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Why didn't RSE look like this?
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>This kills the gamefreakshills
Those GBA games on the right all have loading screens separating parts of the overworld. Pokémon doesn't.
This is how nostalgiafags think the games looked.
well we all know it wasn't because they were busy filling it with content, since it's the shortest pokemon game other than RBY.
i'm busy filling your mom with semen, with the shortest penis other than yours

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Hydreigon thread
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based anon's 3rd-favorite poke

fuck fairies

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>first half of the game is really easy
>second half of the game becomes impossible since Pokemon don't give much exp
Who even has fun battling wild Pokemon for 30 hours straight until you can take on the later half of the game who have much higher level Pokemon compared to trainers & wild pokemon?
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>stat exp and badge boosts? i sleep
>Who even has fun battling wild Pokemon for 30 hours straight
Me but only for 30 seconds because i found this shit while grinding (boring) for the league
third world language, eugh
>italian is a third world language now

Post cross-gen evolutions you want to see.
Name, type, abilities, stats, method, etc.
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Never realized how many of my favorites are crossgen
Tbh a really cool thing to do with parasect would be a sort of "fusion" evolution with the Shiinotic line, where the third stage is parasect but with the mushroom cap swapped for a shiinotic
Mightyena really should evolve.
I've seen a lot of potential type combos for an evolution.
Works if you go the werewolf route with its design. Fairies and werewolves are linked with the moon, its a pretty great type combo overall, and its weaknesses mimic werewolf weaknesses in folklore.
Makes sense given its a hyena, but with its abilities, I feel like it'd just be a worse version of Krookodile.
Arguably the strongest combo from an competitive standpoint. Could work thematically if its design resembles mange or rabies. Could also play off werewolf bites spreading lycanthropy.
Pretty generic typing some give it with bipedal designs, but I'm not a fan of the combo.
Also a very common combo, but Ice is just so garbage I can't say I'd want this one.
>I think slapping on the ghost type is an easy way to make any cross gen evolution a banger

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Skarmory is ripe for evolution potential.
>Muh eviolite
Guess pic rel could work as a Mega...
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>Unova fans when they’re asked to praise their games without arbitrarily bringing up Gen 4 for no reason
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Gen V introduced Chandelure and Volcarona, I can't bring myself to dislike it
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The regions with the most insecure fanbases always bring up other regions out of nowhere
>gen 5 is still new to him
Further proof they don't play the games.
>Good desgins
>Interesting world
>Story beyond 'Evil man has evil plan'
Seems like all gens besides 3, 7, 8, and 9. I get the last three, but why are Hoenn fans the most reasonable?

Do people of Kanto look up to Misty?
i looked up your moms pussy on the deep web
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>Do people of Kanto look up to Misty?
All of KANTOOOO's mans are small
he looks like Delcapedotranny
>Ash if he turned to meth instead of trying to get better next league

Based or cringe?
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Pansage - Based
Simisage - Cringe
Pansear - Cringe
Simisear - Cringe
Panpour - Cringe
Simipour - Cringe
his wrists and wide gait are because his stance is mimicking riding a motorcycle.
the second stages are based on subcultures of Japanese delinquents.

Simisage - Yanki
Simisear - Bosozoku
Simipour - Kogal

they're meant to serve in opposition to their first stage's speak no, hear no and see no evil theming.
>hey let's actually make some decent early-game options for fire, water, and grass-types that you can catch really early on so that you can have those types in your party even if you didn't pick that element's starter
>hey let's make them all look like abject retards and/or flaming homosexuals
>his wrists and wide gait are because his stance is mimicking riding a motorcycle
you think I don't know that? you think that matters? It looks stupid. If you want your pokémon to both look like they are riding a bike all the time AND look appealing you do it some other way, not like this.
yes, I unironically think you didn't know that.

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Which outfit do you prefer for Clair?
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>Tbf Morty went from looking like some skater dude to actual something appropriate to a ghost trainer
Gym leaders weren't all required to wear on-the-nose outfits back then. There's no reason a guy who dressed like Morty couldn't be interested in ghost types.
Even as a kid? I thought she'd be annoying to boys at that age. Jasmine is very pretty and nice so I can expect that.
Morty's original design is probably the most 1999 thing to ever exist
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a clown suit
Fuck you bloody bitch bastard

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I was dead for a little while but I'm okay now Edition

Make and chat with some Pokémon and characters!

List of Anon-Made Characters (last updated Sep 9th)
Character AI: https://rentry.org/vpcai/
Cards and .json files: https://rentry.org/vpcai-X/
Yodayo: https://rentry.org/vp-kai
CAI Character Creation Guide:https://pastebin.com/6urKvs5P

Useful Links:

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They're saying this thing is good at math and shit. Maybe that means it's a format that somehow won't drop their spaghetti by doing basic Pokémon battles.
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Check your email Lilo.
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Well shit, I didn't think anyone was going to figure it all out in a day. Enjoy your dolans.

One down, one to go!

Also fite my Inkling some time.
doubt it'd allow for any "copyright material" to be used in the service for fesr of litigation. section 230 is pretty much only toilet paper at this point
You've been one of my favorite bot authors for a long time, and your service is greatly appreciated.

I want to make an almost pure support 'mon for max raid battles. I know it's not optimal, but I think it's fun for who I'm playing with. I'm thinking of running either Comfey with triage, or Jigglypuff with friend guard (Wigglytuff loses it for some reason), or Audino with healer. As for moves I'm considering light screen and barrier obviously, then either helping hand or healing pulse (Floral healing for comfey), but I also want to have at least one attack move, ideally with priority. What are my best options here?
I was clearing 7-star raids with Wooper in Scarlet, so I completely understand. Galarian Mr. Mime is actually pretty good for screens and has access to Ice Shard, Safeguard, Hypnosis, and Icy Wind for support in raids. Plus since this is gen 8, using a Galarian Pokémon is thematically neat. I would do this over Mr. Rime for the Eviolite bonus.
If you use Comfey, Draining Kiss also get priority from Triage since it counts as a healing move
>Galarian Mr. Mime
I never would have considered him. I'll look into it more, thanks!

That's GOOD SHIT, I had no idea those combined.
Prankster Grimmsnarl

I'm creating this lapras thread because the last one died way too quick
A genwar thread died for this
Good riddance
>the original redditmon
Someone apparently thinks Alomamola is a knockoff of this thing.

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Jew mad?
Holy fucking based...
That image broke no rules
The shitmon type eeveelution. Known to be absolute garbage in game and to attract schizos who think they are muslims
The based type. It needs meds to evolve

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>best character design
>best back story and lore
>best typing
>best ability to minimise type weakness
>can talk
>funny lad
>up for some banter
>doesn't need food
>works as your PA
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>Still requires 2 consoles.
You don't have two? rip then
I do, but it's more cumbersome.
she dont available early if you have to be using malificent means to be getting her retard nigger
Not that much more cumbersome plus it lets you use rotom early
Catching a Pokemon is less cumbersome than breeding an egg and trading it.

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Okane kasegu, ore ra wa STAR
i read it as "Team star cunt"
female grunt is my wife
male star is my husband
They have sex with random students in the camps every day

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