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I like ice pokemon a whole lot
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such sexy mons
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What do you think petting and hugging Ice Type Pokémon is generally like?

>*shuts down*
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I did what you asked, I looked it up to find you're wrong. Now you'll just spend the entire time shitposting and not saying anything substantive.
>Now you'll just spend the entire time shitposting and not saying anything substantive.
At least list the features Join Avenue has.
Aside from Battle Agency, I can't think of anything.
>I did what you asked
With no proof, mind you. Go ahead and list the features.
Is there a 3rd party site/service that hosts expired Switch events?

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Old School Rules Edition

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread question: How does your trainer OC feel about the concepts of fate and destiny?
>Thread task: Draw your trainer OC's greatest enemy/rival.

>/tog/ archives

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

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And just as I was trying to put myself in a better headspace, my heater broke. It’s not getting fixed until tomorrow morning. This comes after the big fluffy blanket that my mother ordered me was found to have a spider in it.
It’s just pure jealousy, spite, and envy. I hate that such outside bullshit ruined the experience for some, because it was really not worth getting hung up on. Hopefully it becomes forgotten soon and maybe he gets brought back.

Good night. I’d be lying if I said that I still wasn’t mad about the timing of all of this being around my birthday and such.
Still awake?
Even if I didn't have my mental health issues keeping me awake, I'm naturally a sleepless individual. Even if I'm in bed, I never fall asleep until past 12 PM
Hey, do me a favor and create a blank google doc to link here real quick while it's just you and me. Use a throwaway email if you're insistent.

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>isnt been a non fat grass starter since sceptile
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Water starters have been stupidly anorexic since Greninja, too.
>Samurott in the past

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Final thoughts on the mankey evo line?
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It's not stupid just because you don't like it. The only obvious idiocy I see here is yours.
>I never liked the visual design of Mankey or Primeape
>I'm not a fan of [Annihilape] design either
Why not?
>It's not stupid just because you don't like it.
that's exactly why it's stupid. my taste is objectively suprior
Based and ignore the seething replies.
Your taste is shit. Deal with it.

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>boomers will seethe at this
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Concession denied
>Perrserker is black
it's gunmetal gray
>Pikachu is yellow
electricity is blue
>gets btfo
>goes full retard
Every time on this board.
We know Finchinator will for Kyurem
Please stop genwarring.

Dare I say… kino
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In most battle shonens, the fights are a matter of life or death, so of course the characters take it seriously.

But when you remove the larger than life stakes, suddenly the characters look like losers for taking this shit so seriously
It's okay, I guess.
Not much to do with pokemon though, there's barely any half the time.
>the characters look like losers for taking this shit so seriously
You sound like an insecure faggot and you cannot be older than 24.
>no reasons results in no sense
no shit? Next you'll say apples fall DOWN from the apple tree.
>The Pokemon are just power-ups for the humans to transform with.


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Good, more apemons for me then
Because most of those are monkeys, right?
water monkey starter gen 12 confirmed
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I wish

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Pokemon is a kid and normie-friendly franchise. Its characters are meant to be cute and lovable, not "fuckable" or "erotic".
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This. japan doesn't view sexuality the same way woke leftoids do, they know that children have a hint of sexual curiosity to them and it's not frowned upon over there to encourage that
>they know that children have a hint of sexual curiosity to them and it's not frowned upon over there to encourage that
I'm sure the judge will approve your reasoning, anon
>Its characters are meant to be cute and lovable, not "fuckable" or "erotic".
>Posts Ogerpon to demonstrate this who is not only fuckable, but is also incredibly erotic in how she makes her silly little betamale cuck as you capture her, befriend her and give her lots of intensive "Hyper Training" every night
It's not. You've been groomed into advocating for pedophilia.
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_You've_ been grifted into smokescreening actual pedophiles because you were thirsty for someone to virtue signal over.

