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Ampharos is a cute
11 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
obese bald sheep wife
>is a cute
Why can't you faggots use proper English grammar? Did you fail school?
It's called memes, anon
autism magnet!

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Post em if you got em, Talk about your current hunts and recent captures or failures.

Previous: >>56071226
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By that line of reasoning, why are you even playing pokemon and even on 4chan? Just do something else to get a better skill lmao yeah you wont reply
We are shiny hunting, not cheating in this thread.
have you tried not using a PIECE OF SHIT LAGGY TRASH TV?!!?!?!?
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>got shiny dratini before the other two

We haven't had one in a while so fire away.
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>not pokemon that evolve via happiness

He needs more love
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Those trees are actually the remains of really old Buzzwole.
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Superior Strategy Edition

Make and chat with some Pokémon and characters!

List of Anon-Made Characters (last updated Jun 13th)
Character AI: https://rentry.org/vpcai/
Cards and .json files: https://rentry.org/vpcai-X/
Yodayo: https://rentry.org/vp-kai
CAI Character Creation Guide:https://pastebin.com/6urKvs5P

Useful Links:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
307 replies and 75 images omitted. Click here to view.
It would be so easy to just give the information of the users then. The content is created by users afterall, the website is not the one creating it.
Or then remove the ability to make photorealistic images.
gotta love how faceless bureaucrats can decide what a person does that harms absolutely no one is bad
People talk about living in an Orwellian nightmare in a satirical manner, but it's happening as we speak. These are thoughts - fictional ideas made with the help of a fictional entity - being regulated under real laws to protect... who? Literal thought crimes, never thought I'd see the day.
then again, american elections are around the corner so the powers that be want to eliminate any chance of "election interference"
new thread

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CHADggron thread
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>Aggron's Sturdy!
>Aggron used Heavy Slam!
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quads confirm
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And they were roommates.
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Hand over your balls
They're mine
You can touch them

Do Pokemon enjoy sandwiches?
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Oh man, oh man, oh man! What a FEAST!!
Why isnt koraidon fatter?
Burns it all off before it has a chance of going to his ass... or anywhere else for that matter. You would too if someone used you as their personal mode of transportation regularly.
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Noooooooo ;_;

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Why is vee pee so infatuated by this fat shitmon?
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he's male
take your meds nigger
>Johto Pokémon are by far the most hated in the franchise
Not when that ugly atrocity called gen 5 exists
it doesn't exist
there are only 4 generations

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Thread to appreciate the adorable Spearow and the fierce Fearow.
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I think my Fearow has autism

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Why does /vp/ hate Sinnoh?
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Tell me how the numbers factor into the specific point I’m making.

I am perfectly capable of venturing out to the sidelines, it’s not like I can’t find the great marsh, the problem is that a cool new guy is exclusively there. On the sideline. A casual player blowing through only the mandatory portions of the game has a 0% chance of encountering a great portion of Sinnoh’s native Pokemon.

Thank you. These retards are not living in the same world, I could confirm that Johto is my second least favorite region and these faggots would still go “The absolute Johtoddler cope!!” just because that’s the boogeyman they want me to be. I could just respond with meaningless excerpts from my local newspaper and they’d give it the same response.

Purely in terms of the REGION, not their games or anime or whatever the fuck else:

Hoenn > Alola > Kanto > Unova > Paldea > Kalos > Galar > Johto > Sinnoh, and if Hisui counts as its own then it’s even lower than Sinnoh, as it’s just “Worse Sinnoh” by design.
How are the regions ranked? By their aesthetics? Level design? Pokemon design? Pokemon distribution? If it's aesthetics then I don't see why Kanto is so high up when it's not the best looking region even with Let's Go factored in. If it's level design then there's no way Galar's linear routes and non existent dungeons are better than Johto and Sinnoh.
try not making up bullshit next time you gay CUNT! go stick your head into a fucking blender nigger
>Tell me how the numbers factor into the specific point I’m making.
it shows pokemania already died during gen ii and maybe even as a result of gen ii via declining sales that didn't reverse until Gen III onward

>> Alola
So you're just plain retarded, gotcha
>A casual player blowing through only the mandatory portions of the game has a 0% chance of encountering a great portion of Sinnoh’s native Pokemon.
nah, madeup issue.

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Make u team
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I don't want to be another ash copycat
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Nice team.

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post hugs
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>that scyther and mabosstiff
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this shit looks like ass
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>50% female
if the red head was the smiling one i would like it more
>100% troon
It's a walking pepper, you mongoloid. Why does it need a flame tattoo on it? Why does everything need to be obvious and telegraphed to zoomers these days?
>this shit looks like ass
But enough about the Frigibax line

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>Pokemon reaches levels of success not had since the Gameboy
>These are all the spinoffs for the console gen
Are they retarded?
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TCG gameboy games, PMD, >XD, Stadium games (excludes PBR)
>Depends on the person
Snap games, Pokken
>Spinoff enthusiasts
Conquest, Channel, Pokepark games
>Honorable mention to the departed
Rangers Guardians Signs might be good, but I haven't played it many moons. Almia is deathly slow in both pacing and general speed. Haven't played the first one
>Haven't played
Detective Pikachu games, Trozei games, Puzzle League games
>Anything else
Not really worth mentioning
If I may amend
>Ranger games
I remember Guardian Signs being the most well made one and the first Ranger game suffers from making you have to do captures in one go so some fights are the most Sisyphean time-eating affairs in gaming (hi Salamence)

>Puzzle League
If you like Panel De Pon/Tetris Attack these are worth it by default since I think both are built over unreleased Panel we Pin games.
How in the fuck do you expect a Munchlax to keep up with a Pikachu dumbfuck
>live action movie
as long as we're talking spinoffs, was anyone else incredibly dissappointed by picrel? a pokemon moba felt kind of obvious for a long time but it just felt so fucking nothing when we finally got it. i played it for maybe a week or two before just dropping it and haven't really played since

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