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Would you play a Pokémon GTA game?
- Your Pokémon can kill
- You can be killed by Pokémon
- You can rob people of money, weapons, vehicles and Pokémon
- You and your Pokémon can bond with one another, you can play with them, pet them, battle with them, fuck them.
- There's sex
- You can take drugs. One of the bosses is a coked up Salazzle that wants sex. Fight either ends with it raping you, or you killing/catching it.
- Nudity
- Gambling
Literally anything you can do in GTA, you can do here, just with Pokémon added.
Yes holy shit I would spend hours gooning to Pokemon killing me
Fuck yeah. As long as there's GTA-style heists.
Play as Mewtwo going round Kanto killing everyone.
It'd be a risky game, but a cool one

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The fact Espathra does not actually have a beak and in fact just some flesh shaped nostril thing while the real mouth sits underneath is so fucking weird to me.
I don't mind flittle, but you can't convince me that spathra isn't a single stage line. Look at the thing. If it was introduced in any other gen, it would "not be known to evolve into or from any other pokemon"
Flittle is a bit disconnected but I feel like the whore bird looks like a very clear two stage.
It does give off an oddly Digimon-like aura. Purely in the sense the Digimon has a ton of "is some kind of head with little legs" for it's baby/child stages, whereas Pokemon has largely eschewed similar designs.
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why does it look like a wrapped candy?

we love all bugs and bug like pokemon
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New waspmon when?
true... a Tarantula hawk would be a sick waspmon
I'd especially love one of those ichneumon wasps with the fuck-off-huge ovipositor. That'd make a gnarly weapon once pokémonized.
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There's really no reason for that, God. Come on.

But I'm sure you could make a fencing theme'd Pokemon out of it. I don't wanna say another Bug/Steel, but I'm not sure what else you'd fluff it as.

Moth thread.
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Sold your soul
Built a higher wall
Now you're thrown away

Same rise and fall
Who cares at all?
Seduced by fame
A moth into the flame
>Masquerain is a really nice design, I wish it was better
It got stealth-buffed in gen 7. Still not great, but a lot more usable.
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Give sand rush

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Valentine's Day Edition

Previous Thread: >>57360443
Old Thread Catalog: https://archive.palanq.win/vp/search/subject/Eevee%20Friday/page/1/
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You can't have Valentine's Day without a box of chocovees!
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what flavors are they
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Vaporeon - semi-sweet salted chocolate with melon soft-candy filling
Jolteon - air bubble milk chocolate but with lemon tart coating
Flareon - milk chocolate with chili jam filling
Glaceon - menthol chocolate with dark chocolate mousse filling
Eevee - milk chocolate with marzipan filling
Leafeon - green tea chocolate outside with that super crunchy toffy candy stuff inside
Espeon - lavender chocolate with coffee mousse filling
Sylveon - white chocolate with raspberry jam filling
Umbreon - dark chocolate with blackberry cream filling
Stolen from this anon >>55336557
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Did anyone else spend hours of their time just doing wonder trades trying to get cool mons?
One of my favorite ways to use online.
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it was cool as fuck before the hacked one started to show up
sv its literally unuseable
pretendo still doesn't support pokemon games iirc
they'd come up now and again but yeah, it was 99% organic
Nope. But as a kid I used to abuse Emerald's cloning glitch to duplicate my lvl 100 Rayqauaza, send it to gen 4, then put it up on the GTS so that I could get literally any trade that I wanted. A level 1-10 Chatot? Yeah, I'd get that. I'd love to think I made another kid happy, like >>57400993 said.

Good times.
It was cool to get starters that I didn't have from it

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Thread for offical Pokémon concept art.
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I liked the lore in the leaks about AZ’s weapon needing matching pokemon types to transfer life energy. The fact that he seemingly extirpated the fairy types in Kalos (or possibly caused a near-worldwide fairy genocide?) to bring back Floette was probably going to be their lore explanation for why fairy was “recently discovered” after 3,000 years. NPCs in the final game talk about fairy as a new type, and refer to old texts about AZ’s Floette to confirm their existence.
The leaks basically confirmed everything some of us had feared for years: “XY2”with South Kalos were shafted to rush SM out for the anniversary, while the extra year of dev time those games sorely needed was spent adding all the features they wanted to add from the start as “ultra changes.”
Pheromosa should have been Bug/Ice like that one dev suggested in the notes.

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Café Noodle edition
Thread #6

Next thread: 3/10
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Wait a second, I didn’t make this post
Why am I seeing it here?
But now he's stuck! :(
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Do you like locations named for specific Pokémon? Diglett Cave, Slowpoke Well, and Charizard bridge are all I can think of.
Should there be more of them?
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Diglett and Slowpoke images appreciated as well.
Only if those Pokemon appear there in large numbers. As usual Unova is retarded and misses the point...
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There's also USUM's Pikachu Valley
Not quite as exciting or relevant as the other examples but still
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>models look goo-
I forgot about this one!

