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>no dragons
Did you not see my Garchomp
is hitmonlee even good in gen1? I wanted to used him at first, but hey since you used galvantula and toxicroak I can't say you have bad taste
Gen 2 had so many shitmon that I love, but I hate how fucking weird their evolutions got in gen 4. Murkrow being the biggest offender. Honchkrow is so lame.

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All Drasnas welcome. Post Drasnas. Even if a cloud looks slightly like Drasna, post it.
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The pregnant Drasna AI bot made me cum buckets
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Regular Drasna or shiny Drasna?
Mating press
into multiples
whilst kissing

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> is the only Pokemon people insist upon making a bipedal furry jobmon

How does he do it?
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How so? Most pokemon have flaws or something that doesn't "make sense".
>Most pokemon have flaws or something that doesn't "make sense"
No, they don’t. Basically all of them made sense up until Samurott.
Sounds like a you problem d e s u
Nope. It’s a declining quality problem.

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Do you usually choose to play as male or female?
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>are you a BOY or a GIRL??
i choose carefully based on whichever character is more cool looking
some cases are v obvious
>dawn vs guy with golf hat
>rosa vs guy with even worse golf hat
the girls dont always win out though
in hgss the female protag looks worse than a route trainer

xy era:
>me: bc girls rule duh
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why do you hate women?
Maybe ten years ago but now that they are the protected class du jour and are really insufferable that percentage is way down.
Based and factual.
and I never played the rest. If a romhack has unique characters I play as whoever looks more interesting.

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Finally got a fire stone to evolve my Vulpix, bros!
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we all know who truly gave this speech
you just couldn't hear it behind his pokespeak
Who the fuck would just clip a disembodied hand onto a pokemon's mouth?
Did it work?
I don't like that picture

you champ, we sugg, xe battle

>skyla's feet

>skyla's thighs

>nobody pissing reads this
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New chimp it's over
do you suck dicks

Here is your absol for tonight
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I am immune to jannoids' false sense of morality thougheverbeit.
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At least you aren't immune to absol

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Oof that's definitely a whole ass Pikachu inside of me
Isn't it "inside my pussy?"

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>mog your reddit difficulty hacks
>mog your pretentious and edgy "original" hacks
>mog the official games
How did they do it?
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Literally who?
Fool's Gold is good until the islands.
What a fucking disgrace.
it's the opposite problem of johto. the game lets you go to the islands in whatever order you want, but balances them all assuming you've done some of the others already.
First time I see a negative comment about Fool's Gold. Huh, I used to believe it was just being shilled by /vp/ but maybe it's real good.
fuck celadick
fuck fuzzytransbug
fuck groomie shroomie

You are a generic NPC in the next Pokemon game.
Quick, post your
>pre-battle quote
>defeated quote
>post-battle quote
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I laughed
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Hex Maniac

Level 49 Mismagius
Level 51 Banette
Level 54 Gengar

Eheheheheh...I'm going to stick you in my cauldron and make you into soup!

Whaaaaa! You're too spicy of an ingredient!

I was joking by the way, people taste pretty awful.
Isn't that a real NPC?
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Staravia, Pelipper, Honchkrow, Skarmory
>A little birdie told me you're lookin for a battle!
>My wings are clipped!
>I sure would love to be able to fly, imagine the views!
>Rich Boy
>3 Swablu
>Defeating you will MAID my day
>I guess it was your day that got maid.
>My parents save money by having Swablu help clean up instead of hiring maids.

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Post boys. Discuss boys.
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Pokeboy only wearing underwear is best...
Pubic line makes my tummy tingly
since Ash went black he never came back

I just found out that the yellow parts on Watchog light up.
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Still better than 90% of Gen 1
Gamefreak agrees with you given how it's not even avaliable outside of Black and White without transferring it in.
It glows when it attacks in Gen 6. Yet another case of a Gen 5 Pokemon suffering because of Gen 5’s lazy as fuck rushed animations.
It also glows in Gen5, IIRC.
it's in XY retard

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Post Pink
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What's with pinkmons that seems to arouse men?
They're full of love, like a wife and a mother should be.

Miltank, my beloved...
nta but I think this is it

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Metal Mewtwo from Super Smash Bros 64
you don't have to show us your AI garbage
Turn on your monitor.
Okay, and?
That's cool, would have rather had this dude than Ash-Grenigga

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In Pokémon Legends: Z-A, Professor Milio is a Professor of Urban Pokemon Habitats, and entrusts the player as his assistant in cataloguing the species who have migrated to the redeveloped Lumiose, as well as smoothing out the city as a sanctuary for people and Pokémon to coinhabit.

Your First Partner Pokémon will be your choice of Larvitar, Beldum, and Gible, entrusted to you by the professor with a Mega Stone as a powerful companion.

A mysterious masked man has been plaguing the city, accompanied by a 10% Zygarde as he works to create hostility between man and Pokémon. He will serve as your rival, ensuring that Zygarde's Ground or Dragon type is super-effective regardless of your starter choice.

Players may find that their First Partner Pokémon entrusted by Professor Milio is easier to train and evolve than those found elsewhere.

Summer 2025. No gameplay shown.

This is all that will be shown in the game's next trailer, don't get your hopes up.
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>one starter that easily beats both of the other two
This can't be real
Variant forms of metagross? What are we thinking boys? Steel/Dark? Steel/Bug?
And Tyranitar become Dark/Dragon
>All starters are dragon, so they're all super effective against each other
Well, it'd be something new.
Where is that background pic of Lumiose from?

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