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Most creative legendaries we had since mewtwo
where the fuck did lysandre even find these assholes
That’s not dialga or palkia
kek, you just made me remember you fight these guys in some gay underground lab and they don't even have a place in the environment. so lame. they are good designs, though. I still have my special edition 3ds with them on it.
i know what they were going for, but just didnt stick ze landing
They basically have no lore whatsoever. You find them in a lab and are told that they're powering a weapon. No indication anywhere in Kalos as to why they're in this region. Nothing in the game's writing (which the bar is on the floor for pokemon) has anything to do with life and death apart from one cutscene. Nearly every set of legendaries feels more at home in their respective regions than these two.
Absolutely not. These things fucking suck. It's yet more "godly" bullshit shoved into your face and you fight them in the most boring environment possible. They barely even have backstory, Lysandre has them just because. At least Zygarde has an interesting idea behind the cells joining together to form a much bigger being. That's way more unique than these two fucks.
>gen3 legends but worse
>stock tortured villain that's literally just mew cum in the body of a stock alien
xerneas a cute
>Most creative legendaries we had since mewtwo
that's tao trio btw
They're just a faggy deer and a bacon Bird
They're just a fatass chicken and a fursuit dragon
>bro its like totally the ying yang or something oh and they have giant anal vibrators in at all times btw
>bro its like giant blue and pink dildos from space
>bro its like a transcoded deer who represents death because troons kill themselves
>>ying yang
don't call reshiram fat what the fuck
In the trailer, X legendary was shown in a mystical forest, while the Y legendary was shown flying through the sky. Unfortunately for them, neither would see either of these things again as they were confined to a dark underground, prisoners to the twisted evil team leader.
Design wise they’re the best boxart legendaries yeah. It’s a shame they’re so forced into the narrative considering the game barely acknowledges them.
Kewl shit.
Aborted-salmon-fetus lookin ass.
>they alternate living in 1,000 year cycles
>Xerneas draws in energy from the earth to sustain itself, creating a massive explosion of life every millennium as it burns out and withers away into a dead tree to gather its strength once more
>Yveltal absorbs energy from everything around it, creating an event of mass destruction every millennium as it absorbs the life energy of everything around it, turning into a cocoon as it goes into hibernation
>this is a normal part of the Kalos ecosystem
>if you interfere with this process by trying to kill Xerneas/Yveltal in their dormant states, a bunch of worms will crawl out of the ground and punish you by turning into a giant snake or a megazord and erasing you with military might
Definitely very cool lore. I wish we had gotten XY2 or whatever with the two ultimate Zygarde forms and south Kalos though.
Only Yveltal.
Well that was cool for a first go-around and it played into a subtext of Gen 1/II with rural/nature stuff wrestling to find its place among an industrialized world. Trainers/gym leaders cooperate with it, Team Rocket see it as a tool for profit, and scientists went too far trying to interface the two directly (Ditto, Porygon, Mewtwo lab)
Whereas X/Y shoehorn either the LIFE Pokemon or DEATH Pokemon into a giant DEATH LASER with just some bullshit flavortext along the lines of "death begets life after it" if you're playing X
Doesn't Yveltal have a meltie and commits ultragenocide in a 10 thousand km radius if you kill it though?
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I do like how they started to give Legendary Pokemon more unique Abilities for their lore, like Geomancy, Fairy/Dark Aura or the Zygarde Cell formations. Makes them feel more distinct.

Giving Drought and Drizzle to normal mons like Pelipper was a mistake btw.
Zygarde is great, too bad its still just a megazord.
Yeah. Whenever it dies it kills everything around it. The range isn't really specified though.
Shame their region and games are such shit
>subtext of Gen 1/II with rural/nature stuff wrestling to find its place among an industrialized world.
We're talking about children's games that ran on a calculator, not your fanfic
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One of the reasons that's not super creative these days is because mewtwo is one of the earliest examples of that and made it cool and popular enough to copy.
>We're talking about [FANFIC]
That’s not solgeo tho

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