Zacian and Zamazenta have sword (hilt) and shield shaped paw pads
they look like lucky charms cereal
>>57516463I don't think that entry means that Zigzagoon's paws are actually shaped like zigzags, it just meant that it walks in zigzags.
>>57514871Both should just step on me
>>57514871>no toebeans
I see Lillie as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a squeaker who, in every single aspect, is absolutely useless - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... mvp... and that's what Lillie is, let's not delude ourselves, an "mvp"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.I would erupt violently inside that pure and purifying womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.Yeah. I reckon Lillie does it for me.
>>57507093Literally me.
<-kanto and weakness desutbhesu
lol lmao even, i finish these games with first stages, and fucking 40bp moves imagine thinking this was a accomplishment
>>57516880first nigga just imported his platinum team
Gen 10 will be ItalySource: I don't need a source
would be hype tier: australia+nz, scandinaviameh tier: italy, greece, retvrn to japanwon't happen but would be kino tier: russia
>>57516720Gen 10 will be in Haiti pasio
>>57516720yeah italy or greekGreat countries but I'm already bored of Europe, I'd like something exotic like Thailand, India, Tibet, even the Philippines just for the sake of a change but it's never going to happen Japan hates all other Asians and spends their time sucking Europe's dick 24/7Geez even a region based on Florida or Alaska please!
>>57516889>FL game>new trainer class: Florida Man
I hate Red's modern design, it looks so generic.The OG Red looks so much better.
>>57512912They had to differentiate him from Ash
>>57513009Why does Pixiv have its own Red?
>>57512912both are very kissable
>>57516832hi, i'm op
>>57516837hello op
It's not particularly strong and is a monotype. It also has boring moveset, mostly having fire-type moves. Every other evos of fire starters are dual types and they have better range of movesets.I always pick Totodile because it would evolve to be tanky later.
>>57515825>It looks like a retarded and ugly shitmon.Only cynical shitters like you hate Typhlosion BECAUSE people like it. It's a very simple 'mon; not overdesigned, and it has a cool visual gimmick in its flame gouts.It looks awful in modern gens because Game Freak is fucking retarded and doesn't understand its appeal. It's entire appeal is its temper (it's a fucking badger, those things go from zero to "fuck you in particular" on a dime), and when they animate it being this stupid goofy wobbly fuck with and without the flames, of course it looks stupid.All of it boils down to Game Freak being literal chucklefuck retards who can't into animating.
>>57514171>What is the appeal of this?it's a rapist
>>57516427Fire types have in inherent appeal advantage but there has do,more to it or else stuff like Emboar would be beloved. Its's arguable fire types have a disadvantage too since they have to live up to Charizard. >>57516101>rhat Typhlosion and probably her fans to are pathetic pedosnon canon, and considering its fans overwhelming disown that story, pretty sure they aren't pedos to. If anything the people spamming that story and treating it like something that should be part of the pokemon canon are the pedos. They're violating game freak's consent by even acknowledging that story. >her clearly not or else no one would give a shit about it being a pedo or not>plus no one would vote for him nowadays.because the average voter is totally not a complete retard >>57516534>it's just your only fire type for like 80% of the gametbf fire types are rare in every game before Gen 5 >>57516553Gatr gets Ice Punch, and by the time you get to Gyrardos its likely already evolved due to evolving at level 30. >>57516542Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>57516584Gens 2 and 5
>>57516688>that's how most pokemon were, especially for special/elemental movesDepends. Some Normal-types can get away with spamming Headbutt, and Magmar and Jynx can both just be given Ice Punch and they sort of just cruise by. It really depends if the mon has arms or is Water-type that determines if it’s usable.
mmhhh dawnbros?care to explain??
>>57516714Not certain, both are unsheathing a weapon, the flower on her head usually means death? (Higanbana, flower of the other side)
>>57516747She's getting ready to commit seppuku (the guy behind her will cut her head off as she stabs herself)
>>57516755Oh yeah, that's what the other sword is for, I forgot that it's an assisted thing. Makes sense.Kinda hot.
