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Jasmine's Gays
Jasmine's Gays
Jasmine is Erika's girlfriend.
Erika's pretty nice, maybe she shares her.
>haha small girl eat big
Do the Japanese really find this funny?
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It's a HGSS reference
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the way they drew Jasmine's hips activates a fuckton of my neurons
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best girl
Erika's been friendzoned while Sabrina is a famous actress with Psychic powers
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Headcanon: erika is secretly a Jirai kei
I find it hot, disguise my fascination under it being funny.
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Jasmine should really eat more.
Jasmine can be lesbians with any Pokégirl in the same room and no one would bat an eye.
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Really wish she looked like this
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I wanna watch her throw up!
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Erika is the biggest gay in the entire franchise. Nobody else surrounds herself with beautiful women to the degree she does. She could turn any girl she wanted into her next girlfriend, even the most straight of them.
seems like Jasmine overcame her fear of having her photo taken. iirc she was nervous about it in Raihan's debut event
Now Poppy is close to TWO ironing boards.
Isn't Jasmine's chest actually bigger than Rika's when you look at various official art and compare their models in game?
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why is deviantart like this
also, she's so they can just take turns having their way with her and pass her around.
Erika keeps her on pussy eating duty more than the other girls, she's well trained
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>also, she's so small they can just take turns having their way with her and pass her around.
hate when words get cut out like that
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I get it anon, either the keyboard eats your inputs or your brain's narrating what you're saying faster than you type it.
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Do you think she impulsively yells "Clang!" during sex?
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No that's just the sound of her own ass
implying this shy nerd ever gets laid
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Back in my days, the word "gay" referred only to males.
Wtf's with Americunts calling lesbians "gay women"? It sounds ridiculous.
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as stupid as it sounds it as SOME logic since many male terms in English are treated as gender neutral, still sounds weird though, and I've never met a single lesbian who called themselves as "gay".

Really, OPs pun just provided an excuse to post Jasmine lesbian stuff and decided to take it.
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Erika is the hardest gay, but Whitney is the most infectious.
People go to Erika's gym to be gay
People go to Whitney's gym and get snared by the gay
Erika's gym is full of girls who like to kiss girls
Whitney's gym is full of girls who kiss girls before they realize they like it
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Furisode Jasmine...now there's a thought.
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Surprised that Valerie wasn't involved in that Jasmine Celesteela event.
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Funnily enough in my head Whitney was always one of the straightest girls in the entire franchise. Now that I think about it, I don’t know why because she’s always had that baseball motif going on. Are female baseball players stereotypically gay in Japan like they are here?
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The gaze in question
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It finally felt nice having Jasmine actully have a speaking role in a Masters story event again after being mainly absent for a year since her lodge story and Holiday 2023. In 2024 all she got was a silent cameo in her SC outfit in that USUM event
..why is Jasmine gazing at two little boys?
She’s not, that anon is just an incel who wants women to acknowledge his existence
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Jasmine has a nice butt.
I might as well ask: is doing damage the same as putting on damage counters or no?
Yes. 1 damage counter = 10 damage (aka 10 HP).
No it's not you idiots. Have you ever played this game before? There are countless effects that place damage counters, this is not doing damage from an attack.
and what happens, exactly, if you place 12 damage counters on a Pokémon with 120hp?
Irrelevant. There are effects that say to "place damage counters" that circumvent "prevent all damage" effects. Mechanically, they are two different things.
Fucking morons
>lacy nosebleed
that's kind of a sus reaction to have to a little kid.
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I find this kind of art pretty soulful. Some yuritard put the effort into creating a physical work of art purely for his own enjoyment. So based.
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>forehead erasure
This just looks like Liko put on Jasmine's hair forks
Thank you! I knew something looked off about that picture, but i didn't realize until now. The hairline/forehead is probably more important than the pigtails.
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Holy shit
It really does look like Liko.
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Jasmine getting relentlessly bullied by other girls for having such an undeveloped flat chest

Jasmine getting relentlessly bullied by other girls for having such curvaceous child-birthing hips

The nickname they have for her is "fleshlight." Because she's small, streamlined, fuckable, but ultimately just something that guys cum inside of and walk away from.
this, but whitney somehow still doesn't even recognize herself as gay. she's just a girlkisser.
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That's awful :(