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Pokémon Infinite Fusion Discussion
Previous >>57067127
https://fusioncalc.com/ -> Infinite Fusion Calculator
https://if.daena.me/ -> Where you can view custom sprites and sort them by head or body.
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/f20qyqw00w8r9/Infinite_Fusion_downloads -> Infinite Fusion game, where you can fuse Pokémon and put them on your team!
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eHkOWVlyhlGtQoBHIMm_vuwftxx23B-3 -> Google Drive of edits and custom sprites made by 4chan and elsewhere. Reply to this post if you want your custom sprite added to the drive.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18vPJjAr7rB6ec95NHkNflszxIAb1OoCX -> Backup
Google Drive
Pokemon Alt. IF Discord Link: https://pastebin.com/MrXXuVRq (embed)
To add new custom sprites to the game, simply insert them into your Custom Batters Folder. Once you boot up the game it'll automatically index the sprites into the correct individual folders.
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They're a lot better than they used to be. Issue is more that because of that framework it can be a pain to staple new features to it and not have them fall off, to belabour the metaphor, so things can take a while and/or not be doable without major effort on the dev side. Only technical issue I ever had was a weird slowdown in I think Fuchsia, which may have been fixed.
They've gotten better, but FPS is still an issue to this day.

>a weird slowdown in I think Fuchsia
And doors, the game lags when you interact with doors.
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Here's these: >>57247776 sprites for our archive.
Mostly adds features to the creatures
Forgot link:
Not sure how that works actually, I have not updated the game so I don't have to deal with it.

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What was the point of lil sis? She shouldn't exist tbqh.
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The same reason all middle stage evolutions exist. Cosmoem is when you start seeing Solgaleo or Lunala traits, especially the three eye colours.

Well, six eye colours.
To be cute and heavy.
No, it's the process of forming a star.

Nebula -> Proto-Star (future heart of a star) -> Sun/Moon.

I should point out that when we say “star” in astronomy, we're talking about all the luminous points in the sky, including planets and satellites.
>when we say “star” in astronomy, we're talking about all the luminous points in the sky, including planets and satellites
"We" have been talking about astronomy very differently then. A star is a star, a star is not a planet or a satellite.
I know there is a clear distinction between star, planet and satellite.

What I mean is that in the case of Cosmoem, we use "star" in the broad sense of the term to talk about different large celestial bodies. That is to say, we are not limited only to large hot and luminous balls of gas. Because Lunala does not correspond to this term, it is the same when we designate Cosmog as "the child of the stars" when it comes from Solgaleo AND Lunala.

Do you see what I mean?

Fashion Week: Taken Over Edition

>January Info

>Pokémon GO Event Info

>Frequently Asked Questions

>Submit and Review Pokéstop Nominations (level 37+)

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My white whale is a reason to keep playing besides habit and boredom
And possibly a job
oh shit
anyone notice that sometimes a balloon just doesnt appear?
New Thread, Migrate Whenever:
Sometimes the act of checking menus will dismiss a balloon. You can close your app and reopen it to bring the balloon back.

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itt: draw a Pokemon from memory.

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I hate how popular these things are among casual players, regionals were already getting tiring but this is a whole new level of creatively bankrupt.
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All I can think of is the shitposts made thanks to them
My ideas would be
>1st Paradox: Based on rolling and big pointy things
Paradox Scollipede
>2nd Paradox: Small critters with emphasis on tails
Paradox Ambipom
>3rd Paradox: Rotund body with big hands
Paradox Crabominable
>4th Paradox: Floating/flying creature with long flowy tendrils
Paradox Florges
>5th Paradox: Moth
Paradox Mothim
>6th Paradox: Big dinosaur potential, references metal
Paradox Porygon
>7th Paradox: Final stage of a 3-stage line from Hoenn that is a complete powerhouse

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>Failed Experiment
The best Paradox Pokémon.
Word (also the strongest, post-game exclusive area you need the dragonballs to unlock).
These things are not popular

Be honest, how many of you but the other version as well?
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Literally never once. The closest was trading versions with my brother as a kid once we each finished the first version.
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I've bought both versions eventually except for LGP and Shield..
only started doing this since gen 8 because I have a jab now. Only spoiled little timmys with rich parents got multiple versions.
masuda method
The Japanese games have exclusive event Pokemon, the others are just curios. I'm looking forward to playing them soon.

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