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Mienshao Thread

Carrot Cake Edition!
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noodle neck
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But why carrot cake? Not that I have anything against carrot cake mind you... but it's not exactly the most common of cakes.
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Like a long, continuous udon noodle

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he is pretty cute ngl
i just realized sinnoh's elite 4 is 3 twinks and a grandma
xittershits try not to make the worst, most faggiest redesigns known to man challenge
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He has sexy pits I'll give you that

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Babe, what's wrong? Aren't you coming to bed? You've been furiously typing on the computer or hours now. Why don'y you rest up, tomorrow's another day. I'm sure you'll forget all about it after a good night's sleep.
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all i see is hank hill
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Considering a seller made one or two feet tall ones with tits and assholes for people im sure yes
Happy Valentine’s Day Anon, I hope you and Gardy had a good time

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This has to stop

It's saturday, I want to relax and watch pokegirls tier-lists on YouTube, and this is the first thing I encounter.
You are brown

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This is everything I know about Legends Z-A

>Set in the past

>Protagonist are obvious ancestors to the X and Y Protagonist

>Crafting and alpha pokemon return

>Greater emphasis on trainer battles

>Girl with turquoise hair and has a Swablu, seems to be rival/character of importance

>Mega Charizard,Kangaskhan, Tyranitar, Banette and Lucario, No information on potential new mega evolution's

>Sarters are Deino, Jangmo-o and Dratini

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Exactly, if you're going to create bullshit at least make it so wacky it's worth reading
Why do people think it's set In the past?

The trainers in the trailer had modern day clothes
I think its coming out summer
Fag thread
Castlevania netflix anime

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Gay bug thread.
Post Ribombee and Cutiefly
I want Ribombee to put pollen on my balls while I cum on her scarf
Dude same
I'll feed Ribombee my nectar
Ribombee is not gay
he is based and chad
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some of my ideas for the gym leaders of my game
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anon, if you click on the image its perfectly readable
>clickwalled content
Wasted thread
Lazy piece of shit
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>Dwayne Steel
>isn't a Rock and Steel type trainer

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Who's dick do I have to suck to get my water shuriken to land more than 2 times?
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The official winner
Hey what's up guys. Am I the winner? Did I win?
Oop-- look at that! Seems like i won.
ITT: 'Biggest Retard' contest

He won that contest, i won the argument
I still won.

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It's the best day of the week!

Post all of your Serenas and Y-chans here!

Previous Thread: >>57332672
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Happy St. Valentine's Day, Serenabros! Until next time! Remember to never give up till the very end!
>posts the entire kiss
You should have made a Serena Saturday thread as valentine day special.
The kiss that broke Pokemon.
Since when tf 4chan has image reply limit?

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Not in the mood. Banned.

Evade this! *bans you*

Double Team?
More like double banned.

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" so long gay bowser "
Unc thought anyone was gonna read all this shit and care lmao
fr cuh
its like naw bro that aint it
I was fine with sleep clause since that already had precedent in Nintendo Cup, but yeah I think I'll stick to cartridge 6v6 singles instead.
I mean, all of those sound like horrible unfun strategies.
I think those are fun. I mostly played on National AG, until they removed the ladder for that format, now I mostly play National Dex Ubers. I'm not that good at comp but I still have fun. National Dex Ubers is still pretty fun but not quite the same as National Dex AG as it still has garbage like Sleep Clause Mod, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Mega Rayquaza Clause, bans of a few Pokémon and bans of two Moves(Baton Pass and Assist).

if you put nostalgia aside, 3d moving sprites is the best Pokémon had ever looked (more so in oras)
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>3d sprites
3d moving sprites
This was literally never the general opinion. People have been missing 2D since gen 6 came out
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>3D Sprites
>2D Models

Choose wisely.

>The German word "Hexe" stems from Middle High German "hecse" or "hesse" and Old High German "hagzissa" or "hagazussa".

>The first part "hag" is likely related to Old High German "hag" for fence or hegde

>The origin of the second part "zissa" is not clear. Usually it's said to be related to Norwegian "tysja" for "female elf"

>So the origin of "Hexe" may be something like "female creature on the border between two worlds". It's used for women only since the late middle ages

>In German "Häckse" (with a very the same pronunciation as "Hexe") is sometimes used by and for female hackers

>Hecate has survived in folklore as a 'hag' figure associated with witchcraft. Strmiska notes that Hecate, conflated with the figure of Diana, appears in late antiquity and in the early medieval period as part of an "emerging legend complex" associated with gatherings of women, the moon, and witchcraft that eventually became established "in the area of Northern Italy, southern Germany, and the western Balkans."

>This theory of the Roman origins of many European folk traditions related to Diana or Hecate was explicitly advanced at least as early as 1807 and is reflected in numerous etymological claims by lexicographers from the 17th to the 19th century, deriving "hag" and/or "hex" from Hecate by way of haegtesse (Anglo-Saxon) and hagazussa (Old High German). Such derivations are today proposed only by a minority since being refuted by Grimm, who was skeptical of theories proposing non-Germanic origins for German folklore traditions
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Apparently it's too warm for chocolate. Her face seems to be melting.

That's me on the right ,the milk was delicious
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>pic rel 4U

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>Hall of fame records
>Battle Chateau
>Battle Maison
>Horde Battles
>Triple Battles
>Rotation Battles
>Poke Amie
>Sky Battles
>Inverse Battles

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O powers guy: cool, mysterious, alien? Dangerous.
Rotom phone: reddit, cringe, probably a groomer asking you all those annoying ahh questions, white. Sign of bad things to come.
yt boi seething hard
>likes 3DS games
>calls other people zoomer
Alarmingly many such cases!
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worst thing ever put into a pokemon game
-battle agency
shitted battle factory; essentially unplayable with the online down
gay copy pasted friendly brown rival the 4th
-ride pokemon
good idea on paper but ruined by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OImwWKV3jGc
-festival plaza
lagged shitted version of join avenue
-team skull
cringeworthy wiggers
small, feels more like a guided tour, most buildings are unenterable, routes are small and samey, side areas are few and far between

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she doesn’t have triple battle

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That is a male.
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Post le funny comics
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Destroy the Unnatural Body-horrors!

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