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97 replies and 41 images omitted. Click here to view.
Can't come up with anything original?
this feels like bait, so I'm not gonna go and respond.
get the fuck outta here you faggot.
Best fakemon by far. Haven't played, but I think I'm in love with the Kordiena line. Am I getting it right that Kordiena is a fish/amphibian/cordate and Sordraena is a diapsid that evolves either to Tyrdraga, a reptile, or Aerfaedra a bird, while Kitsyna is a synapsid that evolves either into Cerkitaysa, an ungulate, or Gigasynapa, a primate? Might be the most creative way to do an Eevee clone.
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I played it, it's great. What i love about it is that they do not try to stick too close to the official Pokémon style, but due to the whole dex being like that they maintain consistent design philosophy that is just so unique. Also this dex has the best fairy type fakemon i've ever seen, i love that they went for mythical vibe instead of just being pink and feminine

I like primarina
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Cool, that's why they made the pokémon more popular with boys into a Smash rep, yeah? Because it's "not popular" with sad lonely incels on the internet mad their horse got ignored by the court of public opinion, yes. That was the whole crux of Sakurai's waiting before making his choice - he wasn't putting a shitter in and certainly not one that's a clone of about 7 other different fighters already unless it was popular (spoiler - it never was, that's why it got re-designed the very next Gen).
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Its also been stated that za will be gen 9. We might get the ZA starter but the next direct is out in a april and thus the high possibility of smash 6 reveal. The new starter probably wont has as much as a chance if ZA doesn't use an old mon since Meowscarada is in the anime.

Just hear me out. Female Red
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yuri thread
Why does girl!Red look like Terry Bogard?
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Because normal Red looks like Terry Bogard, this just makes the shirt less glaringly different and makes it so they both have a ponytail.
I have the headcanon that Red has Fatal Fury in his SNES and Terry is his main in that game... as well in Smash
>uncontroversial horny opinion
next time, fuck a bootlegged eevee fleshlight if you want to turn heads

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Goh gives his fans a thumbs up! Edition

It's Goh time! Let's go again with a new thread about Goh! Talk about his Pokemon, his dream, his ships, and of course, Goh himself!

>Voting Questions for Goh fans coming into this thread
1. Are you a boy or a girl?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/polls/GPgV6pa98ga

2. What age should Goh be if he makes a return in Horizons?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/e2nardxJegB

3. What would have been better for PM2023?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/3RnYlvXNDye

>Goh's VAs name list appearing in Pokemon Horizons as Roy's Fuecoco & Rotomphones so far

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Oh you know
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>Name of the titles seems to be related to elements.
>Region is set in what looks to be a northern country with tons of lakes and oceans (Likely Canada or one of the Scandinavia countries).
>Starters are a grass rodent (looks like a mouse or a hamster), a fire ungulate (looks like a donkey or a gazelle), and a water mollusk or crustacean (looks like a snail or a hermit crab).
>Box legends are based on two different species.
>There’s a new battle gimmick, but it’s not a form change.
>There are new convergent forms, including one from gen 4 and the other from gen 6.
>There are new evolutions, including one from gen 2.
>And finally, a character from a previous generation will reappear in these games.
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We literally got a gap year, dumbass.

Gen 10 is out on the 30th anniversary which is only happening in 2026. IF they decided not to some filler game to celebrate Kanto.

You should feel stupid, doomfag idiot.
We literally got a gap year, dumbass.

Gen 10 should be out on the 30th anniversary which is only happening in 2026, and expect it to be sometime around November. And this is IF they decide not to pop out another filler game to celebrate Kanto big anniversary.

You should feel stupid, doomfag idiot.
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>if I keep things vague maybe they'll believe me :)
You forgot
>Every apologizing to you constantly
>Gym leaders apologize and give you badges without needing to battle
>Browns everywhere
>Everyone is poor because Gumshoos are blocking all the trade routes and demanding tolls while taking over the country
>None of the Pokemon have genders and attract works universally on them
You also forgot
>Body types A and B
>There's a trans character
>The villain team are a bunch of rednecks wearing red caps
>Main villain is a Donald Trump look alike
>Champion is a brown gay woman with masculine features

Is male Pokemon on female trainer the purest form of love?
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Hold on
The spinoffs are all better than mainline
that's why GameFreak stopped allowing people to make them. They were making them look bad and they certainly weren't going to try harder
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Dear Game Freak,

Pokémon Fans
they're fine with Detective Pikachu and mobile slop because they're so bad it doesn't make them look bad

May thread?
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Ash got a boner lmao
Let's be real, so did Max.
how does she smell?
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Probably sweaty, since she's always biking around everywhere and Hoenn is a hot region.

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They just gave Hisuian Typhlosion a maid outfit in an official game.
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Hisuian Typhlosion's already a ghost so it would be fine and would happily lick up all the blood.
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B4k.dev it’s up again
Some faggot reported the old one to jannies for cp or some shit
they actually took down the domain bc of some retard? thats crazy
acerolanon, i find you endearing and kinda cool, given your optimism, but today i came to you asking how to make mspaint, and you made me feel dumb, and ngl that really hurt, i could expect that maybe from the rude fags on here but you? it really hurt, to see such a beacon of hope imply im retarded (i am but im trying my best)
im sorry im not genetically gifted, and i am learning to draw, but i cant deny this will stick with me, ill still be a fan tho

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Return of the Queen Edition

It's been far too long since the last thread. Post Koharu and Chloe, because they are cute!

Previous thread: >>56883598
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How is that based?
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How is it not?
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Is all that money actually worth having her asshole completely destroyed by constant anal sex with this autistic boy?
>having her asshole completely destroyed by constant anal sex
Who said anything about that? You're underestimating her. She can take all that easily thanks to her elastic anus.
Sounds like she's a whore

Why was Gen 5 so divisive when it came out and why is it suddenly beloved (even by people who used to hate it)?
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Same. I feel like the people that hate it act like bigger assholes than the people that like it.
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> i feel like the people that love it act like bigger assholes than those that enjoy it
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>it's dex still remains unpopular by a majority of the internet to this day.
Yeah, can't deny that. From what I've seen the Unova dex is very varied in that it has simultaneously both some of the most hated but also some of the most popular mons in the series. While I was initially feeling 50/50 on the dex, over time I've grown to really love and appreciate them overall. Like how they're the first gen where the early bug types are actually pretty decent to good like Scolipede and Leavanny or how the starters look much less humanoid compared to the cereal box furries of the newer gens. As a Hoennfag I've always felt a brotherhood with Unovafags since Hoenn mons also used to get shit on very early on, being called shitty Digimons and such.
now kiss
you called it so hard i'm gonna say samefag

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Orre girls thread
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I would love to see a mod where they have their teams updated
Assuming it works and you're still snagging the shadows you have about a box of space for random catches, if you want more than that you're gonna have to start moving them elsewhere via trading or pksm and/or releasing some. Same as any other pokemon game if you manage to fill all your boxes.

If you mean what happens when you rematch a trainer, dunno haven't tested the code. Either it'll crash, load their full party normally since only shadow pokemon would need capture flags so there's no reason to track if the rest get caught when it's not supposed to be possible, or it actually remembers the pokemon got snagged and they're short a party member if it just so happens they messed with the idea themselves before TPC said they won't let that fly or wrote code to handle it just in case to prevent the game from breaking, like ??? arceus in gen 4.
she's always been adorable
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Can we have a thread to post sovl from the spin offs?
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>posts picture of Unova shitmon
Which way western man?
>gen 5
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Good postgame.
My personal favorite

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