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In Pokémon Legends: Z-A, Professor Milio is a Professor of Urban Pokemon Habitats, and entrusts the player as his assistant in cataloguing the species who have migrated to the redeveloped Lumiose, as well as smoothing out the city as a sanctuary for people and Pokémon to coinhabit.

Your First Partner Pokémon will be your choice of Larvitar, Beldum, and Gible, entrusted to you by the professor with a Mega Stone as a powerful companion.

A mysterious masked man has been plaguing the city, accompanied by a 10% Zygarde as he works to create hostility between man and Pokémon. He will serve as your rival, ensuring that Zygarde's Ground or Dragon type is super-effective regardless of your starter choice.

Players may find that their First Partner Pokémon entrusted by Professor Milio is easier to train and evolve than those found elsewhere.

Summer 2025. No gameplay shown.

This is all that will be shown in the game's next trailer, don't get your hopes up.
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>one starter that easily beats both of the other two
This can't be real
Variant forms of metagross? What are we thinking boys? Steel/Dark? Steel/Bug?
And Tyranitar become Dark/Dragon
>All starters are dragon, so they're all super effective against each other
Well, it'd be something new.
Where is that background pic of Lumiose from?

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This is so fucking ugly, I hate Peanugget.
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
i miss her..,
Why didn't SV get cool leaks like these?
now is bug/ghost for being forgotten

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how many or which companies do you think could do a worse job at developing a Pokemon game (not clone)?

it does not have to be in the image
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I was talking more about art/graphics/story, it blew every pokemon game out of the water. I quit after gold and really only come about for interesting art, see the state of the game and convos. It's disgusting that people are still playing main series tripe.
>I wanted Game Freak to consider adults as much as the primary demographic
That's the difference between you and me. I am under no delusions that this is a possibility.
This is about having something I can pass onto my future kid and be proud of sharing it, not about my own personal enjoyment.
>Go take a lifestyle break like me, maybe you'll be able to find the joy you once found in the kiddy game series when you get over this childish obsession with a meme that adds nothing to the gameplay
Yeah I'm sure the story and actually somewhat engaging gameplay I'm vying for are memes. TOOOTAL meme.
Besides, if we do focus SOLELY on graphics, Mario 64 still doesn't look bad and it's a kids game. It is the bare minimum that Pokemon had to obtain and the only Switch title that lives up to it so far is Lets Go, which honestly I think is perfectly fine graphically.
I'm just wondering what a Pokémon game made by Paradox would be like. Would Pokémon even translate to Grand Strategy well?
>Thing, Japan
>i quit after gold
>but still played baby's first rougelike
>Do you not think that kids deserve better?
Weren't you listening? I did, but then you and your generation proved they didn't need to improve for the entire buying audience. You were HAPPY to eat up the kiddyshit when you were shithead kids. And as a result of that I stopped caring as it was obvious the newer generations of kids don't and won't either. Because vidya studios haven't started trying to brainwash idiot kids into thinking gwaffix mean a fuck like they were able to brainwash teenagers into thinking it's critical in the 2010's to give rise to wankers like you. And when it comes to fucking with the product, just to give some autistic 20-something shut-in a stiffy because the kids games now look like a "proper" big--boy's game, it's best to do as Game Freak have traditionally done and ignore yis.

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Today is Marine Day, and it's also Manaphy Day!
Let's have a comfy Water-type thread.
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dumb lizard

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I like the Fairy type because it's the girly girl type. Why do (You) like the Fairy type, anon?
Also feel free to post you're favourite Fairy type and it's pre evolution Cutiefly.
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>Mawile: Stop it! You just want to make me into raw material for your weapons, right!?
>Mawile: Just like you do with Corviknights!!

>Tinkaton: What? I would never.
>Mawile: The hell was that pause!?
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Tinkaton is a complete menace

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Is this the ugliest pokemon?

Also I love gen 5.
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>2 arms
>fighting pokemon
In terms of being outright unpleasant to look at, it's close. Veins freak me out.
>she has never held a penis
If I had one I'd let it sniff my sweaty nuts after a really long sunny route, and I bet he or she would enjoy it.

Prev: >>55897523

This is not Raid Cat General. You've been had, bamboozled, tricked and ultimately misled. This thread is for discussing the mightiest of catfish, such as the one currently in 7-Star Raids, and not for trading or Wi-Fi battling. Head to /wfg/ for that.

Feel free to organize raids here and share builds for taking the fish down.

>7-Star Mighty Dondozo, Round 1: July 26th-28th



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Last one before soloing
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>SV truly is dead, huh?
It's almost as if people won't play a shitty game if there's zero reason to go back into it.
Nah people are shiny hunting Tatsugiris.
No they aren't, anyone who wanted a Shiny Tatsugiri has had nearly 2 years to get them.
It's way easier with the outbreak odds. Plus the different forms in each map make it easy to get each.

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>we easily have a full year of SV until PLZA
>no side games
>no new PMD
>the base game even with dlcs is dead
>the only thing looking forward is the anime and event raids of pokemon you can easily get

it was too hard to get a battle facility?
You wouldn't have survived the 2015 drought
>no new PMD
I'm on copium and hoping for PMD shadow dropping or revealed during a pokemonpresents this year
You never played any battle facility
They'll take some money from you sooner than later, don't worry anon.

