I made a little mock-up for how I wish Home looked compared to what it actually looks like.
>>57399832they should make box sprites an option, even if it won't show shinyness i wouldn't mind.
>>57399832I ain't paying for home and sure as hell ain't paying for the downgraded home, I do not care for wallpapers.
>>57399832I definetly get why Home uses renders instead of sprites but wallpapers would be amazing. Some of them could even be rewards for having save data of certain games and completing the tasks in the Pokedex section.
>>57399832>we do get wallpapers that we can customize with stickers, but they are for a 'cover' page that nobody ever seesWhat a waste. Why isn't it at least used as a background for the home page of the app?
Mienshao ThreadCarrot Cake Edition!
>>57392536>Mienshao Threadnice. a pokemon i've come to appreciate more in recent days.
>>57396352noodle neck
>>57392536But why carrot cake? Not that I have anything against carrot cake mind you... but it's not exactly the most common of cakes.
Autism - Trade - Battle - BreedThis thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those.A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: https://pastebin.com/jMU7dE4YOld: >>57278980
>>57397698Alright, I'm not in a hurry. I already have an extra set of LGP exclusives ready, so let me know when you're finished and good to go.
>>57348808Chrys is an old hag now
>>57397953I hope so...
Revival Blessing!
>>57399303He looks like he gets his bussy pegged by Gardenia
>>57399303Thats not Ilima
I'm feeling nostalgic for XY. I wish I was a kindergartener watching this series again...
>>57397534>>57397367Funnily enough, many of the Anons here just sound like your typical /v/tards. It sucks, cause unlike other containment boards, it's near impossible to discuss anything on here. God forbid you talk about one of the "good" Pokémon games (whatever that even means on here anymore) because then you'll have a bunch of genwar fags shitting up the discussion.
>>57395983So, OP gets banned either way.
>>57397367Containment board for both the schizos it attracted and being entertaining enough that the sharty zoomers will focus on /vp/ instead of shitting up other boards.
>>57396664I second this. Hang it up as a warning for all Pokémon fans that they're better off getting yelled at in /v/ and /vrpg/ than stepping into this shithole.
Post le funny comics
>>57398810W-why was Crustle already on the beach before the allies landed?
>>57399184He didn't want to, but you have to understand, he was Hitler's top guyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS64e5AcvHc
>>57392075Only Gallades are guys. "Male"voirs just have futas.
>>57399497>LE FUTAS!Anon's barely disguised fetish...
Post Mays.Previous: >>57316771
>>57399979Has he done porn?
>>57400006Nope, just busty May.
>>57400024Can't be the best artist then.
>>57400117>Can't be the best artist then.They draw 31 new Mays every day for the month of May, which makes them the best May artist today.
How would XY have been remembered if it was sprite based?
>>57399965>How would XY have been remembered if it was the same game but objectively worse?
>>57399965it would have been remembers if Kalos had an identity outside of pandering to KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
It wouldn't. Its gimmick is literally being the first 3D game
>>57399965sometimes i envision nuPokemon as 2D sprites and it makes me like them more, so maybe better idk
Having Pokemon fight each other for human entertainment is abuse
A sleepy Sylvie! Thanks for taking care of this one eventually!
Owl EditionPrevious Thread >>57275214
>>57399947OR here, that is absolutely adorable! Thank you so much for that. I hope you had a happy Valentine's day!
>>57399947super cute
QUICK new thread new thread new thread!
n e w>>57401385
Honeymooners from pokemon XYa valentines /vp/ couple....
>they dont know this is a stealth veepee gf who wont betray thread
>>57394944>I hate seeing lovey-dovey shitheads like this in public. It makes me wanna powerwash them with hydrofluoric acid.
wait....why am I supposed to hate Sword and Shield again?
>>57396978Lack of plot is a million times better than a nonsensical one
>>57396968Dexit raped the franchise to the point of no return
>>57397197This, so , mmuuch, THIS
>>57396968Crazy how swsh graphics look much better than sv
They should bring back the Pokewalker that shit was goated. I still use mine to this day.
>>57397916an app has no sovl
>>57398262Anon they released a peripheral that was literally a poke walker for it. This was obvious from the get go
Fuck you Kyurem
>>57398891it was like 5 degrees last nightmid 20s right nowmy ideal for cold months is 60s
>>57398891I will gladly fuck Kyurem.
>Salazzle used Poison Gas!
>>57398911I forgot it existed.