Pokémon Showdown 2Now in development AMA
>>57354323>>57354459>We DO intend to add "raids" where 1 player controls the Raid mon & other 4 face them>there IS a way to implement the gen4 rhythm game without too much server power, thankfullySo that means battles that are real-time instead of turn-based would be possible?
>>57356744We know you "plan to" move out of your mom's basement
>>57354696Showderp Random Battles could be interesting(with some curation of course to avoid obvious duplicate sets)
Normal should receive neutral damage from Fighting type moves and have no actual weakness (Besides not hitting Ghost and being resisted by Rock/Steel).
>>57358048There are also a few pokemon that should be reworked, like Cubone and Kangaskhan, that don't make sense with breeding.
>>57348213Phys/Spec split is good in concept, but flawed in practice. Powerful moves not from their original categories should be distributed a lot less. Liquidation is a good move for physical water stab, but should be given to only a few water types and only one or two non waters to make it special. You can even buff bad pokemon by this. Seaking is pretty shit now, but if it's one of the few swift swimmers that can use physical water stab, it might be a little better. Same thing with the super powerful moves. Staraptor is just another normal flying but access to Close Combat (which barely anything, even fighting types, should get) makes it unique.
>>57348230The phys spec split made almost no difference whatsoever, you only out yourself as an irredeemable brainlet.In the context of gen 4 & 5, the metagames would be nearly identical with or without the split, because almost all of the best physical moves are still physical and almost all of the best special moves are still special either way.Let's take mixednite, a premier wallbreaker:Draco meteor? still special.Fire blast? still special.Superpower? still physical.Extremespeed? still physical.The vast majority of moves used in the gen 4 & 5 metagames would not be affected by the split.Good pokemon would be good regardless of whether the split happened or not.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>57360622>singlehandedly made dragon type broken>"i-i-it made no difference!">"garchomp would be just as strong if it wasn't able to run both its STABs off the same stat bros I swear!"
>>57348213>>57348213Pokemon had a distinct identity, art-style and tone that have gradually faded into something homogeneous and condescending.
Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.Previous thread: https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/57212899 >>57212899PMD Catalog (read Branches.txt for MEGA navigation): https://mega.nz/folder/gi5k2DBL#wVscYMtiXMuAeWDvKYyfmwPokémon Mystery Dungeon ROMs and Emulators Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/ciVjBRoD#5vICIpkn16o-i1co11yFFgPMD Fangames Catalog: https://mega.nz/folder/Yyk3gQaI#NNSyFhuoa2Cg5HuL2oEyTgRomhacks Overview/Reviews: https://rentry.org/pmdglphPMD Guides: https://pastebin.com/Dbq61R5uExplorers of Sky Romhacking Guide: https://rentry.org/skytempleguideComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>57343643Rasmus is banned in most tournament play due to his infinite instant air cartwheels and invisible traps.
>>57343203ty boss
Goddamn, I still love that drawing vee-anon did of Adrian. Almost a year old now
Is there anyway to increase the amount of job listings you can take or the size you get each day on the boards in Sky?
>>57360842Not even with hacking tools. Trust me, I've tried, shit seems hardcoded which really sucks because 8 is so low.
Minuscule EditionPrevious Thread: >>57355010FAQ: https://pastebin.com/MypNBzca
>still buying vintage
my card has been stuck in LA for 4 days now
>Thread is nothing but dumb ritualposting
>>57360829>disgust.jpgyou got that right
Why we're these games so popular when they came out, but then hated more recently?I quite liked them, though I haven't played them in years.
>>57360844Eh, I prefer sinnoh's radar because every route was designed with it in mind. There's always a ~ 9×9 or larger patch of grass somewhere on a route, whereas the kalos radar feels, like most of kalos's features, half-implemented.
>>57360844Now this is the part where you backpedal because you realized you accidentally called XY’s postgame better than gen 5’s.
>>57360847>challengin battlesThats called online lil bro.
>>57360850What poster do you think i am in this thread?
>>57360847>Yes, challenging replayable battles = goodThen I'm glad you agree that XY has the better postgame by virtue of having the better online experience
ugh i really want a vp girl to message me on discord rn bros
>>57360607you dont tell me what to do bitch
>>57360690yes chud
where can i find girls here
Or have already become
I just checked our messages and she deleted everything. I don't know how or why now, but I cried pretty hard. Why would she take away one of the few things I have of her left? Why did she rewrite her life and try to take me out of it? She used to call me from work and now I'm less than nothing to her?
>>57360405>>57360748I don't know what the fuck your problem is but please go to therapy instead of shitposting about it here
>>57360795Can you help me get back my Amee?
>>57360826I don't even know what that meansGet professional help, genuinely
>he doesn’t have a plush of his favourite MonCan you even call yourself a fan?
>>57360756I'm throwing. Literally. Image this time.
cute twink
>>57360714Why are you here
>>57360699You're right>check site for Mamoswine>sold out
i would if they restocked her, and i refuse to pay some reselleri've been waiting months for nothing
Umbreon Day EditionPrevious Thread: >>57320396Old Thread Catalog: https://archive.palanq.win/vp/search/subject/Eevee%20Friday/page/1/
>>57360488Reminds me that next /ef/ will fall on Valentine's Day. The one after that will fall on Sylveon Day, too!
