Does Steven have fucking autism?
>>57402322>felt unsure after posting>checkedI HATE BEING WRONG ABOUT VIDEO GAMES
>>57402318Someone using their interests to draw comparisons doesn't necessarily indicate that they have autism.
>>57402318Most strong Pokemon trainers have autism.
>>57402318no it's just a case of terrible writing
I don't think one can be a strong trainer without having some sort of autism. The varying levels of how seriously you take it depend, but anyone who is a gym leader/elite 4/champion has got to have autism. I really don't think the general population cares about battles nearly that much and it's mostly more of a casual thing for them that doesn't call for any sort of strategy.
>No PokeGoddess thread for nearly a week>No PokeGoddess thread I can see in /trash/>No PokeGoddess thread for fucking VALENTINE’S DAYThe Goddesses lost. Never thought I’d see the day
the threads got so fucking dumb anyway. hardly any actual discussion or erping, just posting the same handful of pics over and over. it lost it's appeal and novelty by constantly being around. we needed time to miss it. once a thread died, it should have been another month before a new one was made. it was too much of the same shit, too much nothingness.
>>57401125Kill yourself
>>57400879i wish
you lose like always. You all have severe autism.
LAST TIME:>orevald continues modifying rejuvenation, trying to make it more difficult but also not nearly as shit>rg continues his rejuv lawds run, getting through the second part of hidden library and then beating amanda>john vpposter gets through the rift volcanion fight in chapter 2 and takes a step into chapter 3>I get near the end of emerald:ching chong edition, getting my 8th badge and reaching victory road>adv starts up a rejuv lawds run on their phone>gate beats rift giratina in rejuvenation>wagie recovers from being sick only to poison himself with awful discord news about lawds patch notes>also the phoenix rising fangame died, so ironic it wraps back around to not ironic>What is this?This is a thread where a bunch of autists come together and play shitty fangames. Join if you want.>How do I join?Just make a name and/or tripcode and start posting images of whatever fangame/romhack you're playing.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Wow, I didn't have high opinions for Nightrein but holy fuck it's bad and you fucking know this shit is barely going to change on release with how Fromsoft is.>>57401188Of course........I knew the starters were handled poorly due to looking up some stuff before getting into the game, but that is such a shitty way to handle things.
>>57401283but it's unique which means it's good
>another soon game>it's also a .5>"it will be my masterpiece game"really putting it all on the line here
>>57402374Mom said it's MY turn to be a bad influence on other fangames
Come here for talk about all things Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.Previous thread: >>57284592PMD Catalog (read Branches.txt for MEGA navigation):émon Mystery Dungeon ROMs and Emulators Catalog: Fangames Catalog: Overview/Reviews: Guides: of Sky Romhacking Guide: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>57401335good to see you again! I'll have to reread Sterling's Purpose (or read it for the first time - I don't recall if I read it when it was posted or not!)
>>57401335aint no way..
>>57401410What if my roommate and I give each other BJs.
>>57400463isn't there a lot of people who don't even live in the guild already>crusader niggas literally built their own house>kaz and debby have their own too>tropius has his own shed outside>a bunch of old wave mons don't live in the guild proper either>there's like 10 teams that haven't even arrived at the guild yet >everyone else that has shares a room with their team since everyone's small I'd say there's still enough room
After decades of playing PMD, today I learned that if a teammate falls through a pitfall trap before you, they are gone for the rest of the dungeon rather than meeting up with you on the next floor
Valentine's Day Edition>Livestream link (Fridays @ 9:55 AM UTC):>Latest episode: episode:>February 21st: PM2023 085 - Arrival! The Paradise of Rakua episodes:>February 28th: PM2023 086 - The Rising Volt Tacklers VS The ExplorersComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Roy was a mistake.
>>57402293Liko's husbando
>>57401867Funny since the only "good" arc on Horizon involved school
>>57402237Roy is written in a way so he won't overshadow Liko.
Happy Valentine's Day! c:>Friend ID Survey:>Friend ID Sheet:>Tournament results/decklists:>Deck Builder:>Datamines, etc.:>Space-Time Showdown Card List: battle passwords to battle with other anons (consider writing a post to recruit players)>/vp/‘s own meta (no random effects, no ex): vpnx>meta decks or high level play: vpmeta>/vp/ anything: vpComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>57402384>I'm the captain now
>>57402412>game over music starts playing
All fear the Monke Hors.
>>57402429Jobs to Porygon-Z
>>57402433Good thing I’ve only seen one in the last 4 days.
Why can't it have a good flying move?
I miss when Gyarados had 100 Special
>>57400288Why doesn't he flys in the anime?
>>57402414I amn't to know of a answer to of these question!
>>57402367They didn’t want it having higher Special attack than CHARIZARD, they even increased CHARIZARD’s Sp Attack in Gen 2 to be extra sure
>>57402425So Gyarados could have 100 again and it would be perfectly fine
It's Sylveon's 12th birthday!!! That's right, this paragon of a tender heart and shining beacon of loving-kindness was revealed as a gift to the world on Valentine's Day! Everyone post "Happy birthday, lovedoggo!"
>>57399053It's obviously a flying type you fucking retards
>>57402016No it's a light type like the X legendary you fucking idiot
>>57399082Wait, Sylveon's a commie?
>>57399061Wrong, that happened when they switched to 3:2 aspect ratio
Why are you considered a furry if you like Mystery Dungeon more so than the main series?>more interesting setting>no iv/ev grinding bullshit >pokemon are interesting characters instead of petsLet's be real up until gen 5 majority of the humans had the personality of cardboard and the fans were fanficing bullshit.>better music>everything isn't a static sprite and things are animated. Even now that it's animated in 3D it's still kinda shit Is it because pokemon are the characters? Newflash zoomlooms, majority of the animated shows had animal characters.
