch of eeveelotuions
Does this Weeks event only work on green island?

bonus; is this worth keeping?
>final sleep of the week
>finally get Fuecoco
>it becomes full before I can actually catch it
I’m in Taupe Hollow this week
no, you can get quaxly on the beach, the alligator on taupe and the cat on lapis
the only one that has no one is the snow island
It was an atop-belly Charizard, then Meganium, Mewoscarada, Absol, Heracross, two Quaxly, Clefairy and something else I forgot.

Fuecoco line is also on cyan and Quaxly line is also on Lapis.
>4star Charizard, Meganium, Mewoscarada, Absol, Heracross
m10, then minimum of m5, m7, u2, u2, not bad
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L or R
none, get a BFS one without the speed down nature.
I want the leek SOOOOOO BAAAAD it’s my last ingredient. I just need to level this thing up. I am impatient
Just get a Diglett or Ditto with exp up nature for that then. They aren't that great overall so their candy don't have much value, but you should save your Quaxly candy for a good one.
berry finder isn't that good on ingredient pokemon, but leek in slot 2 and 3 is a must
or beans in slot 2 and 3
So the cat gets potatoes, and bird can get leeks? but what does the pig get? Apples who cares about apple.

Ps is this worth investing in?
Apple is actually really good even though it's not worth a lot. It lets you make one of the best desserts (scones) and a decent salad (fruit salad). It can also heal its own energy at a better skill rate than the other two.
>Ps is this worth investing in?
It is if you have a pokemon on your team with energy recovery bonus. Though Tyranitar already does ginger so it would've been nice to see milk or another slot of potatoes in the last slot. An inventory skill would've also been nice. But otherwise it looks pretty good.
Supposedly the Pupitar would be better?
what about the other one with BFS?
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Wrong image, fuck
I woke up to find half my game is in Japanese now wtf
It's just kana so I can still read it, but what happened?
it has +ingredient nature and help speed subskill, so yeah it's better

i'm not too fussed about minmax and would go with middle cause i like the skill
You need to step up youl game, anon-san.
Do you think it's really that important to match the berry when you compose your ingredient team? Are you really losing out that much using something like skeledirge for apples on tunda instead of absol, etc?
I don't think it's that important. i'm sure bfs anons would say something.
I'm not really worried about what measl I make too and i'm usually matching anons who have a minmax team.
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It's nice if you can do it, but a good balanced team has some berry focus and ingredient focus.
My beach team is a fucked example of this lmao. It's gonna do good for dream eater curry, but man I wish I had some good berry mon for here
It's a perk but not a necessity.

The reality is that your Pokémon's level and the arbitrary caps on ranks and levels are what really restrict you from hitting high ranks.
The likelihood is that when level 100 is finally available, an unoptimised team of level 100 favourites will probably be good enough for nearly every island except maybe the final one.

For the current game though, optimisation and proper team layout for your island and meal request do matter, to get the most out of that level 55 restriction (or more accurately the low levels due to high costs and long waits).

If you can in fact make the good dishes and you can swap out an ingredient specialist just to be able to make them, it's worth doing even if it means forgoing favourite berry gathering for a little while.
I'll be alternating Blastoise, Toxicroak, and Bewear at Lapis Lakeside this week because I got desserts, and the rest of my team formation lets me frequently make stuff like Lovely Kiss Smoothies, Explosion Popcorn, Petal Dance Chocolate Tart, etc.
By the way, you should consider making tarts instead of smoothies. The ingredient requirements are much lower, but they have the same 25% multiplier meaning you can use all the filler you want without needing to also gather honey and milk.
It's an occasional glitch I get too, sometimes.
Is berry finding even good on ingredient mons or does it just clog up their inventory faster?
It makes them into solid generalists, but wouldn't recommend it ones that cannot evolve unless they have at least one Inventory Up subskill.

Would be really, really happy to have that Sprigatito myself, although the real payoff isn't until 50.
its good. if they're not finding ingredients, they are finding good amount of berries. best gold skill to have than any too.
it's not a bad thing, but I would prefer to get both helping speeds, both ingredient finders and inventory skills on ingredient pokemon
that's an extremely good cat, you'll be drowning in potatoes
Yeah, the ideal ingredient specialist goes all in on helping speed and ingredient finder subskills, nothing else.

