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Smogon usage updates for November. Shelob in OU next month.
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>Not even good enough for PU
Grass/Fire is really good coverage when you have Mold Breaker.
Tea is strong
>OU is full of cancer so let's bring in more cancer!
>Heatran switches in for free
Close Combat

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that was a very nice poem icetales!
minor spelling mistake award
Oh OP was beating it while writing this, can't even spellcheck the OP message.

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Here's your gen 11 region
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didn't know Vikings still exist
Could be interesting. I thought of having a region surrounding the Seto Inland Sea, but this works too, having a large body of water in the centre.
All I know about this region is Vikings which is overrated piracy
then constantly being raped and groomed by Muslim immigrants

only Rome and Greece give Europe any value
Europe 1st world is so fucking weird
why are they such huge pussys and wont stand up against their brown immigrants,
isn't Sweden now over run by Syrian Jihadist mafia
just kill them already for fuck sakes

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new toss
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I own a Flurk :D
That is NOT new. It is a contemporary toss at best.
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new actual toss
After the new Sonic movie Shadow is cool now.

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What made Alolan characters so memorable?
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Mallow's legs.
More like a subset. Hebe just means they're pubescent lolis.
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Does "gol-" mean something in japanese or something?
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you're projecting your own innate hatred towards others not like you onto this anon. weak

being proud of your race and understanding what it means =/= hating others not from your race.

your retarded binary thinking mind can't even fathom this simple fact while you are surrounded by so called racists who deeply love and cherish a game series from japan on this website that is modeled after a japanese one.
you absolute mongoloid.

look at who runs US senate.

look who is literally the only group on earth atm who gets to genocide others and no one does anything about it.

"muh white people and capitalism": look into who the rothschilds are (among others) and ask yourself if it is a coincidence that judaism and jewish culture is basically the only culture on earth where usury is not looked at as something dishonourable

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what about the differences between a siberian and a bengal tiger? an african and indian elephant? or a grizzly bear and a polar bear?
aside from the bears, all of these you couldn't even tell apart without further phenotypal knowledge.

and yet, they are clearly defined as different subspecies of the same animal. it's the same with humans.
hell, the grizzly and polar bear arent even considered subspecies but different species, eventhough they can interbreed and produce viable and fertile offspring.

learn some more biology and realise that le science is also highly politicised, before you mouth off about something you don't understand.
To pack
To grow stiff
To put skilled effort into
>were correctly talking about poltards, but you're clearly talking about Jews because you put a period at the end of your sentence. Because of this, my retort is: kys retard
Based. Poltroons deserve the rope.
>they're all named after olden Japanese superheroes
ironic that they're the go to mons to put on villain teams

>The best Pokemon games were the three games that Tajiri Satoshi served as the director, co-director and creative director
Couldn't make this shit up.
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Many have said that.
Based much?
u tell me
Because he is?
That was never proven.

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The decline of Pokemon is an objective fact. Prove me wrong. Honest/intellectual answers only.
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Nat dex literally doesn't matter as long as you can transfer in anything that isn't in the regional dex
It's true, though. The most egregious glitch was the fucked animations when playing with others using union circle along with some other issues related to that, and they fixed that pretty quickly. Even then, that's just purely visual. I played on launch and never experienced crashes.
There are so many things wrong with this.
For one AlphaDream never made it to "HD" development which isn't any different than any other form of development unless you're trying to make something realistic which they weren't but I digress. The point is that they never made a HD game.
Second while the Mario IP itself is big the spin offs like M&L aren't really big, the entire series of AD M&L games only sold 12.76m with the best selling game being BiS with about 4-5m.
AlphaDream also didn't cut corners either it's that they didn't have many good ideas for games fizzling out with remakes of SS and BiS the latter no one wanted since you could just play the original, then there was that whole deal with Sony but that's a different matter.

