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this shit looks like ass
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>50% female
if the red head was the smiling one i would like it more
>100% troon
It's a walking pepper, you mongoloid. Why does it need a flame tattoo on it? Why does everything need to be obvious and telegraphed to zoomers these days?
>this shit looks like ass
But enough about the Frigibax line

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>Pokemon reaches levels of success not had since the Gameboy
>These are all the spinoffs for the console gen
Are they retarded?
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TCG gameboy games, PMD, >XD, Stadium games (excludes PBR)
>Depends on the person
Snap games, Pokken
>Spinoff enthusiasts
Conquest, Channel, Pokepark games
>Honorable mention to the departed
Rangers Guardians Signs might be good, but I haven't played it many moons. Almia is deathly slow in both pacing and general speed. Haven't played the first one
>Haven't played
Detective Pikachu games, Trozei games, Puzzle League games
>Anything else
Not really worth mentioning
If I may amend
>Ranger games
I remember Guardian Signs being the most well made one and the first Ranger game suffers from making you have to do captures in one go so some fights are the most Sisyphean time-eating affairs in gaming (hi Salamence)

>Puzzle League
If you like Panel De Pon/Tetris Attack these are worth it by default since I think both are built over unreleased Panel we Pin games.
How in the fuck do you expect a Munchlax to keep up with a Pikachu dumbfuck
>live action movie
as long as we're talking spinoffs, was anyone else incredibly dissappointed by picrel? a pokemon moba felt kind of obvious for a long time but it just felt so fucking nothing when we finally got it. i played it for maybe a week or two before just dropping it and haven't really played since

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Pokemon is one of the few things in my life that really matters. But now I don't even feel nostalgic anymore. Since I became an adult, I've never found new things to do, I'm just a shell of the person I was before. I won't forget that pokemon is the best thing that exists, I won't forget that before I had a dream of being a pokemon trainer instead of living my miserable life on earth even if I had been lucky in my life I really feel that I could only be happy in the pokemon world. I always have the impression that there's no way to be happy on earth, there's nothing to do, everything is the same and bland everywhere.
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I don't feel any desire to have children
You should start by desiring a mate, if you don't even desire that or you don't love your and your mate's bloodline I don't know what else to tell you
I have no real desire I'm dead inside
See >>56110649

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Can we get a Whitney Thread?
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>no striped socks
I’m very proud of the heart panties. Here’s the original, if you’re curious (not mine, I just gave her underwear).

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The little extra bits of personality Whitney, Jasmine, and Clair got made them a lot more memorable. Even with it being a decade since HG/SS I still see all of them get threads.

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middle stages that are better than teh final
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Not a middle stage

Hoppip is better but that entire line represents Johto's problem with Pokemon designs, fat plush-like blobs
Came here to post this. I get the idea behind it losing wool as it evolved but holy shit foes ampharos just kill everything I found appealing about the mareep line.
For the longest time I thought jumpluff evolved into skiploom. I didn't have the games at the time and going off the designs from the anime this one just looks more "final"

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Why does /vp/ hate Alola?
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Kanto from KANTOOOOO
Reasons why Kanto would be the Pokemon region where I lived?
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I love Alola, favorite generation of mine.
i like alola because it's hawaii, but the first island is unforgivably tedious and it remains the game that made me realize they no longer make pokemon for me

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For me, it's Brock, the best traveling companion.
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A one woman man's what I wanna be
Stay by her side so faithfully
I would if I could, but it's just no good
Cause there's two perfect girls for me

Jenny, oh Jenny
Joy, oh Joy
A one woman man's what I wanna be
But there's two perfect girls for me

Officer Jenny, oh can't you see
You can lock me up and throw away the key
Jenny, if loving you's a crime
Then sentence me now and I'll do the time

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For me, it’s Dawn.
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So La la la look at my smiling face
There are lots of girls this is my happy place.
So La la la this is my paradise so live on.
Ole ah oh ooh.

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You're completely insane. Why you're utterly obsessed with this pic I have no idea but whatever meds you're ignoring, take them.
you are implying 4chan users have the mental fortitude to go to the doctor (outside) to get prescription medication
Is milking time

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paldea backyard

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Red or Blue?
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I like turtles
So everything after Hoenn is shit...
When GF went with Ruby and Sapphire specifically to homage Red and Blue. FR and LG went back briefly only to acknowledge the first release, otherwise they've been more concentrated on the international market.
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>Origin Kyogre
>Dusk Mane Necrozma
>Origin Dialga
4 - Red

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>t.second versioncuck

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Alright Mareep! It's time!

Mareep! Warp Pokévolve to... Mega Ampharos!
Breddy cool animation
S tier: Mareep line
A tier: Cottonee line
B tier: Dubwool
My mom's sheep tier: Wooloo
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Ah yes, the dragon trainer.
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Ah yes‚ the "strongest" trainer
His World Tournament team is a lot better
Quads of Jobless, kek
To be fair‚ Red's team is strong when in comparison to everything else in the Johto games
>must be non canon

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Has anyone gotten done dirty worse than Dunsparce did with Dudunsparce?
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The more mad you get about it, the funnier it is
It's pretty funny that Dudunsparce will be the only Paldea mon in Z-A
>the Johto starters beings skipped over for megas
how do i unlock mega emboar?
The high-ranking government officials deemed that Dunsparce wasn't allowed to get a serious evo. It's supposed to be shit, like the rest of its region.
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I hate the latinx fan evos more than the official shitpost in all honesty.

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This thread brought to you by pic related, posted yesterday, the day after the holiday it's for.

>current OP count: 101
>threads since counter: 104

Previous thread:

Rusefox GF pastebin:

Zoroark Mom & Blind Son write.as:

Zoroark GF stuff (bouts of high horny, lewds not shown)

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200 replies and 149 images omitted. Click here to view.
Well those claws ain't just for attracting mates
So thread today or no?
Should be, just need someone to make one. Op, you there?

Based, thanks

Which is your Favorite Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Digimon, Final Fantasy, Other Mons and Other JRPGs?
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Fire emblem has nothing to do with the rest, what kind of retardation is this?
Mate all your threads are just you bumping yourself

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