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in hindsight, swsh looked pretty good actually
It would look better in a landfill
Yeah, in cherrypicked screenshots
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you have to cherrypick screenshot to make it look bad

>it's blue so it's a water type
>it's orange/red so it's fire type
>it's grey so it's normal or ghost type
>it's light pink so it's fairy type
>it's dark pink so it's psychic type
>it's purple so it's psychic poison or ghost type
>it's black so it's dark type
>it's green so it's grass type
>it's yellow so it's electric type
>it has dragon wings and/or breathes fire so it's a dragon type
>it has bird wings so it's a flying type
>it's beige so it's normal or ground type
>it's brown so it's rock type
>it's humanoid and muscular so it's a fighting type
>it's white so it's an ice type

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Gigachad is obviously a fighting type wtf
Nawwww, gigachad has immaculate drip and makes it rain on the sluts. W water type desu
sheeeeeeesh this thread no cap straight bussin frfr gigachad w rizz ong
>it's humanoid and muscular so it's a fighting type
so why isn't picrel a fighting type
>it's grey so it's normal or ghost type
Most normal and ghost types aren't grey

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why must anime attacks all be done with lasers, glowing limbs or weird projections?
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I mean, Ash didn't even know his Pidove was female until Snivy's Attract failed on it.

And Jessie didn't know that her Yanmega was female until that evil Togepi's Attract failed.

So yeah, characters not knowing their Pokemon's gender until it's pointed out to them is nothing new for the anime.
He can say things occasionally, but he is still a man of few words and serious. His Gen 1 in-game sprite fits with the aforementioned personality.
Literally a thing in every single game he appears in.
*mundane / innate
yep thats been the case for 15 years
28 years

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She cute
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She is
Belly Drum time!
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What's his team?

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I would use his power to provide Texas with plenty of cool rain during the summer months. I would then completely flood Louisiana into the depths of the sea, providing Texas with an extended Gulf Coast along the entire Eastern border.
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ancient draconids
hmm alright it's an intriguing idea. I guess the regis being in Hoenn lends some credence to it as well.
Add israel to that list and we're set.
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>kyogre doesn't actually cause rain, it just pisses on everything everywhere it goes

>so far gen 9 has, by a huge marging, the strongest trainers both by levels and by team themselves
Even if battles are secondary (like in Arceus) will Z-A endgame keep this trend (specially with their Volo-equivalent, with some bullshit like having to fight Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde after a full team of 6) or will they suffer the Kalos curse?
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The strongest in all aspects .. Cynthia-sama the undisputed Super Champion
The most beautiful....
The strongest.....
The queen...
It's Cynthia
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>best final boss of the franchise also has the best team
Of fucking course
SVgods keep winning.

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>Client for chat that works even if battles get automuted
>Last thread
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Why do you guys let a non-existent figure rule over you? Just because there isn't a champ does not mean you have to follow their rules. I say sugg and sugg hard, champ or no champ, it is you who makes the champ not the champ
Heckling was a big part of the charm here. So were chatlock wars and the metagame was a lot simpler to comprehend back then so even brainless champs could eke out a small win streak, feel satisfied, and want to come back later.

Now there's hardly a crowd and at least 2/3 champs leave their positions simply due to disinterest from the nonexistent watchgroups. Doesn't help that the people who stick around have the personality of a fish and can just regurgitate memes.

Unfortunately 'derp didn't have the strength of character or community to really stick together in a way that wasn't prone to being an eventual circlejerk. That's a hard line to maintain, though, from any Anonymous to "named" setting. I can't blame the room and the server for becoming the circlejerks they were until closure.

There are probably a lot of other little factors im glossing over.

Anyways, yeah, this place is more or less dead. Kept alive only by odd hangerons who can't help but make a thread. I'm happy to have been here in it's heyday but those days are long gone.

crawdaunt btw
You see, shoedrippers these days are around 30 years of age and can't shitpost like we used to as teenagers.

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>no gamepad controls
Blud, I get that this is a turn-based RPG and having comfy controls isn't strictly necessary but this filtered me so hard I didn't even leave the bedroom. I pressed Enter, Enter again, X which finally opened the menu, X which closed the menu, X that opened the menu and Enter which confirmed my choice (Controls) and saw there was no obvious way to change the keys to my Xbox controller so I uninstalled.

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last thread ( >>56070573 ) was fun and i want to revive it
another kick into potential critters and all
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Could be refined:

>dog must have no beard, its head must be completely bald with the same color as the human skin
>dog must have the black tuxedo
>shiny form has a white tuxedo

>cat must not have human back legs as it currently feels like a human kneeling, unless you make it bipedal like meowth to match the dog's height
>cat has white fur or the same color as his clothes, while having his separated red hair
>shiny has a white fur (if you're using the cream from the palette instead) or the piss-yellow fur with black hair as resemblance to George Ushiromiya
Well, still hyoed for 2.0. Wish we had another update video, it's been months inc ths last one
>unless you make it bipedal like meowth to match the dog's height
not that anon but seems a nice idea, you could even use Neko-Ark's body as base like picrel, but keep that Battler crying face on it, also replace his skin with white fur.
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forgot pic of the body
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need someone to draw its pre-evos since this is supposed to be a 600BST pseudo

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Sit the fuck back down, Pokerogue. The OG sheriff is back in town.
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lol get fucked nerd
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>tranny dev
>discord server is pronoun bullshit
I sleep.
>got a honedge starter
Yup... it's gonna be some good runs.,,
>juan leads swift swim choice band tera water basculegion in rain
guess i'll die

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i am... in hell...
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Bring it bitch, i'm tired of you abusing me and big bro
Dios mio… a corridor going nowhere… the bane of 3D pokemon games
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>saving images from there is somehow the same as having an account there
Are you retarded?
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The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

>Diamond & Pearl CD Music Rips

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Total Lewdfag death!
D-does…she fuck Torterra too?
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You’re forgetting also the whole:




If the Pokegirl generals, AI Threads and TCG died or ‘left’, this board would truly be as dead as /vg/ will be in 2 years
Ash is a faggot for Pikachu

>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

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What you want for the damage mode is AoE DPS. Unless they say "fuck you" and make certain elements only have 1 enemy target, than you should focus on future banners that provide an AoE powercreep unit.
The score card has 2 opponents for every type, I assume each a 3-target and a 1-target.

Still really stupid the single target doesn't have lower base Def/SpDef to compensate for it
I have the same units at the same sync grid levels, what did you do to get this score? Only tried a handful of times but only at 300k. I have no idea how to optimally use bianca since I pulled for her but only used her maybe once to clear one of the mission stages for more rewards.
Wrong, you want to focus on the ST units because AoE is much easier. If you can do ST, you can do ST for both the ST stage and the AoE stage. Like >>56113161 says, it's 1 of each ST and AoE for 17 types to make 34.
the jp or en va?

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It's true that Mawile was originally going to to be a Dark type Pokemon but was retconned into Steel type at the last minute because they needed another Pokemon for the Steel Gym leader
And now it's a fairy type, oh how time flies
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>implying a jotho gym leader would ever use more than one non-kanto mon in her gym
Joke a side, Mawile Is such a shitmon that it may as well be from jotho.
Hoenn fans in shambles
>literally a single nicknamed pokemon on all npcs in all of gen 3
>its an elite 4 member with a fucking caterpie
what did GF mean by this?

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