As for GF being replaced that would be incredibly unlikely, despite how you feel about them if you look at other monster tamers no one does that amount of work for them and they don't release nearly as frequently. Several tamer series have been in development for well over 5 years and they can barely muster a roster of over 200 monsters with dlc and usually don't have anything else to worry about other than the plot and maybe 2 or 3 unique animations for half of them.
Having another developer on the series would absolutely tank it by taking far too long or produce an even worse game than what we have.
I'm very smart and i say you're wrong

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"Ah geeze Lois, this reminds me of the time I lost that eating contest to Jasmine."
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>Though I am curious how Nemona is gonna tie into the one with Alola girls.
Nemona gets a job teaching in Alola and discovers the Battle Buffet.
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I desire to watch Clair swallow someone.
Don't know what it is about this specific Jasmine outfit, but I love the layers of it. Really just looks cute on her

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Computer, generate an iteration of the trainer archetype of "Hex Maniac" from the 21st century creature-collecting franchise known as "Pokemon". Make her 10 feet tall, with a BMI of approximately 37. Give her lactose intolerance yet an intense craving for lactose products comparable in need to human socialization and self-idealization. Make the setting a bakery that specializes in the production and selling of cream-filled pastries, with myself as the head patissier and establishment owner. Increase my olfactory senses tenfold.

And computer, disengage safety protocols.
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Computer, recreate a perfect replica of Alola as seen in the virtual game 'Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon' developed by Gamefreak and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 3DS on Earth Stardate: -306038.25.
Computer, set ambient noise to "Iki Town (night) theme extended": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R60Zk0d-kts
Computer, security override code "theta-7-gamma-1-1-8-omega".
Computer, seal all doors.
Computer, redirect all auxiliary power and life support functions to the holodeck.
Computer, purge all organic life outside the holodeck.
Computer, maintain the ship in an elliptical orbit around the nearest star.
Computer, set nacelles to .0002% thrusters.
Computer, do it now.
Computer, do it now, please, it hurts too much to go on, the pain, yamero!
being wicke's husband/stress relief
Fucking disgusting, get out of here you sick freak
Marry Professor Juniper and live a long comfortable life with her
>shaun gets deleted again
Computer, generate a simulation of the individual known as Shaun having his genitals smeared into a fine paste via the "Pokemon" character called "Cynthia" treading upon them in high heels.

>this is a 43 year old woman according to Game Freak
What gives?
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its fucking TRASH GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Paldea in general seems to do things ass backwards as hell when it comes to the League. I'm wondering if this is going to continue being a thing going forward to give context as to why your character does things post League/Credits still, or what. I'd hope not, they could come up with a better excuse honestly. It would be really interesting to see if we ever get a Champion's Tournament again though like BW2 if they add Nemona. The sad part about Greeta with Nemona too, and hell even with our character, Nemona specifically didn't even try with Greeta and she uses an entirely brand new team and starter just to dick around with us. We've never actually even seen her real team.
I'm not gonna say the lack of routes was a deal breaker for me, but I really hated the names of locations
>North Province Area Three
>West Province Area Two
Why tf is South Province Area Five right next to South Province Area One? At least make it less confusing
Doesn't help that they're pretty poorly defined too. You can easily end up in another Area/Province just by climbing a damn rock, despite the areas looking identical.
Tbh the previous system of Champions made no sense. You allegedly become the new Champion, which means you are supposed to replace the old Champion's position. But that obviously never happens in the game. It always bothered me. Paldea's system makes way more sense for how it works in the game.
Not very stealthy

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I love all of you so much, you're my brothers and sisters. You make me happy.

Ho-oh is my favourite Pokemon, can we post him?
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even better
Same. Gay pokebellies are the best.
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I guess not
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Nobody Cares About This Game Edition

>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

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Release the sex tape you coward
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It doesn't exist. That stuff is very private and intimate! Besides my adorable wife would be very embarassed and mad at me.
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you're greedy

i think ye forgot to reply to the post

what the fuck does this mean
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First time getting all the way down to zero and it’s with Arven of all people, like buddy I like you but don’t push your luck man.
Cmon man, give him the dick, he deserves it.

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>joke starts taking itself too seriously
>Stops being funny
>Not serious enough either
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Filtered, lol.
Clover is the best pokemon game

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