BFS however, very good in a different capacity for when you don't need to stockpile ingredients, but instead just keep a steady flow going.
I've been doing some thinking. I don't think Bfs is good on skill pokemon. At least not at level 10. At level 10 you want all of the skill + abilities
My take on BFS ingredient specialists is that they are good up until the point where you have enough berry specialists for that area, at which point they become significantly less good.
As an example, I have a BFS Golem. It used to be really good in Taupe, but now I have BFS Arcanine + Typhlosion + Ninetales + Charizard and a strong Entei. This means that I no longer have an use for the BFS part on Golem, and would much rather it had only Ingredient Finding/Helping Speed subskills. It doesn't necessarily hurt to have BFS, but it goes to show that judging something by its overall strength output isn't always the best.
I was just thinking, Ingredient Magnet S can only gather ingredients that you have obtained in the past, so wouldn't the best team in the game be 5 Walreins, each only gathering oil, after metagaming the whole time so you only pick up fiery herb and slowpoke tail along the way. Every time their skill procs at max level you get 7 herbs, 7 oil, and 7 tails every time, at least in theory.
Yeah, that sounds like it would work. You should try it and let us know how it goes.
Nah, I care to much about my current account, and don't wanna go through the effort of micromanaging two accounts at the same time.
Yeah, how it factors into your team will matter a great deal, and the Entei debut along with the upcoming skill specialist double bank buff has greatly changed how Taupe Hollow teams are built.

Your team will be built to achieve a balance between gathering berries and ingredients, and a BFS ingredient specialist can still have a place alongside BFS berry specialists because it will still be better at gathering ingredients overall.
The currently best teams consists of just Berry specialists and a flex spot that alters between ingredient mons and a healer.
Sure, though I'd say it's subject to change depending on things like swapping any team member will cause all helpers to discard their banked skills, and also if there's any events running that bolster cooking outcomes.

Berries are at a strong advantage because berry strength scales exponentially, ingredient strength is static and has to rely on recipe levels and maximum pot size.
Being able to add +6 ingredients isn't a huge change to strength, say it's for six corn and your recipe level grants a 301% multiplier.
You're only adding about 2528 strength to the cooked dish.
A high level and fast BFS berry specialist is probably doing that multiple times over each day.
>muh minmax
Just use pokemon you like. It's a sleep app, not a competitive pvp gacha.
It's a gacha game where higher scores are rewarded with better rolls, and strategy on what to befriend and what to prioritise for team building is part of the fun.
>higher scores are rewarded with better rolls
Factually untrue. You want first stage pokemon, not fully evolved which is what mostly appears at higher sleep scores outside of the occasional single stage (which are almost always "bad") or the very, very, VERY slim chance at Entei or Raikou.
better rolls in the sense of sleep styles, which may matter soon with 60 available
First time opening achievements in maybe 10-11 months
you're more likely to see legendary pokemon at higher levels
you get more candy for high level sleep areas to power up your bros
pretty sure evolved berry pokemon function perfectly fine since they don't care about inventory or main skill level that much
use your favorites if that's how you want to play but this is a game so people are going to be autistic about it
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worth investing in?
yes it is, you fucker
Yes absolutely, that's a Ninja Salad beast and solid at its main skill.

Just wants a subskill seed to buff Ingredient Finder S into M at 50.
It might end up giving you Inventory Up L but that's always nice too.
This one seems decent. I have another that find leeks at 30, but has worse subs/nature
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I have quite the quacking conundrum on my hands, one of these Quaxly is REALLY good at helping and has a nice nature but the other one is very good at ingredient gathering and has a neutral skill. They both have beans-leek-leek.

