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98 replies and 24 images omitted. Click here to view.
its too bad they'll never make a shiny variant
Blame the TCG exploding in popularity
Gardevoir was already popular before that
Gardevoir already had a big butt in Pokken

we love all bugs and bug like pokemon
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true... a Tarantula hawk would be a sick waspmon
I'd especially love one of those ichneumon wasps with the fuck-off-huge ovipositor. That'd make a gnarly weapon once pokémonized.
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There's really no reason for that, God. Come on.

But I'm sure you could make a fencing theme'd Pokemon out of it. I don't wanna say another Bug/Steel, but I'm not sure what else you'd fluff it as.
i can see this making a cool mon

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Return of the Queen Edition

It's been far too long since the last thread. Post Koharu and Chloe, because they are cute!

Previous thread: >>56883598
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>she makes me physically ill just looking at her, please don't post her on here ever again.
Bloombolt requires an intelligent Chloe, because she’s trying to access Ash’s wallet!
>giving unlimited access to her ass in exchange for money
Sounds like a prostitute
A very smart prostitute!

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>gen 5 OL
Perfect casting. They couldn't have picked a better NPC
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Shut up little man
I for one welcome the giant, mommy office lady. Her 5head makes her more expressive and cute. Perfect for crawling over and planting kisses.
Make me! Preferably with your toes
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Why can't it have a good flying move?
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>3% extra damage on average
What a brilliant, fun and impactful secondary effect!
Look I'm no game designer, I just threw in numbers that sounded reasonable enough
Split wasn't necessary in games like RB/GS because there were barely any moves to begin with. It's by RS not having the split was an issue because those unfinished pieces of kusoge should've been ignored as per Masuda's nightmares
You're better off retconning their names than their dex numbers. Shifting everything down one number is a bigger pain in the ass than I think everybody makes it out to be
not a game designer either so how would you improve it?

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Happy Valentine's Day! c:

>Friend ID Survey: https://forms.gle/AZyQQ2SfGeCKjXNh9
>Friend ID Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DGhOfaMX6D_YUR-P39_OJdVmAl0uacohIRstE9oN9SQ/edit?usp=sharing

>Tournament results/decklists: https://play.limitlesstcg.com/tournaments/completed?game=POCKET
>Deck Builder: https://my.limitlesstcg.com/builder
>Datamines, etc.: https://ptcgp.raenonx.cc/en
>Space-Time Showdown Card List: https://www.pokemon-zone.com/sets/a2/

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (consider writing a post to recruit players)
>/vp/‘s own meta (no random effects, no ex): vpnx
>meta decks or high level play: vpmeta
>/vp/ anything: vp

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I've unironically seen Dawn 3 times, and didn't manage to get her. Would be amazing if they'd let us WP the same pack multiple times so we could just force the issue.
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Don't go by this poster. There are very nice looking physical cards, he intentionally posts the worst ones. But also don't waste your money on a Jewish pyramid scheme.
I need Mewtwo EX to complete Genetic Apex

Anyone want to trade? I can offer these cards
>Exeggcutor EX
>Charizard EX
>Gengar EX
>Aerodactyl EX
You could just play the regular pokemon games and have fun, you know?
Whoever drew this was really enjoying themselves.

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Goh gives his fans a thumbs up! Edition

It's Goh time! Let's go again with a new thread about Goh! Talk about his Pokemon, his dream, his ships, and of course, Goh himself!

>Voting Questions for Goh fans coming into this thread
1. Are you a boy or a girl?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/polls/GPgV6pa98ga

2. What age should Goh be if he makes a return in Horizons?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/e2nardxJegB

3. What would have been better for PM2023?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/3RnYlvXNDye

>Goh's VAs name list appearing in Pokemon Horizons as Roy's Fuecoco & Rotomphones so far

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Cute Boyfriends
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The moon should be shaped like a Pokeball so that everyone in the entire world knows to whom they should kneel to.
Craters that size? That's an asteroid.
The Poké Ball... The symbol of training Pokémon, of being a Trained Pokémon,



The symbol of the entire franchise of Pokémon.
Only if Planet-sized Complete Zygarde is also real.

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A thread died for this leafeon.
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You could have saved her
How can Leafeon breathe bottled up like that!?

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In der Heimat wohnt ein kleines Mägdelein
und das heißt
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I will never forget what she did in 1999
Good bread
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What class would Erika play in Hell Let Loose?
Every time I see someone here trying to combine Pokémon (or anime in general) with natsoc/pol/ LARP, I'm always reminded of that scene in Look Who's Back where Hitler travels to the present-day neo-nazi headquarters, only to find out they're a bunch of dweebs

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Sherbet lemons
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I never see this pop-up unless I open a new tab in Incognito Mode, and I've been using that website even before BD bought-it out back in like 2012.
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>I didn't like Sloth's character at all she was just some dumb deus ex machina
WTF, she ever did anything besides falling asleep mid-sex?

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post all things binacle

>can i post barbaracle?
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hitching a ride!
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couple of lads having fun together
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Sweet Dreams Edition

What is Pokémon Sleep?
Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracking app that utilizes your smartphone and/or the Pokémon Go Plus + device to record data as you sleep. In doing so, you'll be able to meet a variety of Pokémon and fill out your Sleep Style Dex.

Be sure to post your Research ID so that you can add and share candy with fellow Anons. We are currently locked at 50 friends.

>How do Shinies work?
If you encounter a shiny Pokémon, you only need to feed it a single Poké Biscuit to befriend it.
>What should I spend my diamonds on?
Expanding your ingredient pockets, item pockets and Pokémon box. Long term you’ll want to max out ingredient pockets, only get half of max for items and max 100 for Pokémon.
>When should I use my items?
When you have a good grasp of the game mechanics. You may want to save up Recovery Incenses for event missions.
>What should I spend my sleep points on?

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>lay there
>get bitches
>Feed Pokémon into subservience
>Instruct it to go gather food or go back in the Poké Ball indefinitely
can i please just catch a decent wooper with triple cacao yet, PLEASE. Caught a great absol today that I could have worked with but nope, APPLES.
Close to being useful... Kinda
I might actually make it to master 20 tonight!
eh, the éclair requires a far larger cooking pot compared to the scones and macarons, so eggs still have a place. I imagine they'll add another egg curry in the 35% range soon though.

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what will your reaction be when the bw demake outsell the originbal bw?
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it’ll just be a low quality legends shovelware.
And yet nobody likes it.
Look at him, he is so cute. I just want to hug him while he squeaks out monologues.
>low quality thread
>gen 5 related

holy shit this is lab optimised bait
They didn't even make BDSP, but me too.

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