>>57515116i didn't get the vibe that OP pic was supposed to be erotic, i just thought it was funny. i think you might be weird for thinking it's weird tbdesu
Khyle is good at what he does and some of his stuff is funny, he's good enough that he doesn't need to do the edgy stuff but he does it anyway.
Honchkrow is based.
>>57516027>Takes ten hours to fucking faintTrash
>>57516027>Takes ten hours to fucking faintSOVL
>>57516662Can be trimmed or sped up a bit while keeping the idea. Current games lack severely in that department.
>>57515944Mafioso bird best bird.
>>57516717to be fair, with this specific move it's better if it's not well animated
Ampharos is a weird looking pokemon
>>57514824i still love this tummy monbuilt for cuddles with tummy while the tail is wrapped around me
>>57514824she be sexy tho
>>57514824And that’s a good thing. Pokémon designs are best when they’re an ambiguous monster instead of literally just a flamingo or literally just a crab.
I just slid into Lass Dana's DMsShe owes me a Thunderstone now.
>>57515630fuck this bitch. she gifts you the stones you need for you eeveelution and she just teases you with them. she needs a stern correction.
>>57516698>fuck this bitchYes that is the goal.
>>57515630>GBCJust toy with the Daylight Saving function until she calls you for the stone.That's how I got Qwilfish, Dunsparce, and Yanma.
>>57515630>Schoolboy Chad on the same routeanon...
Help me choose my remaining party members>FireRed>Trying to avoid overused pokemon, so no Gyarados, Pidgeot or Nidoqueen/Nidoking
>>57516604Just a selection of my favourites; not taking into consideration making a rounded team with the ones you have already chosen;>Raichu>Ninetales (or, Arcannine i guess, becase FR)>Jolteon>Rhydon>Dragonite>Gengar>Beedrill or Butterfree>Cloyster>Magneton>Machamp
oops, forgot >Kangaskan>Scyther or Scizor
>Project Gaia>The region is based in Greece. The adventure is based on the Odyssey plus other Greek myths>Starters are Grass Dog, Fire Fawn and Water Snake>The legendaries are two ridable horses. Pegasus and Hippocampus. >The games they don't have competitive battles because of Pokémon Champions>Focus on the story and the experience of games>Golden Eagle with two heads Fighting/Flying>Some Pokémon fusion by special breeding or more rarely in the wild. Tauros between Machoke.>Ghost/Electric Convergent form of Litwick>Ground/Flying Griffin the emperor of land and sky.
>>57516461>rideable horsesPlease elaborate this "rideable" part.
>>57516461>Water SnakeFound you Snivyfag, you lost.
>>57516461>another game where you get the legendary early on because it's your bike>horse duo legendaries when we already have a pairboring as fuck if true
Cacturne is pretty awesome post Cacturne
>>57508585Would make a sick Ice/Fighting type
>>57514278What's happening here?
>>57504491Cacturne is my boy, love his whole desert scarecrow stalker thing. I hope he gets a third evolution or a mega evolution.
she's mine
her male version is 1000 times cuter T_Ttoo bad i HATE playing nasty femoids, so i'll have to see this dumb bitch constantly, i wish it'd let you be Boy MC x Boy Rival, i really don't like girls and i hate how it's forcing me to befriend one just because i'm a boy
>>57516490If theres a faggot post, its this one.
>>57516494Imagine worshiping little girls and trying to make fun of me for liking men, lul.go play dress up with your loli avatars or something
>>57473127Two or more colors on the hair are a bad omen.
They can't all be winners.
Elekid > Electabuzz >> Electivire
>>57516146That is how they evolve, yes.
>>57515458uh that's gen 1 sweaty every one of those are art
>>57515458>Electabuzz: Oni except instead of wearing tiger print clothing, it's literally part tiger>Elekid: Living power plug>Electivire: Ape with electrical wires for tailsDespite being the first one introduced, you could remove Electabuzz from the line entirely and nothing would feel off