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Post le funny comics
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Destroy the Unnatural Body-horrors!

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>Codenames start with K and N, likely relate to Kaze and Nami (Wind and Wave)
>Region is an archipelago (island hopping)
We’re going to Greece for Gen 10, aren’t we?
Here's the thing. A Pokémon region based on Greece SHOULD be a slamdunk.
Greece is a pretty culturally unique country filled with distinct architecture. And they can easily make Mons inspired by Greek mythology....But...
This is Midern Gamefreak, soo...
lamefreak has never made a regional dex that is 100% inspired by the real world location
they always shoehorn in some lore from other part of the world (xy having norse mythology, swsh having roman)
>kaze and nami

We're going to the Caribbean. You're gonna get Pokemon One Piece and you're gonna like it.

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A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading.

What've you been reading? What've you been writing? What would you like to see more of?

Old thread was trash, I'm not linking to it. Stop with the sarcastic recommendations and bad-faith feedback. Stop getting butthurt when people criticize your ideas. Sometimes I feel like this thread is primarily populated by people who don't even like fanfic.

>Thread question:
Do pokemon Nurses have medical degrees? Do they actually practice medicine, or does the computer do all the work? Do pokemon ever get sick, or need medicine or surgeries?

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Congrats on reaching 100K. It’s no small fest, especially doing it for the first time. I’ll give it a read when I can.
You forget, retard, that if you generate a 100k word story you're going to have to, at the very minimum, read through 100k words. Unless you trust the machine not to fuck up ever—and one fuckup is enough for you to get found out and lose all your audience. It's not as fast and easy as you're imagining it to be.
I try to write it that due to a trainer having a psychic type pokemon over the course of years, they develop psychic abilities.
By this logic all MCs are psychic, thry just don't realize it.
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>By this logic all MCs are psychics, they just don't realize it.
Yes? picrel's fucker has telekinesis, and erika as well

Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Suicune (February 28)
- Alolan Raichu

- Galarian Rapidash has been released
- https://www.serebii.net/pokemonunite/events.shtml

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I wish instead of Hoppa teleporting you to the base.
Its the base floor he teleports to the field.
So stepping on those portals will automatically heal you.

Its such a momentum killer
It's actually absurd that they thought reducing the damage range of fairy wind would be enough to make it good, this is on the same level of the change they did to Gyarados aqua tail.
>I wish Hoopa was fucking god instead
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I have to suffer through
2 more Classes of this shit.
3Classes should just be enough

Why the low iq chinese shit does it have to be 5
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>complaining about only having to rank through 3 pips

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Top 3 dexes introduced?
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thanks amigo
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hard to say but for me it's probably
shout out to unova for making it a difficult choice though
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Based on how many are in my top 100
Gen 2-17
Gen 3/5-15
Gen 7-12
Gen 1-10
Gen 4/8-9
Gen 9-7
Gen 6-6
>But muh irrelevant ugly shitmon that obviously proves the whole dex is bad
I'd rather judge based on what it gives me to like than what it gives me to ignore
Me personally I like
Hoenn,Unova and ALola

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Why is it so hard to make a team of 6 johto pokemon in johto
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>people still seethe about this
Imagine being unable to read a map. It’d be weirder if Johto didn’t feature a bunch of Gen 1 mon.
If it's not in Johto then it's not a Johto mon, simple as!
Because in gen 2 there wasn't Kanto or Johto pokemon. There were just newly discovered pokemon.
Yeah but most pokemon fans are incapable of not injecting the modern mindset into every game and gauging games of the past on the same levels of games released today.
Johto is the exact opposite

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Deluge of love edition
Previous thread: >>57354382
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Kind of a long shot, but could anyone help me figure out the password for this?
The hint seems to be something along the lines of
>Suguri-kun is gonna give you chocolate.
>Password: Happy? (hiragana)
I've tried yes, I've tried yes in katakana, I've tried hai, happy (hiragana/katakana), every permutation of shiawase/ureshii, I've tried question/exclamation marks for all of these, but nothing. This is driving me mad but I like being challenged and the promise of sexo Kiki is powerful.
Sorry Artist-san I promise I'll never repost your art again I've learned my lesson. Never. Again.
Homophobic Furret will never not be funny
Cheeki Kiki x
Finally about to start indigo disk sisters
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Kiki to that boy for no reason
Anon falling in love with Kiki...?
Kek, accurate

