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The Rockets Edition

>What is PokéRogue?
A Pokémon-themed dungeon crawler filled with gacha-brained mechanics.

>How do I play?
It's a browser game, if you're too retarded to download the client just play on the website.

^Fake offline client, play using this. You can eventually export your save to other custom servers. You will reduce server stress by having the assets downloaded. Make sure to actually run the .bat so the assets aren't streamed.


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Who do you splice with Shedninja to make it immune to everything in Endless?
The tip about picking pre-evos for the Gen 2 challenge mode is all well and good, but what they don't tell you is that if they need high friendship to evolve, you're gonna need to pray for rare candies.
I could be wrong but I don't think there are any dual typings now with zero weaknesses. You're picking between beaing weak to fairy or weak to dark with dark/ghost or normal/ghost. Only true zero weakness nowadays is levitating electric I think?
K, I will try one of those.
came back only to see tranny shit and the fags removed boomburst from garde. where fork?

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Since we got the Iberian Peninsula for Gen 9, what would next gen pick for its region basis? I'm already interested in knowing.
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Can we go back to Japan?
We just got Kitakami
Germany might be a dark horse.
Pokemon Axis version and Allies version
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Would love another American region.
Being in Japan, these people love LA, so I could really see the far west of America being an inspo for the next region. Places like Cali, alongside Vegas, Arizona, etc really make the best place to expand upon after Paldea, especially with how massive they are in scale compared to Japan
That, or maybe Italy could be a good place to start. However I really only say this because everywhere has a pasta place

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Awww he's smiling :)
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if you say so...
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he has a lot of friends :)
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>this is so evil it had to be sealed away
Ah yes a black hand reaching out to white person in vain

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"Hey, pervert! Why are you staring at muh belly?"
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>I get to run my hands across and kiss her soft latex belly every day
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Da Bunda

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>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext, etc

Previous Thread

What bad habit does your husbando have? Does he eat something he droped on the floor? Does he cope by binge drinking?
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34. Thankfully, I'm not Genwunner enough to yell at cloud birds and cloud genies.
another 34 here. maybe that's part of why this thread isn't a terrible shitshow all the time
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Also 34 turning 35 on the 25th. Old enough to have experienced genwun firsthand, mature enough to enjoy myself throughout and appreciate y’all’s husbandos as well
I always wondered if I should try to get some husbando cards. Ingo and Emmet have a really nice one that broke the fandom for a few days because it had weirdly prominent pecs of them lol. Anyways, Larry is so cute when he's spacing out. I wanna catch him off guard with a kiss and see if he blushes.

I'm turning 30 this year. I feel better knowing most of us are in the same age range despite still being thirsty bitches for fictional men. Through autism, unity.
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Never too old to love your husbando. I am, however, too old to care about hiding my joy. He makes me so happy.

Is Akari the worst rival in the serie? even wally and May at least had the decency of using more than 3 mons for their final battle.
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Akari is a strong tradwife!
So just like every other rival in the series not named Nemona?
>give Dawn her anime team if she has Piplup as her starter
>replace Pachirisu with Bellossom
Rivals MUST have a Fire Water Grass core anon.
Um ackshually, May and Serena don't apply.

>Gardenia gets an official new alt
>it shows midriff

They know Natane-san is reknowned for her sexy belly button, don't they?
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Immensely. I pray VR can make that reality one day.

You're welcome.

Based taste.

Funny, for the longest time the common cute fan theory was a headband like this...
When her beta design leaked with no black, I thought it confirmed the headband theory...
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But then BDSP (a shit game that censorsed Gardenia's midriff like Masters did) concept art canonized it as a "mesh"/ differently colored hair.
Based, hope that VR makes it for you. Fucking Gardenia's navel and her pussy!

Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56066292

PMD Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/tr8i1aiQ#AWzqkesoNSeSUGjHSug5dw

PMD Fangames Catalog (Update soon... not yet): https://mega.nz/folder/QuYRBJAL#JhfXAuBdsZhQ_7jeIslqHQ
Romhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglph

PMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5u
Explorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguide

Everything about the Clover Guild: https://cloverguild.com
Drawing Board: https://magma.com/d/j0denv5q26
Drawing Request: https://rentry.org/DrawReqPublic

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On the one hand, I feel self insert humon characters make for great "interactability" in a collab such as this, especially when they don't have partners, and it's usually very easy to fit them into shared lore.
On the other hand, native characters have the potential for backstory and arguably more depth than humons. A lot of humon characters ignore the idea that they ever had a human personality, or that they might want to go back, or just remove their memories altogether for convenience. I don't have a problem with this strategy, as it does have undeniable upsides, but I also admire native authors, or at least, the ones who take advantage of the potential for backstory.
we're talking about characters, right? I think only a few write in-universe like Booker and Mustel but a bunch of them use a third person narrator. I agree though, a bunch of Natives and Humons could expand a little on their backstories and the way it impacts them.
Yeah according to Tybo's Mt. Freeze Misadventure it was actually a Pikachu and a Totodile. The Pikachu was also male and a human. God I wish AD was canon in Clover though
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Probably my favorite frame from the clover animation


Can psychic types manifest holograms like that? Cute drawing

beautiful drawing mr Booker. No idea if Tropius is comfortable with the idea but he will sure be having fun :>


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Will Alpha Pokemon return in Legends Z-A?
How will they function if the game takes place mainly within a city?
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would you be willing to write anything based on this snippet
Hmmm probably not that one, but I'm often lurking in these threads and considering ideas
i love the idea of begging for dignity from someone who's actively discussing how to make your confinement more comfortable for herself, the dawning horror that not only is she going to put you back into your prison but she's treating it as a hobby or fashion, ecpecialy if you were put in there "temporarily"
Erika and Skyla are definitely two that speak out to me here, good taste.
I dunno how open you are to suggestions, but I might have some specific ideas I can share for both of those. Might talk about some of my favorites as well if you're curious.
I'd love to hear! No promises on writing it but if an idea speaks to me I definitely might write a short drabble!

And while I'm at it, I might as well share a Melony story I wrote that I'm still pretty proud of - it's pretty out of character, but that's how the commissioner wanted it and I'm satisfied with it nonetheless!


Post girl poke cosplayers
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Pretty sure that was based on a real life windup position too.
Yo where to I need to do to have a woman like this break me in half?
Oh no guys. It's AI! Run away!!!
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If Meganium doesn't get a Mega Evolution in PLZA, then GameFreak are a bunch of cocksuckers
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The most beautiful Johto starter and the one who needs a Mega the most.
Meganium is already a mega evolution. It implies the existence of a lesser, so far unknown Pokemon called Nium.

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in hindsight, swsh looked pretty good actually
It would look better in a landfill
Yeah, in cherrypicked screenshots
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you have to cherrypick screenshot to make it look bad

>it's blue so it's a water type
>it's orange/red so it's fire type
>it's grey so it's normal or ghost type
>it's light pink so it's fairy type
>it's dark pink so it's psychic type
>it's purple so it's psychic poison or ghost type
>it's black so it's dark type
>it's green so it's grass type
>it's yellow so it's electric type
>it has dragon wings and/or breathes fire so it's a dragon type
>it has bird wings so it's a flying type
>it's beige so it's normal or ground type
>it's brown so it's rock type
>it's humanoid and muscular so it's a fighting type
>it's white so it's an ice type

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Gigachad is obviously a fighting type wtf
Nawwww, gigachad has immaculate drip and makes it rain on the sluts. W water type desu
sheeeeeeesh this thread no cap straight bussin frfr gigachad w rizz ong
>it's humanoid and muscular so it's a fighting type
so why isn't picrel a fighting type
>it's grey so it's normal or ghost type
Most normal and ghost types aren't grey

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why must anime attacks all be done with lasers, glowing limbs or weird projections?
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I mean, Ash didn't even know his Pidove was female until Snivy's Attract failed on it.

And Jessie didn't know that her Yanmega was female until that evil Togepi's Attract failed.

So yeah, characters not knowing their Pokemon's gender until it's pointed out to them is nothing new for the anime.
He can say things occasionally, but he is still a man of few words and serious. His Gen 1 in-game sprite fits with the aforementioned personality.
Literally a thing in every single game he appears in.
*mundane / innate
yep thats been the case for 15 years
28 years

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She cute
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She is
Belly Drum time!
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