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Why are women obsessed with this woman?
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She's out in 2 resets. Masters Day is tomorrow and gives some gems and the best paid gem bundles then right when that ends she comes out.

Then Poppy comes out 2 weeks later.
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The music video is based on an official novel that's even gayer.
is there a translation?
Yes there is, but it is not Canon, so there is no need to read it.
I can only find machine translations.

>Your age
>When you got into Pokemon
>Have you ever loved Pokemon as much as this guy or the "proud of it's power" Lucario guy?
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Ruby was first game
I don’t think so. I’m pretty casual
>first saw the end of Battle Frontier and start of DP anime around 2006, tried Pearl in 2008 on a whim while skimming an R4 I got at a local market; TECHNICALLY got proper into it on a different R4 in 2011 with SS and copy of White with the 0xp failsafe, which I covered with a proper cart 6 months later when I remembered Pokemon was a thing

Loved the characters and music (especially to beat my dick) since 2009, but I fluctuate in terms of the games every few years or so. Tried all the games on launch since SM since I didn't get a 3DS until 2015 on a whim except Brilliant Diamond and Scarlet
The former I'd try by January on another whim to see if no HMs would make vanilla Sinnoh feel better not having a HM slave at all times is nice, but not by that much; having a place to get Ribbons for other Pokemon is cool though
For the latter, I simply did not give a shit about Gen IX after Sword's quality, not liking what I saw besides a couple music tracks and some select few mons (plus the base 400 Pokedex being spectacular), ended up getting it and the DLC after my last digital voucher was gonna expire at the end of a month where nothing I was interested in was coming out and also got a Switch gift card from my younger sister. Still not great, performance makes TotK look flawless, but it's so much better than SwSh that the only reason I could ever go back is Ribbons, the odd curry I want to cook since camping was great, and maybe Dynamax Adventures should that ever interest me or I find other people IRL playing these shit games. God, for all the designs I actually like, that game is abhorrent compared to, even BDSP, everything that came after it.
kek I forgot LGPE entirely. Got the Eevee one a month ago second hand, is fun so far (just beat Misty). First time actually trying to finish a Kanto game, so I might fucking know where everything is now.
>either early 1999 or late 1998
Not sure exactly. I just remember already watching a few episodes and having a couple toys by time my parents were looking at having a house built, meeting the neighbor kids several times before we moved in, then starting kindergarten in 1999. I was real young so idk how long all that actually took.
I used to refer to any animal I saw as the closest pokemon, not just sometimes as a little playground game but nearly all the time in daily life, and continued to do so well into high school. Played the tcg in the league until gen 4. I collected everything pokemon, to the point of saving tcg pack wrappers and magazine clippings. While my whole room was basically a pokemon shrine growing up, the coolest part was my "research lab" under my bed: it was high enough to crawl around under and prop myself up on my elbows comfortably so I pulled in a lamp for light, I'd read over pokedex entries and take notes as I played, draw my own interpretations of new pokemon based on the shitty sprites/screenshots in magazines, invent a few fakemon of my own, test the overwhelmingly false rumors of how to get rare pokemon like the pokegods, I even drew the unown and later the braille chart on the wall for easy reference since my parents were never gonna crawl down there to know. I even sent some of my "findings" to Nintendo a few times and even though the replies were always that generic "thank you for your input, but we can't do anything with this" corporate speak you'd expect, I kept at it and on a few occasions got a little bonus like a common card or a sticker included with the letter. Also pretending my pokemon were really with me like imaginary friends, which I still do just not out loud.
>gen 1
When I was a child pretending to be a Pokemon Trainer, I would only walk in straight lines and only make 90 degree turns. That's about as autistic as I got.
>my first fap was to May

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I still see it when I close my eyes...
Aw man, no Regice.
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Based. I wish we could explore it more but it was a really cool area regardless. Also the mines with the colorful stones had me wanting more. If you’re pussy ain’t poppin it’s probably not pink
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i got banned from pokemon's twitch channel for asking if this area was based on the suicide forest

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The gargoyle dragon is neat.

