Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.Previous thread: >>57284592PMD Catalog (read Branches.txt for MEGA navigation):émon Mystery Dungeon ROMs and Emulators Catalog: Fangames Catalog: Overview/Reviews: Guides: of Sky Romhacking Guide: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>57401335Nice to see
>>57402522Wham bam there's the clam.
>>57402437and if it's a recruit, they're deadlearned the hard way by yours truly yonder ago
>>57402437>tfw died through reviver seeds to this because the Gengar escort in RT stepped on a pitfall i didn't trip because i had trap seerNo trap avoider by default until GATES is such shit.
>>57364089i got mystery dungeon dx as a christmas gift so i've been playing that lately. squirtle and pikachu were my two main characters in the original and that's who i'm using in the remake.
It's Sylveon's 12th birthday!!! That's right, this paragon of a tender heart and shining beacon of loving-kindness was revealed as a gift to the world on Valentine's Day! Everyone post "Happy birthday, lovedoggo!"
>>57399082Wait, Sylveon's a commie?
>>57399061Wrong, that happened when they switched to 3:2 aspect ratio
>>57402016 >>57402394It's clearly a bug type you fucking morons.
>>57402578What is the Pararis parasite mushroom jumped Pokémon species and infected the world turning all the Pokémon in mushroom monsters.
Did anyone else spend hours of their time just doing wonder trades trying to get cool mons?One of my favorite ways to use online.
I used to really enjoy spending an evening wonder trading whilst watching TV. You used to get a decent range of pokemon, and whenever you did occasionally get an obviously genned shiny it’d always at least have a normal nickname. I’m not sure what happened to make the wonder trade on the Switch games so full of ad slop shinies
>>57401713for all the shit i give kalos for the kanto starter when i was a kid i got a bulbasaur from wonder trade in oras and took that nigga all the way to the league with me, still have him in home
>MMing for a shiny Phantump>boxes upon boxes upon boxes>never end up getting it>give up and decide to wonder trade several boxes of phantump away>while randomly doing dishes one day suddenly remember that Phantump evolves via trade>made dozens of innocent wonder traders sit through an evolution cutscene for a Pokemon you can find in the wildMy bad...
>>57400953I used to grind shinies in the kalos safari and wonder trade them. I don’t remember if I ever got anything really cool in return, but I like to think I made a few people happy.
>>57400953i got a random shiny palkia this way
Kneel. Worship. Obey.Goddesses always win. Period.
I worship PokeGoddesses!
Do you like locations named for specific Pokémon? Diglett Cave, Slowpoke Well, and Charizard bridge are all I can think of. Should there be more of them?
>>57401580>models look goo-
>>57401580I forgot about this one!
>>57401301I mean the bridge clearly had different goals. If it matched the others it should’ve been like Ducklett bridge. There should’ve at least had a 1% chance to encounter a charizard or something.
>>57400832Exeggutor Island
>>57402938Another gen 7 location. My alolan exeggutor is actually from there, a native.
Who's the best Pokémon and why is it Arcanine?
>>57399594>>57399655>>57400777arcanine is so lucky
I just think he's a really cool guy.
>>57402975weed makes you braindead and fat
>>57402977Meowscarada can smell your lies.
Beloved Buddies Edition>February Info>Pokémon GO Event Info>Frequently Asked Questions>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+) too long. Click here to view the full text.
>snow storm today:/
>>57402392Does PGSharp work on PC with emulation or is a second phone the only way to do it? Is Bluestacks still the way to go if so?
>>57402177You can do hoopa with 3 people.
>Research Task: Win a Raid>there are no raids in my area
>>57402936>Research Task: Take snapshots of 3 different wild Ice-type Pokemon
Pokémon Infinite Fusion DiscussionPrevious >>57260252 -> Where you can view custom sprites and sort them by head or body. -> Infinite Fusion Calculator -> Infinite Fusion Showdown Instance -> Infinite Fusion game, where you can fuse Pokémon and put them on your team! -> Google Drive Backup of edits and custom sprites made by 4chan and elsewhere. Reply to this post if you want your custom sprite added to the drive. -> Original Google DrivePokemon Alt. IF Discord Link: (embed) (embed)To add new custom sprites to the game, simply insert them into your Custom Batters Folder. Once you boot up the game it'll automatically index the sprites into their respective sprite sheets.