Since he's an ingredient gatherer, should I value the really helpful one more or will I ultimately get better performance out of the one with more ingredient subskills? Thanks in advance for the advice anons
This is a tough one, anon. I think I would go with the second one, personally. You can seed helping speed s, and two ingredient finders is really good. The eventual inventory at 100 is really helpful too.
But this is coming from someone who doesn't care for charge strength, so I would rather get more leeks than skill triggers
I was leaning toward the second one as I made this post so thanks for what affirmation you added on that anon, I think that makes sense. I also don't care much about Charge Strength on anything but spammers like Golduck/Espeon so the nature isn't much of a loss. Having ridiculous Helping Speed is a fun gimmick and helpful overall but I doubt it'd outperform the Ingredient Finders on this baby when it comes to beans and leeks
My advice is to use your brain and decide for yourself.
Throw them into analysis tool, you'll want to assess their estimated strength contributions and ingredient gathering counts.
My brain concluded you guys would know Pokemon-themed ducks better than anyone
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There's basically just Psyduck, Ducklett, and Quaxly, and Quaxly despite its classification as the Duckling Pokémon is partially based on a specifics of waterfowl that isn't a duck at all.
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Second one is much better, but depends a LOT on the ingredient list.
Any ingredient poké with no Ingredient Finder nature or subskills by lvl 50 goes straight to the trash. t. Raised a Blastoise with 3 Helping Speed boosts but 0 ingredient finder and regretted it.
Also, a fully evolved Quaxly at level 50 only triggers the skill an average of 1.4 times a day, so that skill up nature ain't doing shit to help you.
>no helping speed
>only 1 ingredient finder
What's the best way to post multiple screen grabs of different pokemon at once from my phone

Please add, already maxed out all my current friends
>tfw I realize I'm playing pokemans sleep with Dan Quayle
>have some mons with 2700+ hrs
How is this even calculated?
that stat might cap out when you hit 8:30, the other might not

who knows, i remember some posts in the thread about the hours needed to evolve being weird or different too
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These are my top 3.
I’m surprised about Pupitard, I barely use him… he’s only this high leveled because I used some previous events' candy boost and used all from this week on him too.
>top 3
In terms of sleeping time shared, that is.
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I have a plan...
My Go+ doesn't seem to be connecting, anyone else?
Is this shiny cat usable? I don't have anything else that farms potatoes.
are you pressing the button while the go is laying down flat?
>second shiny Raticate in a week
>last week's berry spread included Ice

The game really wants me to go back to Snowdrop, I see.
would have liked to see one ingredient finder but it's not bad. It will definitely gather a lot of potatoes.
if you like shiny meowscarada I would go for it but if you're indifferent it wouldn't hurt to wait for a better nonshiny one
where do I buy one?
I think it might be a worthy investment if I plan to play this for a long time
I bought one from my local gamestore, perhaps online of they aren't sold in ships in your area.
It's the GO Plus+ you're searching for one.
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With the new pokemon sleep hour update, does that mean unevolved pokemon can be equivalent in terms of speed to fully evolved when you reach 2000 hours?
How long until suicune event?
Amazon doesn't seem to have them on stock
any other place maybe? that can accept online orders and shipping
next month
beginning or end of month?
the last two were the last week of one month and the first week of the next, giving you the chance to buy a new master biscuit
Add me, fellows
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Need it or keep it?
Worth keeping IMO just for fast BFS, it'll be a generalist that also gathers potatoes.

But keep looking for a proper dedicated potato specialist.
Is this worth investing in?
>No ing finding nature or subskill by lvl 50
Dump it.

It has good skills and nature, but until they add an island that favours dragon berries I wouldn't use it over other more specialized mons, unless you have a lot of swablu candy lying around anyway and don't have said specialized mons.
help bonus + bfs is like 99% the way to a perfect mon
I can't wait for the bfs tears come that patch that allows double skill procs on skillmon.
The estimate from the communities on reddit and discord said that only very few mons get more viable while the rest remain outclassed. They’re pretty autistic over there, so I trust that verdict.
Yeah, outclassed in terms of sleep power.
But the game isn't just sleep power
Unexpected surprise this morning
Oh I'm 100% using this thing
nice duck, did you use a friend incense or just get lucky with 3 other hungry spawns lol
You’d see an incense icon if that's the case, right?
This is my second shiny BFS bashful pikachu line, which I'm not complaining about, but it is weird it's happened twice.
oh, i suppose you would. just some good luck then
You don't see incenses after the mons have already been assigned as hungry or not. I did end up using a friend incense for this last night
Weird, I could’ve sworn that the symbol would still be there on the feeding screen.
Seems good for ingredients and pot expansion, unless I'm missing something. I'd be fine using a subskill seed
Meowscarada's skill trigger rate is pretty low, only 2.2%.
With those subskills with Helping Speed boosted to M, it might proc twice a day, versus once a day with a full ingredient gathering focus.

