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That trainer is a bird fucker
Uuuoooh! ToT
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I'm glad Armarouge gets content for being associated with Ceruledge, was a fun watch.
>Animated ceruledge is one of the fastest things ever
>Meanwhile game ceruledge
Wait till you hear about Onix.
Just realized it has a similar spread to Gyarados
Not a dime spared when it comes to advertisement.
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my cute gay sons
they are gay
they are gay
they are gay
They are gay but thats because they’re in lesbians
Duality of /vp/iss
So you can kill ghost types, huh?
Now kiss
Fight scenes were cool, makes me wish we get a Pokken 2 or even better a 2D fighter with both of them in it
This looks like that Naruto and Sasuke panel, so yeah, very gay
easily the best one, the entire evolution sequence and the showdown were kino
>p-please care about the worst shiny in the game
the shiny is just there to distinguish both charcadet dumb shinykek
Why they didn't JUST gave it that 100 in speed?
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>they sabotages ceruledge shiny just for that shitty short
the absolute state
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>Used as meat shield
What did Grimmbro do to deserve this?
He tanked that
being a failed shillmon.
>Cinderace out of nowhere
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These aren't Pokemon. This is literally just me watching an episode of Megaman EXE with better animation.
Still no webcam of this fight.
charcadet really got fucked with the worst shiny of the gen
Cinderace isn't a failed shillmon
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ceruledgefags, is this cheater your pokemon? Sorry but I prefer Armarouge
By being a little bitch in VGC, fuck this mon
>Can't even beat fucking snom in it's own region
it is
only semi-related but it's really funny how Grimmsnarl sucks right now due to two of the best mons in the format (Archaludon and Sneasler) take a fat shit on it, but when the Restricted Mons are back and those two become unviable Grimmsnarl's usage will probably rise again
That’s a good thing given how other pokemon look in this gen
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I tried making one but it's 5MB and I don't wanna compress it any further. When the fuck is Moot going to buy upgraded servers and let us upload larger files? 4MB in 2024 is fucking pathetic.
They're just fiery Gallades.
I don't really like any Gen 9 Pokemon

You can spilt it two wedcam.
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Nah, Gallade still has a certain Pokemon feel to him. It's less the humanoid aspect and more the fact that it's literally Megaman archetypes and stylization. Like, it's 100% hypocritical for Pokemon fans to harp on Palworld when Pokemon literally just does the same with other IPs. It's very obvious that it's a little more than "inspired" by Megaman.
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Why do they wear retard helmets?
No english subtitles this time?
Just learn Japanese. These are baby shorts made for babies so you should be able to understand it easily with a few months of grinding.
yes, I'm learning an entire new language to watch pokémon shorts
I remember there was a movie with the same premise, where two lions were brothers and were forced to figth in the end until they realized they were related
What is Matt from Digimon doing on Poketoon?
Turn on CC and set it to translate to English. The Japanese text is there so it's a lot better than when it has to translate from audio. It's not perfect but it will cover any gaps you can't get from context.
Purple one was female.
Denying the likeness between Armarouge and Gallade is just dishonesty.
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Stylization, proportions, and details matter. The silhouettes, color palletes, and themes are entirely different. Iron Valiant is a better comparison here, but even this feels more inspired than a straight up knockoff.

The difference is Palworld vs Temtem. While Temtem takes heavy inspiration and has some designs that feel Pokemon like, they try making it their own. Palworld draws so heavily from Pokemon that it distinctively feels like it takes too much from their design philosophies. Like someone emulating Akira Toriyama's artstyle.

Stylization is the key here. Gallade isn't stylized like a Megaman character. The similarities with it and Armarogue are larger than you're implying from an artistic perspective. Study silhouettes.
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I'm also going to finish this thought by saying I personally think Gallade is a fucking shit design and should have never been made. From my standpoint, I hate both of them but for different reasons.
>Studio Colorido

I never played SV, but I like the design. Does this get any usage?
It's good in UU
You could use catbox you know
The idea that Armarouge, a largely original design that bears token resemblance to another franchise's common design elements, is anything close to Palworld's most egregious designs like "green Cinderace" and "slightly fluffier shiny eevee" is genuine laughable.
So... ceruledge was pissed off or what?
Now one of them has lost its hands. Sad

Or maybe they are under the swords. We will see when teraleak gets to gen 9
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what yamato doin here
I like to think that Ceruledge can just manifest little grabby fingers on the insides of the blades.
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She's precious!
great ep
>Best friend abandons you without even a second thought and lives in luxury when you get bullied by Bronzor and Gengar in fucked up ruins
I'd be pretty miffed too.
instead he flopped, big difference
Ceruledge and Cinderace flopped because Ash didn't caught them.
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Neither of them flopped or failed

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