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Soooo…why exactly did unova got skipped in the legends game department? They went from sinnoh (gen 4) straight to kalos (gen 6).Is this supposed to be a reference to the fact that America has no history?
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Stfu weiss
PGL rewards back during ORAS. You could get a special version of Lance's Dragonite, Whitney's Miltank, Cynthia'ss Garchomp and N's Darmanitan by winning three battles each season.
This is the same thing as believing that Sinnoh games were being skipped over when LGPE was announced.
Legends fucking sucked. Oh yeah boy I sure love Origin Palkia and Sinnoh with 4 ugly and empty Unity maps, what a great remake, thanks niggers
>with 4 ugly and empty Unity maps
>anon can't even count

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>best character design
>best back story and lore
>best typing
>best ability to minimise type weakness
>can talk
>funny lad
>up for some banter
>doesn't need food
>works as your PA
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The bigger thing about it isn't just having the egg early but how ORAS has the appliances in Birch's Lab so you also get the forms early too, versus having to win the auction
>Rotom cars
>Rotom CCTV cameras
>Rotom streetlights
>Rotom police drones
>Rotom slot machines
any more ideas
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Do you like Pokedogs /vp/? When was the last time you used a dog in a man playthrough?
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Riolu and make him my boywife.
first learn what a dog drawing is before patronizing me, you rotten piece of shit.
>getting this upset over a reply on an imageboard
I hope you have a better day tomorrow, anon. I really didn't mean to offend you.

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She kinda right doe. . .
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pokemon is autist-coded so we all love dinos here
>4 days ago
>Not a single rebuttal since
Do /vp/edos really?
>GameFreak's insistence on hampering the pre-gen 8 Fossils with part Rock typing really fucked over Tyrantrum and Aurorus
And let's not forget the brazen gatekeeping of Power Gem and how Aurorus couldn't have Aurora Veil in Gen 7.

It's morally correct to hack Power Gem into Aurorus's moveset if you're using one in a playthrough. Fuck Game Freak, fossil Pokémon deserve better and Aurorus is owed an apology.
At least Tyrantrum got Rock Head Head Smash. Better than Aerodactyl!

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post this dog
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He based and I hope that happens to you instead, mald more
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How do you feel about shiny Starmie today?
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Shiny Starmie with more of a teal-tone is also really pretty looking, imo.
I am gay, Ataru was the name of my first boyfriend. He took my rear virginity in a moment of passion beneath a starry summer night sky.
what a romantic story
Not good. Shiny staryu is better.

Let's have some fun edition

Discuss pokeboys and share your favorite art, stories, chatbots and more!
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man. i wish i could be that comfy again.
what's stopping you from lying in your bed in your undies anon
To expand on this, I was fixated on barry a lot as a youngster.
The only game I had played up to that point was BW and I usually kept the story stuff apart to explore all the routes, but after seeing barry I kinda speedran the game and did almost everything in the post game.
I truly wanted a relationship with someone, another boy specifically like that and was fixated on him. I'm not gay, but I knew the kind of connection that's there is only felt between 2 men. I drew and thought about him in class and wrote him into my English fiction assignments.
Alas, it seems there are no Barrys in the real world, to the disappointment of young me. Feels strange to type all the feelings I got from Barry. I'm still young (19) but I have given up on thinking anyone like Barry does exist.
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at some point it's just not the same
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>tighty whities
Wearing same undies :)

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what the FUCK is that?!
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I didn't see the piggy bank thing. Maybe it's possible.
It IS kinda shaped like one...

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Time for a Slurpuff thread.
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Me too, bud. Me too.
Cute cotton candy umbrella
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What are you currently playing? What's your current team?
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I'm trying to but man is it a pain to do. Trying to grind it but its TM selection is minimal, only learns 1 move naturally and misses a bunch. Probably my hardest gen 4 team member ever
Why don’t Roselia get a nickname?
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I like the little Olive guy.
I'm not even gonna sugarcoat it, I'm not.
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Just finished the Pokemon League in GS Chronicles
DICKHEAD does not look anything like a Dickhead

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Mewtwo should look like a creepy bio-engineered horrormon, not some goofy hourglass shaped furbait
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Mewtwo looks fine. This design is also good but when compared to other Pokémon it looks like it belongs in different game.
You mean Yawnfag and his shitty fursona?
kys deshaun
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>Shell Trap
>Future Sight
This makes it look like a Ghost type...
nta but damn, you’re seriously pathetic. I bet you’re sitting there daydreaming about that fake e-celeb fucking you while playing BW

Do you remember Greta?
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Was she always hard for you back then when you played the Battle Frontier?
True. I don’t like that.
not that funny
Mating pressing Greta

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Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, be edgy, be racist, just leave your ERPing and Judaism at the door.

>Thread Question: What went into the naming of your OC? What is your OC's full name?

>Thread Task: Draw your OC watching a TM with one of their Pokemon.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

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her tits are kinda saggy ngl
I'll hold em for her then
>with a chibi, you can go anywhere

Vp recommended. Yet another high school fantasy drama but with pokemon. 2 hrs in and I'm doing the same stuff I did when I started. When does this get good?
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>"The rhythm of rage pounds the ground!"***
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>"Let the melody of ambition rise to the skies!"
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>"If you don't know us, we'll cure your ignorance! Billy! Garret! Clyde! Tiffany! The Go-Rock Squad's hot-prospect band of key-shaker-and-taker celebrities! A name once heard and never forgotten! The Go-Rock Quads!"
the spinoffs are hard to hack

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Nostalgic relaxation edition.
Time to dust off your old Deviantart faves, anon.

Previous Thread: >>56411465
Old Thread Catalog: https://archive.palanq.win/vp/search/subject/Eevee%20Friday/page/1/
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It's from an Essentials game

I can't tell if that's just an absurdly large roll of toilet paper, or a stool. I'm leaning towards the latter, but the former is funnier.

Ooh, look at you with your stylish starry hat and neck tie!

Aww, what a huggable friend!

An alien in sea of flowers, a bed of purple!


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Sylveon looks like they were caught off guard! They're cute.

Ayyy, all of the Eeveelutions and Eevee with colored butterflies. I really like the butterflies that Umbreon has.

Annd a shiny version! I think Glaceon's shiny butterflies look nicer. I'm a sucker for cyan.

Never forget! This is always cute to look at!

Gary looks like he made a couple of miscalculations... but he also has learned how to ignore most of them. Wish I could ignore my cat like that.

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Final push for the day. Shame that it's already Thursday though. Homework consumes me...

They look almost ready to pounce. What am I doing to attract that attention?

Umbreon is telling Umbreon (You)R darkest secrets!

Huh, so Leafeon is like a cat!

A mug o' ice!~ I'd chew :P


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Thank you for the thread recap!
>it's already Thursday
And a time traveling OP already made us a new /ef/ thread!

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