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Pokémon TCG Pocket generated $120m+ in less than 3 weeks

Holy shit
plasisters…why did our spinoff flopped so hard compared to the other?
what kinda retard spends money on this game I go a fell mewtwo deck in 2 days without spending a dime
It's the best Pokemon game in 15 fucking years, not surprised
>gotcha slop
I haven't spent a dime and thats why I pulled full art Brock instead of sexy full art Misty. Fucking joke.
True, the main line games haven't been worth a shit since Diamond and Pearl, I rather play a mobile TCG game than the slop Game Freak has been shitting out
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>expecting to cumskull for free
Remember when Tsunekazu Ishihara said he thought the Switch would flop because mobile is the future? This is why.
>he didn't pull both
lmaoing at your life right now
but really why is brock so SHIT
It's a cheap cashgrab, game isn't even a game
You clearly don't play (it's barren in terms of content and resources and has a majorly unbalanced battle system)
SwShbros, PLAbros, SVbros......................
Kneel to your Queen, she has returned to take her throne
Unironically super fun but i will always remain a F2P because im poor and from brazil so everything is 20x the normal price fuck you americans
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>Sword/Shield earned $360m in 3 days
>L: A earned $390m in 3 days
>Scarlet/Violet earned $600m in 3 days
Amazing, every time you make a claim against Legends, you're inherently, factually wrong. 'Else just really piss-poor at maths, if you think $120m in 21 days is impressive.
Gotta say I think mw2 is better than electric rat bogaloo I’ve only lost to pikachu because I got red carded and it shuffled my gardevoir into my deck if not for that I would’ve booty blasted the jap.
goddamn way to prove masuda right pokéfags
people like you are the reason this series will never improve
Mewtwo is quite clearly the best deck in the format but it has been underplayed and is harder to play than Pika by a good bit.

Kek I hope that Pika seether comes back again, but the entire thread probably bullied him so muchast time he won't take my bait.

It is is true though obviously mewtwo is harder than pika to play.
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me as gyarados
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Gen 6 NOW
This series IS improving.
It'll never reach the lofty heights of entitled manchild addict wishes though. Handle it better.
It was so good that PTCGL had to get an update shortly after Pocket came out to make it stop looking so bad by comparison. And yet they only made the grinding worse with their decisions and STILL don't have Expanded functioning yet. I fucking hate how this franchise just constantly stumbles backwards into more barrels full of money.
improving by making a 10 fps empty slop of a game? got it
Me as garchomp (I'm 5'8)
>It'll never reach the lofty heights of entitled manchild addict wishes though. Handle it better.
Seems you didn't got it.
Honestly true, mainline pokemon is fucking dead and they haven't made any decent spinoffs in forever
And they never will
>Honestly true
There's nothing true about the post you replied to
I'm never buying a mainline pokemon game
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>dual arbok
>laprasex misty flips 6 heads
>can't retreat
TPC only takes 20% of the PROFIT from these games, they're getting robbed blind by the collaborators.
Truth nuke
>t. haven’t played
i played it for five minutes and had to uninstall. the gacha pack opening simulation wasn't doing it for me. what is the game doing that missed me but reached others
I haven't gotten a new card from a pack in three days and every wonder pick has been shit. I can't imagine spending money on this game, I'm already tapped out and I'm f2p there's nothing to do
probably the actual card game.
The fuck am I supposed to do against starmie
Weezing stall
Cool God packs can be wonderpicked
got the shitkazam
i heckin LOVE how they shovel in your face fucking flair cards when they played them
I'd probably end up with my 4th FA Char fml. Though I did hit for Golduck number 2 and a Chinese FA Slowpoke... So, who can really say
Cool, but maybe it should be getting more fucking updates because it's barren as fuck for the amount of players it has and money it makes.
With only a single set so far the game has gotten kinda stale.
They need to speed up releases or introduce more intricate strategies instead of merely going for beat down.
>You'll own nothing and you'll be happy
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I think the problem is it can't decide between gatcha and actual TCG. I enjoy that it's stripped down from current cardboard TCG and I don't have to drag my ass to a cardshop and dig through loose card to make a deck. But, even if if I did that it wouldn't cost me a rent check to do so.

Granted it would be fun to have a fullset of everything without having to pull for 3 straight years, but you can't even really put together a slightly competitive deck without spending considerable money. [Pic fucking rel]
Pokémon TCG needs its own Showdown.
I already finished the solo battles and 45 PVP wins, go be a stupid retard in a ditch, game is hollow dogshit because I know it firsthand
The entire lategame is based around getting the legendary birds icon and the 3 waifu full arts.

