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>still no meerkat Pokémon
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What would you base it off of?
Fans used up all the good design ideas already, so they're struggling to come up with something that won't get accusing fingers of plagiarism pointed at them.
i should get a team to churn out a ton of fanmade pokemon concepts to force TPC into a corner and cuck them out of actually cool designs
You'd think they'd just pay fans for the rights to designs they liked. But it'd probably wound their pride too much
It would also set precedent for people to seethe and mald about their fakemon being vaguely similar but not receiving payouts.

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So... how did she become a champion at such a young age?
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>And she wasn't a jober pre-Journeys.
With her Excadrill:
-Lost so hard to Drayden her Excadrill lost faith in her abilities
-Lost to Georgia with a disobedient Excadrill, still only managed to tie with it obedient
-Loses to Montgomery
With her Dragonite:
-Wins against Georgia and Dawn(but only due to Dragonite fighting on it's own, not following her orders)
-Loses to Ash and Krookodile
-Loses to Drayden again
-Fights Ash's Charizard, battle stopped before it could lose
-Loses a Sumo match by disqualification
-Loses to Clair
BW Iris is a massive jobber, I don't know what you are on about.
Reminder that game Iris was already as strong as Drayden the first time she shows up.
Easily best champion. Geeta,Diantha, and hag Cynthia designs are the trash compared to this.
I like my hags too but nothing can compete with chocolate cunny.
I love this artist.
No competition because her region is so shit

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When was the last time you thought about Slugma?
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Need a drawfag to draw me a pic of a slugma in goggles flying across the sea to land on the Route.
Used Magcargo in an ORAS run, Flame Body and Recover give it some legs in the endgame. Surviving Slugma to get to that point is not fun.

Huh, it actually reminds me of dried lava. Nice!
I wish Magcargo was good. It's so cool looking. Also fun fact, I'm pretty damn sure Magcargo is the only Pokemon in HGSS to have its overworld walking sprite be at a 3/4 angle, which is really random but interesting.
Alright so apparently Kingler's overworld sprite is also at a 3/4 angle, but I'm pretty sure that's the only other case
Do you guys know about his secret evolution, Ligma?

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The next Legends should be set in the wild west
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I just want Orre to be confirmed as canon
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would be kino
Legends: Unova (that one sold wartvrusb
what is the johnny guitar of pokemon?
Common bort strokeout

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>Friend ID Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScx82fFuZO5JSneihERecx5UKEJv42EGQKYZM3flPh_ERIa-A/viewform

>Friend ID Sheet:

>Tournament results/decklists:

>Upcoming events/datamines/schedule:

/vp/ battle passwords to battle with other anons (might want to say in thread which one you wanna battle under so others can join you)

>/vp/‘s own meta (no random effects, no ex):

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its kino
Pokemon tool cards are also as they're an option in the filters.
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Feraligatr, my beloved.
I really hope they make it not shit
is this some psyop where every faggot talks about
>this deck performed well in the tournament
but those """""""""tournaments""""""" are nowhere near to be found?

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>Based on a breed of hunting dog
>Is pretty much the go-to for people looking to build a dedicated catcher.

I'm sure this was purely coincidental because Smeargle is known for being able to learn any move with Sketch, but it's still a funny coincidence.
I love Smeargle, great 'mon
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Actual Battle Backgrounds Edition

Notable Games:
ROM Hacking:
>Making a GBA ROM hack: pastebin.com/bvSkBkev
>Gen 4-7 tools: pastebin.com/WvTzcdPR
>Disassemblies/Decompilations: github.com/pret/
>US Platinum source: github.com/gainax3/retsam_00jupc

Pokémon Essentials
>V21.1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/7o3yjnuxniojmad/Pokemon_Essentials_v21.1_2023-07-30.zip/file
>V21.1 Hotfixes: https://eeveeexpo.com/resources/1376/
>RPGMaker XP and others: https://archive.org/download/rpg.-maker.-mz.v-1.1.1.-inclu.-dlc

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>r.o.w.e is my favorite romhack
>but love playing romhacks with gen 9 mons
>and rowe only has pokemons up to gen 8
>Star Emerald comes out and its basically rowe with gen 9
>Star Emerald becomes my new favorite
>R.O.W.E. announces gen 9 soon
>reddit got Clover 2.0 news before /rheg/
Add locked doors and think of it as living room spaces where you can find more personal stuff related to the person who lives there (rock climber would have a rock collection like the museum ones)
When the fuck is Sage news huh
Discucks stop circlejerking and post literally any meaningful update challenge 2024 (impossible)

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While I'm working on maps, here's a map for the Tahoma region. It's based off the Puget Sound area. Purple is the starting town, and the orange dot is the Pokémon League.
If you have questions, don't be afraid to ask me.
>inb4 fuck off/kys David
Yes, I am David, but you want me to not post my fangame on the /rheg/ threads, so here you go. I would have this be a weekly thing desu.
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So, what would you like to see in the Tahoma region? Right now, I'm working on Tacoma's map and I'm putting in a dome building for sure.
Battle frontier
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Bits and Pieces of the Tacoma-based city. Yes, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge will be in the region.
I have a question David, when are you going to kill yourself?

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Would you let Reshiram fuck your mom?
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If not for Justin I wouldn't be making these threads.
Run it by Vegeta
would you take your meds if Reshiram gave the to you?
>look mom I posted it again

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Shoutout to my boy Duskull, love you lil fella
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I hate how fast the pandemic time went by. I feel like i was robbed of these times. Wish i could go back but hey
Dusknoir is the only member of the line that I like.
That's the way it is.
Duskull is so much better than its later evos that it's unreal.
he doesn't deserve this

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My Sword game keeps crashing at the start, after selecting my name
Can anyone come to my rescue and save me from this hell?
Playing on a Steam Deck btw
>Can anyone come to my rescue and save me from this hell?
The game crashing is doing just that to save you from playing it.
It can't be a worse experience than Gen 7, also screw this i'm downloading a Yuzu fork
Grab EMUDECK, The rest is self explanatory.

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>be me
>play pokemon games
>characters call me "cool", powerful", "important"

>be me
>go outside into the real world
>get treated like shit and called "worthless" "unimportant" "unspecial".

Thank you based Pokemon
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Sorry can't hear you.
midwit take
insecure, but not surprising
I also play pokemon and other monster rpgs
it's fun
project more.

Fuck you, we're having a Whitney thread
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Oppai and pettan, together at last
Jasmine, my face. Whitney, my groin.
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Based combo

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what do we think about this chansey trainer?
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>stupid/incompetent male protagonist
>feminist girl boss
>DEI gym leader
woke globohomo slop
She's an ugly bitch, that's for sure.

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