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Whatever your weight is, that's the Pokedex # of the Pokemon you turn into tomorrow
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i knew being a fat fuck would pay off
>I weigh the same as lando-i
man, I gotta get on that genie workout plan
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I already live in Florida so I'm okay with this.
On any other platform, I'd point out how this is a data harvesting scheme, but we're on 4chan.
In LBs? I'm a Girafrig.
KGs? Going by every RDex, I'm either Gastly, Ditto, Doduo, Bonsly, Sawsbuck(my favorite)/Vaporeon, Pangoro/Golurk/Weavile (also fans of the first two,) Gyrados/Khangaskhan/Panchum/Murkrow/Mandibuzz/Alomomola, Natu, Carnivine, Carkoal, and Hatenna.
Of Pokémon that share my weight, Okidogi is closest, but I prefer Sawsbuck which is just a bit heavier than me by like... .5 lbs.
Did they just give up?

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>current OP count: 102
>threads since counter: 105

Previous thread:

Rusefox GF pastebin:

Zoroark Mom & Blind Son write.as:

Zoroark GF stuff (bouts of high horny, lewds not shown)

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love katahane's Zoroark
>this is the creature that without question owns your penis
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>"Well, son, I've got bad news."
>"Your zoroark has head lice, no doubt about it."
>"All that running through the forest probably gave her it."
>"Not surprising, given the long hair and all that."
>"First, keep her away from yourself and other pokemon. Especially other zoroark."
>"Yeah, I know, she seemed like the affectionate type."
>"No hugging, no nuzzling. Nothing."
>"Second, this medicine should help."
>"Third... and she's not gonna like this..."
>"We're gonna cut that hair."
>"Hold on, let me grab the raz-"

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>It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around the arm of its beloved Trainer and walks with him or her.

Canon waifumon
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I want to have sex with your pic related
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Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon petting, Flareon is the most compatible Pokémon for AAAAAAAAAAH MY HANDS! MY HANDS! IT BURNS! IT'S NOT A FLUFFY MONSTER! IT'S A CREATURE THAT CAN REACH A TEMPERATURE OF 898ºC
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Thanks for catching it, anon! Didn't realize it would go to 10 so quickly. Were there a bunch of spam threads or something
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Don't know, didn't pay attention. It was probably the usual schizo shit though.

Which game was it? Did you succeed?
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I've never done a challenge run because I'm not autistic or gay
>pokemon player
>not autistic
pick one
Yes, it's just beating the game normally after you acquire shinies. The only challenge is maintaining your patience for 500+ hours total just for a team you would normally run anyway.
I've done a few runs off shinies only, but I hacked those little niglets in son, I got money to make smdh.
I watched Pointcrow's shiny HGSS run though and that was pretty fire ngl
>Shiny hunter
This is everything I hate about this series' fans.

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Can we get some love for Lumineon?
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This feels like such a random mash-up of Pokemon and Mario Kart... but... I'd still play it, lol.
Lumineon is so _____
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N edition

>What are you running?
>How are you running it?
>How's your run going?
>Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it?

>/nuz/ resources
Mostly outdated, but if I add something new it will have (Updated) somewhere in it. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.
>Nuzlocke info
>Nuzlocke generator
>Guide to running the generator locally

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After our unfortunate roster, we have now reached the last two challenges. Giovanni and the Pokemon League. After sadly losing Chowder the Snorlax and Toulouse the Persian, we have settled on a new and complete core.
Anyone try that Yellow Legacy romhack that's always popping up on Youtube?
Haven't done any Gen 1 games in over a decade.
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This is my team so far. What do you all think?

So far as of today, I grinded my pokemon and I beat the second gym leader Roxie. Sparkplug was able to defeat all two of her pokemon by paralyzing them with Thunder Wave and she was no problem. After becoming a film star and dealing with Team Plasma in Virbank city, I took a boat to Castelia city. I tried to catch a Zubat in Castelia sewers but my rival defeated both two Zubats before I could catch one. I was able to catch a Pidove though in Castelia park, I named him Birdie.