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Nemona is so fucking beautiful.
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>drop Goodra
add Baxcalibur
>drop Dudunsparce
add Annihilape
>drop Orthworm
add Tinkaton
this just for her last fight in the base game, I would have to think about it more carefully for her fight in the DLCs
>Nemona is the president of the pokemon League
>Arven is gym leader
>Penny is a wanted criminal, for fraud and theft
That would at least make Penny interesting for once
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it's over

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You do nickname your pokemon, right /vp/?
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>the foot on the top left for foot fetishists
I used to always nickname but then I looked back on all my save files from 10+ years ago and I hate the names, it cringed me to hell
how to give nicknames that will stand the test of time?
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Every now and again. Kiriko is the waifubait fox girl from Overwatch 2, Orpheus is the starter Persona in 3, and Izanami is the wife of Izanagi who is the starter Persona in 4. Male electric types get the name Izanagi
Why are there so many deleted messages in ITT

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wow this game has so many cool monsters in it
im going to go on my ipad and look up if other ppl love these games
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I often fantasize about being a kid and getting "groomed"
it really did be like that yeah
I had my first experience with r34 when serebii.net got hacked.
Agreed :D
My friend exposed me to porn on his family laptop for the first time when we were kids, then eventually I would look it up on my DSi. I was probably no older than 10 when I started, I'm in so deep into addiction now, but I'm trying to get out.

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>If your fetish was a Pokémon, what would it look like? Does it already exist?



DEX 1:

DEX 2:

DEX 3 (DOA):

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They would get along very well, I'd believe
dumb idea:
>regional plusle and minun could be based on cheerleaders
since they're already known as the cheering pokemon, why not lean further into the "cheering" part of the mon for its design?
That might work, but I don't like redesigning other people's Fetmon without permission, and I highly doubt the drawfriend who made the Stubbitch line still lurks this general.
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based and as the anon who originally made the mon, cannon.

hopefully he'll return like biidi anon so we can ask about redesigning it

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what were they thinking
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100%, I'm replaying platinum for the first time in ages and getting around Sinnoh isnt even as bad as I used to think, you can get around pretty fast actually. And by the time the story does have you backtracking a lot, you have Fly. I was almost surprised how quickly I've gotten through the game because I remember it feeling way longer as a kid. I think time and memories just inflate how big and insurmountable Coronet feels.
similarly I think the hate on Hoenn's water routes is way overblown.
What's the problem though? Do you really want to just go on a straight path the whole game?
>[gameplay element] sucks
>erm actually no it doesn't
>someone says objectively at least once somewhere
>transgender allegations
>kids aren't that dumb
>you're just exaggerating
>there's no way they could be getting dumber

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Do you consider this artwork to be “too sexualized”?
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It's definitely pretty sexualized, the cleavage and rosy thighs make it clear the artist wanted to make it sexy. Nothing wrong with it though unless you're a pearl clutching faggot.
I know this person never leaves their dirty room because they clearly never see real teenagers. Plus they probably repressed their own memories of high and middle school cause they got bullied.
We all know that one girl who had D cups in 5th or 6th grade, cmon.
Also artists can age up a character. God, how do these people live with themselves? Imagine constantly seething at non-issues. It's like there on the other side of the spectrum of the /pol/ schizos here on 4chins.
I can't believe I made that mistake
>post with 6 likes
>original post has 10k likes
who gives a shit?
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there is an extremely obvious war on hetero male sexuality. Theyll attack men over anything and everything. calling men pedos for being attracted to young women is the easiest crotch shot so they do it non-stop. Don't let it stick to you.

The internet is toxic for men, especially vaginacentric communist shitholes like hornytwitter. As if those people understand ethics or aesthetics or history or biology or HOT BLOODED MALES like us.
One day we're all gonna make it bros. When you get that girl give it all youve got and never let these fuckers shame you for your biological imperative. Let them castrate themselves and degenerate. Their homo genes wont be the ones passed on to the next generation but ours will. Godspeed/
No anon, it's not just straight men being targeted. They attack everyone for "wrongthink" because of "problematic content". That includes women and gays too. I could name a couple examples if you'd like.
The internet is toxic for everyone who likes things in fiction that would be taboo in real life. These people have severe anger and other mental health issues, and their current targets are those who have a healthy relationship with fictional content, who can actually distinct fiction from reality. But the people who harass artists are people who were online way too much, probably spent their formative years on tumblr where mental health issues were straight up romanticised to the point where they started believing that kinning (thinking that a fictional character is "literally you" to the point you LARP as them 24/7) was normal. Well, whatever happened to them, they accepted this new mob mentality as their religion. They would never admit to that because most them think religions are evil and bad, but it's exactly what it is: a set of beliefs they strictly have to follow while condemning everyone who goes against those beliefs. And it gives them a sense of belonging with like-minded people. It's a modern from of cult.

