What happens to Pokémon that assaults their trainers?
>>57189135they get euthanized
end their line by Genocide
>>57189135euthanasia by sex
>>57189135imagine if that was lucas’s dick bleeding instead
>>57189135Three bullets to their brains
They get their cookie pounded relentlessly until it's swollen and full to the btim with baby batter
>>57190025cringe incelspeak
Chappy bite!
>>57189185out by the roots
>>57189135This happens, but very rarely since most Pokémon would feel doing that would be wrong.They would be punished by being separated from their Trainer, then most likely imprisoned. They may be just Released back to the wild, where they would most likely be treated horribly or even killed by most Wild Pokémon who happen to find out what they did.
>>57189180>>57189188tsmt put down all eevee devils
>>57189135You're the trainer. Discipline them. If they fully incapacitated or killed you, then the police shoot them I guess.
>>57189135Why is this erotic?
>>57192369Would wild pokemon real care? What about dark types?
>>57190025Based Chadspeak
>>57190025i wanna do this
>>57190062Sexual deviant website, deal with it normiecel.
>>57193906This was so crazy, I can't believe they actually showed Eevee do this to Glaceon in the Pokemon anime series.
>>57189135Same thing that happens when an elephant does it>they probably pissed it off>they probably deserved it>they just got too close
>>57194012I can't believe it took this long to make a scene like that
>>57189180I could see a death penalty for a Pokémon, but I wonder how that would work since Pokémon are very different to real-life animals.>>57192838>then the police shoot them I guess.That's not something that can be done to a Pokémon.>>57192838>Would wild pokemon real care?There could a variety of opinions and feelings they could have, but there's a good chance for some to feel that way especially for the ones who are seeking humans to be their Trainer. The ones that don't like humans may actually have the opposite reaction.>What about dark types?What about them?
I meant to have >>57192826 as the second post I replied to in this post I made:>>57197150
>>57197150>>then the police shoot them I guess.>That's not something that can be done to a PokémonI don’t see why it wouldn’t be. Cubone’s mother was killed by a mook with an expandable baton. Ash pictured his Pokemon killed alongside his friends when he imagined there was a sniper in that bush.
>>57197209>Cubone’s mother was killed by a mook with an expandable baton.>Ash pictured his Pokemon killed alongside his friends when he imagined there was a sniper in that bush.Don't get me wrong, the series totally has inconsistencies like that.But there can be weapons, traps and other things to deal with Pokémon. Just more advanced compared to that for real-life animals, even if not immediately apparent. There's also the fact that one could usually just use their own Pokémon to handle another Pokémon. Like that expandable baton, we can't be sure how that specifically works.
>>57190025this... so much this...
Wish pokémon attacking humans were used in the anime and manga more than just a running gag with oak
>>57195978>>57198321she doesn’t look like that
>>57189135>>57198083Pikachu zapped Ash in the very first episode. They ended up together for 8 generations. More relevantly to the Glaceon coomers, they ended up taking a bath together.
>>57198333she doesn’t look like that either
>>57198365>>57198430she doesn’t look like that
>>57198463she doesn’t look like that
>>57198491she doesn’t look like that
>>57198491she looks like this instead
>>57198709>>57198740she doesn’t look like that
>>57198769she doesn’t look like that
>>57198790she doesn’t look like that
>>57198804she doesn’t look like that
I'm scared
>>57198819she doesn’t look like that
>>57198839she doesn’t look like that
>>57198839she looks like this instead
>>57198848she doesn’t look like that
>>57198848she looks like this instead
>>57198859she doesn't look like that
>>57189180Given how many times Pikachu electrocuted Ash, I doubt this.
>>57198897It's only called "electrocution" specifically when it ends in death. The meaning of the word is to kill by electricity
>>57199020she doesn’t look like that
>>57199025she doesn’t look like that
>>57199025>>57199020>>57198859>>57198848she doesn't look like that
>>57199031she doesn’t look like that
>>57199031she looks like this instead
>>57199044she doesn’t look like that
>>57199044she looks like this instead
>>57199058she doesn’t look like that
>>57199058she looks like this instead
>>57199121she doesn’t look like that
>>57199121she looks like this instead
>>57199145she doesn’t look like that
>>57199145she looks like this instead
>>57199157she doesn’t look like that
>>57199157she looks like this instead
>>57199165she doesn’t look like that
>>57198922electrocuteverbelec·tro·cute i-ˈlek-trə-ˌkyüt electrocuted; electrocutingtransitive verb1: to kill or severely injure by electric shock
She looks like THIS!
>>57199315she doesn’t look like that
>>57199315she looks like this instead
>>57199332she doesn’t look like that
>>57199332she looks like this instead
>>57199518she doesn’t look like that
>>57199518she looks like this instead
>>57199535she doesn’t look like that
What the fuck happened in this thread
>>57189135Trip to the glue factory.
>>57199584Janny boy was crying that the Glaceon threads fought back against his degenerate attempts to control them. He's now trying to cover up his own spam after he got reported. He's about to shit his loincloth in terror after all those reports, but he's compelled to spam here, so he can't run to his designated shitting street.
>>57199582 -> she doesn’t look like that>>57199626 -> she doesn’t look like that>>57199653 -> she doesn’t look like that>>57199668 -> she doesn’t look like that>>57199693 -> she doesn’t look like that
>>57199730she doesn’t look like that
she looks like this
>>57199584Autism has become an epidemic
>>57199780she doesn’t look like that
>>57194012It's an edit
>>57199786she doesn’t look like that
she STILL doesn't look like that though
>>57201337id sloppily make out with her
>>57201436id suck on her nose
>>57201436she doesn’t look like that
>>57199785What are you talking about? I can't believe you don't remember them showing that scene.
she looks like this instead
>>57199932>>57199955>>57199972>>57199991>>57200009she doesn’t look like that
>>57199799>>57199816>>57199824>>57199833>>57199843she doesn't look like that
>>57199861>>57199880>>57199884>>57199898>>57199915she doesn’t look like that
>>57200682>>57200718>>57200736>>57200825>>57200861she doesn't look like that
>>57200046>>57200048>>57200051>>57200070>>57200096she doesn’t look like that
>>57200884>>57200920>>57201316>>57201337>>57201423she doesn’t look like that
>>57202119she doesn't look like that
>>57201426>>57201509>>57201835>>57201920>>57202086she doesn’t look like that
>>57202008she doesn't look like that
She looks like THIS.
Furries deserve to go to hell
>>57203635>>57203642she doesn’t look like that
This thread is exactly what eeveefaga deserve for spamming the same pics over and over
>>57203642she looks like this instead
>>57203812she doesn't look like that
>>57203812>>57203666she doesn’t look like that
>>57203895>>57203875she doesn’t look like that
>>57203910>>57203897>>57203895>>57203868>>57203856she look like dat
>>57203895>>57203875she looks like this instead
la vampira!
>>57203812>>57203933>>57203913she doesn't look like that
>>57203910she doesn’t look like that
>>57203910>>57203933she looks like this instead
>>57203970she doesn’t look like that
>>57203970she looks like this instead
>>57203970>>57203987>>57203933>>57203913she doesn't look like that
>>57203970>>57203995she doesn’t look like that
>>57203995she looks like this instead