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Shuckle Juice Edition

This thread is for the growth of artists and those who draw for fun. If you’re going to give critique, please do it constructively. Rude or blunt critiques won’t help anybody.

Requesters are free to request what they wish, but avoid bumping your request every half hour as it’s only going to put people off; try giving it a few hours or more.

Please provide references in ONE image, especially when requesting something outside of the Pokémon universe. If you request something from the old Drawthread or a separate thread, COPY & PASTE the actual request instead of posting a link.

Also, be mindful that requests are done at the discretion of the artists, not on a first come first serve basis.

Please remember to save any piece of art you like from these threads, as we may never know when the archive will start deleting images again. Artists can and are recommended to post their works on other outlets for archival purposes.
144 replies and 57 images omitted. Click here to view.
I refused it at the time and have forgotten to go back and pick it up ever since
What do you mean, what did you refuse?
to pick it up
they give you the option in USUM to get it then or to come back for it later

not sure if it was optional in SM, never played those
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feel free to re-request.
Not op but this is cute
>>57201786 anchor

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Autism - Trade - Battle - Breed

This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those.

A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: https://pastebin.com/jMU7dE4Y

Old: >>57138837
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Why are there so many fucking trade evos
Gotta make up for when you could get them all in Sword and Shield except like A Golem
I'm just going to set up a box with everything I need to trade to evo and fire up violet on my spare switch. This is way too many for one session with an anon helping.
As someone who played a lot of PLA and helped other people in it, the link cable was a godsend for like 90% of trade evos
BDSP is also useful for evolving Milotic wife, but tera raids work too.

Fashion Week: Taken Over Edition

>January Info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

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Mega Medichamp. Mega Gardevoir was in raids about four months ago.
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me in the ultra wilds
>cant evolve pink sunglasses sneasel
Useful species with mega: maybe purify for hundo
Useful species without mega: don't, remove frustration instead
Useless species (majority): whatever

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Behold, a Flying-Type specialist in denial.
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Look up what pokemon learn Dragon Rage in Gen 1.
>b-but that means Arcanine is a dragon too!
He likes bugs what can I say?
It’s not so bad compared to Steven’s
>surf fodder
>surf fodder
>surf fodder
>the one thing that can prevent a 6-0 to water
>surf fodder
>surf fodder
in the game where you’re expected to encounter and utilize water types more than any other
No. Dragon. Dance.

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Anon! You gotta DRAAAWW Pokemon!
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Unovan Lotad?
classic case of "I saw this thing first so it's obviously the original despite what the facts say" though you mostly see that with Youtubers
I remember back in the old days of youtube the Irate Gamer would be put on the front page a lot, and AVGN mostly posted on screwattack.com, so I remember thinking the Irate Gamer came first and AVGN was the ripoff
>youtubers in 2025
Yes, they exist.

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What are some Pokémon opinions you had that you've changed your mind on?
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Revisiting FireRed and Soul Silver last year cemented a nearly 180 opinion change on gen 1 and gen 2.

Genwunners have a point when it comes to nothing else since the original having the same kind of experience, and FRLG in particular take the gen 3 additions and fuck up Kanto's general progression with it in really funny ways. I was really surprised coming out of FireRed really digging it, although I still don't really care that much about the original 151 I respect em a bit more. FireRed feels less like a pokemon game and more like baby's first jrpg, which sounds redundant but I mostly only played pokemon games growing up and as an adult have been going out of my way to play all sorts of games I never would have looked at as a kid.

Meanwhile gen 2, Crystal especially was the game that got kid me seriously invested in Pokemon, but especially HGSS get glazed way too hard for things that are primarily vibes and are entirely in service to being attached to Kanto. So much of Johto feels undercooked and the remakes were way too faithful in ways they shouldnt have been, and their fixes for stuff like the pokemon distribution being entirely postgame or attached to a dumb peripheral are wack and annihilate their replay value. People praised following pokemon like the second coming of christ and I cannot think of a more useless feature honestly.

This is turning into a blog rip, cont.

One of the major things that changed as I grew up was as a kid I never cared much for catching em all, I would just bop through with whichever cool new pokemon i liked and palpark up my old faves in postgame and generally6 just drop things after I beat the league but I fell off for a few years with Sun despite liking it more than XY at the time. unfortunately I got my brain deepfried by mmos and other hard timesink games where I got the collectathon/100% completion chromosome, but I've gained a new appreciation for Pokemon games returning with that kind of mentality.

As lukewarm as they are in most aspects Pokemon games sit in a really satisfying kind of brain off grind space that doesn't twist your dick with battlepasses or have truly insane completion metrics on a game by game basis. I've always been pro dex cuts cause they seem to have settled on ~400 mons for a regional dex cause that feels like a nice sweet spot. I do feel like they still get clogged up with the same old favourites and shillmons but I'm always on the look out for excuses to use mons I've never used before and that's a kind of underrated aspect of the series I think.
This. reminder zoomers are almost 30 now.
the capstone for late millennials and the beginning or bridge for the earlier zoomers

L.M.: (RBY) -> (GSC) -> RSE -> DPPt
E.Z.: (RSE) -> DPPt -> BW/2

>your average millennial
there are three periods of millennial
the artist doesn't get it

What is their end game all of a sudden?

