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Let's start this solstice with a based thread.
Post best rodent, anons.
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Kill him!
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Well then

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Honest opinions on Nate?
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Now that's the kind of ride I wouldn't mind doing daily. ;)
His butthole will never be the same after I'm done with him

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Let's be honest, we're thankful to Serena for single-handedly carrying the entire XY season and keeping us entertained.
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Ah so XYfags are just coping now
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Stare into her eyes anons
the pokemon anime is kinda mind numbing
Only newfags hate xy

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If you chose to make a harem with them (which is the correct choice) and you self insert yourself as Ash, you are a little bitch and a massive cuck, and you deserve none of them
Why is she naked also ash x Iris bros RISE
Ashy boy can keep that Asuka Langley clone. I’ll take all the other girls that are actually good wife material
Don't diss Ash like that! Sure, he's a massive dummy, but he can be pretty cool sometimes...

I need a Skyla thread, and I need it now
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Is it stronger than Rosa's buns?
I wonder how Winona feels about that.
Go away
Is that a Doraemon reference?
Skyla's huge airbags...

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This might sound farfetched or too hard to pull off but I figured I’ll try anyway
I’ve been thinking of ways to kind of have a group playthrough session
General idea would be something like this
>final digit determines your starters
>play game like normal
Must catch 1 team member before each gym
>after each gym, through emulation magic, wifi battle another anon
>winner gets to keep one mon from the losers team
>do this until E4 / super boss is finished
>then everyone battles each other

Up for critiques or general brainstorming in totally different directions too
sounds gay
I mean I think this could work. There's a few details to work out
>Are there level caps?
>Do you have to battle right after you hear a gym or do you have some time to train your team afterwards
>are the opponents just randomized to "whoever is available at the moment"?
>If there are no available opponents are you just kinda fucked? Can you procceed wothout a battle or do you just gotta keep waiting?
Thank you for the input I’ll try and add some heteroness
>level caps
Probably but just a soft one like a ranged of 1-2 levels compared to gym leader nothing that would matter in real gameplay but prevents hardcore grinding
>opponents randomized
that’s a tough part idk how it would be decided
>are you fucked
Kinda yeah, but there could be planned timed play session
Or if you just upload your pokemon to showdown via pokesav you could always battle at a later time

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a fucking NPC trainerclass?.........how....embarrassing.......
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The excess AI slop bloats the numbers. Then again Gelbooru is heavily inaccurate for /co/ hoes
>Virgins using paheal and xxx
Good thing we chads use sankaku and allthefallen
Tell me you are a pedo without telling me you are a pedo
That site has been unusable for how long now?

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Sleep Gainz Edition

What is Pokémon Sleep?
Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracking app that utilizes your smartphone and/or the Pokémon Go Plus + device to record data as you sleep. In doing so, you'll be able to meet a variety of Pokémon and fill out your Sleep Style Dex.

Be sure to post your Research ID so that you can add and share candy with fellow Anons. We are currently locked at 50 friends.

>How do Shinies work?
If you encounter a shiny Pokémon, you only need to feed it a single Poké Biscuit to befriend it.
>What should I spend my diamonds on?
Expanding your ingredient pockets, item pockets and Pokémon box. Long term you’ll want to max out ingredient pockets, only get half of max for items and max 100 for Pokémon.
>When should I use my items?
When you have a good grasp of the game mechanics. You may want to save up Recovery Incenses for event missions.
>What should I spend my sleep points on?

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During the first few weeks of this game's launch, some retard was bitching about how this game took too much time investment, and when people told him he was stupid, he argued that "he had a job and therefore couldn't spare the time for the game".
People made fun of him for it, but it seems that some anons LOVED the meme, so now they post that in almost every /zzz/.
I wish I could have whatever brand of autism makes a bad joke infinitely funny.
I guess it's a good time to use some incenses... or should I wait until later in the week for the extra candy or two from the increased rarity?
>saving eggs to unlock last recipe I haven't yet, which needs a sunday pot size
>exclusively making popcorn every meal because I have an abundance of the ingredients
>turned out auto fill threw in half my eggs one of the times and now I need to collect like 20 fucking more

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When will we get a pokemon based off a fighter jet?
>inb4 lati twins
Doesn't count.
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Dragapult is a phobos bomber.
Yanmega has no rotary blades. It's not a helicopter.
>we get it, you're based
thank you!

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Post all of your pepe pokemon edits. These things look so fucking stupid and it's hilarious whenever I see them.
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She could be with us right now
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ITT based NPCs
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this is probably the closest we'll get to a canon gay MC. it's clear hilberxhiker is a thing
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It's in the manga, too. Hilbert going after burly men is canon

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Almost all of these are bad, truly a hideous and uninspired dex. The megas encapsulate the whole thing, the designer(s) lack the ability to think outside the box.

Concept is fine but it’s really ugly. Clustered with a lot of design elements that don’t really flow together. Feels like you said “what if fairy type Charizard??” and worked from there instead of coming up with a real concept.

Whoa, it got bigger!

Not something that I would ever use on my team personally, but it’s a very solid design and looks real. This artist understands Pokemon design philosophy better than most.

Hideous, never design anything else again.

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Sorry, I’m not done yet just ran out of space. Why would you do that with the font? How did you write this out and think it looks presentable? Use ANY other font, I’m begging you. I know “Retro Font because video games!!” but the spacing is so fucked that it makes reading your sentences feel like a Herculean task. Also
>Gr8 Miracle
Kek. I’m not going too hard on you because you’re clearly ESL and probably very young, but jeez. I would do a lot of sprite practice and studying before continuing.

>black hole big mouth eel
Kino, 10/10, best Fakemon in the thread
>skeleton flute
Dumb, feels like a Deltarune enemy
>Rick and Morty creature
This thing has me wondering if the eel was a fluke

Jesus fuck, so messy and overdesigned and unfocused. Who is this for? Why do the people who nail the Sugimori style never have any idea how to make a decent design?

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I just finished BW2 again, so here's a Rosa thread.
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nice thread

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Welcome to /wfg/! your thread to communicate with other trainers.

This is the thread for all your Trading, Battling, Raiding and Camping needs!
Missing a version exclusive?
Want try that team you are building?
Maybe need a Pokemon or two to fill your Pokedex?
Wanna do a Giveaway?
Need a carry for a difficult Raid?
Feel like doing a BBQ with other trainers?
Say no more!

Please try to not offer clones or modified Pokémon, or at least warn about them and no "hacked/injected" Pokemon please!
Have fun Anon, and be excellent to each other!


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I really need to get my poke team in order for SV
Anyone willing to help me transfer over some Beast Balls from one of my Shield accounts to the other? I only need to transfer 10 of them, and I don't wish to keep whatever Pokemon you use for this, I'll give them right back. In total, that means we'd be doing 30 trades altogether, but it shouldn't take too long
Ill help tomorrow
Sure, I'll wait

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what if it's pidgey podgey
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Even plushes are chub.
Someone take his fork away.
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look at this stupid little bird it's so happy
total spearow death

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