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>new game is out
>/vp/ is 90% porn of new character and pokemon, 10% discussion

>latest gamr has died
>/vp/ is 90% porn, 10% mental breakdowns from the drought

For real, how do we fix this sorry excuse of a board?
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You just banned the entire Internet.
Congrats there is no more /vp/ now.
>pokemon is run further and further into the ground
>/vp/oreons take so much copium start genuinely tweaking and losing grip on reality
I'm here til the bitter end, pokemon is the only reason I didn't kill myself multiple times already.
No you didn't. I'd still be able to post on /vp/
cynthia threads are one of the only good things on this shitty board
>Cynthia threads
Kek no, her fans are too toxic and autistic even for fucking 4chan

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Hello guys, I drew this Marley. Post Marley
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Anyone else like buizel?
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>Not a pedo troon furry
>Liking charizard
Built for that big Trainer johnson
I do, it’s very cute
Boyfriend material

Last one died way too early and had some good discussion going on >>56183213
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love this
this is cool too
also cool
also cool
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I think you need to cool down sir.
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I like when people go crazy with feathers when it comes to bird fakemon.

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So /vp/ why do you think this random Veteran trainer who clearly has a team stronger than most Elite Four Champions is just chilling and relaxing deep in a cave in Unova?
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He's a pokemon trainer for fun not for fame or glory
>he thinks people actually use ice pokemon in a 6v6 singles format
>still weaker than Cynthia
People use Water Pokemon yes

Post best bird
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Thanks. As a token of gratitude, have my HFC: Hoenn's Flaming Chicken. Served hot, spicy, and ready.
Sweet. Have a nice day, HFC bro.
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>it's still up
I want more Kantonian Christmas Dinner please

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its her (and other foxes) day bros
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Veepee has been pretty dead in general
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I'd let her trick me
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if only she looked like this on model braixen might be worth evolving

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Would Iono sign my Magneton?
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Not for you. Only for those that pay for her PokeFans.
>Because she's a streamer and she will show her feet on stream for money. Iono is whoring her feet out
Reminds me how Pokimane used to hide her feet and then became a footslut
Iono sexo.
Will Iono also get addicted to showing her feet on stream and become a fully-fledged footslut?

>lose to opponent in battle
>he fucks your pokemon
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Babymaking sex on the beach with Acerola
I want everyone to see me with my daughterwife making love.
>“wow anon you’re really good at this”
>everyone claps and cheers
>fireworks start going off
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Livin da dream

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Post obscure game knowledge, tricks, or even something useless but interesting!

I'll start
>in gen 3 you can use cut outside of battle to remove patches of tall grass in a 360 around your character
I don't know if they ever brought it back
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Did you know gaming: Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are Poke-counterparts to real life superstar martial art warriors Burce Lee and Jack Chan. The resemblance is uncanny!
In the earliest leaked build of Pokémon Sword and Shield, build 30, Gloria has a Teddiursa charm hooked on her bag; this is a Pokémon unavailable in the final game. It was removed in subsequent builds.
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>Gloria has a Teddiursa charm hooked on her bag; this is a Pokémon unavailable in the final game.
That hasn't stopped them since.
It could've been a nice Ursaluna foreshadowing
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There is an unused function in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire's code that would've allowed the player to combine two moves together into a single move in double battles. The function only had support for Gust and Ember, which would've combined into Heat Wave. There is even a message for it in the game code: "The wind turned into a HEAT WAVE!"

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What is it about Pokémon that makes it stand above the other monster catcher games to the point that it is seen as the cornerstone of the genre? What allowed Pokémon to be so successful in an otherwise relatively niche genre?
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Most won't admit it but sunk cost fallacy
2 things.
Because it's the monster catching equivalent of Dragon Quest. It had the same effect that Dragon Quest had in Japan when It hit the store shelves here in the west. Simple eye-catching art and game design that's fun and engaging where you can play with any monster (character) you want and jump into any game in any way you want, and also play in any way you want at any order.
Besides what the other people have said most other monster catcher are popular, they just aren't worldwide successes as big as pokemon, so they don't overstay their welcome
It helps that pokemon is not just a game, it's toys, other spin-off games and stuff like that

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>Man's face
>Footballer's calves
>Drag Queen wig
>Exaggerated mannerisms
>Linked to Avery (another trans) in various media
>Pink hair and poison type user (reference to Poison from Final Fight/Street Fighter)

Why does no one on this site accuse this character of being trans? It's so obvious. It's also ironic that you label Penny and Rika as if they were the first.
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She looks better than any Gen 9 shitter
>Biden lost
Holy cope
Said the tranny coomer posting off model art, lol.
If Klara and Avery had appeared in SV, everyone here would be accusing them of being transsexuals (LE PENY, LE RIKA, LE KLARA, LE AVERY...), but since SS was a game with a lot of fanservice, they were too horny to notice the obvious.

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Hybrid edition.

Previous thread: >>56188160
Old Thread Catalog: https://archive.palanq.win/vp/search/subject/Eevee%20Friday/page/1/
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I am so sorry. I was in charge of the thread this time. Thanks for coming, at least.

I'm glad that people are finding it despite my failures.

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But you still found your way here and for that we're all glad.
Don't beat yourself up over it. I was still happy to see an early thread.
But the links to previous threads and archives really help! I do miss those.
And with how many threads there are to take care of these days, it's been easier to search for Chappy on the archives instead! And thanks to the previous thread link, it's easier for me to copy the
Boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff
I also hope I'm awake enough to post the pic this time
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Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56189877

PMD Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ

Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/ve_xouylx5

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Has any actual humanfag mon that thinks everyone’s just pretending joined the guild yet
Is there a problem with that?
I always read the dialogue in these games in my voice because I'm not imaginative
I mean, actually it would be nice if there was an actual pay off to that where you recruited Lucario, instead all you get is the dumb rank which does jack and shit. They loved promoting Pokemon early, so letting you use Lucario early in a spin-off game with completely different mechanics would be pretty hype
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They may have intended this for Munchlax, who has many unused sprites in the game. The few appearances he makes only use some of them.

You might be able to use cheats to use him, but if the TCRF page is correct his data looks a little messed up. (Psychic type, Pressure ability)

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What romhacks are worth playing right now?
What I've played
>radical red
>basically all of drayano's stuff
>emerald rogue 1/2
>that one made in abyss pokemon demo thing
What I'm looking at but not sure of
>inclement emerald (seems to just be radred again, but in emerald so idk, maybe it's better)
>crystal clear (open world seems sort of weird)
>scorched silver (not heard much about this compared to other rebalance hacks)

I know I seem partial to rebalance romhacks that don't add much story or have a unique setting, but I prefer harder difficulty to the standard pokemon gameplay and I could just nuzlocke an easy story hack but then I wouldn't be able to play blind without wiping a lot and raging, so I'd rather only nuzlocke games I already know. Also I hate fakemon, even radred additions piss me off even if they are just "regional forms."

Feel free to discuss what romhacks you guys like to. I mostly made the thread for suggestions, but since it's probably going to be up a while and /rheg/ seems to have disappeared forever this can be a temporary romhack thread.
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Yeah I agree with that, I think where my problem with a lot of "challenge" hacks is I'm just playing through Hoenn or Kanto or whatever again but with all flavour just stripped because it's cramming 1000+ pokemon into a region
That's my problem with them too. Same region, same story beats, just using some different Pokemon.
What is the best rom hack out there?
I honestly dont know how to answer that question. It might just be clover, unironically. But maybe it's too dated in it's mechanics and QoL to be considered good enough now.
are there BW hacks?
Not by drayano

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