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The general for all things Dawn/Hikari/Akari/Platinum/Mitsumi.

>Dawn Visual Novel by Anon
Walkthrough: https://rentry.org/anewdawnwalkthrough1_0
>VN Extra

>Dawn Screencaps and Scans

>Diamond & Pearl CD Music Rips

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Can swimsuit Dawn ever be cute?
Huh... always?
No, sexy will never be cute

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Dot Thumbs Up Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>August 9th: PM2023 060 - Seeing Snow for the First Time! Ho-Hoga!


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so meowth's ballad is a rip off of this song apparently
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Will Serena have her tits when she reappear again?
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They will be bigger.

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A thread died for this Leafeon
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oh waiter ! more human men please !
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based vorefag fanfic
You've been on /tg/? Because that sounded very similar to a short voreloli story someone wrote at some point, particularly the part about your arm seemingly disappearing down Mawile's throat. You wrote that as well?
I don't really like loli pred and certainly wouldn't write it, but I have been on /tg/ and I did write a few hammerspace dragon fics. IIRC, hammerspace dragon discussion prompted the ADVL trend, which proved to be more popular.
The vanishing arm thing is common in hammerspace vore, and my favorite part of the prey POV.
>not a human man
She wouldn't be interested.
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she only eats human men shaun, sorry

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I'm a Magic Bounce Timid 4 Def 252 SpA 252 Spe Espeon, you're glue; whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!
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Espeon is loafing around!
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Couldn't find one for Leafeon, sorry :( The one for Glaceon also had filthy commie characters on it, so I didn't keep it. Might've been better if it was a gif, too.

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Why do we love our soft and fluffy Flareon so much?
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top 3 most forgotten fully evolved gen 1 Pokémon... damn...
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>so soulful and ascendently excellent it filters autistic nostalgia plebeians and utterly mindbreaks contrarians to the point of schizophrenia fifteen years later
>made it's very creator give up and phone in the rest of his development career because he knew this was the PEAK of the franchise
How did these four little games do it?
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ugliest legendaries of all time also shit worldbuilding
>it's very creator
>PEAK of the franchise
Of the shit, phoned it games he made, yes.
they're mid.
Hmmm yep it's a certified TRVTHNVKE
kek looks like someone got banned

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Honest thoughts on Courtney?
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>shelly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rei ayanami wannabe
>autistic girl gets riced by fat Asian man
Is Courtney white?
Autism sexo

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-Pokémon Café ReMix
Mochi mayhem with Pecharunt event starting 8th August

-Pokémon Go
Dynamax coming to pokemon go August 15th, Gigantamax raid event and pvp update

-Pokémon sleep
Suicune will be available September
10 Poké biscuits/1000 diamonds

-Pokémon Unite
Koraidon coming August 8th,Armarouge coming october,Amoonguss coming soon

-Pokémon Masters EX
Rei/Dialga Origin

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>Pokémon world championship information 2024, video about diversity and the world championships being a place that accepts all people
This is too bad to be fake
>Pokémon Colosseum x Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness HD remasters
But this is too good to be true
> no news about the full Pokémon roster coming back
Either fake or gay.
Fake and gay
I could imagine that starter trio
> Pokémon Colosseum x Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness HD remasters

You blew it.
You flew too close to the sun .

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Pokémon Legends 2 starter hint
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they really do like pairing Scorbunny and Piplup together with Rowlet on occasion
>Scorbunny, Piplup, Rowlet
Could've made for a interesting starter trio, atleast two could still make it.
>Chikorita is Nagoya's Pokemon
is there a list of what Pokemon are mascots of what place?
See Notes column.

>is the most replayable games in your path
Nothing personnel kid
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that simple. honorable mentions to noctowl, furret, and heracross. i would pick heracross every time if you could get it earlier/easier
>Masuda tried to fix that with BW
By making the game even MORE linear and less different on each playthrough?
you can get it earlier than most of the pokemon on your list.
>It's not my job to make the game fun.
It is for an RPG like pokemon, where you decide what party members you find and train. That's the main replayability boon towards pokemon, mixing and matching the pokemon available in a playthrough, or even unavailable if you transfer pokemon between games.
Play better RPGs.

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Post what you have
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i love this picture, been looking for it for ages, thanks
New favourite picture, thank you. All the pokecenter indoor pictures are busy and usually crammed because the artist is excited
So they went out of their way to make a real life model and the wild area is still bland AF
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It is RETARDED that you can't have Shadow Lugia in the mainline games.
No it isn't.
Ok yawnfag
The point of shadow luggage is that it was made that way due to abuse. You don't want an abused pokemon.
I don't give a shit loretard. It looks cool.
>I don't give a shit
I also don't give a shit. Closing and hiding your trsh thread, you will never be cool btw.

A thread for pokemon that not many fans care enough about nor is able to dedicate and maintain an entire thread towards it.
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Lovely duo. They're really cool designs but I feel they got cursed into irrelevancy because of their shitmon status even for ingame standards.

The thing is Swalot at the very least has a very interesting and unique movepool and some decent bulk to make use of it.
Carnivine on the other hand has nothing. It's too frail, Levitate does nothing for it, and it needs breeding just to get some of its best moves.
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Musharna got it pretty rough due to a combination of subpar exposure and detrimental ingame factors during its debut gen.

To begin with it's directly competing with several other fantastic Psychic types, and more specifically with Reuniclus' line: another tanky mono-Psychic that trades having slightly worse bulk for much better firepower.
The fact it evolves with a stone is also a negative when comparing it to the other Psychic lines that don't have to worry about waiting for learning moves: BW had the habit of leaving old reliable TMs locked to the postgame (Psychock, Calm Mind, Psychic) as a way to push players to try out the new moves, but for Musharna this means you're either stuck with Dream Eater shenanigans or forced to carry an extremely frail Munna for a good while.
And then it gets worse in BW2 because you cannot even get one until postgame.

The saving grace is that at least you get to see it multiple times in the first games thanks to being the ace mon of one of your rivals.
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I've got a soft spot for Musharna, it alongside Throh and Cofragigus got me through the BW2 champion tournament as a trick room team
what romhack/fangame is that?

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What is your greatest accomplishment or the thing you're most proud of doing related to the Pokémon franchise?
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My shiny Tyrantrum making a Sylveon eat shit in a online battle with Head Smash.
Drawing pokewaifus for almost 2 years without having ever played pokemon
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I beat my cousin in a match in HGSS

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