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If the team aqua/magma storyline happened post gen 6 you'd shit all over it
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>Cyrus was consistent in his goals.
Not really, he goes from wanting to understand emotions, to hating emotions and wanting to take over the world to get rid of them, to just destroying the universe to make his own without it.
On top of that he didn't really think about having contingencies and left you to release the only pokemon that could get in the way of his final plan.

He was pretty stupid.
>Watch the second movie.
You're that retard from the other thread who thought that Lugia was supposed to be the mother of all things aren't you.
Nothing in your post affects what I said. Look up what normative statements are vs positive statements so you can put to rest your overreliance on terms like headcanon that you don't know how to use.
Don't bother, he's never actually watched the Lugia movie himself and he thought that Lugia initially being designed with a motherly attitude in mind meant that it was designed to be a literal mother of all things.
In other words he's just a shitposting hypocrite passing off his headcanon as fact.

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When I say fanfic you say meta
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My condolences
>german name of a toxic gas pokemon
kek, now I understand the old screenshots. thanks anon
None needed, turns out actually playing the game instead of staring at fanfic tier lists and the type chart is a lot of fun
>its this easy to gain a tranny obsessers respect
They're now trying to pretend that's not the origins but it's all a cope kek
Googling "heil smogon" brings up a bunch of funny results from back when that was still an inside joke among them
Why don't trannies get their own community instead of pretending Smogon is theirs?

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What do you think about her?
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Now that the leak is is over for now, how was the leak season for you? What was your favorite part and what did you hope to see?
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Best part about it was when ribby pissed the bed, the only true leak
Favorite was the pokerape lore. I wanted to see that GF was filled with pedophiles, perverts and furryfags as we had all suspected and was pleasantly unsurprised
Shit, that faggot "leaker" made me apologize to that Aggronfag

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Will Legends ZA help further grow Diantha's popularity?
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That's not muscle girl
Will Diantha have a competent team this time? Will Diantha finally become the Cynthia 2 from people's headcanon?
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What else would they base it on?
It's the #1 tourist destination in the region.
Would you be surprised if the 1st Saharan region was based on Egypt?
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I have a feeling she's not planning to grow him back like she promised...

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Nobody Cares About This Game Edition

>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

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Cmon man, give him the dick, he deserves it.
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Roark on the podium for late shart
I love him so much
Galar slutty...
That fight was fucking rough

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What are dapper guy
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She has very beautiful eyes
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I miss pyscho Lyra memes

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Me and my giant Eevee friend.
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The owner came to take her Eevee away.
You can leave the thread now
>"Hey down there little humans, did you know..."
>brown/grey Vaporeon
I don't want to ask what kind of water that's made of
Know what?

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So... how did she become a champion at such a young age?
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They can't resist
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Choco toes!
Iris is going to bite you!
She scared me stiff

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>autist OP count: 109
>threads since counter: 115

Previous thread:

Rusefox GF pastebin:

Zoroark Mom & Blind Son write.as:

Zoroark GF stuff (bouts of high horny, lewds not shown):

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Third version games usually add extra content, including whatever content the devs couldn't finish in time for the initial pair games. I'm a big fan of Gen 2, but I want to ask: why didn't Game Freak add in Crystal the unfinished content from Gold and Silver? Gold and Silver are amazing games, but they had a lot of unfinished content like:
>Butchered Kanto locations like Cerulean Cave, Viridian Forest, Seafoam Islands, Pewter Museum, Safari Zone, etc.
>Some extra mini games found in the Spaceworld demo

So I want to ask, why didn't Crystal add these missing features? If the game cartridge capacity was indeed a problem for Gold and Silver because they didn't have enough space to add anything else, wasn't Crystal on a bigger capacity cartridge?

Crystal did add some great new features like the Battle Tower, moving sprites, extra plot, Kris, etc. But I keep wondering why couldn't they also solve the problems from Gold and Silver mentioned above.

What do you guys think?
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yeah true.
japanese crystal also had connectivity with the mobile adapter that let you access online features.
it was like an early version of the GTS & online battles.
we never got that though.
Yeah, you're right. But personally I only care about the single player content, so I don't really mind not having access to the Japanese mobile features in Crystal.
I guess you're right. Maybe the devs considered Crystal "complete" which would imply that they had no intention of expanding the missing Kanto locations in the first place. And, as for the Spaceworld demo mini games, maybe they just chose the mini games they considered more fun for the players, and scrapped the rest of them.
Get your family something they want this year for christmas.

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Whats the joke?
it’s a-me, safario!
one of the only true softlocks in gen 4 can happen on this island.
I can't believe TPC let their slaves at Dena make fun of dexit

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R.O.W.E on the Horizon Edition

Notable Games:
ROM Hacking:
>Making a GBA ROM hack: pastebin.com/bvSkBkev
>Gen 4-7 tools: pastebin.com/WvTzcdPR
>Disassemblies/Decompilations: github.com/pret/
>US Platinum source: github.com/gainax3/retsam_00jupc

Pokémon Essentials
>V21.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7o3yjnuxniojmad/Pokemon_Essentials_v21.1_2023-07-30.zip/file
>V21.1 Hotfixes: https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1376/
>RPGMaker XP and others: https://archive.org/download/rpg.-maker.-mz.v-1.1.1.-inclu.-dlc

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It's not anon's fault you'll never be a woman.
>has a discord
I have not played reborn or rejuvenation. Which one should I play?
Good luck anon! If you complete it I'll gladly check it out. I also can't play without speed-up anymore, but if you could implement the sped-up battle animation toggles from Emerald Rogue that would be the best of both worlds.
I hope all hacks add that feature at some point.
>trannies are more creative than he is

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last one hit image limit, post some more
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looks like this outside rn

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