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>Off-model slop
wants something more on-model?
No, i want you to take your ecchi dump garbage to the ecchi board where it belongs
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Still dunno why this thread got deleted the other day
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Were here feet too erotic for the jannies? I don't get it
Based janny, promote whoever did this to mod, now if only he would do the same with the other 100 pokegirl coomer threads on this board
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I get it, the coomers here are outta line, but that didn't even seem like a coomer thread though, nor did Erika seem hyper-sexualized.
Just janny retardation, they do it for free so you can't expect much
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Cute healslut
Furfag hates actual women more at 11
She probably smells very nice.
>She probably smells very nice.
She probably smells like Gloom for sure, erika definitely spends a lot of time around Glooms. The pokedex says the glooms smells incredibly foul and that stinks over a mile away, and if is unwittingly inhaled, it can cause fainting, however the pokedex also says that around 1 out of 1,000 people enjoy sniffing its nose-bending stink, i have the headcanon that erika is definitely part of that group of people, (otherwise why she would like gloom so much?), therefore think about it, Erika smells, no... STINKS like GLOOM
She spends a lot of time around flowers as well, so that probably cancels it out.
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>mfw I see on-model Erika
Like a mix between roses and lavender, making cute boys super drowsy when they battle her
That sounds about right. I want to hug Erika and take in her scent.
“It’s alright to feel so drowsy when you take a whiff of my relaxing aroma. Just breathe in and take it all in… feel your head on my soft chest and close your eyes… your resolve weakening… you don’t need to fight anymore, all you need is me~”
Aww, that's very sweet. Thanks for writing that, that's adorable.
*proceeds to sleep in her lap
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She's my second fave kanto gym leader after sabrina
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need armpit hair
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Why is she looking at me like that?
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How Hairy?
She's a very traditional Japanese woman, so it's very thick. It's quite soft, though.


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