I want to give Jasmine a big hug and tell her that she's perfect the way she is, and that I love her very much. She's one of my favourite pokégirls of all time.
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And then pound her pussy into oblivion.
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Nah, I'd prefer to be more gentle with her.
Your loss
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Did this jacket go on sale yet?
She's perfect...
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it was apparently available in Pokemon centers since Nov 23, so they've likely long sold out by now.
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What color do you guys think Bandai will choose for her panties, or do you think Game Freak sent them over specific documents on what color her underwear is when we inevitable get up skirt shots of her figure?
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Game Freak would want Bandai to be as close to official as possible, and there's is a non-zero chance they have specifics on Jasmine's underwear since Lillie's design sheet had her bloomers.
As for what color, likely just a color that's already present on her visible outfit.
something like this pic, except actual panties and not a bikini bottom.
>New Jasmine figure.
...Okay, how much?
What design sheet are you talking about? I couldn't find one on Bulbapedia that included her bloomers. Unless you're talking about some new concept sheet that was from the Tera Leak that I wasn't aware of

Bandai doesn't allow you to preorder and buy these figures if you live outside of Japan as far as I'm aware

I had to preorder mine through a 3rd party site. Here, this one goes for about 60 usd before shipping and tax is tacked on.

She comes out in Febraury, so I think the deadline for preordering might be Jan 31, since I believe the deadline for Bugsy's figure was Dec 31 since he comes out in January, though don't quote me on that.

>Unless you're talking about some new concept sheet that was from the Tera Leak that I wasn't aware of
Correct. Lillie’s had a character sheet in the Tera leak that similar’s to the one on Bulbapedia except the top left has a picture of Lillie’s hips showing the same white bloomers she has in her figurines
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just curious, could you post it, I have no idea where people are archiving these things, I haven't been in the leak threads in weeks and I only saved a select few stuff.

I want to see it for myself, though it is incredibly funny that this implies that GameFreak designed underwear for every pokegirl that wear dresses and skirts on the off chance they want to make merch of them and has alternate versions of concept sheets that include their underwear that they don't release in artbooks.
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>Hurr incel
Go back
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I love her so much.
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What the fuck
Big forehead
>canonically less then 5 feet
To put it another way, the normal weight for a woman that height is around 100-120 lbs and with her slim figure she’s easily on the lower end of that if not slightly under.
She’s TINY.
I haven't watched anime in a while, do they still think "haha old man is a sex pest" is funny?
Stay in your lane, tourist.
none of the people involved with anime use that schizo neologism
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Why not? She's cute, kind, shy, her forehead is adorable, and she has a nice body. I want to give her a big kiss atop the lighthouse, with the moon shining in the starry night sky.
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Roxanne would bottom to this
I need this card.
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Nice body?
Idk, I just like girls with her body type.
Got curious and checked out what her height is supposed to be. If I did my math right, she is apparently 4'11"/1.5m and I'm pretty sure that is including her pigtails, as in, she might be even shorter than that. Got to say, wasn't expecting that at all, especially with how she is depicted in the anime where she is taller than Brock.
She's jealous of her friend.
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Some one posted than image in another Jasmine thread that showed they didn’t include the pigtails
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>I wish i was a bit curvier
>Aipom's Paw Curls
Not complaining, but Annie, I didn't know you did inflation art now

Also, is she supposed to be inflated with electrical energy?
why did she do it?
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New look at the Jasmine figure
She small.
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Is she expensive?
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Jasmine trying to look cute and sexy but ending up just looking like a dork
Jasmine is better flat chested.
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>she's well trained
think Karen helped with the training process?
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Sabrina's Gays
Reminds me of that one counter-troll pic where she ate a whole Houndoom in one go.
Daily reminder that if your dick lacks a wormy urethral process that tickles her cervix into a premature orgasm with each thrust - just like her beloved Amphy does, you will never be able to fully satisfy her needy snatch.
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> tickles her cervix into a premature orgasm
You're confusing a cervix with a prostate again, anon.
All the attractive female characters in Pokemon (and all of fiction) are hetero sexuals (for me and only me). All the ugly bitches can be lesbian though.
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Jasmine is the type of girl who wears a one-piece swimsuit as a grown-ass adult because she's too shy to show off her body but it accidentally just makes her look even cuter
I've seen enough women squirt from shoving sounding rods and tiny dildos up their uterus on Xvids to know that some vagina-owning sickos who'd be into this kind of stuff do infact exist, albeit in dissapointingly limited quantity.
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Nah she's a ruffleschad fr
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What's a WHAT?
Mental illness thread
To normal people there is zero difference between "gay", "lesbian", "bisexual", "transgender" or any other bullshit twitterfags made up
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nta but a swimsuit with ruffles?
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Wide hips
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Where did she learn that technique?
where do you get the pokemon scale world figures?
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Namco doesn't allow you to order figures if you live outside Japan I believe, so I had to buy it through a middleman/3rd party site