>>57402399>>57402507>>57402620>>57402625Fucking comedians.
Valentine's day with GardevoirGardevoir needs all your hugs and headpats
>>57401285Heard this as "Wa wa I don't want you all to like what I hate" copy pasta. Same thing applies though. If you don't like something, don't click on a thread for it.
>>57384108My question is how comfy is She to cuddle with?
>>57401285Of all the things that didn't happen this didn't happen the most.
she's perfect
i just think she's neat
>>57402772>she>87.5% male
>>57402772He's ugly
>>57402813>women aren't real
>>57402813Lucky me then, I got a female
>>57402823least ugly of the 3
(like Levitate)Too many Pokemon have one of their types taken up as Flying when they would be so much more interesting if they had a different type as their second type.>Charizard could have been Fire/Dragon all along>Gyarados could have been Water/Dragon>Ho-oh could have been Fire/Psychic>Lugia could have been Psychic/Dragon, or Psychic/Water, or Water/Dragon>Noctowl could have been Normal/Psychicand others could just become monotypes>Articuno pure Ice>Moltres pure Fire>Rayquaza pure Dragon"BUT THEY FLY IN THE AIR! THEY HAVE TO BE FLYING TYPE!"Should every Pokemon on land automatically be a Ground type? No. So why does every mon that flies have to be a Flying type?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>57401008>>57401026The Flying Type and Levitate Ability have weirdness to them. But removing an entire Type is big wrong move.Here's a better idea. Add a gameplay exception for Pokémon that are naturally flying/levitating to not be considered Grounded by default. It's that simple. Now they don't have to add Flying Type/Levitate for Pokémon thus taking up their Ability/one of their Types, but can still have Flying Type for most Pokémon for whom Flying Type fits thematically and Levitate can still an Ability given to some Pokémon. already have some gameplay exceptions. Like how Shedinja always has 1 HP, when if the regular formula was used the lowest it could have would be 11. Or how Diglett and Dugtrio have many gameplay exceptions and exclusive visual differences relating to them always being in ground. Or how Rayquaza Mega Evolves in a different way to other species of Pokémon. We could use a few more gameplay exceptions for some stuff.
>>57401008> It stays, because Flying becomes an ability just like Levitate.It's funny.That's basically what they had to do with Pokemon like Beedrill, Dustox and Venomoth.They are clearly flying, but because of their typing (I guess they need to be poison), some were given Levitate as ability.
>>57401054They can always replace flying to wind type.
>>57402737This, this, and more this. Pokémon could use a transparent and updated mobility category for the traits that are already there, but are either half-implemented and/or never told in the game at all. Beedrill is almost always seen flying, let it be immune to Earthquake and have it in Sky Battles.>But what will happen to Levitate? Wouldn't it be redundant?Change the effect so that it makes the Pokémon immune to being Grounded. Now Flygon can finally have Sand Stream.
>>57401008Not even an ability, just a boolean attribute that would ignore attacks like earthquake and magnitude. It would work using the same boolean as gravity or magnet rise but built into the pokemon
>I'm so depressed...>Why? B-because the heccin paparazzi won't leave me alone because I'm too talented!Name a bigger bitch
>>57402208>X>like in Ex-boyfriendthe plot thickens
>>57401840>multiple mega evolutionsgod, fanfic done before fanfic lol, like that one fuckin sm fic where moon drops z move after z move like theyre hot
>>57402304>Can do multiple Mega Evolutions>Still depressed because "muh paparazzi"I don't think its possible to name a bigger bitch
>>57402354Obviously by that point he's depressed because Kalos is full of assholes, anon.
It's world pangolin day. Post pangolins.
unovan sandslash
>>57402913excadril is more like dugtrio
When did you realize she is your favorite First Partner Pokémon?
>>57402860you first
Firsr partner? More like 9th partner you virgin
>>57402887My bussy is well-worn out, thank you very much
this is now a starters thread
>>57402908>startersFirst Partners*