Is there one generation that you skipped as a child but played later and wished you'd never skipped it?

For me it was Gen 5. All the Genwumners and Johtoddlers told us it'll be shit and to not play it (though I later overheard them praising the games and they frequently played Gen V comp).

Then covid hit while I was in my last year of high school and I spent a lot of time emulating games. I downloaded roms for Black and Black 2, a friend of mine did the same with White and White 2. We played through them together and thoroughly enjoyed them. I enjoyed them so much that I wanted to buy physical copies.....at least until I saw the prices.
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You're probably better off replaying gen 4
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> I understand that this may be difficult for your brain to process, and you’re probably going to strain your one functional neuron just trying to grasp it
>Despise DEI shit is reddit
Wow, you're using a wojak, I thought according to gen 5 fags, only shartys hated Tranova, you really should pick a boogeyman and stick with it.
I've started calling that fallacy "argumentum ad jerusalem"
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>Alder is brown and his grandson is also brown,
In what world is this considered brown?

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the absolute fucking state of bulbapedia
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>Super high traffic primarily from normalfags who don't know about adblock
Hard to blame the pedos when they're probably making bank
>no ads
Not true. Smash wiki and Mario wiki use the same shit Bulbapedia does. They're literally affiliates.
I suppose I didn't do my due diligence, but after visiting Smash wiki again it's still not anywhere near as bad as Bulbapedia (one banner ad, three at the very bottom of the page)

Anyways fuck Bulbapedia
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Stop browsing the internet without an adblocker
>what is miraheze

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so... are these two the most loved games overall?
>pander to campaignshitters
>pander to compfags
>keep the story to the bare minimum, which makes it harder to receive criticism, since Pokémon stories tend to be polarizing
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Unc said "enshrine the duology" just put the fries in the bag lil bro
it used to be RBY & GSC

now it's Emerald & Platinum

in the near future it may just be BW/2 and thereafter

who knows
>underage Twitter user lingo
Only whites are
>younger millennials
I feel that Emerald and Platinum are probably the most popular games for older zoomers as well.
I’d imagine younger zoomers (~20 years old) might prefer gen 5 over gen 3 due to nostalgia though.
Gen 6 probably won’t be the most popular until the youngest zoomers (aka older teenagers) have the say

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It's cold edition

>Previous thread

>Question of the Thread
How would you warm Kieran up after a cold day outside?
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I thought Yume was self-insert.. I'm all for Kiki and Juliana that's pretty much canon
I mean, it's kind of hard not to self insert into a pokemon MC...
I personally find it nearly impossible to imagine myself in a world of magical animals with a completely different backstory to my own life, but maybe that's a imagination skill issue on my part.

I even named my character Florian
fair enough...
I named mine Juliana

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despite playing so much pokemon over the years, I realized I've never actually done any contests before. I'm playing emerald and kinda thought it would be fun to try to make my swampert into some sort of beauty queen and win every contest with it, but when I looked all this pokeblock shit up, I got hit with a wall of spreadsheets and math autism. is it even possible to get a poke's stats high enough to win all the contests alone? I saw some stuff about having max stats in every category but it requires very specific berries and 4 player blending, but I assume you don't need to have perfect stats to win a specific contest, right? I've got access to those fancy rare berries, and I've even got the blend master in town today, so I assume there's a way for me to get all the stats high enough to win even if they're not maxed out per se.
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>is it even possible to get a poke's stats high enough to win all the contests alone?
You don't need max stats to win, you could max a single contest stat in a pokémon and get a colored scarf with an NPC in slateport that gives a boost on the matching contest stat, then you could use said scarf on your main pokémon of choice. You can definitely get master rank in every category with a single mon look up ribbon master challenge.
As for moves, you can't go wrong with rest+ snore no matter the category.
oops, wrong image, if you have blender master + gamecube berries it'll be very easy to get great stats on your contest mon
alright cool, I'll try making a few of these super blocks with the master and go from there
>As for moves, you can't go wrong with rest+ snore no matter the category.
unfortunately it looks like swampert can learn rest but not snore. c'est la vie

You can try something in this list, but with good stats you can win without much trouble, some people managed to get to master rank in every category using unown and magikarp despite their movepools. Good luck and have fun!
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did some battle frontier stuff as well which is why it took so long, but with a little move finagling and the scarves, I did manage to get everything done on swampert. got all 5 paintings too

What is the best way to experience Gen 4 and 5 for the first time on a PC? I don't have any other gaming devices. I have only played Gen 1-3 in the past (over 10 years ago) then dropped the games. I don't really like DS emulation on PC even though Pokemon DS games aren't too reliant on touch screen. What are my options?
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for PC i use melonDS, for real hardware i use TWiLight Menu on a modded 3ds
Is the cutest!
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indeed. the best!
For mobile emulating I use Drastic, even comes with a cheat code repository built-in if it recognizes a specific vanilla build of a game

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