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What did she mean by this?
she also passive aggressive says she'll gladly take the ruin quartet from you if you can't handle them

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Does EV training only matter when I hit level 100, or will I see results as soon as I level up?
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You'll get benefits from EVs at any level
You just won't notice them from level up stat increase popups since those will also show increased stats from base stats and IVs
Thank you so much, sir. You're very kind, unlike the rest of these sorry fucks. I really appreciate you taking the time to help little ole dumb me
It's easier to notice in older gens which would calculate stats gained from EVs when the mon leveled up, you could grind a lot or spam vitamins and end up getting a really wacky stat jump
When I first learned about EVs, I took my level 50 Eevee to Route 1 hoping to make him super buff for the E4 then got confused why he only gained 20 points in speed and everything else was normal
Oh yeah? Control this!

*does a little dance*

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Valentine's day with Gardevoir

Gardevoir needs all your hugs and headpats
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God fucking damn it, what's with all the Gardevoir obsessed people? When I was in college, I had a roomate. Dude was fat, smelly, and obsessed with Gardevoir. He had Gardevoir T-shirts, Gardevoir posters, a Gardevoir plushie, and I swear to God, he had a Gardevoir Japanese fuck pillow. Every fucking conversation we had, he turned it into Gardervoir conversation. I wanted to punch him so bad, but I couldn't. I got anger issues, and just one fuck up could get me out of college. But I swear to God, sometimes I thought it would be a just price for punching that fat motherfucker in the face. I kept finding Gardevoir pictures EVERYWHERE. Some of them were covered in cum. Every night I heard him jerking off, and no matter how many times I asked - he did it anyway.

Once he said to me: "Hey Anon, we are having Pokémon night this Friday, are you cool with that?" I had an all night videogame LAN party that Friday, so I allowed that, but only if his buddies wouldn't touch any of my stuff. At all.

Long story short - LAN party got cancelled, and I had to go back to my room. My God, what I saw could not be described. Four fat nerds, watching the Pokémon anime, eating Cheetos, and covering everything with orange dust. One of those fatasses wore a fucking Gardevoir suit and another one was smoking. And they were sitting on my bed. That's right, those fuckers were sitting on my goddamn bed, covering it in Cheetos dust, cigarette ash and sweat. They haven't noticed me, because they were too busy watching anime. I was about to scream on top of my lungs and punch them, when Gardevoir appeared on the screen. All four pulled their dicks out in one synchronised movement and started to masturbate. I wish I was making that up. Even today this comes back in my nightmares.

I gave my roomate a head concussion, knocked a few teeth out of others, and shattered suit guy's kneecap. Got into serious trouble, but my lawyer pulled my ass out of the fire. I fucking hate Gardevoir
serious answer, its the dress with the long slit in the front and the hairstyle that hides one eye
Heard this as "Wa wa I don't want you all to like what I hate" copy pasta. Same thing applies though. If you don't like something, don't click on a thread for it.
My question is how comfy is She to cuddle with?
Of all the things that didn't happen this didn't happen the most.

Who's the best Pokémon and why is it Arcanine?
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Audino is the best pokemon :3 beause it's CUTE
arcanine is so lucky
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grass cat posting
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eepy loaf
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>says so while making 4 redundant Gardewhore threads after making it impossible to post Ivysaur without underaged retards from the same shithole your tranny axewound crawled from mistaking anyone doing it with you.
Please cook some more plastic bags than usual when making your home-made HRT, maybe then the carcinogens you'd accumulate will finally exceed lethal levels and your parents won't have to be ashamed of you anymore.

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>open paint
>draw a 'mon in less than a minute
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Blue egg
What did it see?

can this be a thread
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> Arcaslash
Actually doesn't look too silly.

Autism - Trade - Battle - Breed

This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those.

A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: https://pastebin.com/jMU7dE4Y

Old: >>57278980
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I hope so...
Revival Blessing!
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If you’re trying to complete a Home dex, today is Hoopa day in Pokemon Go. No shiny, but you can transform it into either form and send both to Home now.

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