>>57401851>more interesting settingit's an uncivilized kidified wasteland with nothing on it other than generic "forest biome" "tundra biome" "volcano biome">no iv/ev grinding bullshitthat is true but the gameplay in pmd is so unbelievably shallow it doesn't matter that some of the worst of pokemon gameplay is gone. plus ev/iv don't matter for casual gameplay.>pokemon are interesting characters instead of petsThey're not interesting. They range from generic D tier children cartoon villains to outright offensive like the guildmaster being a manchild, asshole chatot or grovyle's wise sounding pseudo-intellectual bullshit to cover up how insufferable the character is.Like the part where he tells you that he won't help you in the dark future if you don't immediately trust him for... some reason.> Let's be real up until gen 5 majority of the humans had the personality of cardboard and the fans were fanficing bullshit.They're carboard even in gen 5. PMD is somehow worse because it believes they're good characters and gives them screentime when they're just assholes. >better musicPMD music is overtly saccharine and I think it goes too far with the "folk adventure" and the whimsical tone. I like mainline music way more but maybe PMD is objectively better. Meh. There's not that many PMD songs I actually like but I do admit there's 4-5 at least.>everything isn't a static sprite and things are animated.this sounds like a weak argument. the overall art direction isn't really better than the main series.> Is it because pokemon are the characters? Newflash zoomlooms, majority of the animated shows had animal characters.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>57401896I was not clear in my argument so I will say I don't think being furry fanservice is a redeeming quality. What I'm trying to say is it has no appeal outside of it, to anyone else but furries.
>>57401896>it's an uncivilized kidified wasteland with nothing on it other than generic "forest biome" "tundra biome" "volcano biome"as opposed to suburbia and small towns> plus ev/iv don't matter for casual go online and you try to battle you have to have shit ev/iv trainned, you would get your ass handed to you if you didn't have proper movesets in stadium before that nonsense>They range from generic D tier children cartoon villains to outright offensive like the guildmaster being a manchild, more interesting than the bullshit of the first few generations I will tell you that.>this sounds like a weak argument.Shit tier sprite art until 2013, instead of semi decent ones with alright animations common man.>OTHER than being furry fanservice. II just don't understand how this is furry in the least bit.
>>57401851You have to remember that this subreddit is filled with 99% people that hate pokemon in its entirety
>>57401851>interesting characterslol
Is it worth going back and playing the original Gen III? Everyone always says the physical/special split for moves is such an improvement that it's not, but are they really obsolete because of that?
I want to play these again, but I'm too autistic about leaving my Pokemon behind. I refuse to believe my little guys in some ROM save memory, to be away from the rest of my buds.
>>57401498People who love emerald are like mid 20s so of course you don't give a shit about it
>EmeraldYes. Emerald has over OR/AS:>better, cohesive storyline>harder trainers with more double battles and variety to fight, gym leaders aren't a pushover, and you can rematch them in the postgame>Fug in main game (very important)>Frontier is the best bit of PvE battling in the series>Pokéblock system is more involved>better dungeons>no ugly nu-gen shitmon polluting the screen past the 8th gym>R/SOnly really worth playing if you either go for full completionistfag shit or want to muck around with e-Reader content on English games. I honestly still prefer them over OR/AS thoughever
>>57401331Not really. OG RS are kinda of forgettable. If you want to play gen 3, play Emerald or FRLG.
>>57401331OG RSE is my favorite pokemon game, so yes. It's snappier than gens 1 & 2, I love exploring the oceans, lots of options for teambuilding. Only downside is that the boss battles are on average easier. Emerald has the better postgame, but Ruby & Sapphire are a bit more straightforward if you wanna just blow through the game.
Mienshao ThreadCarrot Cake Edition!
>>57396352noodle neck
>>57392536But why carrot cake? Not that I have anything against carrot cake mind you... but it's not exactly the most common of cakes.
>>57398125Like a long, continuous udon noodle
he is pretty cute ngl
i just realized sinnoh's elite 4 is 3 twinks and a grandma
>>57402276xittershits try not to make the worst, most faggiest redesigns known to man challenge
>>57399303He has sexy pits I'll give you that
Babe, what's wrong? Aren't you coming to bed? You've been furiously typing on the computer or hours now. Why don'y you rest up, tomorrow's another day. I'm sure you'll forget all about it after a good night's sleep.
>>57377889all i see is hank hill
>>57383821Considering a seller made one or two feet tall ones with tits and assholes for people im sure yes
>>57401934Happy Valentine’s Day Anon, I hope you and Gardy had a good time
Pokémon Infinite Fusion DiscussionPrevious >>57260252 -> Where you can view custom sprites and sort them by head or body. -> Infinite Fusion Calculator -> Infinite Fusion Showdown Instance -> Infinite Fusion game, where you can fuse Pokémon and put them on your team! -> Google Drive Backup of edits and custom sprites made by 4chan and elsewhere. Reply to this post if you want your custom sprite added to the drive. -> Original Google DrivePokemon Alt. IF Discord Link: (embed) (embed)To add new custom sprites to the game, simply insert them into your Custom Batters Folder. Once you boot up the game it'll automatically index the sprites into their respective sprite sheets.
>>57400199Either base Garde or double Garde. Too bad Tsareena's not in the game.[/ spoiler]
>>57400199there needs to be a massage device rotom sticking out of her
>>57395121Good shit.
I need all your One Piece fusions NOW.