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Tranquility edition

>What are you running?
>How are you running it?
>How's your run going?
>Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it?

>/nuz/ resources
Mostly outdated, but if I add something new it will have (Updated) somewhere in it. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.
>Nuzlocke info
>Nuzlocke generator
>Guide to running the generator locally

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I think up to gen 7, but i would imagine the first five gens are easier to emulate.
From what i've seen, you can play romhacks on your phone. I don't think romhacks take up that much space even on a phone, XY is 1.7 GB is a comparison.
>there's probably some Emerald ROM hacks out there that lean closer towards vanilla and aren't as tough
I was actually leaning towards a romhack where you need to look at spreadsheet and calculate pretty much every fight or you wipe. Would be a nice change of pace from the base games where i just wing everything
Maybe Drayano's hacks are what you're looking for?
Oh, then Inclement Emerald will be just fine, lol
Or as the other anon said, Drayano ROM hacks
There's Run and Bun if you really want to play something that's "calc every fight or you lose" but I can imagine that would not only take longer but would be even more stressful, unless that's what you're looking for
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This is my team so far. What do you think?

Today I started my journey to Snowpoint city and headed into the snowy area which is my favourite area in the game. Because grass is weak to ice, I put Rapunzel in the reserve for now and put Evo back on the team, i then caught a Sneasel that I named FrostBite however I would unfortunately lose Tails to the hail during a fight with a trainer which it's be a while since a pokemon has died and now one has died. I decided to fill the void left by Tails death with FrostBite and I would go on to catch two more ice types, a Snorunt I named Jack and a Snover I named Yeto. I then make it to Snowpoint city.

Any advice for the next gym leader Candice?

So am I stupid or is every single eeveelutions completely outclassed by other pokemon? I feel like their movepools are incredibly shallow, they don't have a lot of synergy with other pokemon for teambuilding, and they just feel lackluster in both casual playthroughs and comp.
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Mine wanted to play Monopoly when I got home from work today, so that's how I'm spending my evening.
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What a cutie! Makes me really happy to see those get so much love. I really should make a plushie folder for all those pics.
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The fish is a good companion to play monopoly with, I think you should be able to win that. Vaporeons are not known for their gaming skills.

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Continued Anniversary Edition!!

What is Pokémon Sleep?
Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracking app that utilizes your smartphone and/or the Pokémon Go Plus + device to record data as you sleep. In doing so, you'll be able to meet a variety of Pokémon and fill out your Sleep Style Dex.

Be sure to post your Research ID so that you can add and share candy with fellow Anons. We are currently locked at 50 friends.

>How do Shinies work?
If you encounter a shiny Pokémon, you only need to feed it a single Poké Biscuit to befriend it.
>What should I spend my diamonds on?
Expanding your ingredient pockets, item pockets and Pokémon box. Long term you’ll want to max out ingredient pockets, only get half of max for items and max 100 for Pokémon.
>When should I use my items?
When you have a good grasp of the game mechanics. You may want to save up Recovery Incenses for event missions.
>What should I spend my sleep points on?

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no, ingredient down makes it completely worthless, when you run the stats in raenonx
you also want leeks at 30 and 60
Probably 9/10 only helping speed would improve it.
>you also want leeks at 30 and 60
Why? Beans/Beans/Leeks means you have a consistent Bean farmer until 60, where it then drops a good ratio for both Ninja Curry and Salad. Dropping only 2 Leeks at 30 doesn't make it much better than Dugtrio or Ditto even with a higher drop rate, so it seems better to fulfill its niche for helping with 2 of the best dishes in the game.
That's an really close match to my shiny Wiggly.
Just a slightly different order, and Helping Bonus instead of Ingredient Finder.

Yeah my Wiggly will also benefit from that +8 inventory when she eventually unlocks BFS.
Your Gardevoir on the other hand? Already has a carry limit of 46, it doesn't need much more.
No but that was a good idea.

This thread a successor of Novel AI request thread

This is a general thread for posters to upload their AI attempts, and make requests from others who may want to attempt to generate their own Pokegirls and Pokemon related gens.

NovelAI is a paid AI image generator that recently upgraded to V3. Users paying $25 a month have "unlimited" Small/Normal generations. Though some actions, such as upscaling, alternate resolutions, and image variation, require credits.

Microsoft's Bing AI is a free image generator that is powered by DALL·E 3.

Civitai is available for free using ‘buzz’ for currency gen and you get about 50 every day plus some more for liking models and giving genning likes and such.

Otaiku is a (mostly) free phone app that allows image generation and sharing to connected email accounts, texts, and social media platforms. An ad watch is require between each image generation, but paying for the premium service nullifies this.

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Hey there Hex. I'm well. I just finished watching the new Deadpool movie, it was worth it.
That’s a damn good use of a Friday if I ever heard one.
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Morning, Hex! How are you doing?

I’m going to see it with my friends tonight. I’ve been looking forward to it for like a month and a half now.

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Would you, femanon?

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Oh to live in Olivine City.
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I'm 99% sure that there's an anime like this
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That canon outline~

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Corporate History Edition

Previous Thread:

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most cringe general on 4chan
you clearly haven't been to, say, the lego general
You mean League of Legends or the Lego general in /toy/?
Like the building blocks
dude, i'm in love with all of those great absol and feraligatr pics they chose. it's a damn shame they're going to be ignored for more pikavee slop.

