In der Heimat wohnt ein kleines Mägdeleinund das heißt ERIKA!!!!
I will never forget what she did in 1999
>>57398308Good bread
>>57398308What class would Erika play in Hell Let Loose?
Every time I see someone here trying to combine Pokémon (or anime in general) with natsoc/pol/ LARP, I'm always reminded of that scene in Look Who's Back where Hitler travels to the present-day neo-nazi headquarters, only to find out they're a bunch of dweebs
Sherbet lemons
>>57392753I never see this pop-up unless I open a new tab in Incognito Mode, and I've been using that website even before BD bought-it out back in like 2012.
>>57392981>I didn't like Sloth's character at all she was just some dumb deus ex machinaWTF, she ever did anything besides falling asleep mid-sex?
post all things binacleFAQs:>can i post barbaracle?no
>>57372916hitching a ride!
couple of lads having fun together
Hottest mom
>>57397681How big is her tits?
>>57402205Holy sex
Her only flaw is tits.
>>57398785I'm disgusted with myself for knowing where that's from with just this single cropped out bit of one page. The only saving grace is that it shook me out of liking NTR at all from how bad I felt after reading it.
What is the best way to experience Gen 4 and 5 for the first time on a PC? I don't have any other gaming devices. I have only played Gen 1-3 in the past (over 10 years ago) then dropped the games. I don't really like DS emulation on PC even though Pokemon DS games aren't too reliant on touch screen. What are my options?
>>57399760for PC i use melonDS, for real hardware i use TWiLight Menu on a modded 3ds
>>57400875>RosaIs the cutest!
>>57401215indeed. the best!
>>57399760For mobile emulating I use Drastic, even comes with a cheat code repository built-in if it recognizes a specific vanilla build of a game
>>57401268I also support Drastic.
You take your Pokemon for burgers and fries to the local joint. What happens next?
>>57393494This art is disturbing
>>57402435>AI slop>""Art""
>>57402449Regardless it's disturbing
>>57393494I see that mr. Meowscarade preffers his cookies smol and tight...
Who is your favorite Pokemon from each generation?
>>57402641chansey ampharosludicolo or mawiledrapion or empoleonmeloettaalso hawluchaminiorhatterenetinkaton or revavroom
>>57402698>I don't actually want to fuck any Pokemonget the fuck off my board.
Here are mine.
>>57402641gyarados espeon metagross weavile haxorus greninja mimikyu
I made a little mock-up for how I wish Home looked compared to what it actually looks like.
>>57399832Nice alternate take OP. But I do prefer the renders that Home already uses instead of the gen 8 Box sprites. But perhaps the Home renders would be better with outlines and maybe some different shading too.>Set Up CampThis really stuck out to me. We seriously need stuff to do with our Pokémon in Pokémon Home.
>>57399832Just having an option to toggle between the 2 would be better than not having itAlso wish they had a better way to organize mons, like a "by dex number" and it just moves them together accordingly
>>57402369Thats already a feature is- Oh right you mean in the switch side.That's another thing. Its really frustrating trying to manage shit between the switch and mobile sides of the app since they both provide completely different features
>>57399832When the hell is GTA coming to switch
>>57402733GTS sorry
Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.>Information>Test Server (Needs VPN)>Upcoming- Suicune (February 28)- Alolan Raichu>Current- Galarian Rapidash has been released- too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>57401931>I wish Hoopa was fucking god insteadBruh.
I have to suffer through2 more Classes of this shit.3Classes should just be enough Why the low iq chinese shit does it have to be 5Wtf?
>>57402189>complaining about only having to rank through 3 pipsWeak.
>>57402189they need to make the climb to masters way harder, fuck pussies like youtheir whole attempt to make matchmaking revolve around master elo doesn't fucking work when some guy with 500 games and 43% winrate can easily get to 1500 and screw over another guy with 50 games and 57% winrate
>>57402661>some guy with 500 games and 43% winrate can easily get to 1500 and screw over another guy with 50 games and 57% winrateTo be fair, those might as well be the same thinig, like 60% of those 50 matches are probably bot games.
The leaf girl
The Leaf Girl.
Latias Latios Thread
>>57402284>>57402287Ugly! Latias and Latios are supposed to be fluffy!
Team Yell edition>What are you running?>How are you running it?>How's your run going?>Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it?>/nuz/ resourcesMostly outdated, but if I add something new it will have (Updated) somewhere in it. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.>Nuzlocke info>Nuzlocke generator too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>57400345First, congrats on the clean sweep on Cyrus. Second, if you still have the Earthquake TM, give it to Garchomp along with Soft Sand or a Pecha berry since it won't outspeed Jolteon. Just be warned that Luxray has Ice Fang, and I doubt Garchomp can survive that.
Ready to take on the E4 in ultra moon.Rate the team.
>>57399790Because thunderfang does the same damage as spark and I didn't think the flinch chance was worth the risk of missing. Especially since Heir had a negative speed nature so wasn't going first as often as it should anyway.
This is my team so far.Part 15.I haven't beaten Volkner yet, I've been grinding and battling the remaining trainers. I did catch a Dusclops and I failed to catch a Electabuzz. Tomorrow I shall finish grinding and setting up my team to deal with Volkner.
>>57402562Is this a Platinum run or D/P?Team looks great either way
>>57402580she needs to close her legs.
Who likes to play hard to get...
>>57402580The most irrelevant legendary group
>>57402591seriously, why does she keep going around spreading her legs for random trainers?
>Wanna buy Pokemon Crystal cart for the aesthetic and enjoying playing physically >Costs upwards of $150Damn bro what the fuck
>>57402364Nothing to bump retard. Just get a flash cart or be a good goy and gt fleeced
>>57402371Huh I literally did though
>>57402406Listen here you pedantic retard. Let me make it real easy for you>buy a flashcard>buy another official crystal for retarded amounts>emulate on chink boy>suck it up and just play on a PC/phone emulator>pay someone more than what the thing is worth to fix itThese are your options
>>57400189Look for "broken" carts, most just need a cleaning and a battery replacement
I'm feeling nostalgic for XY. I wish I was a kindergartener watching this series again...
>>57396041Wow. You summed up how this board is so well. Now I wonder if will people will remember this going forward. I doubt it.
At least BW, Legends and the Switch main games tried something different.This is just the same but more boring scenes , with a good gimmick and more kanto wank.
>>57395898>watchingToo bad the anime wasn't as good as the games. performances were filler-tier crap, replaced by contests immediately after serena jobbed
>>57395915Did the absence of Brendan, Lucas, and Hilbert not clue you in on the pattern?
>>57396041but.. you don't get it... logic took us here! I thought it all out, a Unovabortion like you could never comprehend