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JK Rika!
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What do you think it smells like?
Probably some kind of shampoo. But maybe it doesn’t smell like anything. She doesn’t seem like the type of girl who would smell a particular way.
I love this artist because she always draws Rika with a belly button piercing
Rika is such a bony skeleton of a girl, I love her.
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I said this before, anime trannies are usually given the cutest and softest faces and looks for extra impact. Rika is, paradoxically, too masculine to have been conceived as a trap. If any she's more of a reverse trap.

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Remember when there was no female avatar and the only one wasn't a faggy one for pussies?
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>mellowing out while still being smart and a bit of a tease.
Even then, she would have been a breakout never seen before character in the west, don't forget that Pokemon was part of the wave that brought anime mainstream in the west. She could have been the iconic cultural image of *THE* female anime protagonist

The most successful media franchise in human history, mired with wasted potential
Fuck off faggot, no one here is talking about Mary Sue leaf, Green would make Red her bitch
>multibillionaire corporation
they certainly weren't in the mid 90s when developing the first gen games
Their deflection of Green’s existence during gen 1’s development started once Leaf was revealed for FRLG, they were certainly in the multibillion by then

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I miss this guy like you wouldn't believe
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>That guy was made by a spic who was aping Nyantcha hard
Huh, I never knew that. I still stand by my point though. Nyatcha's OCs are so laughably edgy that it's hard NOT to want to make fun of them. They're so opposed to the typical tones and themes of Pokemon that I have to ask if these OCs would be better off in their own unique universe rather than being lumped in the world of Pokemon.
This is so fetish fueled is not even funny
He's just a simple character, at least compared to some of the characters you see in the "Edgyverse".
He loves his Breloom, his team is comprised of common Mons with no Legendaries or the like, and he's just a generally good-spirited Trainer that's hard to get down.
Don't forget rocking cool Go-Googles and a sweet scarf.
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Those help too, yeah.

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Silly Cobra
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We will never see his like again
Pretty sure it would cost you a pretty penny
What a terrible godawful fucking design. It could have been cool but the shotgun nostrils and especially the stupid fucking neck doughnut totally ruin it
I also hate how it’s constantly stuck in its coiled-up pose
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Would he eat Cynthia or what

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why does gamefreak hate sinnoh?
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they aren't
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Who is Crissi, shaun? You were screeching about someone with that name last year.
They don't, its the third most shilled region after KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and Hoenn.
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that's not true

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Post what you have
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i love this picture, been looking for it for ages, thanks
New favourite picture, thank you. All the pokecenter indoor pictures are busy and usually crammed because the artist is excited
So they went out of their way to make a real life model and the wild area is still bland AF
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Dot Thumbs Up Edition

>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):

>Latest episode:

Next episode:
>August 9th: PM2023 060 - Seeing Snow for the First Time! Ho-Hoga!


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Will Serena have her tits when she reappear again?
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They will be bigger.
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Today is Marine Day, and it's also Manaphy Day!
Let's have a comfy Water-type thread.
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dumb lizard
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>wants you to improve
>constantly tests you
>congratulates you every step of the way
>steals your heart

how did GF make Nemona so good bros?
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Are you the anon who made these two images?
I see his slap on the wrist has worn off.
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Yes, I'm the same Anon who made those. This pic inspired me to learn how to draw.
Fantastic, your work is amazing as always. I don’t blame you for being inspired by that pic, it’s once of my favourites without a doubt. It’s very accurate to the official artstyle, and she looks very cute with bare legs. Her feet look pretty cute as well.

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>Discuss husbando
>Worship husbando
>Bully husbando
>Post art, headcanons, greentext

Previous Thread


how would your husbando weather a zombie apocalypse (without his pokemon)
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looks off but it's supposed to be inside his clothes
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This artist is the god of drawing hugs, no two poses ever look the same even though they draw so many of them, I'm envious. I love their kudanobo art so much
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I meant nobokuda, whoops.
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yes yes love me some skinship

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Young man, you must do the heckin’ cease, or Arceus will do the putting of you in the big firey hell for molestening the innocent Pokemon.
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I'm turning this ice type into a creamsicle and there's nothing you can do to stop me
Tells a different and entirely obvious picture
>put bangs on a dog
>every incel now wants to fuck it
You are mistaken. I never wanted to fuck a human ever.
You want to fuck an ice dog but cannot and will never, therefore you are an involuntarycel

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oh waiter ! more human men please !
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I don't really like loli pred and certainly wouldn't write it, but I have been on /tg/ and I did write a few hammerspace dragon fics. IIRC, hammerspace dragon discussion prompted the ADVL trend, which proved to be more popular.
The vanishing arm thing is common in hammerspace vore, and my favorite part of the prey POV.
>not a human man
She wouldn't be interested.
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she only eats human men shaun, sorry
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Still would.

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Are they just cure their illness by using pokemon center or using full restores to them like pokemon?

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>Kalos starters
>New player and rival
>First person mode
>New overworld items that are used for puzzles
>Ride pokemon return
>You can get items with pokemon like in Arceus; no auto battles
>New Lumiose pokedex
>Big focus on trainer battles
>6 bosses that use real time battles
>Regional forms and megas
New evolutions, Pallossand evolution
>Blitzle is fire/electric and evolves into a new pokemon
Lapras gets a mega evolution
>Duraludon pre evolution

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Hmm. The ui is similar to the swsh prototype’s ui
Lapras is never getting a mega you can count on that
me when I lie
you have no evidence that Photoshop is involved with this leak moron
>Area called Garden of eve, you can obtain an eternal floette there
we better

Yo, it's Monday. Time for Misty.
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Misty's sisters showed up a LOT in the old western Pokemon comics to try and teach Misty how to woo Ash.
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She's really sexy with her hair down

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