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Let me rephrase, Just end Scarlet and Violet already
WHO THE FUCK IS BEHIND THESE SHIT CHARACTER DESIGNS? Fire them and hire someone who knows what normal human beings look like, holy shit. These have to be the worst animated shorts they've churned out. It doesn't help that the black girl and the girl covered head to toe in green look like shit with the terrible SV art style. Also doesn't help that Milotic and Hydrapple look like plastic while Pikachu and Wooper looked decent.

I also wanna slap the shit out of the green one. Holy shit what an offensively bad design.
scared shitless of Palworld
But did you rike it?
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Damn, Hydrapple is so cute!

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Best girl
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Acerola drinking poison
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could you draw her poking her head out of a computer screen? with her hands on the bottom, emerging with a happy expression on her face. I wish she'd come out of my laptop to hug me one day ;w;
Acerola and Nanu eating icecream together maybe? Could have A-Meowth and/or Mimikyu partaking as well, but that might be a lot.
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Don't you worry anon. I always respect Safe, Sane, and Consensual during our hardcore BDSM sessions and give her aftercare once it's done.

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Post May
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Everything has its upside and downside, I simply complained abt the downside.
>May is supposed to be Usagi
Are you saying May is a retard?
It's literally just one dude.

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This are the sistine chapel of pokegirls, I guess GF just accept it and give up with Sv
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I guess I'm going with you then.
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Iridium's Voidwood edition

Notable Games:
ROM Hacking:
>Making a GBA ROM hack: pastebin.com/bvSkBkev
>Gen 4-7 tools: pastebin.com/WvTzcdPR
>Disassemblies/Decompilations: github.com/pret/
>US Platinum source: github.com/gainax3/retsam_00jupc

Pokémon Essentials
>V21.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7o3yjnuxniojmad/Pokemon_Essentials_v21.1_2023-07-30.zip/file
>V21.1 Hotfixes: https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1376/
>RPGMaker XP and others: https://archive.org/download/rpg.-maker.-mz.v-1.1.1.-inclu.-dlc

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Okay, I'll do a Pelipper lead :^)
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Iirc I think it was just the PULSE bosses, but no fakemon or anything. Every mon got a custom shiny though.

Pipe down Maxie.
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It's crazy how I'm looking forward to more Pokemon romhacks at this point than actual commercial games
>mega slop
>hyper slop
shit taste
man writing a decent original story is harder than I thought. I've been focused on worldbuilding/mapping/characters up to now but I'm at the point where I need to firm up a plot, and trying to find a thread to tie together all the locations and characters I planned is really stumping me. I'll probably end up doing a mostly by-the-numbers pokemon plot but I don't want to retread any existing games too much, but also no fakemons so I only have existing legendaries etc to pull from. I had something in mind with the XY legend trio but I'm starting to think Legends ZA might steal my thunder.
anyway just ranting, have a bump.

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Happy New Year 2025 Edition

It's Goh time! Let's go again with a new thread about Goh! Talk about his Pokemon, his dream, his ships, and of course, Goh himself!

>Voting Questions for Goh fans coming into this thread
1. Are you a boy or a girl?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/polls/GPgV6pa98ga

2. What age should Goh be if he makes a return in Horizons?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/e2nardxJegB

3. What would have been better for PM2023?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/3RnYlvXNDye

>Goh's VAs name list appearing in Pokemon Horizons as Roy's Fuecoco & Rotomphones so far

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Last Time:
>bread finishes up reminiscia's dating sim mode, it's expectedly kino
>jagi starts up reminiscia himself and beats a fat whale
>ose beats extra mode and finds fat titty hoopa
>orevald begins bioterror, not wanting to leave the cave full of qt maid autists
>bunken begins and finishes holy reign extremely quickly, it's very generic schizokino somehow
>john vpposter makes one of the worst mistakes of his life

>What is this?
This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.

>How do I join?
Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images of whatever fangame/romhack you're playing.


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I meant "jeopardize the mission". anyway we're getting a beach episode in ties, but I think rival guy on the right has a more generic face then I thought he would
how close to complete is ties? I thought about giving it a go but if its near the end I'd rather wait
It's maybe about 60% done. It's very worth playing now regardless
Jani "i'm done remaking old content" chroma is overhauling the prologue
my theory for both jan and ayrei is they only change the prologue because that's what they bother replaying, once they get to terajuma/the guild academy they stop

It was better back then
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>Gen 3 has better balance
Oh boy, I sure love my Salac Berry + Endure + Reversal meta crusher.
Types that "shouldn't" be special attackers but are anyways are all really cool and fun, so the split was a good change.
>pyroar, porygon, and exploud, all special normals
>magnezone, duraladon, and genesect, all special steels
>aurorus, magcargo, and lunatone, all special rocks
Kino design.
Not like Aurorus knows the difference between physical and special when it comes to rock moves.
A couple more years and the gap between now and Fairy will be as big as the one between Fairy and Dark/Steel.

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+50 HP
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+100 speed
+100 attack
honestly hitmontop would be pretty damn good with +50 HP
100/95/115 bulk with intimidate is really really nice
the others are kinda unsalvageable though
I liked that ‘Blitz Boxer’ ability some smogon simulator hack gave it. All ‘Punch’ moves have +1 priority. Would probably make it usable
eh, it still sucks even with that. priority is nice but punch moves are still quite weak and hitmonchan has meh attack. its drain punch is barely any stronger than scizor's tech-boosted bullet punch and it's way frailer with a bad typing and no recovery outside of drain punch.
just kind of keels over against anything that can take a hit and strike back, which is a lot of things when all your moves are only 75BP.

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