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Silly Cobra
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>Reeee everyone who doesn't like my ugly shitmon is yawnfag!!!!!!!
Remember to take your schizo pills
We will never see his like again
Pretty sure it would cost you a pretty penny
What a terrible godawful fucking design. It could have been cool but the shotgun nostrils and especially the stupid fucking neck doughnut totally ruin it
I also hate how it’s constantly stuck in its coiled-up pose

>mfw play hgss on phone emulator
>mfw there is a quick save option
>mfw I quickly catch roaming legendaries by abusing the quick save feature without going back and forth between routes to spawn them in my area
>mfw I win everytime at voltorb flip by "predicting" their locations thank to the quick save
>mfw /vp/ autists will somehow call me a cheater despite not using a gameshark
Uh this is extremely based
You may not be a cheater, but you definitely didn't beat the game
congrats on legally beating the game

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Going looking at the past tournament I'm not satified with the sample size. So I posting the the round 1 polls again.

Rules: Wish for what you want from the franchise and put wishes against each other.
why are you still trying, nobody here is a genuine Pokemon fan it's just trolls and coomers left
Pokemon is the most popular franchise in the world. Surely someone else on 4chan likes it.
> Everyone complains constantly about how the new games suck ass
> "okay let's imagine what we would rather things be like for fun"
> people don't respond
I just don't understand/vp/

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If anyone has a link to the original thread which was archived.

Post it here
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People always bring up how good Unova was for Bug types, but imo it was far from being the only type that received a lot of care in gen5.
Grass, Fire, Ghost and Psychic got a lot of the more unique and best designs of the region, with a lot of new type combinations too. A lot of them performed fantastically too, either ingame or competitively.
True, plus the dragon types were really cool in this gen, imo. Sure, two of them are pure typing, which was a new thing back then, but Dark/Dragon, Dragon/Fire, Dragon/Ice and Dragon/Electric were epic typings.
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Why did they flop?
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Only in Japan I think. I see Japanese streamers doing Gen 4 Factory a lot.
Too hard
Most people are shitters who never learned any of them were in the game
Two of them literally showed up in later games, two of them survive mostly in porn, and there are multiple anime appearances for Brandon. That seems mildly successful to me. It's arguably more than the train duo from Unova, who only survive on fujos and now one of them is a homeless man trapped in the past, and I don't think anyone would call them a flop for how dramatic their popularity is for basically no marketing. They're not all winners though, Tucker is a gigantic faggot and Spencer would be completely unmemorable if his facility wasn't a war crime.
Most people never use battle facilities so that's why these characters are not as popular as let's say Erika
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Sniffing Greta's tights after a long day working at the bullshit, rigged Battle Arena!

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>"Well, I was planning on destroying reality and reshaping it to my desire, but this random kid beat me at Pokemon so I give up lmao. Also here's my money."
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>I don't think the lake guardians would have gone into the distortion world
Why not?
>the fact it was banished because of it's violent behavior
Extremely vague and unclarified. Up to interpretation at best.
>went into fit and kept going despite Cyrus having already been taken care of
It literally doesn't do anything
Better question. Why would they go in there for no reason? They clearly went in to help guide the player through the distortion world, but if there was never any real danger then they would've not gone or commune to Cynthia and the player that it's nothing to worry about.
>Extremely vague and unclarified. Up to interpretation at best
PLA literally confirms it with Giratina wanting to destroy the world because of its rage at Arceus. You're the one who disregarded literally everything the game tells you for a headcanon.
>It literally doesn't do anything
That's the point. It tore open a huge hole between the worlds and then left it like that without closing it until you tard wrangle it. For something that's "dutiful and true to its purpose as an overseer of the world's fundamentals" it's a pretty shit thing to do.
>Why would they go in there for no reason?
To help you pass Giratina's test out of gratitude
>PLA literally confirms it
Spinoff written over a decade later that I do not care for, irrelevant for the internal story of Platinum
>It tore open a huge hole between the worlds and then left it like that without closing it until you tard wrangle it
Assuming it would've kept the hole open if only the 11 year old didn't take care of it is absurd. It is bait and it is fairly mean-spirited, but Giratina destroying reality and killing itself makes 0 sense when preventing that is the entire reason it intervened against Cyrus to begin with. Think, anon, think. Giratina is not going to kill itself in any scenario.
the hole is kept open so you have an excuse to do protagonist shit instead of giratina solving the main plot of platinum by itself, which realistically it would have
Giratina, and the other two for that matter, don't have "jobs". They just exist and their existence creates the balance of the world's fundamentals. It's in their nature to deal with disturbances or threats to the balance, they probably do "think" or make decisions, but their rationality would be quite different from a human, more similar to other pokemon but on a higher level.
Let me put it this way: in our world a lot of the gods are perceived as basically supremely omniscient powerful humans "man made in his image" as an example. So it's easy for us to think of "gods" with this similar to human rationality but these are gods that are more like animals. They just do what they do. It isn't a hawks "job" to kill rabbits. It isn't the "overseer" of the ecosystem, even if it does keep it in check by killing rabbits.
OKAY, finally, Also, Giratina can have this role in reality while still being violent and unpredictable. That's why it was banished to the Distortion World. If Giratina didn't still have an important role to fill, and or also if it's rage was a true threat, it's reasonable to assume Arceus would have just killed it than banished. So we can conclude that while Giratina may start destroying shit, it won't destroy everything beyond reversal or repair because frankly Arceus wouldn't have kept it around then.

Oh yeah, Cyrus. I don't really get him, I think his character is just badly written. Actually all of Galactic. At least Gen 4 has the luxury of you can just mash A through this slop pretty quickly.

leopard is underrated
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don't show this to lucariofags
would brush all day just to hear those cute purrs
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