Do you guys think it's worth buying the gold at all, considering they're doing a deal?
Weird since it's only at 7 million in sensortower
At this point you can say it's the collaborators who pay 20% of the profits for the right to use the pokemon loicence
whats a plasister?
Do you want the Erika coin?
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I don't know if this is true but it feels like they just turned off the "luck" after everyone got their free 2 weeks of Premium.
>wonder picks are garbage now
>packs keep giving the same slop despite a massive mid rarity pool
>still nothing worth doing in PvP
>next pack looking grim based if the keep the drip feed of packs we have now
This game is gonna die so fast it's not even funny.
most rapeable pokegirl
>gardevoir pack comes with gold so you can pull shit
>erika coin costs gold for no fucking reason and comes with no packs
Actual braindead devs,
considering how shit the playmats look in this game the erika bundle is just super bad
I just randomly came to the realization that fucking Greninja is already on Pocket despite the first cards set be "KANTOOOOOO! with extras" and now I am MAD. Didn't you say that TPC stopped to shill Greninja and were now deleting it? well, explin this bullshit.
They deserve it the way they've treated the mainline games as disposable garbage that simply exists to launch new Pokemon that can be merchandised. Scarlet and Violet had fun new ideas for the series but the state it was released in was offensively bad and far below standards set by other open world RPGs on the Switch such as the Xenoblade series.
Greninja is Kanto in the sense that Gen 6 had such a weak identity of its own. They didn't feel confident enough in the game to NOT give you a Kanto starter and put Mewtwo in the game
>Greninja is [FANFIC]
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Datamine says a Black Friday sale is coming so maybe hold out if you're not entirely convinced gold is worth it
Next pack is releasing Dec 16th, but there are a few more events with some new promos before then
True as hell, Game Freak has been nothing but a disappointment for years
>kanto pandering is having pokemon exist in a pokemon game
No that would be the retards buying games like SwSh and SV all that shows is that Game Freak can put literal horse shit on a platter and they know dumbasses will buy it anyways.
right now it's like 90% Kanto with a smattering of other cards
Greninja and Gardevoir are the only non-Kanto shillmons in so far iirc
>two mega Mewtwo forms
>two mega Charizard forms
Yep! Kanto pandering. Any other questions?
I've seen plenty of players with gardevoir cosmetics and not a single person using erika cosmetics, I'm convinced they fucked up and no one actually bought them. If they really wanted to real in the money, they would sell alt art sabrina and misty cards directly, or cosmetics of those.
Has Masters even made that much throughout its 5+ year run?
same speed as physical releases as far as I know
Yes, 2.5m is a very conservative estimation of masters revenue, it would make a total of 150 million
We will have to do actual calcs as soon as the mini set drops because it's going to be tight, kek
a month
Incorrect. People obsessed with gimmicks like 3D or Megavolution or Gigantotransmax are why it won’t improve
So you should kill yourself for perpetuating their business model.
But you cunts NEVER take responsibility for being easily brainwashed retard children who bought pogeymans blindly as chioldren so you reap what you sow.
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As they'd been told in 2002, yes.
They got rewarded for shitting out games that lagged HEAVILY behind the industry all the series lifespan, at least have the decency to acknowledge it happened long before they cut your dex and gave you a sad.
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pokemon on ds
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other games on the ds
How's that counter my argument kid? It's still wank, only cherrypicked wank because you can't admit you WERE just a mindless drone buying thing because telly told you buying thing was good.
You know, just like your complaints of them being shit today are ignored because there's brainless bastard children buying thing blindly because streaming told them buying thing good. You're gonna try and play the adult card, remeber there's adults been here longer than you, who had those same issues, but ultimately were actyual adults about the thing and either left quietly or continued on accepting the status quo. It'll never change, as there's always a fresh set of retard kids growing up RIGHT this minute to take over from the current crop of retard kids that are currently the demographic age.
im saying pokemon used to be good
Beedrill / weezing is fun
But that's the thing kid - you had to be 7 to ever think that. I've always thought the gameplay was great, but the looks were utter dogshit compared to others. But others aren't usually aiming at 7 year olds and unlike other games for 7 year olds, the gameplay loop is fucking crack cocaine (being a product of old-school JRPG fans married with a child-focused IP).
I've long stopped caring about pokémon's graphics, they're not 8-Bit or 8-Bit-on-16-Bit and appearing on something decidedly not as grunty as an Xbox, Playstation of off-the-shelf PC (as I'm pretty sure this laptop I bought in July could run BL2 on steam better than Switch can run the HC version). There's only so far they can take them, given they're not giving up the cartoony style for their creature design, meaning the humans need to stay consistent too.
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Greninja is pretty popular starter among the 3D Starters, and XY is getting a sequel next year.
It's not a sequel, you dumb XYgote. It's another Legends game.
can you guys please explain what exactly is the value in having a digital waifu card over a physical waifu card? It's incomprehensible to me, especially sice I got my Jasmine's Gaze Full Art and SAR in the mail a few days ago
Legends was a sequel to DP.
This game is fucking trash, its literally the duel links of Pokémon
costs less money
Fuck Grenigga
why no wan give me thanks :(

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