So no, it's not an internet crusade against straight men, they just happen to usually belong to the group these nutjobs oppose. They want to censor art and creative freedom to fit their deranged world view. We are regressing back to people wanting to burn books and art like the Nazis did in the Third Reich.

But there is a glimmer of hope. This whole ESG and DEI fiasco causes people to wake up. They realize that this censorship craze is going too far. Just look at that recent Capcom Twitter post about "localisation".
It'll take a while, but I think we can get out of this situation eventually. Just don't bow down to those mentally ill mobs. Tell them to take their meds and keep enjoying fictional content that safely explores human desires

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would you kill yourself if you lost your pokemon?
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cado's back to veganing and exercising now
t. proud furbaby dad
but I didn't lose my pokemon?
250 hours isn't that long unironically. One of my shiny hunts were longer than that.
No. The great unknown of death is the one fear I have in this world.

I promise this isn’t bs genwar garbage, I’m seriously curious about this
BW2 clearly (regwrdless if you dislike it or not) had a lot of effort into trying something new, and trying to distance itself from other regions. A soft reboot if you will, but then XY comes and it panders harder to kanto than any other region, it’s significantly easier (fans always complained about wanting harder difficulty) less post game etc, yet they sold like hot cakes
Was it just finally getting that 3d game that made everyone excited? Less trying to start a new reboot and a more “return to form” (more kanto megas, familiar locale, pulling back on the focus on story)
All the reasons above?
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Same reason LGPE outsold USUM.
>Big ticket new game on new console
>Iterative game from the 2nd gen of an old console that's been blown wide open by hackers now
It's very hard for sequels to outpace original titles in general, but Pokemon doesn't give its sequels enough room to even breath the moment GameFreak shits them out. It doesn't really say anything about quality of the games themselves because BW2 were monumentally better than XY yet USUM are a harder sell than fucking Legpiss.
Ugly mons. Ugly design. Ugly region. Ugly gyms. Everything is ugly
Beautiful. Mega Evos. Kanto Pandering. Mega Evos. Anime. Mega Evos. Fairy Type
BW2 was seen as the emerald to BW's R/S to complete casuals/normies, meaning any of those who played BW wouldn't like it, and those that did and didn't like BW's soft reboot attributes would probably still feel alienated by BW2 even though it had old pokemon simply because it is an extension of BW
Meanwhile, XY is seen as a 'return to form' as stated above, but it also had the huge wait going for it, the mainline jump to 3d, and a marketable gimmick in megas to boot.
Third versions never sell as well as the first games in a new gen. Furthermore, BW2 released on the DS a year and a half after its successor, the 3DS was out; long enough into the 3DS's life that people had moved over. The vast majority of people that played BW2 probably played it on their 3DS (I know I did). I also know that everyone that played both GREATLY preferred BW2 to XY and were extremely disappointed with XY.
Nostalgia and 3D

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She is growing stronger...
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Soft teen thighs...what a slut
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Which swimsuit fits Liko better?
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This is goat

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>current OP count: 98
>threads since counter: 101

Previous thread:

Rusefox GF pastebin:

Zoroark Mom & Blind Son write.as:

Zoroark GF stuff (bouts of high horny, lewds not shown)

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I have a feeling the person who made that image in the OP likes feet.
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Just rewatched the movie.
Powerful milf energy, sexy beast voice, arches her back like a slut, especially when she gets electrocuted near the end.
She’s perfect bros. Why can’t she be real?
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What vibes do Unova and Hisuian Zoroark give off?
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Maylene is the cutest pokegirl
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Then she would be forgettable, nobody likes boy feet.
Only if she's a normal Lucario, not a hybrid, that's just disgusting.
get that new boy in the anime in some shoes
I'm gonna rant. I love Roy and his arc, he has such a fun personality and dynamic with Fuecoco.

But why the fuck did they have to give him those god awful shoes. Why Roy and not Liko? why couldn't they both have them to make it fair. It fucking sucks to watch the series and have to see shots of Roy's disgusting boy feet. I don't care that he's brown, goes I love Iris and Nessa's feet, I coom to them all the time, but why does Roy get those shoes!? Thank god they're gonna give him the Naranja Academy uniform, so I don't have to see those damn shoes.
I do!

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