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Does Lacey wear lacy underwear?
No, she wears big granny dyke bloomers like in the cartoons.
yes. it's clay's favorite
Everything about Lacey screams that she abuses little boys and it's just so fucking hot
I will now play your game.
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That’s literally a child, bro. Kill yourself.
but what about her feet?
Why did you bring up Clay?
Out of 10!
>hurry and leave
The nigga from Reddit is telling us to leave bro I am laffin.
because it's his favorite?
Her Japanese name is Taro, which is a very masculine name. I doubt she even wears panties.
That's kinda cute, actually.
Her name is Taro because they're pink
What's pink?
Why does this pokegirl in particular have so much rape porn?
Taro root
Fairy type trainers are usually trans or traps so checks out
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>Fairy type trainers are usually [fanfic]
She has a lot of fart pics too
You know why.
that's the name of a potato uncultured-fag
because she's a hot cunt
I literally had this exact same idea for a thread last week but I forgot to make it.
I got you
Tarō =/= Taro
The masculine name is Tarō
Because she's a simple cute girl in a generation filled with overdesigned trash, also she does the funny no arms crossed no thing. Also she's the only BB4 I actually had to restructure my shits and giggles team for, so props to her team and AI for kicking my ass, but I'm not sure on what the consensus is surrounding whether her fight was actually hard or not.
John is a super masculine name that can be applied to women albeit with a spelling difference (Jean), I doubt her name is spelt the same common male name Taro.
I'm never underestimating Alcremie ever again.
Hilda's teen pregnancy daughter is so cute.
But Clay is the father.
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I love pokegirl panties
By the time I got to her, my team was OP. The steel girl was the one that made me have to do what you did.
Really? For me it was the steel type, it actually managed to get me to my last 2 Pokemon, it made me change granbull and slaking for archduraludon and dewgong when fighting the Drayton since he made us catch pokemon it seemed natural and dewgong is a pokemon with fake out I have never used

Amarys was the wake up call since Crispin and lacey were too easy
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do you think Clay got into Yancy at some point and gave birth to Lacey?
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What do you mean?
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Same. Panties are a major fixation of mine. I wish Lacey didn't wear pants...
Panties are better because of pants.
I love Unova girls
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What a lewd girl
Everyone does
Cute hebe
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Of course. The fact that panties aren't supposed to be seen is what makes them so cute.
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Lacey sucks Crispin cock every day
im crispin btw
Lacey literally visits a schoolmate's room who confessed to her. Crispin got cucked.
>NTRkek making shit up
This isn't the fanfic thread
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Yes, and?
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Her eyebrows are so cute.
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is that masuda
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>try to flirt with her
>she instantly shuts you down
and so, the perfect rape correction bait was born
she needs to pluck her eyebrows
Mid bruh frfr
That could be a good masters alt for her.
Gravel rock faced chink tranny, xhe looks even worst than the scat vomit tranny NPC this thread be about
That would mean old man Clay impregnated a teenage Hilda.
I like how thick her eyebrows are, it's cute.
I want to rape her.
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That's just not right!
>granny bloomers
>under pants
Pants mean little bow panties are logistically the only option.
Yeah I wanna see an effort cosplay.
>cute sailor shirt
>red neckerchief
>slim fit pants
>roll up pants to expose the ankles (you can't ignore that part of her design, it puts it together)
It's doable.
She's so beautiful.
Crispin, pls
It's literally in-game selfinsertbros
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We all do.
what other descendants or ancestors of gym leaders would you like to see? Falkner and Janine are probably married at this point.
Roxanne could be neat
depends on the day
if she knows they're gonna get licked off then probably
if she just is doing her normal work\rounds then something more comfortable is probably on

just speaking from experience anon
Drasna, I'd like to see what that semen demon looked like in her prime
Licked off?
Licking Lacey's shaved pussy…
Considering how thick her eyebrows are, her pussy is probably the opposite of shaved
True, but she likely wants to look as cute as possible down below. I love pubes, but I feel like Lacey would shave.
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Shipping aside, this artist's great
I want to watch Lacey shave.
I hope it's a heart pattern.
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Why is she so CUTE
She always wears lacy underwear because she expects any day could be action day.
The biggest moe points are imo
>grounded character design in an absolutely freak parade generation
>puzzling design choice like the eyebrows, which serve to make her look less like a phoned in Sugimori
>hebe or young adult image. there are indeed a pair of tits inside the blouse
>the pants are cute and surprisingly it doesn't make her look like a dyke
>the pants are cute and surprisingly it doesn't make her look like a dyke
It's crazy how well the school uniform blends into her outfit, even moreso with how little was done in that regard when you actually think about it
Is this just a reference to her father, or is this a subtle hint that we're going to get a Fairy-type Excadril in a future game?
Of course it's a reference to her father why else would it completely contradict her team's aesthetic
Meanwhile the Glowbro in the corner is just chilling
That would be cute, but I'd prefer if she was clean shaven.
what about that
Where do you niggers even come from?
bigots are everywhere it seems
I love this artist so much. They have a very deep appreciation for underwear.
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This more wavy hairstyle really does suit her, doesn't it?
It does but she's cute either way.
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Well yeah, but always saw the hairdo as either a simple bob cut or something more straighter. The wavy kind is fresh and surprisingly fitting
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It's a lot more girly for sure.
Lacy, girly, & cutey, that is what Lacey is.
Simply the best
I wish she was more popular.
But that's her father.
Maybe she will join the party in the anime as sidekick ....
We can only hope.
To each their own
what is this expression meant to convey?
She'd look 100x cuter with natural hair color
Given the color of Lacey's eyebrows, pink probably isn't her natural hair color.
That's not how hair colors work on the Pokémon world
How would you know?
Whenever characters are shown as little kids they also always have two tone hair and shit
Having multiple hair colors is just natural, it's anime
how big do you prefer Lacey to be?
Medium, modest and moderate
You can have people with natural pink hair and dyed pink hair in the same world. Are you trying to argue that no one in the Pokémon world dyes their hair? Or just Lacey would never dye her hair because (headcanon)
I'm saying that her eyebrows being a different color isn't a hint towards her dyeing her hair
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those are not medium
Well he did say medium-big
Either small or medium. Definitely on the smaller side.
I feel like she needs to grow into them as she's still young.
its pink, so it fits
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How does she do it
She is too powerful.
That's all it takes?
Now that makes more sense.
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Lacey a cute.
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Lacey also a cool.
Lacey a sexy
I love pink haired girls

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