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Using a computer a lot doesn't make her stinky, stop saying it!
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She lost a bet
Cute, shy, smelly British nerd! <3
I thought she was a Spaniard
Nope, she is from Galar and studied abroad in Paldea.
>travels across the world just to stare at a screen in a different place
Is this the power of advanced NEETing?

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>Still no Cerberus pokemon
Does 3 heads mean they'd have 3-
>what is Dodrio
That's a bird you dumbass
noses? Yes

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People think her JN short hair to be better because she has tits on JN.
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Kicking the fatso from the anime and his shitty AU was one of the best things they did
He works on the current one.
alola and JN are irredeemable turds though
popular opinion: every version of anime serena is shit.
XY short Serena would have looked fine if she still had curvy figure, better outfit & her back hair were slightly longer & fluffier like Pyra (Xenoblade 2), Kumiko (Hibike euphonium) and Anisphia Wynn Palettia.

Do you think gamefreak ever regretted designing machoke?
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Ancient Japan + muscle = perfection
buff hisuian pokemon in fundoshis...
Imagine bathing in a hot onsen with them.
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Thank you Voviat for getting other artists into the baracat spirit

you champ, we sugg, xe battle

>skyla's feet

>skyla's thighs

>nobody pissing reads this
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New chimp it's over
do you suck dicks
*Turns around, hides membre*

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>makes salamence irrelevant
>is ugly as sin
>>makes salamence irrelevant
you don't play the game
It's not even that good without full committing to tera. It's hard carried by tera flying acrobatics and tera dark crunch.
*knock off

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Pokémon is unmatched
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One thing I love about Digimon games is being able to speed up the battle animations. You still make your actions per turn, but you can doubletime everything after until it comes back to your turn.
See what I mean, you're not even trying to compare it to another monster tamer. It's almost as if you've only ever played pokemon so you want me to make your argument for you.
That said let's go with something basic, why don't you tell me how many monsters are in the most recent SMT, Digimon and Pokemon games.
I can agree with about the anime, specially nowadays but the games still has the irreplasable function of pumping new mons/design/concepts etc.

>see hololive profit shift
Ye, I can testify
>What do they do that others don't?
Multiple battle formats for starters.
Shinies giving you incentive to catch multiples for personalization.
A baseline of 400 monsters without dlc/transfers as of gen 4
Take that last one and factor in the fact that regional forms aren't considered their own mon in the dex unlike most tamers and that 400 count increases.
Recently, raids. Before, battle facilities with record keeping.
Marks, ribbons and titles.
A fair amount of non battling minigames
Not making stat items absurdly rare or expensive

That's just off the top of my head.
>he doesn't know
Granted it's not a complete ownedship but they are part of the shareholders suits

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Suck my cock May
yeah you can just go for the first mon you see
You don't have to get rid of the grass. You can just not add pokemon in them or set the encounter rate to 0 like with caves. But how are you gonna handle overworld battles? Add pokemon sprites, make them move, trigger a battle when talked to.. but can you make new ones spawn automatically?
You do it.
Overworld encounters suck dick in Pokemon. Random encounters work just fine.

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For all your shiny hunting needs.
Rate. Hate. Post your own.
Male shinys don't count.

Previous: >>56179282
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The only chore of GO shinies is the restriction on transferring them to home.
Unless theyre Kantomons (and you have LETSGO PIKAEEVEE) shinies takes a lot of energy to more and it takes even days to recharge, and god forbids you from moving a shiny mythic/legendary since it takes the energy of a whole week
really? I barely get one shiny per month, (not counting the comunity day ones)

>Unless theyre Kantomons (and you have LETSGO PIKAEEVEE)
Im so retarded, how I've not ever think of this.
Do you know if you can catch them with premier balls?
I've never used that feature besides for Meltan once
once you have them in the Safari Zone you can use any of the 5 balls PikaEevee has
thats neat, I like the premier ball enough to consider it an upgrade vs the 3 standard ones
>just cheat bro
not an argument, fatso
and having legs way too strong, fatso

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Its Over Edition

>What is PokéRogue?
A Pokémon-themed dungeon crawler filled with gacha-brained mechanics.

>How do I play?
It's a browser game, if you're too retarded to download the client just play on the website.

^Fake offline client, play using this. You can eventually export your save to other custom servers. You will reduce server stress by having the assets downloaded. Make sure to actually run the .bat so the assets aren't streamed.


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So yeah, I get the point of different gachas
But like, wouldn't it be better if they all behaved like candy ones with everything boosted and instead you got a choice of playing gacha for specific egg groups with legendary banners that have bunch of legends boosted like normal gacha?
cannot bear to roll for legendary starters instead of shinies or egg movies, been workin out pretty well aside from those 5
I roll for the shinies 90% of the time but the few times I tried for a specific legendary it surprisingly paid off.
Yeah, I got way better than the 50/50 odds, and usually pretty quickly too. Not sure if I was just stupidly lucky, or is it pity mechanics at play since I already had almost all the starters
Is it open source? I’m open to making a mod for a gym leader sim but good

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Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: What tarot card would your OC be?

>Thread task: Draw a tarot card for your OC.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

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>think about working on fic today
>mulling details over
>realize I left a bunch of holes in this section of the plot
>think of how to fix them
>realize I have to go back and edit the changes in now
>he plans his writing
NTA but I plan my writing but I realized that today that my planning is basically a first draft in third person omniscient instead of limited.
Heh, that's a interesting way of going about it. Like a dress rehearsal.

LQ "screenshots" on real hardware edition

How's your dex and quest book coming along?

Previous Thread >>56158219
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>but it was a specific choice to not have it here.
Didn't know that, then ok I agree with you then.

>because my Kyogre missed Origin Pulse 4 times in a fucking row
That's funny as hell because I just saw this comic earlier today about the exact same thing.
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Johto run done. Nothing much to say other than terrains are bloody annoying, the amount of times I've lost after I couldn't use priority moves is more than I'd like to admit. Moving to Hoenn.
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>Jhoto run
>Only uses 1 gen 2 mon
What can I say, if it works, it works.

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Who is your favourite Regi? (including Regigigas)
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Luv me a regi thread
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What do Regis even do
>stand around
>speak in morse code (and write in braille)
>put the smackdown, on a pokemon
>pokemon combat
>dancing when encountering other regis

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Why does money become useless in the post game? what are some money sinks the game could implement for those with max money?
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Is their more?
Yeah its the 3rd part of a 4 part sequence, I just posted my favorite part of it. I was super happy to see Carmine getting something good, since she's sadly a rare pick
I should have the rest of the anime characters in the list by the end of the weekend.
massively good thread

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>Reguri obviously
>Not gonna lie I mostly got Leafeon doujins and then the few left of Leaf were rape mob doujins, so mob it is
>Mostly shipped with Morty
>I think I saw one with Silver but otherwise all Gold
>Mostly shipped with Silver
>Mostly shipped with May and Steven
>Mostly shipped with Brendan and Steven

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Really. Well I'm from Geocities and I've never heard of the phrases sexo and rizz.
It's 2024 my man, you gotta adapt.
t. 33 year old
Literally dead, at least do a beliable bait saying you hails from neocities
>he doesn't know
Not in Geocities, no. They're X expressions.

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