I'd reconsider and keep looking. I personally want one that's full-on potatoes.
Unfortunately none of mine are double potato. I don't even have a 30 leek quaxly yet, but got the incense today so maybe I'll get lucky.
I usually clear out the shop, but I really have no more bag space. I’m at 800 already.
Thinking if I should just skip the regular biscuits, I already have 70 in my bag and then another 20 in my present box.

Out if all of these which one should invest in for the upcoming suicune event? I can't seem to find better.



I'd stick with the first one, the Croconaw.
It won't peak until level 75, but when it does it'll have already excellent helping speed, plus it can upgrade to Helping Speed M.
Last one, Berry Finding S is just that important. It's also good that it doesn't have Ing finder subskills making it worse, and oil at 30 is much better than sausage.
The last one if you can get it to level 50 and evolve it. Otherwise pump the Croconaw as high as you can and when it's possible push it to level 75. Honestly it could be worth long term investing in both the Croconaw and the last Totodile.
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>Unironically telling people to invest in a Pokémon that "will be good at level 75"
It took them over a fucking year just to unlock level 60. By the time level 75 is unlocked the player will surely have either found several ones with better skills or the pokémon will have been powercrept. And finding Totodiles isn't even rare to begin with.
which one would you suggest is the best pick
Doduo would be the only one with full stamina its skill procs almost every time I try to get berries from it.
The one with Berry finder at 50 for sure. It is far from perfect due to the neutral nature, but it is good enough for a berry mon.
>no shiny in almost 2 months
But level 50 is a long ways away.
it is, but it is still the best among the ones in that list. That being said, I'd just keep searching for a better one.
>tfw you get a shiny and it's trash
Haven't gotten one in over one-and-a-month either though, so kinda feel the same.
this was my first shiny after a 5 month dry spell. although I suspect I also had a shiny pikachu this week and missed the sparkles. I thought they would sparkle again when you tried to feed them, but it didn't and I didn't want to waste a biscuit to check.
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Which of these 2 should get the investment? Which should be sent to play with Prof Oak?
love this lil nigga
seems like you should use biscuits more often
Dump both because Dream Shard Magnet is terrible poorly designed garbage.
But if you do have to pick one then use the second one since it will be able to contribute a bit in Lapis with Berry Finder and you won't have to waste subskill seeds on it.
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Growth week vol 2 from aug 5th

1.5x sleep xp
1.5x first sleep research candies
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Finally… it is done
>it’s not perfe-
Are we gonna get the feature updates after that week? if they didn't announce anything yet I guess "early august" means 12-15 or something then
It's great but a mint will definitely improve it, if they ever happen.

Cool if growth week is just gonna be a regular thing for gap weeks.

Seems likely. The next update will probably be the 2.0 release.
I'm really keen to get my besties levelled to 60.
Yeah, I gave up my hope for mints. I would want a +ing -energy nature
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>leveled Chikorita to lvl 25 ages ago
>evod twice
>never used candy on him again
>leveled Quaxly to lvl 30
>used very few handy candy
>evod twice
>haven’t used boost candy on it since I got it
>have more Quaxly candy than Chikorita candy
That’s seriously insanse.
everybody been sending paldea candies, but i have no idea how you got 300
Fuck, if not for the nature, this would have been near perfect
As punishment for getting a good shiny sprig, I will never find a quaxly with leeks at 30 and 60 with acceptable subskills and nature
Did you buy the quaxly bundle from the shop?
Rate my healer
Like a 6 or 7 outta 10.
BFS actually reduces its skill proc rate because it hits carry capacity faster.
Helping Speed and Main Skill Chance up nature are good though, access to Skill Trigger M at 75 will fix it up nicely.
Idk this is my healer and I've seen better than mine.
rate mine
Shiny squeezable marshmallow princess
That eventual +8 extra inventory from the ribbon will be extremely useful once level 75 unlocks (in a couple of years)
What ribbon?

