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>talking about waifus with normalfags friends
>they talk about normalfag waifus such as 2B, yor forger, ahri, etc
>i mention candice
>they don't know who candice is so they look her up
>they suddenly stop and look at me funny
>atmosphere totally changed and they question me
>i explain to them i just had a crush on her as a kid and so i still like her
>pretty sure they think im a pedo now
Did I fuck up?
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welcome to the club
That’s why I say a safe answer like Cynthia or Lusamine. Maybe even Misty because it’s fucking Misty and most people can excuse her
nop, it's their problem
>>they don't know who candice is so they look her up
You fucked up when you didn't immediately pivot into "candice dick fit in your mouth?" upon noticing their confusion

Remember, when talking about waifus, you lose if people have to look up who your waifu is
>talking about waifus with normalfags friends
stop the thread. stop the fucking thread. let's hit the brakes right here. what the fuck
You couldn’t have just said Cynthia?
I would shame you for having friends who waifufag shitty characters in the first place OP.
>talking about waifus with normalfags friends
>talking about waifus
>with normalfag friends
What the fuck is wrong with you?
i dont like flat
Unrelated but damn I wish Spy x Family hadn't taken off the way it did. Too many normalfag coomers and not enough people who actually care about the series itself.
Then again I guess that's the inevitable fate of any manga with a mildly interesting premise that blows up when it gets an adaptation, Dandadan is going down the same path.
weirdo ass talk and yeah you're a pedo
hopefully they will distance themselves from you
Their fault for having the most boring, dommy mommy waifus imaginable.
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>did i fuck up?
well, yea, you got normalfag probed. Shoulda said something basic that everyone knew like Harley Quinn or idk Android 18. You appreciate something outside of their consensus filter and now they don't know how to process the new info.

normies take offence to anything that isn't a household name. They think you're being weird and arrogant and aloof or something for having a taste that wasn't served to them as "safe horny" and acceptable.

in your defense OP, I think Candice is a super great pick and if I was there I'd have congratulated you on your patrician taste. Her design says "older teen babysitter/ older sister's friend", almost cheerleader-y. The appeal is universal to men young and old. I also appreciate the exotic eroticism of the Ainu people of Hokkaido that I feel she is racially-coded as but that might just be a headcanon.

I also think she could be reasonably interpreted as being a young adult. You're fine in my book but be more careful around normies.
I find these waifu conversations in public to be a total minefield, people WANT to get mad at you and judge you. Male sexuality and heterosexual attraction is so demonized with the youth of today that its actually scary. beta/overly-feminized men and especially women will get visibly enraged if you give a "wrong" heterosexual answer. As if which anime character you feel a connection to is anyone's damn business. Which is really fucked up considering how much lip-service people nowadays pay towards "tolerance" but they clearly crave puritanical rules surrounding attraction so they've adapted weird new woke ideas about how young healthy egg-bearing women are actually OFF LIMITS and problematic. They'd literally rather you just be a fag, it'd be less scary to most modern people.

hetero men need a nu-sexual revolution soon. Candice is hot OP. HOT.
They have shit taste. Candice a cute and hot.
weird because these characters are flatter than candice
also isnt candice 18 anyway

i dunno she just doesnt look very pedo to me
Deserved, you sick fuck.
You did fuck up by mentioning any 'obscure' pokegirl they have to look up, you should only mention this around fellow pokefags

This. Well said.
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I guarantee that "disgust" was performative. Everyone into anime and video games jerks off to teenage characters. I remember a few of the retards whining about sexualising Filia from Skullgirls having upskirts and outright porn of her in their public faves. Don't worry about those dickheads.
Always just say Samus or Tifa, even if it's not true, nobody will question you.
The correct decision was to put on your normie mask and say something safe like Cynthia or Lusamine, retard.
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normalfags dont have waifus anon
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>talks about female characters with friends
Anime is more popular than ever, especially with younger people. Every single zoomer thot has a jjk or demon slayer poster and hoodie these days.
Exactly. Should have taken the high road and acted disgusted at the idea of waifus.
Huh. It's not like she looks like Bonnie or Pokekid. Meanwhile I've never gotten shit for lusting after Lillie or Shauna. As always hide your power level. Unless you're handsome or something.
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That’s dumb, Candice’s tits make her look pretty old for her age
The concept of "waifu" has made its way to normies now?
She's not even a child...I wish she was cause uuuuoooooohhh but still.
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seeing all these normie zoomers talk about how Cynthia is the number 1 waifu and their cartoon crush

Meanwhile as a zoomie kid, I fixated and Crushed on Mimi when I first learned about Super Paper Mario's existence after getting it as an early holiday gift with Christmas money my sister sent over and watching Chugga's let's play in 2011 and 2012.

I spent hours looking at fanart and reading fanfiction about her. Even read an entire fic in 1 day
so flippin quirky and trans, xister
This but Videl
>also isnt candice 18 anyway

Knowing what we know from the leaks, she's past that in some Pokémon games that take place years after the events of DPPt, like BW1 and X/Y
Not really. Your friends sound gay
Normalfags misuse the word. When they call a character their waifu they just mean they think the character is attractive. It's nothing like the autism of older weebs who genuinely fall in love with an anime girl.

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