This fat fuck has been useless in my Platinum playthrough.
>>57360189>campaignshitter>>57360516>both stabs resisted by flying and grass Pathetic
>>57360546and empoleon's stabs are both resisted by water, napefag
>>57360372I recently realized Sceptile actually matches up nicely against Tate and Liza since the only thing in main story RSE that doesn't eat SE Stab Damage is Xatu.
>>57359900Between Gen 2 and 7 maby.Bulbasaur in gen 1 makes the game the easiest in early and late game, Rillaboom is the second most used starter on VGC today while Mewscarada has the best signature move of any starter.
>>57360546It can learn physical Rock moves to hit Bug and Flying types super effectively.
It's cold edition>Previous thread>>57313560>Question of the ThreadHow would you warm Kieran up after a cold day outside?
>>57360614>He also might make cute sounds.You're right, he'd be absolutely beautiful, giggling because (You)'re playing with him...From waya to Straya, huh... the weather here's getting a bit warmer, but I still envy you a bit.>>57360646There three are so cute, legit thank you for posting this pic!>Link... oh no...
>>57360655Well, I was more gunning for "extremely high-pitched sound of shock and/or surprise"... but that's not bad either.Last month of Summer and still hot enough that sleeping with a blanket (and a super thin one at that) is uncomfortable...>>57360646guh
>>57360612I do want to make the new drawing sort of progression style like the last one. 100% finishing in post dicked down kiki.
>>57360667You're right, that'd be even cuter.I feel you, that's also what the summer is like for me. But I'd rather have that than feeling like my face is melting from the cold whenever I step outside. Why the fuck does it have to be so extreme on both sides>>57360692Lewd, I can't wait to see it!
Sweet Dreams EditionWhat is Pokémon Sleep?Pokémon Sleep is a sleep tracking app that utilizes your smartphone and/or the Pokémon Go Plus + device to record data as you sleep. In doing so, you'll be able to meet a variety of Pokémon and fill out your Sleep Style Dex.Be sure to post your Research ID so that you can add and share candy with fellow Anons. We are currently locked at 50 friends.FAQ:>How do Shinies work?If you encounter a shiny Pokémon, you only need to feed it a single Poké Biscuit to befriend it.>What should I spend my diamonds on?Expanding your ingredient pockets, item pockets and Pokémon box. Long term you’ll want to max out ingredient pockets, only get half of max for items and max 100 for Pokémon.>When should I use my items?When you have a good grasp of the game mechanics. You may want to save up Recovery Incenses for event missions.>What should I spend my sleep points on?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Ever since the small update, my game no longer has music playing, even with cache delete and resetting phone. The App no longer has music...
Serebii says Grubbin and Aron will be in GG for the V-day event, that's incorrect though, right?
>>57359887Just read the actual in-game listing. >>57358140A lot of Serebii's information get updated very sporadically or just plain not at all, so just take it from the source.
>>57360560Maybe I'll get lucky this week and get a decent one before next week then.
when are they fucking raising the level cap
A thread for the creation and discussion of fan fiction and other fanworks - anything that involves a story and/or reading.What've you been reading? What've you been writing? What would you like to see more of?Old thread was trash, I'm not linking to it. Stop with the sarcastic recommendations and bad-faith feedback. Stop getting butthurt when people criticize your ideas. Sometimes I feel like this thread is primarily populated by people who don't even like fanfic.>Thread question:Apart from being given one at a pokemon lab (like game protagonists and Ash), where do new trainers get their first pokemon?
>>57359777>DNA splicers were given to Unova as a gift from Kalos during some exchange thousands of years ago>this is why there are statues of Reshiram and Zekrom in Kalos>also why DNA splicers seem to be contradictory, they're an ancient artifact despite being seemingly of recent make>ancient Kalos' level of tech was very high before the war and AZ's weaponYes/no?
>>57359764Can evil Pokémon be a thing? When do they need to be put down?
>>57359764The perspective of each of a battling pokemon and a contest pokemon on their trainer. It can be the same trainer, or two different ones.
>>57360088>>57359764heroic poacher hunts down maneating pokemon
Is it me or has FF has been extra shitty recently. I'm seeing chapters disappearing when I reload the page and at times be entirely unaccessible.
Team Yell edition>What are you running?>How are you running it?>How's your run going?>Are you doing a weird ruleset? And if so, what is it?>/nuz/ resourcesMostly outdated, but if I add something new it will have (Updated) somewhere in it. Let me know if there's something that needs updated if you have something to replace it with.>Nuzlocke infohttps://pastebin.com/8b3rHGuX>Nuzlocke generatorhttps://nuzlocke-generator.herokuapp.com/http://nuzlocke-generator.com/Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>57354625You mean like a series wide dupes clause? Yes, we do.
>>57354300Out of curiosity, what are the specifics of the Marrilocke? Looking it up doesn't produce any worthwhile results.
>>57359532Named after Marriland, another name for "hardcore nuzlocke". Probably the first person to do so if I am not mistaken.
>>57359962It's been awhile since i've heard the name Marriland. Had no idea he pioneered the hardcore Nuzlocke.