Is this worth Leveling
no, ingredient down makes it completely worthless, when you run the stats in raenonx
you also want leeks at 30 and 60
Probably 9/10 only helping speed would improve it.
>you also want leeks at 30 and 60
Why? Beans/Beans/Leeks means you have a consistent Bean farmer until 60, where it then drops a good ratio for both Ninja Curry and Salad. Dropping only 2 Leeks at 30 doesn't make it much better than Dugtrio or Ditto even with a higher drop rate, so it seems better to fulfill its niche for helping with 2 of the best dishes in the game.
That's an really close match to my shiny Wiggly.
Just a slightly different order, and Helping Bonus instead of Ingredient Finder.

Yeah my Wiggly will also benefit from that +8 inventory when she eventually unlocks BFS.
Your Gardevoir on the other hand? Already has a carry limit of 46, it doesn't need much more.
No but that was a good idea.
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Hello anons, i have a query for you
These are the best gen 9 starters that ive caught so far. Im aware none of them are particularly outstanding, but would any of them be "good enough" to invest in since we have that candy boost event going on rn?

Currently playing pokemon crystal on my n64 using pokemon stadium 2 having a blast rn but taking a break to check in with you guys. How has everyone's 2 week event been going? Productive or unlucky?
That Sprigatito is actually good since it has both an Ing+ nature and an Ing Finder skill. The only unfortunate thing about it is the Skill Trigger subskill, which is essentially useless due to how low the base trigger rate for his skill is. The Potato at 60 might also be undesirable if you already have good potato mons.
But other than that it is easily the best of the three by a large margin.

The Fuecoco is okay, but personally I would only use one if it has a triple apple ingredient list, meaning I could use it for a day to stock on apples then switch to another mon.

The Quaxly is bad due to the two useless skill triggers (both combined only increase the average daily triggers by a measly 0.7 at level 60). You'll surely find better.
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Are we posting our Wigglys?
He got me through until I got my Gardevoir. I wish my Wiggly had more prospects past level 50. Peaking early is pretty boring. He still takes over as healer on Cyan Beach though.
It bugs me that the type-specific candy descriptions claim they can be "turned into ## candies for ANY <type> pokemon", but it's limited to the pokemon you actually own. Let me turn my rock candies into onix candies for when I eventually have one so I can clear out some bag space.
Okay, I'll share my Wiggly too and join the club
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you gonna hold out till sunday?
The Big Meat is coming...
inb4 doesn't crit
10% base, +20% for sunday, his first meal is guaranteed.
The real question is if that madman is building up a bunch of ingredient boosts too.
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Actually, I think that's the same anon who showed off having like 550 slowpoke tails in his inventory.
We're gonna see some absolute bullshit Sunday morning if he's also boosting his pot.
in the pic you can see 0/386
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Actually my hair when I wake up
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I swear if anon is using a maxed, or just high level, recipe and has maxed area bonus, this shit is gonna be well over 1m.
Hell, considering the boosted stuff this Sunday, I could see it hitting 2m.
Pot is capped out, crit chance is 100%, recipe is at 50%, area bonus is at 60%, all that's left is to wait 'til tomorrow.
This any good? Kind of want Ingredient Up, but is Speed Up suitable?
You mean recipe level 50?
Max recipe level is currently 55, which gives like a 150%+ strength bonus iirc

That'll work great as a milk farmer, Ingredient Finder M saves it.
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Okay looked it up and the multiplier bonus is stronger depending on the base multiplier of the dish.

Slowpoke Tail Salad is base 25% and goes up to 239% at level 55.
Ninja Salad or Greengrass Salad are base 48% and go up to 301%.

If you cook a Ninja Salad, you'll be adding 22 fewer Slowpoke tails but each tail will be 62% stronger.

Isn't max cooking pot size 200 or 300 or something after main skills and Sunday bonus? I forget.
Yeah, recipe level 50, I forgot that the level and percentage boost are different. Does the boost really go that high?
Ninja Salad is level 34, and Greengrass Salad is only level 25, I think Slowpoke Tail Pepper Salad is still my best bet, at least this time. I'll try to level Ninja Salad more for the next time I do this, or maybe whatever meal has the best ingredient number:dish strength ratio.
Ninja Salad at level 34 only gives +158% bonus so yeah stick to the Slowpoke Tail Salad for Sunday.

You can see the bonuses from strength levels here:
They're also increasing the meal level cap to 60 early August.
I stopped using that site as I got tired of fighting the ads. Kinda funny that one of the ads that showed up when I checked just then was for an adblocker.

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