Hobbydenki also has it on sale. I just wish they would do the figures of 2nd gen but with their original G/S/C designs. So far I only have nessa rurina but I wish to collect more trainers. I want to get Blaine, Erika, Misty, the ones from Johto. I dont like those of gen3, wallace is ok.
Bassd mental illness
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Implying she isn't going to get fucked hard wearing that
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Thread's basically over, but just wanted to say how much I love the posing on the card. Really shows off her the curve of her hips. Also her hair even provides a background for that makes her torso stand out.
I''m so happy that Jasmine'sGaze was't that expensive for me or isn't seen as the chase support card of that set.

It seems like Lisia was the chase card because people apparently hyperfixated on her out of nowhere after all this time for some reason, and I guess normie card collectors prefer their girl doing a more "generic" cutesy/waifu pose compared to Jasmine being in character and pigging out.

Though obviously not trying to trash on the Lisia art from that set, just what scalpers and waifu card collectors who don't play the games or know much about the waifus they're buying, seem to be into
Where can one go to get this art in its raw form, without the card's rules text and stuff on top of it? I genuinely want to get it printed at poster-size.
as far as I'm aware, there is no official version without the text, and sadly official accounts like pokeca on Instagram which did post cards without the text randomly decided to shut down a few months back with no given reason
This might be Mandela talking but I could have sworn I saw the textless art somewhere , if I find it I’ll send a link
Did you find it?
Afraid not. Must have seen the Japanese version with had less text and misremembered, sorry to get your hopes up.
Thanks for trying
New Jasmine thread?
We generally wait a bit between threads since she doesn't get so much art or discussion to justify having a permanent general but if someone wants to make one i'll contribute what i can.
Oh my god her name is Jasmine. JasMINE. Like mining for GOLD AND SILVER using STEEL TOOLS. That's why she's a steel type gym leader. Oh my god I am retarded how did it take me this long to notice that
Kinda wild that this thread has been up for a month
Kinda wild that Jasmine was able to fit that entire knot inside her without any lube
bumping because this is based
No bully
Very nice
Why does this exist?
did this for the AI thread https://files.catbox.moe/54uak9.jpeg
Do more, please!
low on credits right now but will likely do more in the next AI thread
>32 days (and 9 hours) ago
Holy hell, I didn’t even notice
I am planning on getting chris, Jasmine and I thinking on getting Akane/whitney and ho-oh but hmm I dont know. Ho oh seems a bit pricey for how static it looks.
between hobby genki and meccha japan, which one would you recommend over the other?
Amazing isn't it?
And it keeps going
Jasmine sucked my cock
Was she any good because she seems like the kind of nervous disaster lesbian to stop sucking the moment cum starts to come out, ruining the climax
looks like she look erika's advice
She looks like she's start of a baby bump growing <3
the Erika thread is lasted over a month too, and it hasn't even reached the image limit
lots of woman have a little fat pad there, Clair's outfit is just making Jasmine's stick out.
is that chain mail lingerie?
Yes! Or it's supposed to be. AI generated of course.

Nah, Jasmine's pregnant with Ampharos's child
this is the first I've heard of Jasmine coffee,
Is that possible?
>jasmine sucked my cock
>she gave me the sloppy toppy
>i pulled on her hair ear things while she did it
>her eyes watered from me being kinda forceful
>she steeled herself to take the entire length
>compared my cock to a steelix

Why are people still drawing these scenarios?
Dick,stop,this is not suppoosed to arpuse me
One of the last threads of 2024....
truly the end of an era
I don't know what to tell you. Skinny cute girl taking oversized monster cock is just something people are in to.
It would appear so.
What's arousing about it?
what do you supposed her limit is?
There is none. She has a Steelix.
This thread has been active in three different months now across 37 days, Jasmine anons, how did our autism come this far?
That's just gross.
good morning,sirs
both are shit
it's over
Man, this sucks she's ridiculously small.
>37 days and 19 hours ago
Anon, just accept it, the Jasmine fan to weight gain and inflation fetish pipeline is very real

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