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You know the deal. Post a seal
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My wife is the best as her job
Where is his bellybutton???
this is the voice you want for Asirene?
Sweet, melodical, and haunting.
She is perfect

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Superior men: Gen1~Gen5 fans
Inferior men: Gen6~Gen9 fans
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Superior men: Gen 1~2 fans
Inferior men who try to convince themselves they are part of the superior ones: Gen 3~5 fans
Men who accepted their reality and face it honesty: Gen 6~ fans
I too believe spaghetti code running on calculator hardware was peak Pokemon
Superior men: Gen 1~5 fans
Inferior men who try to convince themselves they are part of the superior ones: Gen 6~ fans
global rule 2
Anything after gen 3 was a crime against humanity.

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Goh has a nice body Edition

It's Goh time! Let's go again with a new thread about Goh! Talk about his Pokemon, his dream, his ships, and of course, Goh himself!

>Voting Questions for Goh fans coming into this thread
1. Are you a boy or a girl?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/polls/GPgV6pa98ga

2. What age should Goh be if he makes a return in Horizons?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/e2nardxJegB

3. What would have been better for PM2023?
Cast your vote in this link: https://strawpoll.com/3RnYlvXNDye

>Goh's VAs name list appearing in Pokemon Horizons as Roy's Fuecoco & Rotomphones so far

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That's a brown fag
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But enough about Ash
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Yo, it's Monday. Time for Misty.
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Don't buy these online, got one a few years ago for $30 paint job was horrid and plastic had a bad smell to it.

Buy the ones Hasbro licensed from TOMY back in 98.
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Misty's sisters showed up a LOT in the old western Pokemon comics to try and teach Misty how to woo Ash.
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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Armarouge

- Ho-Oh has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

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>no lopunny
>no miltank
>no corviknight
>no banette
>no hitmonchan
shit list
>An AFK Bot Trevenant does more damage than our Pyro Ball still a human player Cinderace
IDK what they are thinking. Coins and the holo are my reasons. Definitely unsubbing for now to see how it goes.
It's so shit. Guaranteed they want to make it so that the new mini battle passes, and the regular battle passes will take up all of your monthly gems.
The trainer backgrounds aren't worth anything, only holowear and gems matter
That Delphox holowear sold me on the battle pass, Charizard is just a bonus. Might be Delph's best skin since suits a mage perfectly. All of these are good in general.

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What would you say is the best misty sprite?
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Have you never seen wet hair in your life? It falls straight down. That's why it can only be shaped by tying it up like she does before they made her look retarded.
Just say you don't like it and that's it. It's a design, not a hairstyle choice for the daughter you'll never have.
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Nah, just fanart
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Put The Banette Back In The Bin Edition

>I want to learn the game, where do I begin?
Download PTCGL at https://tcg.pokemon.com/en-us/tcgl
The game has a quick tutorial and a bunch of decent decks to get you started against other beginners or against the AI. Some of those decks are very close to meta too. You can also go to your local game store and see if people are playing Pokémon.

>I know how to play, how do I make my own deck?
You have a decent beginner's guide at https://www.justinbasil.com/guide
There's also the old /tcg/ guide at https://imgur.com/a/W4NkOu6
After that, look up meta decks and try to reverse engineer them to see how things work.

>Where to find meta decks?
For big irl events, go to https://limitlesstcg.com/decks
For online events, go to https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks?game=PTCG
For japanese events, go to https://pokecabook.com/archives/1417

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There supposedly should be a press about it on the official site, but I can't find it. So take this one
1. Fairy was not a well received type. A lot of fans dislike it
2. It counters dragons which is a fan favorite type, adding to the hatred of fairy existing and removing the "dragon types are strong with 2 energy type costs so no 2x weakness" thing they have going
3. There's not really enough mons for it since it can't share energy types with another type.
(Steel doesn't have many more than fairy but adds a proper weakness to ice(water) pokemon, since lightning/fighting wouldn't make sense to hit for weakness there) And that steel has just been around for ages it feels like a staple at this point
4. There's not really many dragon cards printed either, so having a type dedicated to countering them is even more niche than dragons themselves. It doesn't really have a use
This used to pull a decent win rate, but I'm getting fucked from all sides trying to get two wins in a row I need to get to Ultra League. I am pretty much fucked against any evolution deck and those are all I see anymore now that it's matching me with ladder point 500+ players. I'll win one match and lose 3 pretty consistently all of a sudden. My wins are pretty much all lucky donks. I need someone to provide me with an easy to pilot deck-list that can succeed pretty consistently in the current PTCGL meta of pidgeot-charizard, gardevoir, zardapult, etc. Please - I just want to get the 2 more ladder wins I need to lock in Ultra and move on.

This deck is pretty decent against big basics, but like I said, I'm fucked as soon as I see a buddy buddy poffin and a Rotom V hit the mat.

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People think her JN short hair to be better because she has tits on JN.
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>those bare naked shoulders
Kicking the fatso from the anime and his shitty AU was one of the best things they did
He works on the current one.
alola and JN are irredeemable turds though
popular opinion: every version of anime serena is shit.

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