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Jasmine's Gays
Jasmine's Gays
Jasmine is Erika's girlfriend.
Erika's pretty nice, maybe she shares her.
>haha small girl eat big
Do the Japanese really find this funny?
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It's a HGSS reference
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the way they drew Jasmine's hips activates a fuckton of my neurons
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best girl
Erika's been friendzoned while Sabrina is a famous actress with Psychic powers
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Headcanon: erika is secretly a Jirai kei
I find it hot, disguise my fascination under it being funny.
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Jasmine should really eat more.
Jasmine can be lesbians with any Pokégirl in the same room and no one would bat an eye.
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Really wish she looked like this
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I wanna watch her throw up!
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Erika is the biggest gay in the entire franchise. Nobody else surrounds herself with beautiful women to the degree she does. She could turn any girl she wanted into her next girlfriend, even the most straight of them.
seems like Jasmine overcame her fear of having her photo taken. iirc she was nervous about it in Raihan's debut event
Now Poppy is close to TWO ironing boards.
Isn't Jasmine's chest actually bigger than Rika's when you look at various official art and compare their models in game?
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why is deviantart like this
also, she's so they can just take turns having their way with her and pass her around.
Erika keeps her on pussy eating duty more than the other girls, she's well trained
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>also, she's so small they can just take turns having their way with her and pass her around.
hate when words get cut out like that
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I get it anon, either the keyboard eats your inputs or your brain's narrating what you're saying faster than you type it.
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Do you think she impulsively yells "Clang!" during sex?
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No that's just the sound of her own ass
implying this shy nerd ever gets laid
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Back in my days, the word "gay" referred only to males.
Wtf's with Americunts calling lesbians "gay women"? It sounds ridiculous.
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as stupid as it sounds it as SOME logic since many male terms in English are treated as gender neutral, still sounds weird though, and I've never met a single lesbian who called themselves as "gay".

Really, OPs pun just provided an excuse to post Jasmine lesbian stuff and decided to take it.
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Erika is the hardest gay, but Whitney is the most infectious.
People go to Erika's gym to be gay
People go to Whitney's gym and get snared by the gay
Erika's gym is full of girls who like to kiss girls
Whitney's gym is full of girls who kiss girls before they realize they like it
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Furisode Jasmine...now there's a thought.
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Surprised that Valerie wasn't involved in that Jasmine Celesteela event.
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Funnily enough in my head Whitney was always one of the straightest girls in the entire franchise. Now that I think about it, I don’t know why because she’s always had that baseball motif going on. Are female baseball players stereotypically gay in Japan like they are here?
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The gaze in question
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It finally felt nice having Jasmine actully have a speaking role in a Masters story event again after being mainly absent for a year since her lodge story and Holiday 2023. In 2024 all she got was a silent cameo in her SC outfit in that USUM event
..why is Jasmine gazing at two little boys?
She’s not, that anon is just an incel who wants women to acknowledge his existence
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Jasmine has a nice butt.
I might as well ask: is doing damage the same as putting on damage counters or no?
Yes. 1 damage counter = 10 damage (aka 10 HP).
No it's not you idiots. Have you ever played this game before? There are countless effects that place damage counters, this is not doing damage from an attack.
and what happens, exactly, if you place 12 damage counters on a Pokémon with 120hp?
Irrelevant. There are effects that say to "place damage counters" that circumvent "prevent all damage" effects. Mechanically, they are two different things.
Fucking morons
>lacy nosebleed
that's kind of a sus reaction to have to a little kid.
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I find this kind of art pretty soulful. Some yuritard put the effort into creating a physical work of art purely for his own enjoyment. So based.
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>forehead erasure
This just looks like Liko put on Jasmine's hair forks
Thank you! I knew something looked off about that picture, but i didn't realize until now. The hairline/forehead is probably more important than the pigtails.
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