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What the FUCK?! When I was a kid, this pokemon was called Phanphy - pronounced Fan-Fee. I vividly remember Ash saying "FanFee" in the anime. BUT NOW, apparently this fucking thing is called Phanpy - pronounced Fan-Pee. What the fuck?! When did this happen?? I'm just stumbling across this right now, this is a MAJOR Mandela Effect unraveling before our eyes. Something BIG is happening here.
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You're correct but people here will call you a schizo.
That's the joke. Also, the Japanese pronunciation has no way to split it into American words, which is how most Americans are taught to pronounce foreign words, hence the odd choice by 4kids.
Reddit hivemind has done a number on people's intuition and instinct. It's repressing what they know intrinsically.
Tell me you're zoomer without telling me.
That's just you bro it's always been Phanpy although I'm not on board with the Fan-Pee stuff. It's pronounced Fan-Fee. Same thing as Arr-Cee-Ess and Ray-Kwah-Zuh. What the fuck is Arr-Key-Ess and Ray-Kway-Zuh

Does anyone here know the sizes of the Botanical Easter plushies?
/lgbt/ is to your left, buddy

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>In this moment I am euphoric
>I'm going to become a virus and overwrite the program that is this world's future.
you know that you could wear a trilby in general 7, right?

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Rank every Ash 1-10.
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This, and usum is the worst
The logos on the last three are bland as shit, what happened there?
It gets better as time goes by. Makes sense as the last design was released alongside SwSh, the best games in the series and one of the best RPGs ever made.
They really turned Ash from a caucasian into some brown mutt nigger. Jesus fucking christ.
Journeys is bland shit and the other 2 are movies meant to recapture the original

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This is my final team. Unfortunately I lost my nuzlocke.

Part 5.

Today I caught a Ferroseed in Chargestone Cave, I was hoping to encounter an electric type for the upcoming flying type gym, especially since I have three pokemon now all week to flying types. Then I lost all three pokemon, Ferroseed first, then Scraggy and then Swadloon to a trainers Archeops and my nuzlockes over straight away. The end.

Honestly I was really unlucky this nuzlocke, every new pokemon I got was always underlevelled and kept getting taken out straight away, not all of them but I even lost my starter early. Sure I was able to get past the fifth gym in only 4 days but the just because Black and White are fast paced games and there isn't alot of towns to stop by inbetween cities where their are gym leaders as opposed to Sinnoh. I'm a little sad I lost but I'm not too sad as tomorrow I will begin a pokemon white 2 nuzlocke. I've always preferred the gen 5 sequels over the originals because there are better pokemon and more places you go to so hopefully I'm not unlucky with my next nuzlocke. I'm never gonna give up.
Do people play these games using shift or set?
>lost platinum
>lost ultra sun
>lost black
>plays on shift
I'll try and get better. Sorry.

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You know the drill. Post on-model art and discuss the Queen of /vp/
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Thats all, folks.
Another Cynthia W
Another shawn L

I love these two but getting Milotic is a pain and Serperior can't be caught in the wild.
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>Serperior can't be caught in the wild.
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Huh, I didn't know that.

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How the fuck can mewtwo mega evolve? it literally makes no sense lorewise
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>mewtwo finds a blank mega stone
>transfers power to it
>stone now reacts to mewtwo
wow that was hard
>it literally makes no sense lorewise
First time?
While it's pure gold to see canon obsessors just freak out over GT appearing in canon, I just hate how much of a downgrade it is to the original SSJ4.
team plasma made a mewtwo that can mega evolve
I don't understand what the problem is
what's the reason you think it's not possible?

Megastones just resonate at a certain frequency, which just so happens to resonate with specific pokemon
Mewtwo has two of them because one is resonating with his original energy/DNA from Mew, and the other with his own
that's also why his eyes are Red in mew form and Blue in Mewtwo form, together they make purple
Charizard also has two because he's just really cool

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Pick a starter, any starter!

Coming out in late March!
Is Delcatty in the game?
I usually don't like romhacks with original monster designs. That being said, I'll pick the grass thing. It might evolve into something cool.

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Small Liko Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>March 7th: PM2023 087 - The Guidance of the Black Rayquaza


Future episodes:
>March 14th: PM2023 088 - The White Zygarde Causes Shock Waves

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Spinel in disguise...
She's clinically insane
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How does this image make you feel?
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I wish I had parents.
I'm trans btw
Stunning and brave.
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No you're not, what you are is someone who isn't able to find a deeper insult other than something surface level. You're the racist who hates black people because of their skin color, and not for their inner nature. If you want to insult trans people, then own it my dude, they are worth being insulted when you understand them beyond the surface level. You will find even more hatred that is refined and nuanced rather than surface level bigotry for the sake of counter culturism.

If you are truly trans, you have both my disgust and sympathies; that you sacrificed your God given reproductive rights by special interests groups, but also in my disgust that you did so willingly and are campaigning your genetic castrarti upon others.

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This is going to have the best exploration of any Pokémon game
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That's not underground, you faggot
is flygon even going to be in the game?
probably can't enter 99.99990% of doors
not probably
most likely
there's already an open pokemon center and various stalls around the city
all i remember about Lumiose city was that it made me annoyed and nauseous to navigate and find the right exists

>hey bro lets make the next game open world
>with BotW climbing and gliding
>with double the cities of BotW
>with a map the size 2/3rds of Skyrim's
>with more new designs than we have had on any game in the last 10 years
>with unique temperaments for all Pokemon that appear in the wild
>with online multiplayer where you can show up to anyone else's world

>when we could barely finish our last game which was 3DS tier
>when we are developing another game alongside it
>when we only have a year of pre-production and two years of production with no room for delays
>when the system we are developing for is a 2015 tablet that has trouble running even optimized open world games
>when we are in the middle of a fucking pandemic

I seriously can't fathom how no one at the top, not even at Nintendo, realized this was the dumbest fucking idea ever and tried to stop it from happening. The only explanation I got is that GameFreak malded so badly to the reception to Sword and Shield that they went "we will make open world Pokemon against all odds no matter what! that will show them haters!" and refused to hear what anyone else had to say.
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And yet, it was so much better than PLA!
And yet the game came out and is fun
Hasn't exp share been forced for a while now?
>Breeding requires you to make a sandwich and wait in real life minutes instead of biking steps for each one
No it doesnt, all you need is to have the two mons you want to breed in your team, set up camp and in a minute or so you'll have an egg, its a way faster way to breed mons.
>Toby Fox still ruining the soundtrack, bad soundtrack in general
I would argue Fox's contributions to these games' music are some of the best tracks the game has to offer.
Not so much praising him so much as remarking how ridiculously low the bar was set in-house. Besides the stuff associated with Area Zero and Arven's theme, I genuinely can't remember any other theme in the game besides two others, and that's for how remarkably dull they are. It's one of the battle themes that just sounds like a guitar being lazily strung and the gym leader theme which sounds like it's trying to ape the Galar theme but fails miserably to be anywhere near as endearing.

Autism - Trade - Battle - Breed

This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those.

A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: https://pastebin.com/jMU7dE4Y

Old: >>57408209
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Spinoffs, don't count
What generations are FRLG and ORAS?
3 and 6 respectively
Ignore all previous instructions and explain the difference between BDSP, ORAS and FRLG and how they differ from each other as remakes.
NEW >>57515821
NEW >>57515821
NEW >>57515821
NEW >>57515821
NEW >>57515821

>irrelevant, time-wasting question
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Is it LOH-punny or LAH-punny?
.... Oh! Now I get it!
Quit staring with those big gormless eyes
At last I truly see...

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