Any advice for the next gym leader Burgh? I'm assuming his Leavanny should be no problem now that I have Pidove.
I forget to mention that I lost Alvin to a trainers Eevee.
sounds like a solid plan ty. and yeah I don't really have a set up sweeper right now. but I did grind out BP on the Pwt to get brick break on emboar, so that should help with kyurem and hydreigon hopefully. guess I will see how it goes tonight, this I've always heard is one of the hardest nuzlocke fights.

wait, is the 8th gym before or after Ghetsis in bw2? haven't played this in ages

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Did someone say Joltik?
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Judging by how tired that Pikachu looks, my guess is that Joltik's been snacking!
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its her day bros
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I like this image, it is bleak and interesting. I don't know who the artist is, but hearing their rape fetish recontextualizes the depicted atmosphere. It makes the scene uncomfortable.
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Well yeah, it supposed to seem uncanny, that's what I like about it, this image is not strictly tied to rape visually and gives room for imagination, allowing you to deduce story by yourself. This one is more forward, but still could has some room for interpretation. Artist is ~GayPornAficionado and seems to have some hateboner for Braixen.

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Smogon tier changes for July
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>60/80/60 bulk on a type with 6 weaknesses (way more fragile than Rampardos)
>70 Speed (only 12 more speed than Rampardos)
Frankly no one should be surprised by this. At least Virizion has a good speed tier and bulk. All Breloom had was Spore and Technician (which only works with incredibly low BP moves). It’s a shitmon without Spore.
>SamuGOD used Razor Shell!
GODganacl mogs.
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Uh oh
*switches in for free, sets up Iron Defense, and spams Body Press until victory*


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Why did you do it /vp/ ?
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………. I got better……
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>multiple heads
I just don't know. Would you have one mind, or would they be "independent" and compete for control over your body? If the former, they would be effectively like extra arms, but instead of grabbing things you can see and eat and bite...
I choose to believe you'd become one of them and have to find the rest of the squad.
I was thinking something like Klefki. Your body twisting into a metallic ring with random keys dangling from it? I think I'll pass
Chandelure more like a creature with limbs at least... Kind of
Chandelure is*
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he turns himself into a pokemon
funniest shit I've ever seen
No way

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Nona Issue Edition

Previous Thread:

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I'm not seeing any tcg related youtube content in my featured or recommendations list. Seems like a you problem, anon.
I only watch TwiceBakedJake because he's just onions, not a hypebeast.
will we ever get a decent Gengar card again?
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girlfriends :)
magmortar looks too much like a clown

Post Roxie and her huge forehead
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Sex hair...
Don't you have lolcows to laugh at on the farms, luigimanslave?
They sleep on the goat...

the game itself was pretty good (much better than the rest of the slop on the switch at least) but the lack of any form of discussion about this game on any website make it look like not many people outside of shinyautists actually played it.
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I was never wondering that. If you were literate you'd have known that.
> he doesn't know how to use per capita stats
Sub 60 IQ mongrel detected
Is this your first time here? Haven't you noticed no one talks about ANY game? There is no discussion about any pokemon game. It's all waifu threads, threads about specific pokemons, ragebait, baits, and that's it.
No one talks about PLA like no one talks about any gen.
Why the fuck can porygon not learn Conversion in this game?
Maybe tgey rotated it out for REAL nigga attack, like Tackle

So, do you think ZA will feature an antagonist/final boss just as powerful as him? I personally doubt it since kaloskids arent ready to face any form of chalenge in their videogames.
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He'll be the post-game super boss with his Mega-Garchomp and resurrected 'Tina.
Don't forget your helmet.
I hope it'll be a hot female Sycamore or something.
What up with kalosperm being obssesed with scat humor? Must be a french thing.
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The only viable option for this role:

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